Man pages for cytomining/cytominer
Methods for Image-Based Cell Profiling

aggregateAggregate data based on given grouping.
correlation_thresholdRemove redundant variables.
count_na_rowsCount the number of 'NA's per variable.
covarianceCompute covariance matrix and vectorize.
cytominer-packagecytominer: Methods for Image-Based Cell Profiling
drop_na_columnsRemove variables with NA values.
drop_na_rowsDrop rows that are 'NA' in all specified variables.
extract_subpopulationsExtract subpopulations.
find_significant_pcsFind significant PC's given the eigenvalues.
generalized_logGeneralized log transform data.
generate_component_matrixA sparse matrix for sparse random projection.
huskHusk data.
mark_outlier_rowsMark outlier rows.
normalizeNormalize observation variables.
replicate_correlationMeasure replicate correlation of variables.
sparse_random_projectionReduce the dimensionality of a population using sparse random...
spherizeSpherize data.
stratifyStratify operations.
svd_entropyFeature importance based on data entropy.
transformTransform observation variables.
variable_importanceMeasure variable importance.
variable_selectSelect observation variables.
variance_thresholdRemove variables with near-zero variance.
cytomining/cytominer documentation built on July 5, 2023, 3:34 a.m.