Man pages for csclab/RMut
RMut: a collective framework for mutations analysis in network dynamics

amrnArabidopsis morphogenesis regulatory network.
calCentralityCalculate node-/edge-based centralities of a network or a set...
calSensitivityCompute sensitivity values of node/edge groups
cchsCell cycle pathway of the species Homo sapiens.
ccsnCanonical cell signaling network.
cdrnCell differentiation regulatory network.
createRBNsCreate a set of random networks.
findAttractorsIdentifies attractors of a network.
findFBLsIdentifies feedback loops in a network or in a set of...
findFFLsIdentifies feedforward loops in a network or in a set of...
generateGroupGenerate a specific group of nodes/edges.
generateGroupsGenerate random node/edge groups.
generateRuleGenerate a default set of update-rules.
generateStateGenerate a specific initial-state.
generateStatesGenerate random initial-states.
hsnHuman signaling network.
initJVMInitialize the Java Virtual Machine.
loadNetworkLoads a network from a file.
outputExports all node/edge/network attributes of a network or a...
perturbPerturb a set of node/edge groups.
printSensitivityPrint out the sensitivity values of node/edge groups
restoreRestore a set of node/edge groups.
RMut-packageAn R package for investigating different types of mutations...
setOpenclEnables or disables OpenCL computation.
showOpenclShows OpenCL information.
csclab/RMut documentation built on May 14, 2019, 12:07 p.m.