  collapse = FALSE,
  comment = "#>"


These examples are attempting to reproduce some of the patterns used in Album Anatomy series of posters produced by Duane Dalton. Not only are these patterns extremely well designed, they are also useful to illustrate important concepts in use of various stags in minisvg, as well as application of transformations, filters and masks.


Hurts 4802

This example is reproducing "Hurts 4802" poster from "Album Anatomy" poster collection.

# Define the document with white background and a main design element as a "loose" group
doc <- svg_doc(width=300, height = 400,
               stag$rect(width = '100%', height = '100%', fill="white",
                         stroke="grey50", stroke_width=1))

stripeg <- stag$g(id="stripe",  
  stag$circle(cx=225, cy=150, r=75),
  stag$rect(x=225-75, y=150, width=151, height  = 400-133 )

# Reuse the same element inside mask, specifying fill and transform
stripeg_mask <- stag$mask(id="stripe_mask", height = 400, width = 150,
                            stag$rect(x='0%',y='0%',width = '50%', height = '100%', fill="white"),
                            stag$use(`xlink:href`="#stripe", fill="black", 
                                     svg_prop$transform$rotate(180, 150, 200))
# Put both element and a mask into defs. Use element and the mask
doc$add('defs', stripeg_mask, stripeg)
doc$use(`xlink:href`="#stripe", fill="#999999")
doc$rect(x=0,y=0, width='100%', height = '100%', mask=stripeg_mask, fill="#999999")
# Add text and define CSS class to be used with it
doc$text(x = 10, y = 30, class = "mainfont1", "Hurts")
doc$text(x = 250, y = 30, class = "mainfont1", "4802")
doc$text(x = 10, y = 360, class = "smallfont1", "Happiness")
doc$text(x = 10, y = 376, class = "smallfont1", "2010")
# Load CSS for google font and specify styling
.mainfont1 {
  font-size: 18px;
  font-weight: 700;
  font-family: 'Roboto', sans-serif;
  fill: #999999;
.smallfont1 {
  font-size: 12px;
  font-weight: 700;
  font-family: 'Roboto', sans-serif;
  fill: #ffffff;

Raw SVG Text (click to open)



The Horrors 5636

This example is reproducing "The Horrors 5636" poster from "Album Anatomy" poster collection.

# Define the document. Update viewbox for referencing elements

doc <- svg_doc(width=w, height = w*4/3)
doc$update(viewBox = glue::glue("0 0 1 {4/3}"))
doc$rect(width = '100%', height = '100%', fill="white")

# Define generic line and genertic circle that will be used later
line_stag <- stag$rect(id="lineMe", width=1, height = 0.01, x=0, y=0)

cir <- stag$circle(id="blob",cx=0.5, cy=0.5*4/3, r=0.3*4/3)

# Define filter for mixing layers. Add all of it ot "defs" section
mutiFilter <- stag$filter(id="multiplyMe", filterUnits = "userSpaceOnUse",
                           in_="SourceGraphic", in2 = "BackgroundImage"))

doc$add('defs', line_stag, cir, mutiFilter)

# Define a group of reducing thickness lines and add lines by iterating
linesg <- doc$g() 

for(i in seq_len(8)){
  linesg$use(`xlink:href`="#lineMe", fill="#00b086", 
             svg_prop$transform$translate(0, 0.95/10*(i-1)+0.03),
             svg_prop$transform$scale(1, (8-i)*0.7+3))

# Add header and footer lines
  stag$use(`xlink:href`="#lineMe", fill="#00b086", 
           svg_prop$transform$translate(0, 0),
           svg_prop$transform$scale(1, 3*4/3)),
  stag$use(`xlink:href`="#lineMe", fill="#55bcec", 
           svg_prop$transform$translate(0, 0.6*4/3),
           svg_prop$transform$scale(1, 20*4/3)),
  stag$use(`xlink:href`="#lineMe", fill="#005288", 
           svg_prop$transform$translate(0, 0.8*4/3),
           svg_prop$transform$scale(1, 20*4/3)

