# Method to get the conditional sojourn time distribution f
.get.f <- function(x, k) {
UseMethod(".get.f", x)
#' Method to get the conditional sojourn time distribution f
#' @description Computes the conditional sojourn time distribution \eqn{f(k)},
#' \eqn{f_{i}(k)}, \eqn{f_{j}(k)} or \eqn{f_{ij}(k)}.
#' @param x An object of S3 class `smmfit` or `smm`.
#' @param k A strictly positive integer giving the time horizon (k must be
#' different from 0 since we assume that there are not instantaneous
#' transitions).
#' @return A vector, matrix or array giving the value of \eqn{f} at each time
#' between 1 and `k`.
#' @export
get.f <- function(x, k) {
UseMethod("get.f", x)
# Method to get the number of parameters of the semi-Markov chain
.get.Kpar <- function(x) {
UseMethod(".get.Kpar", x)
#' Method to get the number of parameters of a Markov or semi-Markov chain
#' @description Method to get the number of parameters of a Markov or
#' such as AIC and BIC.
#' @param x An object for which the number of parameters can be returned (An
#' object of class `smm` or `mm`).
#' @return A positive integer giving the number of parameters.
#' @export
get.Kpar <- function(x) {
UseMethod("get.Kpar", x)
#' Method to get the limit (stationary) distribution
#' @description Method to get the limit (stationary) distribution of a
#' semi-Markov chain.
#' @param x An object of S3 class `smmfit` or `smm`.
#' @param klim Optional. The time horizon used to approximate the series in the
#' computation of the mean sojourn times vector \eqn{m} (cf.
#' [meanSojournTimes][meanSojournTimes] function).
#' @return A vector of length \eqn{\textrm{card}(E)} giving the values of the
#' limit distribution.
#' @export
get.limitDistribution <- function(x, klim = 10000) {
UseMethod("get.limitDistribution", x)
#' Method to get the stationary distribution
#' @description Method to get the stationary distribution of a Markov chain.
#' If the order of the Markov chain is higher than one, a block matrix is
#' computed to get the stationary distribution.
#' @param x An object of S3 class `mm` or `mmfit`.
#' @return A vector of length \eqn{\textrm{card}(E)} giving the values of the
#' stationary distribution.
#' @export
get.stationaryDistribution <- function(x) {
UseMethod("get.stationaryDistribution", x)
# Method to get the semi-Markov kernel \eqn{q_{Y}}
.get.qy <- function(x, k, upstates = x$states) {
UseMethod(".get.qy", x)
#' Method to get the semi-Markov kernel \eqn{q_{Y}}
#' @description Computes the semi-Markov kernel \eqn{q_{Y}(k)}
#' (See proposition 5.1 p.106).
#' @param x An object of S3 class `smmfit` or `smm`.
#' @param k A positive integer giving the time horizon.
#' @param upstates Vector giving the subset of operational states \eqn{U}.
#' @return An array giving the value of \eqn{q_{Y}(k)} at each time between 0
#' and `k`.
#' @export
get.qy <- function(x, k, upstates = x$states) {
UseMethod("get.qy", x)
# Method to compute the value of \eqn{P}
.get.P <- function(x, k, states = x$states, var = FALSE, klim = 10000) {
UseMethod(".get.P", x)
#' Method to compute the value of \eqn{P}
#' @description Method to compute the value of \eqn{P}
#' (See equation (3.33) p.59).
#' @param x An object of S3 class `smmfit` or `smm`.
#' @param k A positive integer giving the time horizon.
#' @param states Vector giving the states for which the mean sojourn time
#' should be computed. `states` is a subset of \eqn{E}.
#' @param var Logical. If `TRUE` the asymptotic variance is computed.
#' @param klim Optional. The time horizon used to approximate the series in the
#' computation of the mean sojourn times vector \eqn{m} (cf.
#' [meanSojournTimes][meanSojournTimes] function) for the asymptotic
#' variance.
#' @return An array giving the value of \eqn{P_{i,j}(k)} at each time between 0
#' and `k` if `var = FALSE`. If `var = TRUE`, a list containing the
#' following components:
#' \itemize{
#' \item{x: }{an array giving the value of \eqn{P_{ij}(k)} at each time
#' between 0 and `k`;}
#' \item{sigma2: }{an array giving the asymptotic variance of the estimator
#' \eqn{\sigma_{P}^{2}(i, j, k)}.}
#' }
#' @export
get.P <- function(x, k, states = x$states, var = FALSE, klim = 10000) {
UseMethod("get.P", x)
# Method to compute the value of \eqn{P}
.get.Py <- function(x, k, upstates = x$states) {
UseMethod(".get.Py", x)
#' Method to compute the value of \eqn{P_{Y}}
#' @description Method to compute the value of \eqn{P_{Y}}
#' (See Proposition 5.1 p.105-106).
#' @param x An object of S3 class `smmfit` or `smm`.
#' @param k A positive integer giving the time horizon.
#' @param upstates Vector giving the subset of operational states \eqn{U}.
#' @return An array giving the value of \eqn{P_{Y}(k)} at each time between 0
#' and `k`.
#' @export
get.Py <- function(x, k, upstates = x$states) {
UseMethod("get.Py", x)
#' Log-likelihood Function
#' @description Computation of the log-likelihood for a semi-Markov model
#' @param x An object for which the log-likelihood can be computed.
