plotTests: Plot test results

Description Usage Details


Function that plots which test results were positive for a subject on a certain day.


plotTests(data, figureParameters, fileName, generateTooltips = TRUE,
  sortMethod = "DateIn")


The function is primarily meant to be called from MS Excel through the RExcel plugin and not used directly from R. Data is sent from Excel and drawn on a graph by this R function. The output contains two graphs: A and B.

The A graph shows the test results for subjects (y-axis) on certain days (x-axis). The results are represented by colored dots and can be divided in groups and subgroups (two levels), depending on the nature of data.

The B graph shows, via a barchart, how many results were positive on a certain day for a certain group.

crtahlin/medplot documentation built on May 14, 2019, 12:05 p.m.