# Reuse circles pulling them apart
doc$use(`xlink:href`="#blob", fill="#da0023",
doc$use(`xlink:href`="#blob", fill="#da0023", 

Raw SVG Text (click to open)


rsvg::rsvg_png("svg/thehorrors5636.svg", "images/thehorrors5636.png")

Bon Iver 3925

This example is reproducing "Bon Iver 3925" poster from "Album Anatomy" poster collection

# Define the size of canvas and main design element: the triangle
w <- 540; h <- 480
big_trg <- stag$polygon(id="big_3angl", xs = c(0,0,w/9,0), ys = c(0,h/4,h/4,0))

# Define BW mask that will be used to punch a hole in a big triangle
holeMask <- stag$mask(id="myMask",
                  stag$rect(x=0,y=0, width="100%", height = "100%", fill="white"),
                  stag$circle(cx=w/9/3, cy=w/4-w/15, r=9, fill='black'))
# Define pattern group: big triangle (punched) and small triangle (shifted and scaled)
trgs <- stag$g(id='triangles', stroke = 'none',
               stag$use(`xlink:href` = "#big_3angl", mask="url(#myMask)"),
               stag$use(`xlink:href` = "#big_3angl", 
                        svg_prop$transform$scale(0.5, 0.5)))
# Define pattern: it uses pattern group twice (original and shifted) with different fill
pat <- stag$pattern(width=w/9*2, height=h/4, id = 'motif', patternUnits = 'userSpaceOnUse')

pat$use(`xlink:href` = "#triangles", fill="#007360")
pat$use(`xlink:href` = "#triangles", fill="#a1d1b9", svg_prop$transform$translate(w/9))
# Define filter for overlaying pattern over brown triangle in "multiply" mode
mutiFilter <- stag$filter(id="multiplyMe", stag$feBlend(mode="multiply",
                          in_="SourceGraphic", in2 = "BackgroundImage"))
# Define document with white-ish background and add all above objects to "defs"
doc <- svg_doc(width = w, height = h,
               stag$rect(x=0, y=0, width='100%', height='100%', fill='#faf6f2'))

doc$add('defs', holeMask, big_trg, trgs, pat, mutiFilter)
# Define brown triangle and overlay it with a pattern multiplying these layers
doc$add('polygon', xs=c(0, w/9*2,0,0), ys=c(0, h/2, h, 0), fill="#c55b48", fill_opacity=1)
doc$add('rect', x=0, y=0, width='100%', height='100%', fill=pat, filter="url(#multiplyMe)")

Raw SVG Text (click to open)


rsvg::rsvg_png("svg/boniver3925.svg", "images/boniver3925.png")

Please, note that feBlend may not be properly rendered by your browser (that is the case when all pattern triangles look the same dark color). Try convering svg image to png using rsvg::rsvg_png() or rendering it in Chrome.

Palma Violets 4218

This example is reproducing "Palma Violets 4218" poster from "Album Anatomy" poster collection

# Define the size of cell and clip path of this size to contain each cell element
s <- 100;
clipsq <- stag$clipPath(id="clipSquare",
                        stag$rect(x=0, y=0, width = s, height = s))
# Define the main geometry: a circle clipped to cell size by `clip-path`
gcir <- stag$circle(id="crescent", cx=s, cy=s, r=s, fill="#faf6f2", `clip-path`="url(#clipSquare)")
# define a mask for "inverted" cell in row 3. Deep copy circle and update its fill
gmsk <- stag$mask(id="crescentMask",
                  stag$rect(x=0, y=0, width = '100%', height ='100%', fill="white"),
                  gcir$copy()$update(fill="black"))#, svg_prop$transform$rotate(180, s/2,s/2)))

