Man pages for dami82/easyPubMed
Search and Retrieve Scientific Publication Records from PubMed

easyPubMed-classClass easyPubMed.
easyPubMed-packageRetrieve and Process Scientific Publication Records from...
easyPubMed-printPrint method of the easyPubMed Class.
easyPubMed-showShow method of the easyPubMed Class.
EPM_auth_parseParse and Format Author Names and Affiliations.
EPM_check_guideCheck Metadata from Imported XML Files.
EPM_custom_grepCustom XML Tag Matching.
EPM_date_parseParse and Format a Pubmed Date Field.
EPM_decode_xml_metaDecode an XML String into the Corresponding Metadata.
EPM_detect_pmidDetect PubMed Record Identifiers.
EPM_efetch_basic_qSubmit a Query to the NCBI EFetch Server.
EPM_encode_meta_to_xmlEncode Metadata to an XML String.
EPM_esearch_basic_qSubmit a Query to the NCBI ESearch Server.
EPM_esearch_efetch_seqRetrieve Results via an Esearch and Efetch sequence.
EPM_esearch_parseParse Responses from the NCBI ESearch Server.
epm_fetchFetch Raw Records from Pubmed.
epm_import_xmlImport PubMed Records from Local Files.
EPM_init_unique_keyGenerate a Unique Query Key.
EPM_job_splitSplit A PubMed Retrieval Job into Manageable Batches.
EPM_mesh_parseParse and Format Pubmed MeSH terms.
epm_parseExtract Information from a Raw PubMed Record.
epm_parse_recordExtract Information from a Raw PubMed Record.
EPM_prep_outfileMap Job Batches to Filenames.
epm_querySearch for PubMed Records.
epm_query_by_fulltitleQuery PubMed by Full-length Title.
epm_query_by_pmidQuery PubMed by PMIDs.
EPM_read_xmlImport PubMed Records Saved Locally in XML Format.
EPM_reference_parseParse and Format References.
EPM_retrieve_dataSubmit a Query and Retrieve Results from PubMed.
epm_samplesPreprocessed PubMed Records and Data
epm_stopwordsPubMed Query Stopwords
EPM_submit_qSubmit a Query and Read the Response from the Server.
EPM_validate_fetch_paramsValidate Parameters of a PubMed Retrieval Job.
EPM_validate_parse_paramsValidate Parameters of a PubMed Record Parsing Job.
EPM_write_to_fileWrite PubMed Records to Local Files.
EPM_zerofillHarmonize the Elements of a Vector by Adding Leading Zeros.
fetchEPMDataMethod fetchEPMData.
fetch_pubmed_dataRetrieve PubMed Data in XML or TXT Format
get_epm_dataGet Processed Data from an easyPubMed Object.
getEPMDataMethod getEPMData.
getEPMJobListMethod getEPMJobList.
get_epm_metaGet Meta Data from an easyPubMed Object.
getEPMMetaMethod getEPMMeta.
getEPMMiscMethod getEPMMisc.
getEPMQueryMethod getEPMQuery.
get_epm_rawGet Raw Data from an easyPubMed Object.
getEPMRawMethod getEPMRaw.
get_epm_uilistGet PubMed Record Identifiers from an easyPubMed Object.
getEPMUilistMethod getEPMUilist.
get_pubmed_idsSimple PubMed Record Search
parseEPMDataMethod parseEPMData.
setEPMDataMethod setEPMData.
setEPMJobListMethod setEPMJobList.
setEPMMetaMethod setEPMMeta.
setEPMMiscMethod setEPMMisc.
setEPMQueryMethod setEPMQuery.
setEPMRawMethod setEPMRaw.
setEPMUilistMethod setEPMUilist.
table_articles_byAuthExtract Publication and Affiliation Data from PubMed Records
dami82/easyPubMed documentation built on Jan. 4, 2024, 6:21 a.m.