#' @param processes An object of class `processes`.
#' @noRd
.logLik <- function(x, processes) {
UseMethod(".logLik", x)
#' Method to get the semi-Markov kernel \eqn{q}
#' @description Computes the semi-Markov kernel \eqn{q_{ij}(k)}.
#' @param x An object of S3 class `smmfit` or `smm`.
#' @param k A positive integer giving the time horizon.
#' @param var Logical. If `TRUE` the asymptotic variance is computed.
#' @param klim Optional. The time horizon used to approximate the series in the
#' computation of the mean sojourn times vector \eqn{m} (cf.
#' [meanSojournTimes] function) for the asymptotic variance.
#' @return An array giving the value of \eqn{q_{ij}(k)} at each time between 0
#' and `k` if `var = FALSE`. If `var = TRUE`, a list containing the
#' following components:
#' \itemize{
#' \item{x: }{an array giving the value of \eqn{q_{ij}(k)} at each time
#' between 0 and `k`;}
#' \item{sigma2: }{an array giving the asymptotic variance of the estimator
#' \eqn{\sigma_{q}^{2}(i, j, k)}.}
#' }
#' @export
getKernel <- function(x, k, var = FALSE, klim = 10000) {
UseMethod("getKernel", x)
#' Mean Sojourn Times Function
#' @description The mean sojourn time is the mean time spent in each state.
#' @details Consider a system (or a component) \eqn{S_{ystem}} whose possible
#' states during its evolution in time are \eqn{E = \{1,\dots,s\}}.
#' We are interested in investigating the mean sojourn times of a
#' discrete-time semi-Markov system \eqn{S_{ystem}}. Consequently, we suppose
#' that the evolution in time of the system is governed by an E-state space
#' semi-Markov chain \eqn{(Z_k)_{k \in N}}. The state of the system is given
#' at each instant \eqn{k \in N} by \eqn{Z_k}: the event \eqn{\{Z_k = i\}}.
#' Let \eqn{T = (T_{n})_{n \in N}} denote the successive time points when
#' state changes in \eqn{(Z_{n})_{n \in N}} occur and let also
#' \eqn{J = (J_{n})_{n \in N}} denote the successively visited states at
#' these time points.
#' The mean sojourn times vector is defined as follows:
#' \deqn{m_{i} = E[T_{1} | Z_{0} = j] = \sum_{k \geq 0} (1 - P(T_{n + 1} - T_{n} \leq k | J_{n} = j)) = \sum_{k \geq 0} (1 - H_{j}(k)),\ i \in E}
#' @param x An object of S3 class `smmfit` or `smm`.
#' @param states Vector giving the states for which the mean sojourn time
#' should be computed. `states` is a subset of \eqn{E}.
#' @param klim Optional. The time horizon used to approximate the series in the
#' computation of the mean sojourn times vector \eqn{m} (cf.
#' [meanSojournTimes] function).
#' @return A vector of length \eqn{\textrm{card}(E)} giving the values of the
#' mean sojourn times for each state \eqn{i \in E}.
#' @export
meanSojournTimes <- function(x, states = x$states, klim = 10000) {
UseMethod("meanSojournTimes", x)
#' Method to get the mean recurrence times \eqn{\mu}
#' @description Method to get the mean recurrence times \eqn{\mu}.
#' @details Consider a system (or a component) \eqn{S_{ystem}} whose possible
#' states during its evolution in time are \eqn{E = \{1,\dots,s\}}.
#' We are interested in investigating the mean recurrence times of a
#' discrete-time semi-Markov system \eqn{S_{ystem}}. Consequently, we suppose
#' that the evolution in time of the system is governed by an E-state space
#' semi-Markov chain \eqn{(Z_k)_{k \in N}}. The state of the system is given
#' at each instant \eqn{k \in N} by \eqn{Z_k}: the event \eqn{\{Z_k = i\}}.
#' Let \eqn{T = (T_{n})_{n \in N}} denote the successive time points when
#' state changes in \eqn{(Z_{n})_{n \in N}} occur and let also
#' \eqn{J = (J_{n})_{n \in N}} denote the successively visited states at
#' these time points.
#' The mean recurrence of an arbitrary state \eqn{j \in E} is given by:
#' \deqn{\mu_{jj} = \frac{\sum_{i \in E} \nu(i) m_{i}}{\nu(j)}}
#' where \eqn{(\nu(1),\dots,\nu(s))} is the stationary distribution of the
#' embedded Markov chain \eqn{(J_{n})_{n \in N}} and \eqn{m_{i}} is the mean
#' sojourn time in state \eqn{i \in E} (see [meanSojournTimes] function for
#' the computation).
#' @param x An object of S3 class `smmfit` or `smm`.
#' @param klim Optional. The time horizon used to approximate the series in the
#' computation of the mean sojourn times vector \eqn{m} (cf.
#' [meanSojournTimes] function).
#' @return A vector giving the mean recurrence time
#' \eqn{(\mu_{i})_{i \in [1,\dots,s]}}.
#' @export
meanRecurrenceTimes <- function(x, klim = 10000) {
UseMethod("meanRecurrenceTimes", x)
#' Reliability Function
#' @description Consider a system \eqn{S_{ystem}} starting to function at time
#' \eqn{k = 0}. The reliability or the survival function of \eqn{S_{ystem}}
#' at time \eqn{k \in N} is the probability that the system has functioned
#' without failure in the period \eqn{[0, k]}.