ig <- stag$rect(id="negCrescent", x=0, y=0, width='100%', height='100%', fill="#faf6f2", 
                mask="url(#crescentMask)", `clip-path`="url(#clipSquare)")
# Compose a pattern as a single column. Translate and rotate main cell as needed
pat <- stag$pattern(width=s, height=s*5, id = 'motif', patternUnits = 'userSpaceOnUse')
        svg_prop$transform$translate(0, s*1),
        svg_prop$transform$rotate(90, s/2, s/2))
        svg_prop$transform$translate(0, s*2),
        svg_prop$transform$rotate(180, s/2, s/2))
        svg_prop$transform$translate(0, s*3),
        svg_prop$transform$rotate(90, s/2, s/2))
        svg_prop$transform$translate(0, s*4),
        svg_prop$transform$rotate(-90, s/2, s/2))
# Define the document, add all above elements to `defs` and roll out the pattern
doc <- svg_doc(width = s*5, height = s*5, 
               stag$rect(x=0, y=0, width='100%', height='100%', fill="grey20"))
doc$add('defs', clipsq, gcir, ig, gmsk, pat)
doc$add('rect', x=0, y=0, width='100%', height='100%', fill=pat)

Raw SVG Text (click to open)


#rsvg::rsvg_png("svg/palmaviolets4218.svg", "images/palmaviolets4218.svg")

Crystal Castles 5155

This example is reproducing "Crystal Castles 5155" poster from "Album Anatomy" poster collection

# Define service functions for updating children lists and calculate hex vertices
update_children <- function(obj, ...){
    lapply(obj$children, function(x) x$update(...)))

len     <- 40
shift0 <- function(x) x - min(x)
get_hex_coords <- function(len, f, angles) shift0(round(len * f(angles) + len, 2))

angles <- (seq(0, 360, 60) + 90) * pi/180
xs    <- get_hex_coords(len, cos, angles)
ys    <- get_hex_coords(len, sin, angles)

# Define color to be used in the pattern. Cache dimensions of hex and centroids
colrs <- c( "#906a83", "#a68796","#754a68", "#a68796","#c5b2b8", "#7c5570")

min_xs <- min(xs); max_xs <- max(xs)
min_ys <- min(ys); max_ys <-max(ys)
xsC <- c(min_xs, mean(range(xs)), max_xs)
ysC <- c(max_ys+len/2, mean(range(ys)), max_ys+len/2)

# Define pattern. Note pattern units - pattern starts from 0 and spreads indefinitely.
pat  <- stag$pattern(width=max_xs, height=max_ys+len, #this means 3x4.5 patterns
                     id = 'motif', 
                     patternContentUnits = "userSpaceOnUse",

# This loop creates a hex. Adds to the group created for storing whole hex
g_hex <-  stag$g(id="hex")
for (i in head(seq_along(xs), -1)){
  g_hex$polygon(xs=c(xsC[2], xs[i], xs[i+1], xsC[2]),
            ys=c(ysC[2], ys[i], ys[i+1], ysC[2]), fill=colrs[i], 

# Define half-hex for right- and left side and small upper segments. Add all to pattern
g_ohex_right <- stag$g(id="ohex_right")
g_ohex_uright <- stag$g(id="ohex_uright")
# lower and upper right pennants (segment 1 split)
g_ohex_right$polygon(xs=c(max_xs,xsC[2],max_xs, max_xs),
               ys=c(max_ys+len, max_ys+len, ysC[3], max_ys+len), fill=colrs[1])
g_ohex_uright$polygon(xs=c(max_xs,xsC[2],max_xs, max_xs),
               ys=c(min_ys+len/2, min_ys, min_ys, min_ys+len/2), fill=colrs[1])
# segments 2 and 3 on the right
g_ohex_right$polygon(xs=c(max_xs,xsC[2],xsC[2], max_xs),
               ys=c(ysC[3], max_ys+len, max_ys, ysC[3]), fill=colrs[2])
g_ohex_right$polygon(xs=c(max_xs,xsC[2],max_xs, max_xs),
               ys=c(ysC[3], max_ys, max_ys-len/2, ysC[3]), fill=colrs[3])

