
#' ---
#' title: "README"
#' author: "csiu"
#' date: "November 8, 2015"
#' output:
#'   html_document:
#'     keep_md: TRUE
#' ---
#' In this directory, I attempt to tidy the candy survey data
#' ## The survey columns
#' Categories of questions in the survey related to candy:
#' | Category | Response | Ideal Response class | Done?/Script # |
#' |:--------:|:--------:|:--------------------:|:-------:|
#' | Timestamp | Timestamp | time | [#3]( |
#' | Going trick or treating? | {yes, no} | logical | [#3]( |
#' | Age | free text | should be int | [#5]( |
#' | [the candy] | {joy, despair} | logical | [#6]( |
#' | Other joy candy | free text | list | [] |
#' | Other despair candy | free text | list | [] |
#' | Comments | free text | text | [] |
#' Categories of questions in the survey not-related to candy:
#' | Category | Response | Ideal Response class | Tidied? |
#' |:--------:|:--------:|:--------------------:|:-------:|
#' | guess mints in hand | free text | should be int | [#4]( |
#' | Betty or Veronica? | {Betty, Veronica, ??} | factor | [#3]( |
#' | tears when | multiple choice (can select more than 1) | maybe factor | [] |
#' | the dress | {blue and black, white and gold} | factor | [#3]( |
#' | favorite font | free text | should be factor | [] |
#' | intelligent design | multiple choice + other | should be factor | [] |
#' | [separation] | {1, 2, 3+} | factor | [] |
#' | Imitation | {Flattery, Laziness, Lazily flattering someone} | factor | [#3]( |
#' | Friday vs Sunday | {Friday, Sunday} | factor | [#3]( |
#' ## Combining the good data
#' The following will combine the tidy data from the separate csv files:

infiles <- list.files(".", pattern = "\\d{2}_tidy\\d.*csv$")

round1 = TRUE
for (f in infiles){
  dat1 <- read_csv(f)
  if (round1){
    round1 = FALSE
    candysurvey <- dat1
  } else {
    candysurvey <- left_join(candysurvey, dat1, by = "user")

candysurvey <- candysurvey %>%

#' Write out tidy candy survey data
write_csv(candysurvey, path = "../inst/candysurvey.csv")

#' To Robject
## save integer info
candysurvey_age <- candysurvey$age
candysurvey_nmint <- candysurvey$n_mints

## convert everything to factor
candysurvey <- sapply(candysurvey, FUN = factor, USE.NAMES = FALSE) %>% %>%

## convert integers
candysurvey$age <- candysurvey_age
candysurvey$n_mints <- candysurvey_nmint

## convert other
candysurvey <- candysurvey %>%
    user = as.character(user),
    trick_or_treat = as.logical(trick_or_treat)

## save robject
devtools::use_data(candysurvey, overwrite = TRUE)
csiu/candysurvey documentation built on May 14, 2019, 12:24 p.m.