Man pages for dakep/stat305templates
STAT 305 Templates for learnr

begin_sectionBegin a section.
clicker_questionCreate a clicker question.
create_sectionsCreate a series of sections, displayed sequentially.
enable_safe_evalEnable Safe Evaluation of User Code for 'learnr' Exercises
end_sectionEnd a section.
examExam Format
get_exam_idReturn the exam ID on the server
get_lab_idReturn the lab ID on the server
get_session_dataGet the default session data
init_sectionsInitialize sections for this session
knit_printKnitr clicker question print methods
labOnline Lab Format
lab_name_inputAdd a text input for the user's name and id
mcquestionMultipe-Choice Question
precompile_rmdPrecompile HTML files
question_is_correct.text_regexpCheck the answer to a text question against a regular...
question_is_valid.text_regexpValidate a text question which checks the answer against a...
question_poolCreate a question with answers randomly taken from the pool...
question_ui_initialize.text_regexpInitialize a text question which checks the answer against a...
read_session_cookieRead or Create the Session Cookie
render_lab_answersRender and Validate Lab Answers
render_markdown_as_htmlRender markdown text as HTML
render_rmd_serverRender the given R Markdown file _on the server_
set_session_dataGet the default session data
set_session_seedSet/get the "master" seed for the stat305templates package.
setup_psql_event_storeRecord 'learnr' User-Events in PostgreSQL
show_sectionShow a specific section.
start_user_sessionStart or Resume a User Session
stat305templatesTemplates and Utility Functions for 'learnr'
submit_lab_btnAdd a button to submit the lab.
text_questionAdd a text question.
worksheetWorksheet Format
dakep/stat305templates documentation built on Nov. 27, 2022, 8:23 a.m.