#' @details Consider a system (or a component) \eqn{S_{ystem}} whose possible
#' states during its evolution in time are \eqn{E = \{1,\dots,s\}}.
#' Denote by \eqn{U = \{1,\dots,s_1\}} the subset of operational states of
#' the system (the up states) and by \eqn{D = \{s_1 + 1,\dots, s\}} the
#' subset of failure states (the down states), with \eqn{0 < s_1 < s}
#' (obviously, \eqn{E = U \cup D} and \eqn{U \cap D = \emptyset},
#' \eqn{U \neq \emptyset,\ D \neq \emptyset}). One can think of the states
#' of \eqn{U} as different operating modes or performance levels of the
#' system, whereas the states of \eqn{D} can be seen as failures of the
#' systems with different modes.
#' We are interested in investigating the reliability of a discrete-time
#' semi-Markov system \eqn{S_{ystem}}. Consequently, we suppose that the
#' evolution in time of the system is governed by an E-state space
#' semi-Markov chain \eqn{(Z_k)_{k \in N}}. The system starts to work at
#' instant \eqn{0} and the state of the system is given at each instant
#' \eqn{k \in N} by \eqn{Z_k}: the event \eqn{\{Z_k = i\}}, for a certain
#' \eqn{i \in U}, means that the system \eqn{S_{ystem}} is in operating mode
#' \eqn{i} at time \eqn{k}, whereas \eqn{\{Z_k = j\}}, for a certain
#' \eqn{j \in D}, means that the system is not operational at time \eqn{k}
#' due to the mode of failure \eqn{j} or that the system is under the
#' repairing mode \eqn{j}.
#' Let \eqn{T_D} denote the first passage time in subset \eqn{D}, called
#' the lifetime of the system, i.e.,
#' \deqn{T_D := \textrm{inf}\{ n \in N;\ Z_n \in D\}\ \textrm{and}\ \textrm{inf}\ \emptyset := \infty.}
#' The reliability or the survival function at time \eqn{k \in N} of a
#' discrete-time semi-Markov system is:
#' \deqn{R(k) := P(T_D > k) = P(Zn \in U,n = 0,\dots,k)}
#' which can be rewritten as follows:
#' \deqn{R(k) = \sum_{i \in U} P(Z_0 = i) P(T_D > k | Z_0 = i) = \sum_{i \in U} \alpha_i P(T_D > k | Z_0 = i)}
#' @param x An object of S3 class `smmfit` or `smm`.
#' @param k A positive integer giving the period \eqn{[0, k]} on which the
#' reliability should be computed.
#' @param upstates Vector giving the subset of operational states \eqn{U}.
#' @param level Confidence level of the asymptotic confidence interval. Helpful
#' for an object `x` of class `smmfit`.
#' @param klim Optional. The time horizon used to approximate the series in the
#' computation of the mean sojourn times vector \eqn{m} (cf.
#' [meanSojournTimes][meanSojournTimes] function) for the asymptotic
#' variance.
#' @return A matrix with \eqn{k + 1} rows, and with columns giving values of
#' the reliability, variances, lower and upper asymptotic confidence limits
#' (if `x` is an object of class `smmfit`).
#' @references
#' V. S. Barbu, N. Limnios. (2008). Semi-Markov Chains and Hidden Semi-Markov
#' Models Toward Applications - Their Use in Reliability and DNA Analysis.
#' New York: Lecture Notes in Statistics, vol. 191, Springer.
#' @export
reliability <- function(x, k, upstates = x$states, level = 0.95, klim = 10000) {
UseMethod("reliability", x)
#' Maintainability Function
#' @description For a reparable system \eqn{S_{ystem}} for which the failure
#' occurs at time \eqn{k = 0}, its maintainability at time \eqn{k \in N} is
#' the probability that the system is repaired up to time \eqn{k}, given that
#' it has failed at time \eqn{k = 0}.
#' @details Consider a system (or a component) \eqn{S_{ystem}} whose possible
#' states during its evolution in time are \eqn{E = \{1,\dots,s\}}.
#' Denote by \eqn{U = \{1,\dots,s_1\}} the subset of operational states of
#' the system (the up states) and by \eqn{D = \{s_1 + 1,\dots, s\}} the
#' subset of failure states (the down states), with \eqn{0 < s_1 < s}
#' (obviously, \eqn{E = U \cup D} and \eqn{U \cap D = \emptyset},
#' \eqn{U \neq \emptyset,\ D \neq \emptyset}). One can think of the states
#' of \eqn{U} as different operating modes or performance levels of the
#' system, whereas the states of \eqn{D} can be seen as failures of the
#' systems with different modes.
#' We are interested in investigating the maintainability of a discrete-time
#' semi-Markov system \eqn{S_{ystem}}. Consequently, we suppose that the
#' evolution in time of the system is governed by an E-state space
#' semi-Markov chain \eqn{(Z_k)_{k \in N}}. The system starts to fail at
#' instant \eqn{0} and the state of the system is given at each instant
#' \eqn{k \in N} by \eqn{Z_k}: the event \eqn{\{Z_k = i\}}, for a certain
#' \eqn{i \in U}, means that the system \eqn{S_{ystem}} is in operating mode
#' \eqn{i} at time \eqn{k}, whereas \eqn{\{Z_k = j\}}, for a certain
#' \eqn{j \in D}, means that the system is not operational at time \eqn{k}
#' due to the mode of failure \eqn{j} or that the system is under the
#' repairing mode \eqn{j}.