g_ohex_left <- stag$g(id="ohex_left")
g_ohex_uleft <- stag$g(id="ohex_uleft")
## lower and upper left pennants (segment 6 split)
g_ohex_left$polygon(xs=c(min_xs,xsC[2],min_xs, min_xs),
               ys=c(max_ys+len, max_ys+len, ysC[1], max_ys+len), fill=colrs[6])
g_ohex_uleft$polygon(xs=c(min_xs,xsC[2],min_xs, min_xs),
               ys=c(min_ys+len/2, min_ys, min_ys, min_ys+len/2), fill=colrs[6])
# segments 5 and 4 on the right
g_ohex_left$polygon(xs=c(min_xs,xsC[2],xsC[2], min_xs),
               ys=c(ysC[1], max_ys+len, max_ys, ysC[1]), fill=colrs[5])
g_ohex_left$polygon(xs=c(min_xs,xsC[2],min_xs, min_xs),
               ys=c(ysC[1], max_ys, max_ys-len/2, ysC[1]), fill=colrs[4])

pat$append(g_hex, g_ohex_right, g_ohex_uright, g_ohex_left, g_ohex_uleft)

# Copy hexes. These will become masks.
g1_hex <- update_children(g_hex$copy(), fill="black", stroke="black")$update(id="hex1")
g1_ohex_right <- update_children(g_ohex_right$copy(),  fill="black", stroke="black")$update(id="ohex1_right")
g1_ohex_uright <- update_children(g_ohex_uright$copy(),  fill="black", stroke="black")$update(id="ohex1_uright")
g1_ohex_left <- update_children(g_ohex_left$copy(),  fill="black", stroke="black")$update(id="ohex1_left")
g1_ohex_uleft <- update_children(g_ohex_uleft$copy(),  fill="black", stroke="black")$update(id="ohex1_uleft")

# Define a list that will store mask elements for covering the tops of "towers".
mask_lst <- list(
  stag$rect(x='0%', y='0%', width = '100%', height = '100%', fill="white"),
  stag$g(svg_prop$transform$translate(0, 0),
  stag$g(svg_prop$transform$translate(max_xs, 0),
  stag$g(svg_prop$transform$translate(2*max_xs, 0),
  stag$g(svg_prop$transform$translate(0, max_ys+len), 
  stag$g(svg_prop$transform$translate(0+2*max_xs, 0+max_ys+len), 

# Define a first mask. Note that mask is wrapped into translated group.
header_mask1_g <- stag$g(svg_prop$transform$translate(35,220))
invisible(sapply(mask_lst, function(x) header_mask1_g$append(x)))

header_mask1 <- stag$mask(id='header_mask1', x='0%', y='0%', width='100%', height='100%', 
                             maskContentUnits = "userSpaceOnUse",
# Define a second mask. Note that mask is wrapped into translated group.
header_mask2_g <- stag$g(svg_prop$transform$translate(381,100))
invisible(sapply(mask_lst, function(x) header_mask2_g$append(x)))

header_mask2 <- stag$mask(id='header_mask2', x='0%', y='0%', width='100%', height='100%', #this means 3x4.5 patterns
                          maskUnits="objectBoundingBox", #objectBoundingBox
                          maskContentUnits = "userSpaceOnUse",
# Define a pattern for striped background behind 2 tower
pat_lines  <- stag$pattern(width=300, height=10, #this means 3x4.5 patterns
                           id = 'motif_lines', 
                           patternContentUnits = "userSpaceOnUse",
                           stag$line(x1 = 0, x2=300, y1=8, y2=8), 
                                stroke="#754a68", stroke_width=2))

# Copy the hex to be used as "white window" on towers.
g2_hex <- update_children(g_hex$copy(), fill="white", stroke="white")$update(id="hex2")

# Define document, add all service elements to 'defs'
doc <- svg_doc(width=700, height=600,
               stag$rect(x=0, y=0, width='100%', height = '100%', fill="white"))
doc$add('defs',pat, pat_lines, header_mask1, header_mask2, g1_hex, g1_ohex_right, 
        g1_ohex_uright, g1_ohex_left, g1_ohex_uleft, g2_hex)

# 2 rectangles filled with patterns and masks - towers, one rectangle for stripes.
doc$add('rect', x=35, y=220, width=max_xs*3, height=4.5*(max_ys+len), 
        fill=pat, mask="url(#header_mask1)")
doc$add('rect', x=310, y=0, width=350, height="100%", fill=pat_lines, stroke=colrs[1], stroke_width=3)
doc$add('rect', x=381, y=100, width=max_xs*3, height=4.5*(max_ys+len), 
        fill=pat, mask="url(#header_mask2)")
# Place windows where they need to be
doc$use(`xlink:href`="#hex2", svg_prop$transform$translate(x=105, 300))
doc$use(`xlink:href`="#hex2", svg_prop$transform$translate(x=451, 180))

