Basic Linear Regression

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This package integrates the basic elements in the linear regression based on BIOSTAT650. The main function mylm will return a list of 5 items, They are:

results: dataframe, with similar format with summary(lm)

residuals: The residuals of the model

R.square: The R^2 which demonstrate the percentage of variance in Y explained by the model

R.square.adj: The adjusted of R^2

SSE: The sum of square errors in the model

Also, the function will automatically plot the partial regression plots for MLR and residual plot for SLR to test "linearity" assumption. Residuals v.s. Y_fit is also generated to test "constant variance" assumption

Help pages are available for "mylm" and "categorize", using help(mylm) and help(categorize) to check

The example dataset named with "mydata" was generated from the reference below:

Morgenstern, Lewis B., et al. "Fatalism, optimism, spirituality, depressive symptoms, and stroke outcome: a population-based analysis." Stroke 42.12 (2011): 3518-3523.

To install this package:

devtools::install_github("cyclopenta/mylinear", build_vignettes = TRUE)

The further tutorial could be viewed by


cyclopenta/mylinear documentation built on Dec. 19, 2021, 7:07 p.m.