# global plot parameters

opts_chunk$set(fig.width = 6, fig.align = 'center')

knit_hooks$set(fig.height = function(before, options, envir) {
  if (before) {
    par(mar = c(4, 4, 0.5, 1))

# use raster output to avoid artifacts
image <- function(...) {
  graphics::image(..., useRaster = T)

Importing a binary file

Let us assume to have just captured some samples from your RTL-SDR device, for example with:

rtl_sdr signal.bin -f 433.8e6 -s 1e6

This command tunes the device to 433.8 MHz and start capturing samples at a rate of 1 million per second (1 MHz).

In this walkthrough we will use the example/signal.bin.bz2 file which represents the signal generated by a RF remote control.

signal <- iq::FromFile('../example/signal.bin.bz2',
                       carrier.frequency = 433.8e6,
                       sample.rate       = 1e6)

This file has been compressed with bzip2 in order to save some space but as you can see, iq::FromFile handles the decompression transparently.

signal is a named list with some useful (read-only) fields, in particular:

Files produced in this way may quickly grow quite large and thus become hard to manage and especially to plot, for this reason iq extracts and convert the samples only when explicitly needed.

Spectral analysis

A first thing we may want to do with our signal is to take a quick look at its spectrogram. We do so using the iq::Spectrogram function setting a limit to the number segments that are extracted from the signal.

The default FFT window in iq is a rectangular window 1024 samples wide.

spectrogram <- iq::Spectrogram(signal, n.segments = 500)

The resulting object is a named list:

This format is conveniently supported by graphics::image.

spectrogram$y <- spectrogram$y / 1e6 # from Hz to MHz

      xlab = 'Time (s)',
      ylab = 'Frequency (MHz)')

If we want to focus on a single segment we can use the iq::Spectrogram function, we will plot the spectrum at two different times to see the differences. The resulting object is a named list:

Both vectors are window$size long.

spectrum <- iq::Spectrum(signal, at.time = 0.1)

plot(spectrum$frequency / 1e6, spectrum$power,
     type = 'l',
     ylim = c(-100, 0),
     xlab = 'Frequency (MHz)',
     ylab = 'Power (dB)')

Compare now with the spectrum computed during the actual transmission.

spectrum <- iq::Spectrum(signal, at.time = 0.3)
plot(spectrum$frequency / 1e6, spectrum$power,
     type = 'l',
     ylim = c(-100, 0),
     xlab = 'Frequency (MHz)',
     ylab = 'Power (dB)')

Now that we have a fair overview of the signal we may want to have a more in-depth view of some particular portion, possibly changing the FFT window function this time. There are a few builtin window function available, let us try with a Hamming window 2048 samples wide. Follow its plot.

hamming.2048 <- iq::Hamming(2048)

x <- 0:(hamming.2048$size - 1)
plot(x, hamming.2048$value(x),
     type = 'l',
     ylim = c(0, 1),
     xlab = 'Samples',
     ylab = 'Amplitude')

Using this window we plot the spectrogram of the second transmission burst.

spectrogram <- iq::Spectrogram(signal,
                               n.segments = 500,
                               from.time  = 0.14,
                               to.time    = 0.22,
                               window     = hamming.2048)
spectrogram$y <- spectrogram$y / 1e6

      xlab = 'Time (s)',
      ylab = 'Frequency (MHz)')

Magnitude analysis

In order to analyze the signal magnitude we need to explicitly extract the actual I/Q samples from the signal. iq::SampleRange does exactly this allowing us to specify the maximum number of samples returned (and the time/sample range as we will see). Here we are extracting just 1000 samples from the whole signal.

range <- iq::SampleRange(signal, max.samples = 1000)

range is a named list with two fields:

To compute the signal magnitude we can use the utility function iq::Magnitude as follows:

plot(range$time, iq::Magnitude(range$iq),
     type = 'l',
     xlab = 'Time (s)',
     ylab = '')

Using 1000 samples only definitely strips away a lot of details but at least we can get a glimpse of what is the structure of our signal: we can see the 4 distinct bursts of transmission we already noticed in the spectrogram. As previously mantioned, our signal is produced by a general purpose RF remote control which keeps repeating the same pattern as long as one keeps pressing the corresponding button on the device.

Let us focus on the third burst for example. We need to extract another range of samples, this time we need to also specify the time range in seconds.

range <- iq::SampleRange(signal,
                         from.time   = 0.275,
                         to.time     = 0.325,
                         max.samples = 5000)
plot(range$time, iq::Magnitude(range$iq),
     type = 'l',
     xlab = 'Time (s)',
     ylab = '')

We could also cleanup the signal and emphasize the pattern. For example we can threshold the magnitude using 0.4 as break-point.

pattern <- ifelse(iq::Magnitude(range$iq) < 0.4, 0, 1)
plot(range$time, pattern,
     type = 'l',
     yaxt = 'n',
     xlab = 'Time (s)',
     ylab = '')

polygon(range$time, pattern, col = 'black')

Resampling and exporting

Similarly to iq::SampleRange it is possible to create a new signal by cutting and resampling another one. This is useful in combination with iq::ToFile which allows to save a signal in the usual binary format. So for example we now try to extract the above range using a lower sample rate (1 KHz instead of 1 Mhz).

signal.1khz <- iq::Resample(signal,
                            from.time       = 0.275,
                            to.time         = 0.325,
                            new.sample.rate = 1e3)

Notice how we do not need to specify a time range this time when extracting the I/Q values.

range <- iq::SampleRange(signal.1khz)
plot(range$time, iq::Magnitude(range$iq),
     type = 'l',
     xlab = 'Time (s)',
     ylab = '')

As you can see this plot is quite different from the above, this is because the chosen sample rate is to low. A sampling rate of 1 KHz means that two consecutive samples are spaced by 1 ms and our resampled signal is just 50 ms long and exibits about 40 level changes. Let us try with 10 KHz instead.

signal.10khz <- iq::Resample(signal,
                             from.time       = 0.275,
                             to.time         = 0.325,
                             new.sample.rate = 10e3)
range <- iq::SampleRange(signal.10khz)

plot(range$time, iq::Magnitude(range$iq),
     type = 'l',
     xlab = 'Time (s)',
     ylab = '')

Now the result is acceptable, at least the pattern is clearly visible. We can now save this new signal to a file:

iq::ToFile(signal.10khz, 'example/signal-10khz.bin.bz2')

iq::ToFile uses the file extension to apply the proper compression automatically, if supported. Here for example we are using bzip2.

cyrus-and/iq documentation built on May 14, 2019, 1:40 p.m.