dot-categorize_diff_ase: Categorize diff ASE in to 'up' and 'down' based on log2FC,...

.categorize_diff_aseR Documentation

Categorize diff ASE in to up and down based on log2FC, p-value and p-adj values.


Usually fold change 1.5 (log2FC ~0.6) and statistical significance defined by p and/or p.adj values are considered to mark gene (ASE) as differential expressed. However, these cutoffs change based on data quality. This function allows changing these cutoffs and mark genes (ASE) differently expressed. While using this package, most of the time user do not need to call this function explicitly as it is internally called by run_ase_diff_analysis().


  log2fc_cutoff = 1,
  pval_cutoff = 0.05,
  padj_cutoff = 0.01,
  add_column_regul = TRUE,
  regul_based_upon = 1



a dataframe obtained from SpliceWiz::ASE_* function.

log2fc_cutoff, pval_cutoff, padj_cutoff

a numeric value, default ⁠(log2fc_cutoff = 1, pval_cutoff = 0.05, padj_cutoff = 0.01)⁠ denoting cutoffs. These criteria will be used to decide significance ⁠(NS, p-value, log2FC, p-value&log2FC)⁠ and type of regulation ⁠(Up, Down & other)⁠ of diff genes. See details.


logical, default TRUE, indicating whether to add column add_column_regul or not. Added column will contain the values Up', 'Down' or 'other'.


one of the numeric choices 1, 2, or 3.

if 1 ...

  • Up : log2fc >= log2fc_cutoff & pvalue <= pvalue_cutoff

  • Down : log2fc <= (-1) * log2fc_cutoff & pvalue <= pvalue_cutoff

  • Other : remaining genes

if 2 ...

  • Up : log2fc >= log2fc_cutoff & padj <= padj_cutoff

  • Down : log2fc <= (-1) * log2fc_cutoff & padj <= padj_cutoff

  • Other : remaining genes

if 3 ...

  • Up : log2fc >= log2fc_cutoff & pvalue <= pvalue_cutoff & padj <= padj_cutoff

  • Down : log2fc <= (-1) * log2fc_cutoff pvalue <= pvalue_cutoff & padj <= padj_cutoff

  • Other : remaining genes


// TO DO. –> explain columns 'signif' and 'type' in the returned data frame.


a data frame

cparsania/parcutils documentation built on March 1, 2025, 4:26 p.m.