render_lab_answers: Render and Validate Lab Answers

render_lab_answersR Documentation

Render and Validate Lab Answers


Renders and validates lab answers generated by and downloaded from a lab tutorial.


render_lab_answers(filename, output_dir = NULL, zip_archive)



path to the lab answer file.


the output directory for the rendered answer file. If NULL, the output directory depends on the type of the file. If it is a markdown file, the output will be saved in the directory of the input. If it is a ZIP archive, all the files in the ZIP file will be rendered in the current working directory.


is the given file a ZIP archive? If yes, process all files in the archive. By default, files ending in ".zip" are treated as ZIP archives.

dakep/stat305templates documentation built on Nov. 27, 2022, 8:23 a.m.