Man pages for cshannum/unequalgroupoutlier
Anomaly Detection in Unequal Length Functional Data (Title Case)

bootstrap_CBootstrap a cutoff value to identify anomalies
bootstrap_C.alphaAlpha method to bootstrap a cutoff value to identify...
bootstrap_C.depthBootstrap a cutoff value to identify anomalies
choose_knotsChoose knots over data with unequal lengths
depth_OutliersIdentify anomalous coefficients using depth
Mixed_Model_Spline_FitFitting Mixed Models with Splines
Mixed_Spline_Fit_SingleFitting single dataset with mixed models and splines
Mixed_Spline_ModelCreate matrices for the mixed model with splines
piecewise_poly_basis_funTruncated Piecewise polynomial basis
radial_basis_funRadial basis
Unequal_ToyDataCreate Unequal functional data
cshannum/unequalgroupoutlier documentation built on May 13, 2019, 11:10 a.m.