Man pages for ctriandafillou/cat.extras the x and y values in a model where y is maximum
fit_induction_sigmoidFit induction curve data with a sigmoid
fit_induction_sigmoid_baseFit induction curve data with a sigmoid
fit_mmFit a mixture of two Gaussians to groups of data
fit_mm_greenFit a mixture of two Gaussians to fluorescence intensities of...
fit_mm_sizeFit a mixture of two Gaussians to groups of data
fitness_aucGenerate area under the curve for fitness data
general.poly.fitGeneral polynomial fitting function
gen_rolling_meanCalculate rolling mean of a generic column in a dataframe...
return_log2_labelsHelper function to make log2 labels for axes
scale_loglogScientific log-log scale
scale_loglog2Scientific log2 scale
scale_x_log10niceScientific log scale for x
scale_x_log2niceScientific log2 scale for x
scale_y_log10niceScientific log scale for y
scale_y_log2niceScientific log2 scale for y
scientific_10Scientific 10
sigmoidpHluorin Calibration Curve Analysis
theme_ct_stresspHPaper plotting theme
theme_densityDensity plotting theme
ctriandafillou/cat.extras documentation built on Aug. 27, 2020, 11:04 p.m.