
Defines functions NCT_cor_auto

NCT_cor_auto <- function(data1, 
                         gamma = 0.5, 
                         it = 100, 
                         verbose = TRUE
  if (verbose) message("Note: polychoric correlations input has not been validated.")
  # Dit is nu een simpele wrapper om NCT:
    data1 = data1,
    data2 = data2,
    gamma = gamma,
    it = it,
    binary.data = FALSE,
    paired = paired,
    weighted = weighted,
    test.edges = test.edges,
    edges = edges,
    progressbar = progressbar,
    make.positive.definite = make.positive.definite,
    p.adjust.methods = p.adjust.methods,
    estimator = NCT_estimator_GGM,
    estimatorArgs = list(gamma = gamma, make.positive.definite = make.positive.definite, corMethod = "cor_auto"),
    verbose = verbose
  # #### June 13 2017
  # #### Note that the use of cor_auto in combination with NCT is not validated
  # #### When treating the data as ordinal, you assume that the data comes from a normal distribution and is thresholded into ordinal categories. When using that in NCT, you make the additional assumption that the thresholding is similar in both groups. It is the question whether this is a plausible assumption. If you do not want to assume this, you might want to treat the data as normal in the ordinary NCT. 
  # if (missing(gamma)) gamma <- 0.5
  # if (progressbar==TRUE) pb <- txtProgressBar(max=it, style = 3)
  # x1 <- data1
  # x2 <- data2
  # nobs1 <- nrow(x1)
  # nobs2 <- nrow(x2)
  # dataall <- rbind(x1,x2)
  # data.list <- list(x1,x2)
  # b <- 1:(nobs1+nobs2)
  # nvars <- ncol(x1)
  # nedges <- nvars*(nvars-1)/2
  # glstrinv.perm <- glstrinv.real <- nwinv.real <- nwinv.perm <- c()
  # diffedges.perm <- matrix(0,it,nedges) 
  # einv.perm.all <- array(NA,dim=c(nvars, nvars, it))
  # corrpvals.all <- matrix(NA,nvars,nvars)
  # edges.pvalmattemp <- matrix(0,nvars,nvars)
  # #####################################
  # #####        Real data          #####
  # #####################################
  #   cor_x1 <- cor_auto(x1, verbose=FALSE)
  #   cor_x2 <- cor_auto(x2, verbose=FALSE)
  #   if(make.positive.definite){
  #     cor_x1 <- matrix(nearPD(cor_x1, corr=TRUE)$mat, ncol = nvars)
  #     cor_x1 <- (cor_x1 + t(cor_x1)) / 2 # make symmetric
  #     cor_x2 <- matrix(nearPD(cor_x2, corr=TRUE)$mat, ncol = nvars)
  #     cor_x2 <- (cor_x2 + t(cor_x2)) / 2 # make symmetric
  #   }
  #   nw1 <- EBICglasso(cor_x1, nrow(x1),gamma=gamma)
  #   nw2 <- EBICglasso(cor_x2, nrow(x2),gamma=gamma)
  #   if(weighted==FALSE){
  #     nw1=(nw1!=0)*1
  #     nw2=(nw2!=0)*1
  #   }
  #   ##### Invariance measures #####
  #   ## Global strength invariance
  #   glstrinv.real <- abs(sum(abs(nw1[upper.tri(nw1)]))-sum(abs(nw2[upper.tri(nw2)])))
  #   # global strength of individual networks
  #   glstrinv.sep <- c(sum(abs(nw1[upper.tri(nw1)])), sum(abs(nw2[upper.tri(nw2)])))
  #   ## Individual edge invariance
  #   diffedges.real <- abs(nw1-nw2)[upper.tri(abs(nw1-nw2))] 
  #   diffedges.realmat <- matrix(diffedges.real,it,nedges,byrow=TRUE)
  #   diffedges.realoutput <- abs(nw1-nw2)
  #   ## Network structure invariance
  #   nwinv.real <- max(diffedges.real)
  #   #####################################
  #   #####     Start permutations    #####
  #   #####################################
  #   for (i in 1:it)
  #   {
  #     diffedges.permtemp <- matrix(0, nvars, nvars)
  #     # If not paired data
  #     if(paired==FALSE)
  #     {
  #       s <- sample(1:(nobs1+nobs2),nobs1,replace=FALSE)
  #       x1perm <- dataall[s,]
  #       x2perm <- dataall[b[-s],]
  #       cor_x1 <- cor_auto(x1perm, verbose=FALSE)
  #       cor_x2 <- cor_auto(x2perm, verbose=FALSE)
  #       if(make.positive.definite){
  #         cor_x1 <- matrix(nearPD(cor_x1, corr=TRUE)$mat, ncol = nvars)
  #         cor_x1 <- (cor_x1 + t(cor_x1)) / 2 # make symmetric
  #         cor_x2 <- matrix(nearPD(cor_x2, corr=TRUE)$mat, ncol = nvars)
  #         cor_x2 <- (cor_x2 + t(cor_x2)) / 2 # make symmetric
  #       }
  #       r1perm <- EBICglasso(cor_x1, nrow(x1perm),gamma=gamma)
  #       r2perm <- EBICglasso(cor_x2, nrow(x2perm),gamma=gamma)
  #       if(weighted==FALSE){
  #         r1perm=(r1perm!=0)*1
  #         r2perm=(r2perm!=0)*1
  #       }
  #     }
  #     # If paired data
  #     if(paired==TRUE)
  #     {
  #       s <- sample(c(1,2),nobs1,replace=TRUE)
  #       x1perm <- x1[s==1,]
  #       x1perm <- rbind(x1perm,x2[s==2,])
  #       x2perm <- x2[s==1,]
  #       x2perm <- rbind(x2perm,x1[s==2,])
  #       cor_x1 <- cor_auto(x1perm, verbose=FALSE)
  #       cor_x2 <- cor_auto(x2perm, verbose=FALSE)
  #       if(make.positive.definite){
  #         cor_x1 <- matrix(nearPD(cor_x1, corr=TRUE)$mat, ncol = nvars)
  #         cor_x1 <- (cor_x1 + t(cor_x1)) / 2 # make symmetric
  #         cor_x2 <- matrix(nearPD(cor_x2, corr=TRUE)$mat, ncol = nvars)
  #         cor_x2 <- (cor_x2 + t(cor_x2)) / 2 # make symmetric
  #       }
  #       r1perm <- EBICglasso(cor_x1,nrow(x1perm),gamma=gamma)
  #       r2perm <- EBICglasso(cor_x2,nrow(x2perm),gamma=gamma)
  #       if(weighted==FALSE){
  #         r1perm=(r1perm!=0)*1
  #         r2perm=(r2perm!=0)*1
  #       }
  #     }
  #     ## Invariance measures for permuted data
  #     glstrinv.perm[i] <- abs(sum(abs(r1perm[upper.tri(r1perm)]))-sum(abs(r2perm[upper.tri(r2perm)])))
  #     diffedges.perm[i,] <- abs(r1perm-r2perm)[upper.tri(abs(r1perm-r2perm))]
  #     diffedges.permtemp[upper.tri(diffedges.permtemp, diag=FALSE)] <- diffedges.perm[i,]
  #     diffedges.permtemp <- diffedges.permtemp + t(diffedges.permtemp)
  #     einv.perm.all[,,i] <- diffedges.permtemp
  #     nwinv.perm[i] <- max(diffedges.perm[i,])
  #     if (progressbar==TRUE) setTxtProgressBar(pb, i)
  #   }
  #   #####################################
  #   #####      End permutations     #####
  #   #####################################
  #   #####################################
  #   #####     Calculate p-values    #####
  #   #####################################
  #   if(test.edges==TRUE)
  #   {
  #     # vector with uncorrected p values
  #     edges.pvaltemp <- colSums(diffedges.perm >= diffedges.realmat)/it 
  #     ## If all edges should be tested
  #     if(is.character(edges))
  #     {
  #       # corrected