Man pages for csoneson/DuoClustering2018
Data, Clustering Results and Visualization Functions From Duò et al (2018)

ari_dfHelp function for computing ARI
clustering_summary_v1Clustering summaries
clustering_summary_v2Clustering summaries
duo_clustering_all_parameter_settings_v1Hyperparameter values
duo_clustering_all_parameter_settings_v2Hyperparameter values
plot_entropyPlot entropy of cluster assignments
plot_k_diffPlot differences between optimal, estimated and true number...
plot_performancePlot performance of clustering methods
plot_stabilityPlot stability of methods
plot_timingPlot timing of methods
sce_full_KohKoh data sets
sce_full_KumarKumar data sets
sce_full_SimKumarSimKumar data sets
sce_full_TrapnellTrapnell data sets
sce_full_ZhengmixZheng data sets
shannon_entropyCalculate Shannon entropy
csoneson/DuoClustering2018 documentation built on Dec. 25, 2024, 2:05 p.m.