Raw SVG Text (click to open)


rsvg::rsvg_png("svg/crystalcastles5155.svg", "images/crystalcastles5155.png")

Please, note that if some of the elements do not get properly rendered by your browser, try convering svg images to png using rsvg::rsvg_png() or rendering them in Chrome.

Beach House 4910

This example is reproducing "Beach House 4910" poster from "Album Anatomy" poster collection.

# Define the document with sand background
f <- "#dcceac"

doc <- svg_doc(width=300, height=380)
doc$rect(x=0, y=0, width='100%', height = '100%', fill=f)

# Define pattern with single line. Note the line extends beyond visible area for rotation
lines_g <- stag$rect( x=300/20, y=-100, width = 300/20, height = 550, fill="white")
pats  <- stag$pattern(width=300/10, height=500, 
                     id = 'stripes_beach', 
                     patternContentUnits = "userSpaceOnUse",
# Define masking rectangle. It will cover lover part of circle. Add all building elements to defs
msk <- stag$mask(id="r_msk",x='0%', y='0%', width='100%', height='100%', 
                            maskContentUnits = "userSpaceOnUse",
                 stag$rect(x=0, y=0, width = '100%', height = 195, fill="white"))

doc$add('defs', lines_g, pats, msk)

# Build underlying pattern: vertical stripes
doc$rect(x=0,y=0, width = 300, height = 380, fill=pats)

# Draw concentrical circles. Apply mask, so that only top part shows
circ_g <- doc$g()
circ_g$circle(cx=100,cy=198, r=190-30*0, stroke="none", stroke_width=0, fill=f, mask=msk)
for(i in seq(6)-1){
  circ_g$circle(cx=100,cy=198, r=190-30*i, stroke="white", stroke_width=15, fill='none', mask=msk)

# Reuse part of pattern for horizontal lines. They extend precisely to the centroid of circles
doc$rect(x=300/20,y=0, width = 195, height = 120, fill=f, svg_prop$transform$rotate(90, 56, 41))
doc$rect(x=300/20,y=0, width = 195, height = 120, fill=pats, svg_prop$transform$rotate(90,56, 41))

# Reuse part of pattern for lines running across
doc$rect(x=300/20,y=0, width = 105, height = 550, fill=f, svg_prop$transform$rotate(60, 140, 300))
doc$rect(x=300/20,y=0, width = 120, height = 550, fill=pats, svg_prop$transform$rotate(60, 140, 300))  

Raw SVG Text (click to open)



Frank Ocean 5548

This example is reproducing "Frank Ocean 5548" poster from "Album Anatomy" poster collection.

# Define the document with white background
doc <- svg_doc(width=300, height = 400)
doc$rect(x=0, y=0, width = '100%', height='100%', fill="white")
# Define main elements: triangle and circle
len <- 200
fg <- "#eb7225"
xs<-c(0, 0+len, len/2, 0)+50
ys <- c(len*sqrt(3)/2, len*sqrt(3)/2, 0, len*sqrt(3)/2)+127
tri <- stag$polygon(id="triang", xs=xs, ys=ys, stroke_width=15)
cir <- stag$circle(id="round", cx=150, cy=200, r=100, stroke_width=15)
# Define mask spanning exatly half a page. Add all service elements to defs
msk <- stag$mask(id="halfscreen", maskUnits="userSpaceOnUse", #objectBoundingBox
                 maskContentUnits = "userSpaceOnUse",
                 #x=0, y=150, width=300, height=200,
                 stag$rect(x=0, y=0, width='100%', height='100%', fill="white"),
                 stag$rect(x=0, y=200, width='100%', height='50%', fill="black"))

doc$add('defs', tri, cir, msk)

