Dear Dr. Editor,

thank you very much for taking the time to consider our manuscript for publication at r rmarkdown::metadata$journal. In the following we address your and each reviewers' concerns point-by-point.

Reviewer #1

:::reviewer This is a reviewer comment :::

This is our response

\Assignment{First Author} \WorkInProgress \Easy

:::reviewer \label{pt:foo} This is a reviewer comment

Still a comment :::

This is our response.

This is a section quoted from the revised manuscript to illustrate the change.

\Assignment{Second Author} \AlmostDone \Medium

:::reviewer This is a reviewer comment :::

This is our response. Also see RC \@ref(pt:foo)

\Assignment{First Author} \Done \TimeConsuming \Hard \NotEstimated

Reviewer 2

:::reviewer This is a reviewer comment :::

This is our response

References {-}

::: {#refs custom-style="Bibliography"} :::

crsh/papaja documentation built on Feb. 21, 2024, 6:11 p.m.