Vignette Info

The langnetr package was built to help the user easily convert lists of words into network objects based on an edit distance of 1. A set of functions (starting with "dd.") were added to this package to make it easy for the user to analyze the degree distributions of the language network. This vignette will demonstrate how to use the "degree distribution" functions in this package using made up data.

Note that the process for fitting a power law (and other distributions) to the data was directly replicated from the poweRlaw R package - These are a merely a set of helper functions to automate the processes specific to the needs of a language researcher (me!).

Set up and create a fake distribution for demonstration

library(poweRlaw) # this needs to loaded as well for the langnetr package to play nice...

# make a random small world network
network <-, 5000, 1, 0.35, loops = FALSE, multiple = FALSE)

# use the helper function to "make" the degree distribution of a given network 
distribution <- getdegdist(network)

Fit various distributions to the data

A power law, log-normal, exponential, and Poisson distributions were fitted to the raw data. The estimates argument is used to decide what outputs should be returned. If estimates = T the optimal xmin and estimated parameters are returned. If estimates = F the fitted model is returned and should be saved as an object for subsequent analyses.

fitpl(distribution, estimates = T) # get estimates <- fitpl(distribution, estimates = F) # get fitted model 

fitln(distribution, estimates = T) 
model.ln <- fitln(distribution, estimates = F)

fitex(distribution, estimates = T) 
model.ex <- fitex(distribution, estimates = F)

fitpo(distribution, estimates = T) 
model.po <- fitpo(distribution, estimates = F)

Visualize the fits

Plots a nice-ish figure of the raw data with the fits of various distributions.


Get uncertainty estimates for power law fit

The getplsd() function characterizes the uncertainty of the parameter estimates through bootstrapping and the results of the bootstrap can be visualized. If getraw = F summary statistics from the bootstrap are returned (xmin mean, xmin sd, alpha mean, alpha sd). If getraw = T the raw output of the bootstrap is returned.

getplsd(, getraw = F) # get estimates 
# xmin mean, xmin sd, alpha mean, alpha sd
bsresults <- getplsd(, getraw = T) # returns the raw outputs of the bootstrap 

# visualize the output of the bootstrap using the raw bootstrap output 
hist(bsresults$bootstraps[,2], xlab = 'xmin estimates', 
     main = 'xmin bootstrap estimates') # histogram of uncertainty of xmin
hist(bsresults$bootstraps[,3], xlab = 'alpha estimates',
     main = 'alpha bootstrap estimates') # histogram of uncertainty of alpha

plot(bsresults, trim=0.1) # trim=0.1 only displays the final 90% of iterations
# The top row shows the mean estimate of parameters xmin, alpha and ntail. 
# The bottom row shows the estimate of standard deviation for each parameter. 
# The dashed-lines give approximate 95% confidence intervals.

Test the power law fit to the data

Because it is possible to fit a power law to any data, it is important to establish that the power fit IS in fact a good fit to the data. The testpl() function tests the goodness of fit of the power law to the data through bootstrapping and the results of the bootstrap can be visualized. If getraw = F summary statistics from the bootstrap are returned (xmin mean, xmin sd, alpha mean, alpha sd, p value). If getraw = T the raw output of the bootstrap is returned.

testpl(, getraw = F) # get estimates 
# xmin mean, xmin sd, alpha mean, alpha sd, p value
bspresults <- testpl(, getraw = T) # returns the raw outputs of the bootstrap 

# visualize the results 
plot(bspresults, trim=0.1) # includes the p-value of the test of pl distribution

Here are the two competing hypotheses:

Interpreting the p-value: If p value is not significant, we cannot reject H0, i.e., we cannot rule out the power law model.

Comparing distributions

"A second approach to test the power law hypothesis is a direct comparison of two models. A standard technique is to use Vuong’s test, which a likelihood ratio test for model selection using the Kullback-Leibler criteria. The test statistic, R, is the ratio of the log-likelihoods of the data between the two competing models. The sign of R indicates which model is better. Since the value of R is obviously subject to error, we use the method proposed by Vuong (1989)." [from Gillespie's Vignette on Comparing Distributions]

cpdist(, model.ln, output = F) # returns 2-sided and 1-sided p-values 
cpdist(, model.ex, output = F)
cpdist(, model.po, output = F)

Here are the two competing hypotheses:

The results of the Vuong's test are very confusing. Here is what it means...

2-sided p-value:

1-sided p-value:

m1 = left, m2 = right

if sig, m1 is better

if not sig, m1 isn't better than m2 (but does that mean that m2 is better? i.e., is the test symmetrical?)

csqsiew/langnetr documentation built on May 14, 2019, 10:37 a.m.