# The circle and triangle underneath are orange on white. 
doc$use(`xlink:href`="#round", stroke=fg, fill='none')
doc$use(`xlink:href`="#triang", stroke=fg, fill='none')

# The circle and triangle over them are filled with orange. Trinagle stroke is white. 
doc$use(`xlink:href`="#round", stroke=fg, fill=fg, mask=msk)
doc$use(`xlink:href`="#triang", stroke='white', fill="none", mask=msk)

# Add text and define CSS class to be used with it
doc$text(x = 0, y = 20, class = "mainfont", "Frank Ocean")
doc$text(x = 250, y = 20, class = "mainfont", "5548")
doc$text(x = 0, y = 360, class = "smallfont", "Channel")
doc$text(x = 0, y = 372, class = "smallfont", "Orange")
doc$text(x = 0, y = 384, class = "smallfont", "2012")
# Load CSS for google font and specify styling
.mainfont {
  font-size: 18px;
  font-weight: 700;
  font-family: 'Roboto', sans-serif;
  fill: #eb7225;
.smallfont {
  font-size: 12px;
  font-weight: 700;
  font-family: 'Roboto', sans-serif;
  fill: #eb7225;

Raw SVG Text (click to open)



Hot Chip 5654

This example is reproducing "Hot Chip 5654" poster from "Album Anatomy" poster collection.

# Define the document with white background
fg <- "#0b3250"
# Hot Chip
doc_hc <- svg_doc(width=300, height=420)
doc_hc$rect(width='100%', height='100%', fill="white", stroke="black")
# Define patterns: one grid with circles, and two grids with diagonal lines
pat1_hc <- stag$pattern(id="pat_grid_hc", x=0, y=0, height=1/14, width=1/12,
                       stag$g(stroke=fg, stroke_width=2, fill="white",
                         stag$rect(x=0, y=0, width = 300/13, height=300/13),
                         stag$circle(cx=300/13/2, cy=300/13/2, r=300/13/5, fill=fg))
pat2_hc <- stag$pattern(id="pat_up_hc", x=0, y=0, height=1/14, width=1/12,
                       stag$g(stroke=fg, stroke_width=2, fill="white",
                              stag$rect(x=0, y=0, width = 300/13, height=300/13),
                              stag$line(x1=0, y1=300/13, x2=300/13, y2=0))
pat3_hc <- stag$pattern(id="pat_dwn_hc", x=0, y=0, height=1/14, width=1/12,
                        stag$g(stroke=fg, stroke_width=2, fill="white",
                               stag$rect(x=0, y=0, width = 300/13, height=300/13),
                               stag$line(x1=0, y1=0, x2=300/13, y2=300/13))
# Define polygon mask to be placed over patterns. Note polygon is used, not copied
mskg_hc <- stag$g(id="mskg_hc",
                          ys=c(7/14,1/14,7/14,13/14,7/14), fill="white"))

msk1_hc <- stag$mask(id="msk_poly_hc", x=0, y=0, height='100%', width = '100%',
                     maskUnits = "objectBoundingBox",
                     maskContentUnits = "objectBoundingBox",

msk2_hc <- stag$mask(id="msk_poly2_hc", x=0, y=0, height='100%', width = '100%',
                     maskUnits = "objectBoundingBox",
                     maskContentUnits = "objectBoundingBox",
                                svg_prop$transform$matrix(1, 0, 0, -1, 0, 1)
                                svg_prop$transform$matrix(1, 0, 0, -1, 0, 1),
# Perform layering
doc_hc$add('defs', pat1_hc, pat2_hc, pat3_hc, mskg_hc, msk1_hc, msk2_hc)
doc_hc$rect(x=10, y=50, width=12*300/13, height=14*300/13, fill=pat1_hc)
doc_hc$rect(x=10, y=50, width=12*300/13, height=14*300/13, fill=pat3_hc, mask=msk2_hc)
doc_hc$rect(x=10, y=50, width=12*300/13, height=14*300/13, fill=pat2_hc, mask=msk1_hc)

