create_response_lookup_table: Create a Lookup Table for Response Variables

Description Usage Arguments Value


For each variable response in the responses to a question, this function creates a row which contains the variable, its recode value if the question uses recode values, and the corresponding text for the given variable response. The exact format of the output lookup table (dataframe) is dictated by the question type depending on whether it is a multiple answer question, a multiple choice single answer question, or a matrix single answer question. Note that this function only creates a lookup table for each response which appears in the responses.





A list of questions extracted from a Qualtrics QSF file with responses inserted into them.


A dataframe with columns "var", "recode_value", and "text", where each row corresponds to a unique variable response to the question.

ctesta01/QualtricsTools documentation built on May 14, 2019, 12:27 p.m.