p-values (or not if p.adjust.methods='none')
  #       corrpvals.all.temp <- round(p.adjust(edges.pvaltemp, method=p.adjust.methods),3)
  #       # matrix with corrected p values
  #       corrpvals.all
  #       corrpvals.all[upper.tri(corrpvals.all,diag=FALSE)] <- corrpvals.all.temp 
  #       rownames(corrpvals.all) <- colnames(corrpvals.all) <- colnames(x1)
  #       einv.pvals <- melt(corrpvals.all, na.rm=TRUE, value.name = 'p-value')
  #       einv.perm <- einv.perm.all
  #       einv.real <- diffedges.realoutput
  #     }
  #     ## If a selection of edges should be tested
  #     if(is.list(edges))
  #     {
  #       einv.perm <- matrix(NA,it,length(edges))
  #       colnames(einv.perm) <- edges
  #       uncorrpvals <- einv.real <- pairs <- c()
  #       # matrix with uncorrected p values
  #       edges.pvalmattemp[upper.tri(edges.pvalmattemp,diag=FALSE)] <- edges.pvaltemp
  #       edges.pvalmattemp <- edges.pvalmattemp + t(edges.pvalmattemp)
  #       for(j in 1:length(edges))
  #       {
  #         pairs <- rbind(pairs, c(colnames(x1)[edges[[j]][1]], colnames(x1)[edges[[j]][2]]))
  #         uncorrpvals[j] <- edges.pvalmattemp[edges[[j]][1],edges[[j]][2]]
  #         einv.real[j] <- diffedges.realoutput[edges[[j]][1],edges[[j]][2]]
  #         for(l in 1:it){
  #           einv.perm[l,j] <- einv.perm.all[,,l][edges[[j]][1],edges[[j]][2]]
  #         }
  #       }
  #       corrpvals <- p.adjust(uncorrpvals, method=p.adjust.methods)
  #       corrpvals_mat <- matrix(NA,length(edges),3)
  #       corrpvals_mat[,3] <- corrpvals
  #       corrpvals_mat[,1:2] <- pairs
  #       einv.pvals <- as.data.frame(corrpvals_mat)
  #       colnames(einv.pvals) <- c('Var1', 'Var2', 'p-value')
  #     }
  #     edges.tested <- colnames(einv.perm)
  #     res <- list(glstrinv.real = glstrinv.real,
  #                 glstrinv.sep = glstrinv.sep,
  #                 glstrinv.pval = sum(glstrinv.perm >= glstrinv.real)/it, 
  #                 glstrinv.perm = glstrinv.perm,
  #                 nwinv.real = nwinv.real,
  #                 nwinv.pval = sum(nwinv.perm >= nwinv.real)/it, 
  #                 nwinv.perm = nwinv.perm,
  #                 edges.tested = edges.tested,
  #                 einv.real = einv.real,
  #                 einv.pvals = einv.pvals,
  #                 einv.perm = einv.perm, 
  #                 nw1 = nw1,
  #                 nw2 = nw2)
  #   }
  #   #####################################
  #   #####      End p-value calc     #####
  #   #####################################
  #   if (progressbar==TRUE) close(pb)
  #   if(test.edges==FALSE) 
  #   {
  #     res <- list(
  #       glstrinv.real = glstrinv.real, 
  #       glstrinv.sep = glstrinv.sep,
  #       glstrinv.pval = sum(glstrinv.perm >= glstrinv.real)/it, 
  #       glstrinv.perm = glstrinv.perm,
  #       nwinv.real = nwinv.real,
  #       nwinv.pval = sum(nwinv.perm >= nwinv.real)/it,
  #       nwinv.perm = nwinv.perm, 
  #       nw1 = nw1,
  #       nw2 = nw2
  #     )
  #   }
  # class(res) <- "NCT"
  # return(res)
cvborkulo/NetworkComparisonTest documentation built on Sept. 8, 2023, 1:21 p.m.