Man pages for crtahlin/medplot
Web application developed to facilitate the exploration and analysis of longitudinal data.

addErrorMessageAdds an error message to error message list
checkifCombinationExistsChecks if combination of groups exists
downloadPlotCode to generate a downloadable file containing plot...
draw1stLevelLabelsDraws labels for the 1st level groups
draw2ndLevelLabelsDraws labels for the 2nd level groups
drawLevelLabelsDraw labels and lines for groups
drawLineAbove1stLevelDraws lines above 1st level groups
drawLineBelow1stLevelDraws lines below 1st level groups
drawLineBelow2ndLevelDraws lines below 2nd level groups
findFirstRowof1stLevelFinds first row of 1st level group
findFirstRowof2ndLevelFinds first row of 2nd level group
findLastRowof1stLevelFinds last row of 1st level group
findLastRowof2ndLevelFinds last row of 2nd level group
importSymptomsDataFunction that imports data for the plotSymptoms plot
importSymptomsPatientsFunction that imports PATIENTS Excel tab for the plotSymptoms...
isolateTestsGets all test results written in a cell
medplotOnlineFunction to load the medplot plotSymptoms shiny web app
permCorrPValueMultivariate permutation test for correcting the P value
plotCIPloting confidence intervals
plotClusterDendrogramPlot dendrogram of patient groups based on symptoms.
plotClusterHeatmapPlot clustered heatmaps.
plotClustersofPatientsPlot clusters of patients based on symptoms.
plotDeathsPlots a death of a patient with a special character
plotDendrogramPlot dendrogram of patient groups based on symptoms.
plotDistributionPlots of distribution of the symptoms
plotDistributionBoxplotPlots boxplots of symptoms.
plotLogistfPlot logistf
plotPropPositivePlot proportions with symptoms
plotPropPositiveCIPlot of confidence intervals for proportions for groups an...
plotPropWithSymptomsPlot proportions with symptoms
plotPropWithSymptomsCIPlot of confidence intervals for proportions for groups an...
plotRCSPlot RCS
plot.rcs.modPlot RSC MOD ??? TODO : help contents
plotRCSmodPlot RCS MOD ??? TODO : help contents
plotSymptomsTimelinePlot timeline of symptom presence
plotTestsPlot test results
plotTimelinePlot timeline of symptom presence
plotTimelineBoxplotsPlot timeline boxplots
plotTimelineProfilesPlot profiles for variables.
sortDataSort results data
summarizeDataTables summarizing data
tabelizeBoxplotsBoxplots data in form of a table
tabelizeLogistfOBSOLETE Plot logistf # #
tabelizeRCSRestricted cubic spline P values in tabular form
tableAllWithSymptomsTable for both groups
tableLogistfOBSOLETE Plot logistf # #
tableMediansWithSymptomsTable with medians
tableMeGroupsTable with medians
tablePropPosGroupsTable with proportions
tablePropWithSymptomsTable with proportions
tableRCSRestricted cubic spline P values in tabular form
crtahlin/medplot documentation built on May 14, 2019, 12:05 p.m.