d18O_evap_isotope_frac: Equilibrium Isotope Fractionation Factor

Description Usage Arguments Value References

View source: R/d18O_evap_functions.R


Calculates the equilibrium isotope fractionation factor at the temperature of the air-water interface based on Eq. 16a in Gibson et al. (2016) or Eq. 1.6 in Mook (2000). Returns this value as the ratio in liquid vs. the ratio in vapor (i.e., LV form, alpha > 1). Gibson et al. refer to this formulation as alpha+ and to the VL form (i.e., alpha < 1) as alpha*. Krabbenhoft et al. (1990) use alpha* (i.e, VL form, alpha < 1) in their equations.


d18O_evap_isotope_frac(ltmp, method = "Gibson")



lake surface temperature (K)


equation to use, defaults to "Gibson" but can also be "Mook".


alpha (-), the equilibrium isotope fractionation factor in LV form (i.e., alpha > 1)


Gibson, J.J., S.J. Birks, and Y. Yi. 2016. Stable isotope mass balance of lakes: a contemporary perspective. Quaternary Science Reviews, 131:316-328. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.quascirev.2015.04.013

Mook, W.G. (ed.) 2000. Environmental Isotopes in the Hydrologic Cycle: Volume III: Surface Water. UNESCO. Paris, France.

Krabbenhoft, D. P., C. J. Bowser, M. P. Anderson, and J. W. Valley. (1990). Estimating Groundwater Exchange with Lakes: 1. The Stable Isotope Mass Balance Method. Water Resources Research, 26(10):2445-2453. https://doi.org/10.1029/WR026i010p02445

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