
Defines functions add_point_cloud_layer

Documented in add_point_cloud_layer

#' Add a point cloud layer to the deckgl widget
#' The \code{PointCloudLayer} takes in points with 3d positions, normals and colors and renders them as spheres with a certain radius.
#' @inheritParams add_layer
#' @seealso \url{https://deck.gl/#/documentation/deckgl-api-reference/layers/point-cloud-layer}
#' @example inst/examples/deckgl-api-reference/point-cloud-layer.R
#' @export
add_point_cloud_layer <- function(deckgl, data = NULL, properties = list(), ..., id = "point-cloud-layer") {
  add_layer(deckgl, "PointCloudLayer", data, properties, ..., id = id)
crazycapivara/deckgl documentation built on March 29, 2023, 4:10 a.m.