#' Thus, we take \eqn{(\alpha_{i} := P(Z_{0} = i))_{i \in U} = 0} and we
#' denote by \eqn{T_U} the first hitting time of subset \eqn{U}, called the
#' duration of repair or repair time, that is,
#' \deqn{T_U := \textrm{inf}\{ n \in N;\ Z_n \in U\}\ \textrm{and}\ \textrm{inf}\ \emptyset := \infty.}
#' The maintainability at time \eqn{k \in N} of a discrete-time semi-Markov
#' system is
#' \deqn{M(k) = P(T_U \leq k) = 1 - P(T_{U} > k) = 1 - P(Z_{n} \in D,\ n = 0,\dots,k).}
#' @param x An object of S3 class `smmfit` or `smm`.
#' @param k A positive integer giving the period \eqn{[0, k]} on which the
#' maintainability should be computed.
#' @param upstates Vector giving the subset of operational states \eqn{U}.
#' @param level Confidence level of the asymptotic confidence interval. Helpful
#' for an object `x` of class `smmfit`.
#' @param klim Optional. The time horizon used to approximate the series in the
#' computation of the mean sojourn times vector \eqn{m} (cf.
#' [meanSojournTimes] function) for the asymptotic variance.
#' @return A matrix with \eqn{k + 1} rows, and with columns giving values of
#' the maintainability, variances, lower and upper asymptotic confidence limits
#' (if `x` is an object of class `smmfit`).
#' @references
#' V. S. Barbu, N. Limnios. (2008). Semi-Markov Chains and Hidden Semi-Markov
#' Models Toward Applications - Their Use in Reliability and DNA Analysis.
#' New York: Lecture Notes in Statistics, vol. 191, Springer.
#' @export
maintainability <- function(x, k, upstates = x$states, level = 0.95, klim = 10000) {
UseMethod("maintainability", x)
#' Availability Function
#' @description The pointwise (or instantaneous) availability of a system
#' \eqn{S_{ystem}} at time \eqn{k \in N} is the probability that the system
#' is operational at time \eqn{k} (independently of the fact that the system
#' has failed or not in \eqn{[0, k)}).
#' @details Consider a system (or a component) \eqn{S_{ystem}} whose possible
#' states during its evolution in time are \eqn{E = \{1,\dots,s\}}.
#' Denote by \eqn{U = \{1,\dots,s_1\}} the subset of operational states of
#' the system (the up states) and by \eqn{D = \{s_1 + 1,\dots,s\}} the
#' subset of failure states (the down states), with \eqn{0 < s_1 < s}
#' (obviously, \eqn{E = U \cup D} and \eqn{U \cap D = \emptyset},
#' \eqn{U \neq \emptyset,\ D \neq \emptyset}). One can think of the states
#' of \eqn{U} as different operating modes or performance levels of the
#' system, whereas the states of \eqn{D} can be seen as failures of the
#' systems with different modes.
#' We are interested in investigating the availability of a discrete-time
#' semi-Markov system \eqn{S_{ystem}}. Consequently, we suppose that the
#' evolution in time of the system is governed by an E-state space
#' semi-Markov chain \eqn{(Z_k)_{k \in N}}. The state of the system is given
#' at each instant \eqn{k \in N} by \eqn{Z_k}: the event \eqn{\{Z_k = i\}},
#' for a certain \eqn{i \in U}, means that the system \eqn{S_{ystem}} is in
#' operating mode \eqn{i} at time \eqn{k}, whereas \eqn{\{Z_k = j\}}, for a
#' certain \eqn{j \in D}, means that the system is not operational at time
#' \eqn{k} due to the mode of failure \eqn{j} or that the system is under the
#' repairing mode \eqn{j}.
#' The pointwise (or instantaneous) availability of a system \eqn{S_{ystem}}
#' at time \eqn{k \in N} is the probability that the system is operational
#' at time \eqn{k} (independently of the fact that the system has failed or
#' not in \eqn{[0, k)}).
#' Thus, the pointwise availability of a semi-Markov system at time
#' \eqn{k \in N} is
#' \deqn{A(k) = P(Z_k \in U) = \sum_{i \in E} \alpha_i A_i(k),}
#' where we have denoted by \eqn{A_i(k)} the conditional availability of the
#' system at time \eqn{k \in N}, given that it starts in state \eqn{i \in E},
#' \deqn{A_i(k) = P(Z_k \in U | Z_0 = i).}
#' @param x An object of S3 class `smmfit` or `smm`.
#' @param k A positive integer giving the time at which the availability
#' should be computed.
#' @param upstates Vector giving the subset of operational states \eqn{U}.
#' @param level Confidence level of the asymptotic confidence interval. Helpful
#' for an object `x` of class `smmfit`.
#' @param klim Optional. The time horizon used to approximate the series in the
#' computation of the mean sojourn times vector \eqn{m} (cf.
#' [meanSojournTimes] function) for the asymptotic variance.
#' @return A matrix with \eqn{k + 1} rows, and with columns giving values of
#' the availability, variances, lower and upper asymptotic confidence limits
#' (if `x` is an object of class `smmfit`).
