Man pages for cribosch/matchsurv
Excess Risk Estimation for Matched Cohort Survival Data

coef.matchpropexccoefficient estimates
compcompData structured for glm approach in competing risk setting
compdataData structured for matchpropexc
ecif.coefExcess CIF prediction based on newdata and geepack::geese...
ecif.predExcess CIF prediction based on newdata and geepack::geese...
ehaz.plotBaseline cumulative excess estimates arranged to be plotted...
exccumhazCumulative baseline excess hazard estimate
excplotPlotting the cumulative baseline excess hazard
matchpropexcExcess risk paired survival model
predict.matchpropexcPredict cumulative excess hazard or relative survival to simulate matchced survival data in competing risk... to simulate macthed survival data
summary.matchpropexcmodel summary
vcov.matchpropexcvariance and covariance matrix for the coefficient estimates
cribosch/matchsurv documentation built on Aug. 15, 2019, 11:55 a.m.