Man pages for dalejbarr/autocorr
Autocorrelation toolkit for multilevel data

blst_quantilesCompute quantiles of random effect variances
blst_studiesSample of study random effect variances
consolidate_resultsConsolidate Simulation Results
cov_fnGenerate autocorrelation function
errsimSimulate Autocorrelated Errors
fit_2x2Fit models to 2x2 data with autocorrelated errors
fit_practice_modelsFit Models to Simulated Practice Data
fit_stroopFit GAMM and LMEM Models to Simulated Stroop Data
kkl_dfResiduals from the KKL dataset (table format)
kkl_mxResiduals from the KKL dataset (matrix format)
mcsimMonte Carlo Simulation of Data Analysis with Trial-by-Trial...
shuffleShuffle Trial Order
shuffle_altAlternating Trial Order
sim_2x2Simulate 2x2 data with autocorrelated errors
sim_2x2_crossedSimulate 2x2 data with autocorrelated errors
simfit_practice_allSimulate Practice-Effect Data and Fit All Models
sim_practiceSimulate data with a practice effect
simulate_stroopSimulate Stroop Factorial Data
stat_gpGenerate Gaussian time-series with autocorrelation
stroop_ML3Data from the Many Labs 3 Stroop Task
stroop_modModel Parameters and Residuals from Stroop ML3
tvacfTime-Varying Autocorrelation Function
dalejbarr/autocorr documentation built on March 27, 2021, 3:03 a.m.