platform_define_survey: Describe a survey of a platform and register it

View source: R/platform.R

platform_define_surveyR Documentation

Describe a survey of a platform and register it


Describe configuration of a survey and the mapping from DB names & coding to R names & factor levels. A call to this function is needed to register a survey in the package before to use other survey functions. Usually it is done in the platform definition file, which is loaded by load_platform() function


  survey_id = NULL,
  table = NULL,
  mapping = list(),
  labels = NULL,
  codes = NULL,
  recodes = list(),
  single.table = FALSE,
  geo.column = NULL,
  template = NULL,



unique name of the survey


id of the survey in the database


name of the default table storing response of the survey


Mapping from DB names (in value) and R names for each survey variables.


list of labels


list of codes *deprecated*


list of recoding


boolean, TRUE if survey uses single table model


name of the variable (R names)


name of the template to override


extra parameters to set for the survey


invisibly return the survey_definition object


The mapping allows to automatically transform db names to R names (more meaningfull and error-proof) each times data are loaded using 'survey_load_results()'


for each variable, it is possible to give a list(label1=code1, label2=code2) where 'code1', 'code2' will be recoded to the corresponding label The idea is to give a human meaningful label to each numeric code used to store response value for questions based on an option list.

It is a good pratice to use variable style names (character + dot), without space and in english. Those labels could be translated later to another language in the analysis output (graphs, tables & so on). This aimed to produced shareable and language agnostic programs. For a given questions, all options should also start with the same prefix to allow quick selection of theses labels based on patterns

For example: main.activity = c('activity.fulltime'='0','activity.partial'='1','activity.self'='2', 'activity.student'='3','activity.home'='4','activity.unemployed'='5','activity.sick'='6','activity.retired'='7', 'activity.other'=8),

Will describe recoding for the question named 'main.activity' (using attributed name, never the DB name).


labels are named list of labels (a label is just a character string). It is used to manipulate list of names for various purposes : list for variables for multi-valued questions (from "checkboxes"), a label provide a "name" to identify the list of all variables corresponding to one question. It is also used to get the list of recoded labels for a qualitative question.

One of common labels is "symptoms" in weekly survey definition, providing the list of the variables names for symptoms question.

See Also



Other platform: create_survey_definition(), load_platform(), platform_import()

cturbelin/ifnBase documentation built on Aug. 26, 2024, 12:54 p.m.