# Add text and define CSS class to be used with it
doc_hc$text(x = 10, y = 40, class = "mainfont_hc", "Hot Chip")
doc_hc$text(x = 245, y = 40, class = "mainfont_hc", "5654")
doc_hc$text(x = 10, y = 390, class = "smallfont_hc", "In Our Heads")
doc_hc$text(x = 10, y = 400, class = "smallfont_hc", "2012")
# Load CSS for google font and specify styling
.mainfont_hc {
  font-size: 18px;
  font-weight: 700;
  font-family: 'Roboto', sans-serif;
  fill: #0b3250;
.smallfont_hc {
  font-size: 11px;
  font-weight: 700;
  font-family: 'Roboto', sans-serif;
  fill: #0b3250;

Raw SVG Text (click to open)



Velvel Revolver 5648

This example is reproducing "Velvet Revolver 5648" poster from "Album Anatomy" poster collection.

# Define the document with white background
len <- 300/1.8/2

doc_vr <- svg_doc(width=300, height = 450)
doc_vr$rect(x=0, y=0, width = '100%', height='100%', fill="white", stroke="gray50")

xs1<-c(0, 0+len/2, 0, 0)
xs2<-c(0, 0+len/2, len/2, 0)
ys <- c(0, 0, len*sqrt(3)/2, 0)
tri1 <- stag$polygon(id="triang1", xs=xs1, ys=ys, fill="black")
cir <- stag$circle(id="circ", cx=0+len/2+len*0.4, cy=0+len*0.45, r=len*0.45, fill="#a02c31")
tri2 <- stag$polygon(id="triang2", xs=xs2+len/2+len*0.8, ys=ys, fill="black")

patg <- stag$g(tri1, tri2, cir)
pat <- stag$pattern(width=len+len*0.8, height=len+5, 
                      id = 'velvet_pattern', 
                      patternContentUnits = "userSpaceOnUse",

doc_vr$add('defs', pat)

doc_vr$rect(x=0, y=0, height=len, width = 300+len*2, fill=pat, svg_prop$transform$translate(-len*0.9, 100+len*0))
doc_vr$rect(x=0, y=0, height=len, width = 300+len*2, fill=pat, svg_prop$transform$translate(0, 100+len*1))
doc_vr$rect(x=0, y=0, height=len, width = 300+len*2, fill=pat, svg_prop$transform$translate(-len*0.9, 100+len*2))

# Add text and define CSS class to be used with it
doc_vr$text(x = 10, y = 30, class = "mainfont_red_vr", "Velvet Revolver")
doc_vr$text(x = 245, y = 30, class = "mainfont_blk_vr", "5648")
doc_vr$text(x = 10, y = 375, class = "smallfont_red_vr", "Contraband")
doc_vr$text(x = 10, y = 388, class = "smallfont_blk_vr", "2004")
# Load CSS for google font and specify styling
.mainfont_red_vr {
  font-size: 16px;
  font-weight: 700;
  font-family: 'Roboto', sans-serif;
  fill: #a02c31;
.mainfont_blk_vr {
  font-size: 16px;
  font-weight: 700;
  font-family: 'Roboto', sans-serif;
  fill: #000000;
.smallfont_red_vr {
  font-size: 11px;
  font-weight: 700;
  font-family: 'Roboto', sans-serif;
  fill: #a02c31;
.smallfont_blk_vr {
  font-size: 11px;
  font-weight: 700;
  font-family: 'Roboto', sans-serif;
  fill: #000000;

Raw SVG Text (click to open)



Kasabian 5038

This example is reproducing "Kasabian 5038" poster from "Album Anatomy" poster collection.

len <- 300/4

# Define svg document with grey background

doc_k <- svg_doc(width=300, height = 450)
doc_k$rect(x=0, y=0, width = 300, height=450, fill="#414143")

# Define main element - a triangle. Rotate it and then reflect vertically to form pattern
tre <- stag$polygon(id="trian",xs=c(0,len,0,0), ys=c(0,0,len, 0), fill="white")

pate <- stag$g(id="pat_e",
  stag$use(`xlink:href` = "#trian"),
  stag$use(`xlink:href` = "#trian", 
           svg_prop$transform$rotate(-90,len, 0))

patg <- stag$g(
           svg_prop$transform$scale(-1,1)) # this will mirror the elements in the group

pat <- stag$pattern(id="motif_k",x=0, y=0, width = '100%', height = len+1, 
                    patternUnits = "userSpaceOnUse", 
                    patternContentUnits="userSpaceOnUse", patg)