#' @references
#' V. S. Barbu, N. Limnios. (2008). Semi-Markov Chains and Hidden Semi-Markov
#' Models Toward Applications - Their Use in Reliability and DNA Analysis.
#' New York: Lecture Notes in Statistics, vol. 191, Springer.
#' @export
availability <- function(x, k, upstates = x$states, level = 0.95, klim = 10000) {
UseMethod("availability", x)
#' BMP-Failure Rate Function
#' @description Consider a system \eqn{S_{ystem}} starting to work at time
#' \eqn{k = 0}. The BMP-failure rate at time \eqn{k \in N} is the conditional
#' probability that the failure of the system occurs at time \eqn{k}, given
#' that the system has worked until time \eqn{k - 1}.
#' @details Consider a system (or a component) \eqn{S_{ystem}} whose possible
#' states during its evolution in time are \eqn{E = \{1,\dots,s\}}.
#' Denote by \eqn{U = \{1,\dots,s_1\}} the subset of operational states of
#' the system (the up states) and by \eqn{D = \{s_1 + 1,\dots,s\}} the
#' subset of failure states (the down states), with \eqn{0 < s_1 < s}
#' (obviously, \eqn{E = U \cup D} and \eqn{U \cap D = \emptyset},
#' \eqn{U \neq \emptyset,\ D \neq \emptyset}). One can think of the states
#' of \eqn{U} as different operating modes or performance levels of the
#' system, whereas the states of \eqn{D} can be seen as failures of the
#' systems with different modes.
#' We are interested in investigating the failure rate of a discrete-time
#' semi-Markov system \eqn{S_{ystem}}. Consequently, we suppose that the
#' evolution in time of the system is governed by an E-state space
#' semi-Markov chain \eqn{(Z_k)_{k \in N}}. The system starts to work at
#' instant \eqn{0} and the state of the system is given at each instant
#' \eqn{k \in N} by \eqn{Z_k}: the event \eqn{\{Z_k = i\}}, for a certain
#' \eqn{i \in U}, means that the system \eqn{S_{ystem}} is in operating mode
#' \eqn{i} at time \eqn{k}, whereas \eqn{\{Z_k = j\}}, for a certain
#' \eqn{j \in D}, means that the system is not operational at time \eqn{k}
#' due to the mode of failure \eqn{j} or that the system is under the
#' repairing mode \eqn{j}.
#' The BMP-failure rate at time \eqn{k \in N} is the conditional probability
#' that the failure of the system occurs at time \eqn{k}, given that the
#' system has worked until time \eqn{k - 1}.
#' Let \eqn{T_D} denote the first passage time in subset \eqn{D}, called
#' the lifetime of the system, i.e.,
#' \deqn{T_D := \textrm{inf}\{ n \in N;\ Z_n \in D\}\ \textrm{and}\ \textrm{inf}\ \emptyset := \infty.}
#' For a discrete-time semi-Markov system, the failure rate at time
#' \eqn{k \geq 1} has the expression:
#' \deqn{\lambda(k) := P(T_{D} = k | T_{D} \geq k)}
#' We can rewrite it as follows :
#' \deqn{\lambda(k) = 1 - \frac{R(k)}{R(k - 1)},\ \textrm{if } R(k - 1) \neq 0;\ \lambda(k) = 0, \textrm{otherwise}}
#' The failure rate at time \eqn{k = 0} is defined by \eqn{\lambda(0) := 1 - R(0)},
#' with \eqn{R} being the reliability function (see [reliability] function).
#' The calculation of the reliability \eqn{R} involves the computation of
#' many convolutions. It implies that the computation error, may be higher
#' (in value) than the "true" reliability itself for reliability close to 0.
#' In order to avoid inconsistent values of the BMP-failure rate, we use the
#' following formula:
#' \deqn{\lambda(k) = 1 - \frac{R(k)}{R(k - 1)},\ \textrm{if } R(k - 1) \geq \epsilon;\ \lambda(k) = 0, \textrm{otherwise}}
#' with \eqn{\epsilon}, the threshold, the parameter `epsilon` in the
#' function `failureRateBMP`.
#' @param x An object of S3 class `smmfit` or `smm`.
#' @param k A positive integer giving the period \eqn{[0, k]} on which the
#' BMP-failure rate should be computed.
#' @param upstates Vector giving the subset of operational states \eqn{U}.
#' @param level Confidence level of the asymptotic confidence interval. Helpful
#' for an object `x` of class `smmfit`.
#' @param epsilon Value of the reliability above which the latter is supposed
#' to be 0 because of computation errors (see Details).
#' @param klim Optional. The time horizon used to approximate the series in the
#' computation of the mean sojourn times vector \eqn{m} (cf.
#' [meanSojournTimes] function) for the asymptotic variance.
#' @return A matrix with \eqn{k + 1} rows, and with columns giving values of
#' the BMP-failure rate, variances, lower and upper asymptotic confidence
#' limits (if `x` is an object of class `smmfit`).
#' @noRd
.failureRateBMP <- function(x, k, upstates = x$states, level = 0.95, epsilon = 1e-3, klim = 10000) {
UseMethod(".failureRateBMP", x)
#' RG-Failure Rate Function
#' @description Discrete-time adapted failure rate, proposed by D. Roy and
#' R. Gupta. Classification of discrete lives. Microelectronics Reliability,
#' 32(10):1459--1473, 1992.
