Man pages for cromanpa94/phruta
Phylogenetic Reconstruction and Time-dating

acc.retrieveRetrieve accession numbers and titles for a genbank search
acc.table.retrieveRetrieve accession numbers and titles for a given combination...
gene.sampling.retrieveRetrieve the distribution of genes for given organism in...
getListConstraintsGet a list of constraints given a taxonomic dataset
sq.addAdd local sequences to previously downloaded sequences
sq.alnAlign sequences
sq.curateCurate sequences from genbank
sq.partitionfinderv1Run Partitionfinder v.1
sq.retrieve.directRetrieve sequences from genbank
sq.retrieve.indirectRetrieve sequences from genbank based on a dataset of...
SW.phrutaScholl and Wiens (2016) phylogenies
taxonomy.retrieveCurate sequences from genbank
tree.constraintTree inference under RAxML
tree.datingTree dating under treePL or
tree.raxmlTree inference under RAxML
tree.roguetaxaRogueNaRok within phruta
cromanpa94/phruta documentation built on May 7, 2023, 4:09 a.m.