Man pages for cparsania/phyloR
Clean blast results for downstream phyloegentic analysis

add_taxonomy_columnsAdd ncbi taxonomy levels to ncbi protein accession
cat_green_tickPrint green tick on terminal. Wrapper function on...
filter_blast_hitsFilter blast hits
format_fasta_headersFormat fasta headers
genbank2uid_tblA Wrapper function around taxize::genbank2uid.
get_blast_outformat_7_colnamesGet blast output format 7 column names
get_covCalculate sequence coverage
get_query_covCalculate % query coverage.
get_subj_covCalculate % subject coverage.
get_taxon_rankGet ncbi phylogeny level for a given ncbi taxonomy id.
null_or_characterCheck value NULL or character
null_or_logicalCheck value NULL or LOGICAL
null_or_numericCheck value NULL or Numeric
remove_redundant_hitsRemove redundant hits from blast tabular output
subset_bstringsetGet records from BStringset
tidy_taxonomy_treeAssign (NCBI) taxonomy levels to phylo convertible tibble.
tips_by_cladeRetrieve tree tips by clade (node) number from a phylogenetic...
cparsania/phyloR documentation built on Aug. 6, 2020, 7:28 a.m.