#' We call it the RG-failure rate and denote it by \eqn{r(k),\ k \in N}.
#' @details Expressing \eqn{r(k)} in terms of the reliability \eqn{R} we obtain
#' that the RG-failure rate function for a discrete-time system is given by:
#' \deqn{r(k) = - \ln \frac{R(k)}{R(k - 1)},\ \textrm{if } k \geq 1;\ r(k) = - \ln R(0),\ \textrm{if } k = 0}
#' for \eqn{R(k) \neq 0}. If \eqn{R(k) = 0}, we set \eqn{r(k) := 0}.
#' Note that the RG-failure rate is related to the BMP-failure rate
#' (see [failureRateBMP] function) by:
#' \deqn{r(k) = - \ln (1 - \lambda(k)),\ k \in N}
#' The computation of the RG-failure rate is based on the [failureRateBMP]
#' function (See [failureRateBMP] for details about the parameter `epsilon`).
#' @param x An object of S3 class `smmfit` or `smm`.
#' @param k A positive integer giving the period \eqn{[0, k]} on which the
#' RG-failure rate should be computed.
#' @param upstates Vector giving the subset of operational states \eqn{U}.
#' @param level Confidence level of the asymptotic confidence interval. Helpful
#' for an object `x` of class `smmfit`.
#' @param epsilon Value of the reliability above which the latter is supposed
#' to be 0 because of computation errors (see Details).
#' @param klim Optional. The time horizon used to approximate the series in the
#' computation of the mean sojourn times vector \eqn{m} (cf.
#' [meanSojournTimes] function) for the asymptotic variance.
#' @return A matrix with \eqn{k + 1} rows, and with columns giving values of
#' the RG-failure rate, variances, lower and upper asymptotic confidence
#' limits (if `x` is an object of class `smmfit`).
#' @noRd
.failureRateRG <- function(x, k, upstates = x$states, level = 0.95, epsilon = 1e-3, klim = 10000) {
UseMethod(".failureRateRG", x)
#' Failure Rate Function
#' @description Function to compute the BMP-failure rate or the RG-failure rate.
#' Consider a system \eqn{S_{ystem}} starting to work at time
#' \eqn{k = 0}. The BMP-failure rate at time \eqn{k \in N} is the conditional
#' probability that the failure of the system occurs at time \eqn{k}, given
#' that the system has worked until time \eqn{k - 1}.
#' The RG-failure rate is a discrete-time adapted failure rate, proposed by
#' D. Roy and R. Gupta. Classification of discrete lives. Microelectronics
#' Reliability, 32(10):1459--1473, 1992. We call it the RG-failure rate and
#' denote it by \eqn{r(k),\ k \in N}.
#' @details Consider a system (or a component) \eqn{S_{ystem}} whose possible
#' states during its evolution in time are \eqn{E = \{1,\dots,s\}}.
#' Denote by \eqn{U = \{1,\dots,s_1\}} the subset of operational states of
#' the system (the up states) and by \eqn{D = \{s_1 + 1,\dots,s\}} the
#' subset of failure states (the down states), with \eqn{0 < s_1 < s}
#' (obviously, \eqn{E = U \cup D} and \eqn{U \cap D = \emptyset},
#' \eqn{U \neq \emptyset,\ D \neq \emptyset}). One can think of the states
#' of \eqn{U} as different operating modes or performance levels of the
#' system, whereas the states of \eqn{D} can be seen as failures of the
#' systems with different modes.
#' We are interested in investigating the failure rate of a discrete-time
#' semi-Markov system \eqn{S_{ystem}}. Consequently, we suppose that the
#' evolution in time of the system is governed by an E-state space
#' semi-Markov chain \eqn{(Z_k)_{k \in N}}. The system starts to work at
#' instant \eqn{0} and the state of the system is given at each instant
#' \eqn{k \in N} by \eqn{Z_k}: the event \eqn{\{Z_k = i\}}, for a certain
#' \eqn{i \in U}, means that the system \eqn{S_{ystem}} is in operating mode
#' \eqn{i} at time \eqn{k}, whereas \eqn{\{Z_k = j\}}, for a certain
#' \eqn{j \in D}, means that the system is not operational at time \eqn{k}
#' due to the mode of failure \eqn{j} or that the system is under the
#' repairing mode \eqn{j}.
#' The BMP-failure rate at time \eqn{k \in N} is the conditional probability
#' that the failure of the system occurs at time \eqn{k}, given that the
#' system has worked until time \eqn{k - 1}.
#' Let \eqn{T_D} denote the first passage time in subset \eqn{D}, called
#' the lifetime of the system, i.e.,
#' \deqn{T_D := \textrm{inf}\{ n \in N;\ Z_n \in D\}\ \textrm{and}\ \textrm{inf}\ \emptyset := \infty.}
#' For a discrete-time semi-Markov system, the failure rate at time
#' \eqn{k \geq 1} has the expression:
#' \deqn{\lambda(k) := P(T_{D} = k | T_{D} \geq k)}
#' We can rewrite it as follows :
#' \deqn{\lambda(k) = 1 - \frac{R(k)}{R(k - 1)},\ \textrm{if } R(k - 1) \neq 0;\ \lambda(k) = 0, \textrm{otherwise}}
#' The failure rate at time \eqn{k = 0} is defined by \eqn{\lambda(0) := 1 - R(0)},
#' with \eqn{R} being the reliability function (see [reliability] function).