# Define filter for overlaying pattern over brown triangle in "multiply" mode
mutiFilter <- stag$filter(id="multiplyMe", stag$feBlend(mode="multiply",
                                                        in_="SourceGraphic", in2 = "BackgroundImage"))

doc_k$add('defs', tre, pate, patg, pat, mutiFilter)

# Add rectrangle with pattern as well as rotated red square over the moddle
doc_k$rect(x=0, y=300/4+1, width = 300, height = 300, fill=pat)
doc_k$rect(x=0, y=0, width=sqrt(300^2/2), height = sqrt(300^2/2),
           svg_prop$transform$translate(150, 300/4), 
           svg_prop$transform$rotate(45, 0,0),

# Add text and define CSS class to be used with it
doc_k$text(x = 10, y = 30, class = "mainfont_hc", "Kasabian")
doc_k$text(x = 235, y = 30, class = "mainfont_hc", "5038")
doc_k$text(x = 10, y = 400, class = "smallfont_hc", "Velociraptor!")
doc_k$text(x = 10, y = 415, class = "smallfont_hc", "2011")
# Load CSS for google font and specify styling
.mainfont_hc {
  font-size: 18px;
  font-weight: 700;
  font-family: 'Roboto', sans-serif;
  fill: #ffffff;
.smallfont_hc {
  font-size: 11px;
  font-weight: 700;
  font-family: 'Roboto', sans-serif;
  fill: #ffffff;

Raw SVG Text (click to open)


rsvg::rsvg_png("svg/kasabian5038.svg", "images/kasabian5038.png")

Please, note that if some of the elements do not get properly rendered by your browser, try convering svg images to png using rsvg::rsvg_png() or rendering them in Chrome.

Paul McCartney & Wings 4417

This example is reproducing "Paul McCartney & Wings 4417" poster from "Album Anatomy" poster collection.

fg_wh <- "#f7f1ec"
fg_br <- "#684f2e"
# Define document with bright background
doc_pm <- svg_doc(width = 300, height = 450)
doc_pm$rect(x=0, y=0, width='100%', height='100%', fill=fg_wh)
doc_pm$rect(x=10, y=40, width = 300-20, height = 350, fill=fg_br)
# Define clipping path and add it to document defition
clipsq <- stag$clipPath(id="clipRect",
                        stag$rect(x=10,y=40, width = 300-20, height = 350))
# Implement a loop to add circles
cx<-175; cy<-150
for (i in seq(0,17)){
doc_pm$circle(cx=cx, cy=cy, r=30+15*i, stroke=fg_wh, 
              stroke_width=5-0.25*i, fill='none', `clip-path`="url(#clipRect)")
doc_pm$circle(cx=cx+40, cy=cy, r=30-5, stroke='none', 
              stroke_width=0, fill=fg_wh, `clip-path`="url(#clipRect)")
# Add text and define CSS class to be used with it
doc_pm$text(x = 10, y = 25, class = "mainfont_hc", "Paul McCartney & Wings")
doc_pm$text(x = 245, y = 25, class = "mainfont_hc", "4417")
doc_pm$text(x = 10, y = 405, class = "smallfont_hc", "Band")
doc_pm$text(x = 10, y = 415, class = "smallfont_hc", "on the Run")
doc_pm$text(x = 10, y = 427, class = "smallfont_hc", "1973")
# Load CSS for google font and specify styling
.mainfont_hc {
  font-size: 18px;
  font-weight: 700;
  font-family: 'Roboto', sans-serif;
  fill: #684f2e;
.smallfont_hc {
  font-size: 11px;
  font-weight: 700;
  font-family: 'Roboto', sans-serif;
  fill: #684f2e;

Raw SVG Text (click to open)



coolbutuseless/minisvg documentation built on May 2, 2020, 3:15 a.m.