  collapse = TRUE,
  comment = "  "

The Wallpaper from 'Lucky Number Slevin'

This is some wallpaper from the movie Lucky Number Slevin

70s wallpaper is my jam!

This example demonstrates:

doc <- svg_doc(width = 800, height = 800) 
doc$rect(x=0, y=0, width="100%", height="100%", fill='#9B8A54')

pat  <- stag$defs()$pattern(id = 'motif', width=400, height=400, patternUnits = 'userSpaceOnUse')
patg <- pat$g()

patg$circle(cx=  0, cy=  0, r=138, fill= 'white')
patg$circle(cx=  0, cy=400, r=138, fill= 'white')
patg$circle(cx=400, cy=  0, r=138, fill= 'white')
patg$circle(cx=400, cy=400, r=138, fill= 'white')
patg$circle(cx=200, cy=200, r=138, fill= 'white')

patg$circle(cx=  0, cy=  0, r=90, fill= 'none', stroke = '#4a3322', stroke_width=35)
patg$circle(cx=  0, cy=400, r=90, fill= 'none', stroke = '#4a3322', stroke_width=35)
patg$circle(cx=400, cy=  0, r=90, fill= 'none', stroke = '#4a3322', stroke_width=35)
patg$circle(cx=400, cy=400, r=90, fill= 'none', stroke = '#4a3322', stroke_width=35)
patg$circle(cx=200, cy=200, r=90, fill= 'none', stroke = '#4a3322', stroke_width=35)

patg$circle(cx=200, cy=  0, r=90, fill= 'none', stroke = '#4a3322', stroke_width=10)
patg$circle(cx=  0, cy=200, r=90, fill= 'none', stroke = '#4a3322', stroke_width=10)
patg$circle(cx=400, cy=200, r=90, fill= 'none', stroke = '#4a3322', stroke_width=10)
patg$circle(cx=200, cy=400, r=90, fill= 'none', stroke = '#4a3322', stroke_width=10)


doc$rect(x=0, y=0, width="100%", height="100%", fill=pat) 

Show SVG text (click to open)


if (interactive()) {
} else {

Animating the pattern

In order to animate the pattern, an animateTransform is applied to the patternTransform attribute.

  attributeName = 'patternTransform',
  type          = 'translate',
  from          = '0 0',
  to            = "400 0",
  dur           = 5,
  repeatCount   = 'indefinite'

Show SVG text (click to open)


if (interactive()) {
  doc$save(here::here("vignettes", "svg", "wallpaper-01.svg"))

coolbutuseless/minisvg documentation built on May 2, 2020, 3:15 a.m.