
Defines functions walk_files extract_archive download_url

Documented in extract_archive walk_files

# https://github.com/pytorch/audio/blob/master/torchaudio/datasets/utils.py
# no documentation found

#' @keywords internal
download_url <- function(url, destfile, checksum) {
  p <- utils::download.file(url = url, destfile = destfile)

  if (!tools::md5sum(destfile) == checksum)
    runtime_error(glue::glue("MD5 sums are not identical for file: {destfile}."))


#' Extract Archive
#' @param from_path  (str): the path of the archive.
#' @param to_path  (str, optional): the root path of the extraced files (directory of from_path) (Default: ``NULL``)
#' @param overwrite  (bool, optional): overwrite existing files (Default: ``FALSE``)
#' @return list: List of paths to extracted files even if not overwritten.
#' @examples
#'if(torch::torch_is_installed()) {
#' url = 'http://www.quest.dcs.shef.ac.uk/wmt16_files_mmt/validation.tar.gz'
#' d <- fs::dir_create(tempdir(), "torchaudio")
#' from_path <- fs::path(d, basename(url))
#' utils::download.file(url = url, destfile = from_path)
#' torchaudio::extract_archive (from_path, d)
#' }
#' @export
extract_archive <- function(from_path, to_path = NULL, overwrite = FALSE) {
  ext_file <- fs::path_ext(from_path)
  if(ext_file %in% "zip") {
    utils::unzip(zipfile = from_path, exdir = to_path, overwrite = overwrite)
  } else if(grepl("tar", from_path)) {
    utils::untar(tarfile = from_path, exdir = path.expand(to_path))

#' List recursively all files ending with a suffix at a given root
#' @param root  (str): Path to directory whose folders need to be listed
#' @param suffix  (str or tuple): Suffix of the files to match, e.g. '.png' or ('.jpg', '.png').
#'            It uses the Python "str.endswith" method and is passed directly
#' @param prefix  (bool, optional): If TRUE, prepends the full path to each result, otherwise
#'            only returns the name of the files found  (Default: ``FALSE``)
#' @param remove_suffix  (bool, optional): If TRUE, removes the suffix to each result defined in suffix,
#'            otherwise will return the result as found  (Default: ``FALSE``).
#' @keywords internal
walk_files <- function(
  prefix = FALSE,
  remove_suffix = FALSE
) {
  out <- list.files(root, pattern = suffix, full.names = prefix, recursive = TRUE)
  if(remove_suffix) out <- gsub(suffix, "", out)

curso-r/torchaudio documentation built on May 4, 2023, 2:27 a.m.