Man pages for cont-limno/LAGOS
Interface to the Lake Multi-Scaled Geospatial and Temporal Database

chagClimate, Hydrology, Atmospheric, and Geologic (CHAG) Datasets
classificationsLAGOSNE Spatial Classifications Metadata
connConnectivity Datasets
coordinatizeConvert a LAGOSNE flat file into a spatial object
display_namesConvert table names for display
epi_nutrEpilimnion Water Quality Data
info_tableSummarize all LAGOSNE flat files
lagos_get_collins_2017Get LAGOSNE snapshot from Collins et al. 2017
lagos_get_oliver_2015Get depth data from Oliver et al. 2015
lagos_ingestIngest LAGOSNE flat files
lagoslakesLake Geospatial Metadata
lagos_load_collins_2017Load LAGOSNE snapshot from Collins et al. 2017.
lagos_load_oliver_2015Load depth data from Oliver et al. 2015.
lagosne_compileCompile LAGOSNE data
lagosne_getRetrieve LAGOSNE flat files
lagosne_loadLoad LAGOSNE data
LAGOSNE-packageR interface to the LAGOSNE lakes database
lagosne_selectSelect and filter LAGOSNE data
lagosne_versionLatest LAGOSNE version
lagos_pathReturn the cross-platform data path designated for LAGOSNE.
lagos_source_programLAGOSNE sources
lake_infoGet a summary of lake attribute information
lakes_limnoMetadata for Lakes with Water Quality
lg_extentThe spatial extent of LAGOSNE data
load_lagos_txtLoad LAGOSNE data from disk
locusMetadata for all lakes > 1ha
lulcLand Use Land Cover (LULC) Data Frames
query_column_keywordsQuery column keywords
query_column_namesQuery column names
query_lagos_namesQuery LAGOSNE names
cont-limno/LAGOS documentation built on July 8, 2023, 2:34 a.m.