
Defines functions all.equal.quotation `%&&%` ifnot as.quo.default as.quo.call as.quo.lazy as.quo.formula as.quo.dots as.quo.function as.quo is.quo is.quotation `expr<-.quotation` `expr<-` expr.quotation expr `env<-.quotation` `env<-` env.quotation env quo_ quo

Documented in as.quo as.quo.formula env expr expr.quotation is.quo is.quotation quo quo_

#' Quotation objects.
#' `quo(expr, env)` captures `expr` without evaluating, and returns a
#' qutation object. A quotation has two parts: an
#' expression `expr(q)` with an environment `env(q)`.
#' (Like in writing, an 'expression' may simply be a set of words, but
#' a 'quotation' comes bundled with a citation, to reference a context
#' in which it was said.)
#' A quo is parallel to a 'promise' which is the data structure R uses
#' to hold lazily evaluated arguments. A quo is different from a
#' promise because it is an immutable data object.
#' As a data object, a quo does not automatically evaluate like a
#' promise, but can be evaluated explicitly with the methods [value]
#' or [force_].  A quo is immutable, so it does not mutate into a
#' "forced" state if you choose to evaluate it; instead `force_(q)`
#' returns a new object in the forced state.
#' A function can capture its arguments as quotations using [`arg`].
#' A [dots] object is a list of quotations.
#' @export
#' @param expr An expression. For `quo` this is taken literally and
#'   not evaluated. For `quo_` this is evaluated normally.
#' @param env An [environment].
#' @param force Whether to evaluate the expression and create a
#'   [forced] quotation.
#' @return `quo_` and `quo` return an object of class "quotation".
#' @aliases quotation
quo <- function(expr, env = arg_env_(quote(expr), environment()), force = FALSE) {
  quo_(arg_expr_(quote(expr), environment()), env = env, force = force)

#' @description
#' `quo_(expr, env)` is the normally evaluating version. It
#' constructs a quotation given an expression and environment.
#' @rdname quo
#' @export
#' @useDynLib nseval _quotation
quo_ <- function(expr, env, force = FALSE) {
  sigil <- function() force # to indicate missing argument
  if(force) {
    .Call("_quotation", sigil, expr, eval(expr, env), sigil);
  } else {
    .Call("_quotation", env, expr, sigil, sigil);

#' @rdname quo
#' @export
env <- function(q) UseMethod("env")

#' @export
#' @useDynLib nseval _env_quotation
env.quotation <- function(q) {
  .Call("_env_quotation", q)

#' @rdname quo
#' @export
#' @param value An updated value.
`env<-` <- function(q, value) {

#' @exportS3Method "env<-" quotation
`env<-.quotation` <- function(q, value) {
  quo_(expr(q), value);

#' @rdname quo
#' @export
expr <- function(q) UseMethod("expr")

#' @rdname quo
#' @export
#' @param q A quotation object.
expr.quotation <- function(q) {
  .Call("_expr_quotation", q)

#' @rdname quo
#' @export
`expr<-` <- function(q, value) {

#' @exportS3Method "expr<-" quotation
`expr<-.quotation` <- function(q, value) {
  quo_(value, env(q))

#' @rdname quo
#' @export
#' @param x Any object.
is.quotation <- function(x) {
  inherits(x, "quotation")

#' @rdname quo
#' @export
is.quo <- function(x) {
  inherits(x, "quotation")

#' @description
#' `as.quo(x)` converts an object into a quotation. Closures,
#' formulas, and single-element [dots] can be converted this way.
#' @return `as.quo` returns a quotation.
#' @export
#' @rdname quo
as.quo <- function(x) {

#' @exportS3Method as.quo "function"
as.quo.function <- function(x) {
  if (is.primitive(x)) stop("can't convert primitive to quotation")
  f <- formals(x)
  if (length(f) != 0) {
    stop("can only convert function to quotation if it has no args")
  quo_(body(x), environment(x))

#' @exportS3Method as.quo quotation
as.quo.quotation <- identity

#' @exportS3Method as.quo dots
as.quo.dots <- function(x) {
  if (length(x) == 1)
    stop("can't convert nonscalar dots to a quotation")

#' @exportS3Method as.quo formula
as.quo.formula <- function(x) {
  expr <- x[[2]]
  env <- attr(x, ".Environment")
  quo_(expr, env)

#' @exportS3Method as.quo lazy
as.quo.lazy <- function(x) {
  quo_(x$expr, x$env)

#' @exportS3Method as.quo call
as.quo.call <- function(x) {
  if (.Call("_is_plausible_quotation", x)) {
    structure(x, class="quotation")
  } else stop("Call doesn't look like a quotation")

#' @exportS3Method as.quo "if"
as.quo.if <- as.quo.call

#' @exportS3Method as.quo default
as.quo.default <- function(x) {
  if (mode(x) == "list") {
    expr <- x$expr
    env <- x$env
  } else {
    stop(paste0("can't convert ", class(x)[1] ," to a quo"))
  quo_(expr, env)

ifnot <- function(a, why) if (!isTRUE(a)) why else a
`%&&%` <- function(a, b) if (!isTRUE(a)) a else b

#' @exportS3Method all.equal quotation
#' @importFrom methods is
all.equal.quotation <- function(target, current, ...) {
  ifnot(is(current, "quotation"), "current is not a quotation") %&&%
    ifnot(all.equal(expr(target), expr(current), ...),
                    "target, current have different expressions") %&&%
    ifnot(forced(target) == forced(current), "only one is forced") %&&%
    if (forced(target))
         ifnot(all.equal(value(target), value(current), ...),
               "target, current have different values")
         else ifnot(identical(env(target), env(current)),
                    "target, current have different environments")
crowding/fexpr documentation built on July 3, 2024, 7:54 p.m.