
STOP_named_list <- function(x) {
  if (!is_list(x)) {
    arg <- deparse(substitute(x))
    msg <- paste0("'", arg, "' should be a named list.")

STOP_invalid_names <- function(x, ok_nms) {
  nms <- names(x)
  if (length(nms) && !all(nms %in% ok_nms)) {
    arg <- deparse(substitute(x))
    msg <- paste0("Invalid named element specified in '", arg, "'. ",
                  "The following names are allowed: ")
    stop2(msg, commas(ok_nms))

# Error message when the argument contains an object of the incorrect type
STOP_arg <- function(arg_name, type) {
  stop(paste0("'", arg_name, "' should be a ", paste0(type, collapse = " or "),
              " object or a list of those objects."), call. = FALSE)
csetraynor/rstanhaz documentation built on May 9, 2019, 8:14 a.m.