#' The calculation of the reliability \eqn{R} involves the computation of
#' many convolutions. It implies that the computation error, may be higher
#' (in value) than the "true" reliability itself for reliability close to 0.
#' In order to avoid inconsistent values of the BMP-failure rate, we use the
#' following formula:
#' \deqn{\lambda(k) = 1 - \frac{R(k)}{R(k - 1)},\ \textrm{if } R(k - 1) \geq \epsilon;\ \lambda(k) = 0, \textrm{otherwise}}
#' with \eqn{\epsilon}, the threshold, the parameter `epsilon` in the
#' function `failureRate`.
#' Expressing the RG-failure rate \eqn{r(k)} in terms of the reliability
#' \eqn{R} we obtain that the RG-failure rate function for a discrete-time
#' system is given by:
#' \deqn{r(k) = - \ln \frac{R(k)}{R(k - 1)},\ \textrm{if } k \geq 1;\ r(k) = - \ln R(0),\ \textrm{if } k = 0}
#' for \eqn{R(k) \neq 0}. If \eqn{R(k) = 0}, we set \eqn{r(k) := 0}.
#' Note that the RG-failure rate is related to the BMP-failure rate by:
#' \deqn{r(k) = - \ln (1 - \lambda(k)),\ k \in N}
#' @param x An object of S3 class `smmfit` or `smm`.
#' @param k A positive integer giving the period \eqn{[0, k]} on which the
#' BMP-failure rate should be computed.
#' @param upstates Vector giving the subset of operational states \eqn{U}.
#' @param failure.rate Type of failure rate to compute. If `failure.rate = "BMP"`
#' (default value), then BMP-failure-rate is computed. If `failure.rate = "RG"`,
#' the RG-failure rate is computed.
#' @param level Confidence level of the asymptotic confidence interval. Helpful
#' for an object `x` of class `smmfit`.
#' @param epsilon Value of the reliability above which the latter is supposed
#' to be 0 because of computation errors (see Details).
#' @param klim Optional. The time horizon used to approximate the series in the
#' computation of the mean sojourn times vector \eqn{m} (cf.
#' [meanSojournTimes] function) for the asymptotic variance.
#' @return A matrix with \eqn{k + 1} rows, and with columns giving values of
#' the BMP-failure rate or RG-failure rate, variances, lower and upper
#' asymptotic confidence limits (if `x` is an object of class `smmfit`).
#' @references
#' V. S. Barbu, N. Limnios. (2008). Semi-Markov Chains and Hidden Semi-Markov
#' Models Toward Applications - Their Use in Reliability and DNA Analysis.
#' New York: Lecture Notes in Statistics, vol. 191, Springer.
#' R.E. Barlow, A.W. Marshall, and F. Prochan. (1963). Properties of probability
#' distributions with monotone hazard rate. Ann. Math. Statist., 34, 375-389.
#' D. Roy and R. Gupta. (1992). Classification of discrete lives.
#' Microelectron. Reliabil., 32 (10), 1459-1473.
#' @export
failureRate <- function(x, k, upstates = x$states, failure.rate = c("BMP", "RG"), level = 0.95, epsilon = 1e-3, klim = 10000) {
UseMethod("failureRate", x)
#' Mean Time To Failure (MTTF) Function
#' @description Consider a system \eqn{S_{ystem}} starting to work at time
#' \eqn{k = 0}. The mean time to failure (MTTF) is defined as the mean
#' lifetime.
#' @details Consider a system (or a component) \eqn{S_{ystem}} whose possible
#' states during its evolution in time are \eqn{E = \{1,\dots,s\}}.
#' Denote by \eqn{U = \{1,\dots,s_1\}} the subset of operational states of
#' the system (the up states) and by \eqn{D = \{s_1 + 1,\dots,s\}} the
#' subset of failure states (the down states), with \eqn{0 < s_1 < s}
#' (obviously, \eqn{E = U \cup D} and \eqn{U \cap D = \emptyset},
#' \eqn{U \neq \emptyset,\ D \neq \emptyset}). One can think of the states
#' of \eqn{U} as different operating modes or performance levels of the
#' system, whereas the states of \eqn{D} can be seen as failures of the
#' systems with different modes.
#' We are interested in investigating the mean time to failure of a
#' discrete-time semi-Markov system \eqn{S_{ystem}}. Consequently, we suppose
#' that the evolution in time of the system is governed by an E-state space
#' semi-Markov chain \eqn{(Z_k)_{k \in N}}. The system starts to work at
#' instant \eqn{0} and the state of the system is given at each instant
#' \eqn{k \in N} by \eqn{Z_k}: the event \eqn{\{Z_k = i\}}, for a certain
#' \eqn{i \in U}, means that the system \eqn{S_{ystem}} is in operating mode
#' \eqn{i} at time \eqn{k}, whereas \eqn{\{Z_k = j\}}, for a certain
#' \eqn{j \in D}, means that the system is not operational at time \eqn{k}
#' due to the mode of failure \eqn{j} or that the system is under the
#' repairing mode \eqn{j}.
