Probably the best advice you can give about metaprogramming is that it should be minimized.

Think of the "standard" evaluation behavior of R as a baseline which you are making certain minimal exceptions to. Sure, introduce new syntax, but don't break scoping -- sure, bend the rules of scoping, but don't break the operational logic -- sure, have a different operational logic here, but let scope and namespaces behave normally.

This suggests a sort of principle for the design of metaprogramming facilities, rephrasing [Shutt][1]: 1:

Many issues encountered with the base R metaprogramming API arise can be blamed on breaking these rules. For instance, you access the unevaluated parse tree of an argument using substitute(x), but substutute divorces the program text from the lexical environment. But associating program text with environments is how R normally keeps track of scope! So if you want to extend syntax, you end up breaking scoping in the bargain.

This principle also suggests a test to make sure I am on the right track with the nse package: use it to implement R in R.

Specifically, I'll implement eval with R-level implementations of function calling, name lookup, closures, and lazy evaluation, using R-level imitations of NSE builtins like function {, for, <<- such, while deferring to R to provide data structures like environments.

The hope is that this exercise may reveal pressure points and needed methods that will inform the design of the package.

To start with, here is a set of builtins.

builtins <- as.environment(list(
  `{` = function(...) {
    x <- dots(...)
    for (i = 1:length(x)) {
      if (!missing(x[[i]])) { #permit superfluous semicolons
        if (i == length(x)) {
          return value_(x[[i]], eval=reval)
        if (!missing_(x[[i]])) {
          value_(x[[i]], eval=reval) 
          x[[i]] <- NULL
    return NULL

  `(` = function(x) {
    return value_(arg(x), eval=reval)

  `if` = function(x, y, z) {
    if (value_(x[[i]], eval=reval)) {
      force_(y[[i]], eval=reval)
    } else {
      value(y[[i]], eval=reval)

  `switch` = function(EXPR, ...) {
    on <- value_(arg(EXPR), eval=reval)
    alts <- dots(...)
    if (is.numeric(on)) {
    } else {
      if (on %in% names(alts)) {
        return value_(d[[on]])
      } else {
        if (names(alts)[[length(alts)]] %in% c("", NULL)) {
          value_(alts[[length(alts)]], eval=reval)
      } else NULL
    d <- dots(...)

  `while` <- function(cond, body) {
    cond <- arg(cond)
    body <- arg(body)
    while(force_(cond)) {

  `break` <- function(cond, body) {
    # ???condition handling???

  `repeat` <- function(body) {
    body <- arg(body)
    repeat {

  `function` = function(formals, body) {
    function_(arg_expr(formals), arg_expr(body), caller())

  `<-` = function(lval, rval) {
    lval <- arg(lval)
    rval <- arg(rval)
    munge_assignment(lval, rval,
                     then = function(lval, rval) {
                       assign(env(lval), value_(rval))

  `<<-` = function(lval, rval) {
    lval <- arg(lval)
    rval <- arg(rval)
      then = function(lval, rval) {
        where <- locate(lval, parent.env(env(lval)))
        assign(expr(lval), value_(rval), envir = where)
        # maybe where[[expr(lval)]] %<-% value_(rval)

  `UseMethod` = function(generic, object) {
    # ??? s3 dispatch ???

  `NextMethod` = function(generic = NULL, object = NULL, ...) {


munge_assignment <- function(lval, rval) {
  switch(mode(expr(lval)) {
    "name"=list(lval, rval),
    "character"=list(lval, rval),
      munge_lval(something(lval), something(rval))

After that throat-clearing, now to tackle 'eval'.

reval <- function(expr, env) {
         name = {
           if (where <- find(expr, env)) {
             if (is_promise_(expr, env)) {
               #force a binding
               arg <- arg_get_(expr, env)
               result <- force_(arg, eval=reval)
               where <- force_(arg, eval=reval)
             } else {
               get(expr, env, mode=value)
           } else {

         call = {

           stop("Could not switch")


 else {

    call = {
      f <- reval(expr[[1]], env)

crowding/nse documentation built on Jan. 5, 2024, 12:14 a.m.