Man pages for crubba/crmisc
Functions used in projects by Christian Rubba

absolute_diffAbsolute diff
aroundPrint a data frame row and its neighbors
clean_nameCleans name
dirs.createCreating multiple directories
encode_germanEncode german
equal_lengthEqual length
extract_nameExtracts parts from character vectors of names using simple...
headerBuild header
header12Generate header 12
header23Generate header 23
is_emptyEmpty object
is_urlIs string a URL?
left_fillFills values from left
list_getExtracts elements from a list based on index
lowercaseConverts a string to lowercase based on index
parent_dirParent dir
plot_modelplot the mode
right_fillFills values from right
rm_str_whiteRemove white space from string
rolling_fillRolling fill
run_modelRun the mode
stan2codaConverts stan to coda object
stantabCreate table of convergence diagnostics
takeTakes elements from a character vector based on Regular...
theme_crTheme by Christian Rubba
to_numericChanges vectors to numeric.
uppercaseConverts a string to uppercase based on index
crubba/crmisc documentation built on May 14, 2019, 12:05 p.m.