#' Let \eqn{T_D} denote the first passage time in subset \eqn{D}, called
#' the lifetime of the system, i.e.,
#' \deqn{T_D := \textrm{inf}\{ n \in N;\ Z_n \in D\}\ \textrm{and}\ \textrm{inf}\ \emptyset := \infty.}
#' The mean time to failure (MTTF) is defined as the mean lifetime, i.e., the
#' expectation of the hitting time to down set \eqn{D},
#' \deqn{MTTF = E[T_{D}]}
#' @param x An object of S3 class `smmfit` or `smm`.
#' @param upstates Vector giving the subset of operational states \eqn{U}.
#' @param level Confidence level of the asymptotic confidence interval. Helpful
#' for an object `x` of class `smmfit`.
#' @param klim Optional. The time horizon used to approximate the series in the
#' computation of the mean sojourn times vector \eqn{m} (cf.
#' [meanSojournTimes] function) for the asymptotic variance.
#' @return A matrix with \eqn{\textrm{card}(U) = s_{1}} rows, and with columns
#' giving values of the mean time to failure for each state \eqn{i \in U},
#' variances, lower and upper asymptotic confidence limits (if `x` is an
#' object of class `smmfit`).
#' @references
#' V. S. Barbu, N. Limnios. (2008). Semi-Markov Chains and Hidden Semi-Markov
#' Models Toward Applications - Their Use in Reliability and DNA Analysis.
#' New York: Lecture Notes in Statistics, vol. 191, Springer.
#' I. Votsi & A. Brouste (2019) Confidence interval for the mean time to
#' failure in semi-Markov models: an application to wind energy production,
#' Journal of Applied Statistics, 46:10, 1756-1773
#' @export
mttf <- function(x, upstates = x$states, level = 0.95, klim = 10000) {
UseMethod("mttf", x)
#' Mean Time To Repair (MTTR) Function
#' @description Consider a system \eqn{S_{ystem}} that has just failed at time
#' \eqn{k = 0}. The mean time to repair (MTTR) is defined as the mean of the
#' repair duration.
#' @details Consider a system (or a component) \eqn{S_{ystem}} whose possible
#' states during its evolution in time are \eqn{E = \{1,\dots,s\}}.
#' Denote by \eqn{U = \{1,\dots,s_1\}} the subset of operational states of
#' the system (the up states) and by \eqn{D = \{s_1 + 1,\dots,s\}} the
#' subset of failure states (the down states), with \eqn{0 < s_1 < s}
#' (obviously, \eqn{E = U \cup D} and \eqn{U \cap D = \emptyset},
#' \eqn{U \neq \emptyset,\ D \neq \emptyset}). One can think of the states
#' of \eqn{U} as different operating modes or performance levels of the
#' system, whereas the states of \eqn{D} can be seen as failures of the
#' systems with different modes.
#' We are interested in investigating the mean time to repair of a
#' discrete-time semi-Markov system \eqn{S_{ystem}}. Consequently, we suppose
#' that the evolution in time of the system is governed by an E-state space
#' semi-Markov chain \eqn{(Z_k)_{k \in N}}. The system has just failed at
#' instant 0 and the state of the system is given at each instant
#' \eqn{k \in N} by \eqn{Z_k}: the event \eqn{\{Z_k = i\}}, for a certain
#' \eqn{i \in U}, means that the system \eqn{S_{ystem}} is in operating mode
#' \eqn{i} at time \eqn{k}, whereas \eqn{\{Z_k = j\}}, for a certain
#' \eqn{j \in D}, means that the system is not operational at time \eqn{k}
#' due to the mode of failure \eqn{j} or that the system is under the
#' repairing mode \eqn{j}.
#' Let \eqn{T_U} denote the first passage time in subset \eqn{U}, called the
#' duration of repair or repair time, i.e.,
#' \deqn{T_U := \textrm{inf}\{ n \in N;\ Z_n \in U\}\ \textrm{and}\ \textrm{inf}\ \emptyset := \infty.}
#' The mean time to repair (MTTR) is defined as the mean of the repair
#' duration, i.e., the expectation of the hitting time to up set \eqn{U},
#' \deqn{MTTR = E[T_{U}]}
#' @param x An object of S3 class `smmfit` or `smm`.
#' @param upstates Vector giving the subset of operational states \eqn{U}.
#' @param level Confidence level of the asymptotic confidence interval. Helpful
#' for an object `x` of class `smmfit`.
#' @param klim Optional. The time horizon used to approximate the series in the
#' computation of the mean sojourn times vector \eqn{m} (cf.
#' [meanSojournTimes] function) for the asymptotic variance.
#' @return A matrix with \eqn{\textrm{card}(U) = s_{1}} rows, and with columns
#' giving values of the mean time to repair for each state \eqn{i \in U},
#' variances, lower and upper asymptotic confidence limits (if `x` is an
#' object of class `smmfit`).
#' @references
#' V. S. Barbu, N. Limnios. (2008). Semi-Markov Chains and Hidden Semi-Markov
#' Models Toward Applications - Their Use in Reliability and DNA Analysis.
#' New York: Lecture Notes in Statistics, vol. 191, Springer.
#' I. Votsi & A. Brouste (2019) Confidence interval for the mean time to
#' failure in semi-Markov models: an application to wind energy production,
#' Journal of Applied Statistics, 46:10, 1756-1773
#' @export
mttr <- function(x, upstates = x$states, level = 0.95, klim = 10000) {
UseMethod("mttr", x)
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