Man pages for danStich/shadia
American shad dam passage performance standard model for R

additionalEggsProcessingProcessing for egg calculations
addStochListAdd stochasticity to a list
androscogginRiverModelAndroscoggin River Model
annualUpstreamAnnual upstream migration parameters
arr.BArrival regression parameters for bucks
arr.RArrival regression parameters for roes
assignFishToPUAssign fish to routes
assignFishToRoutesAssign fish to routes
b.parmsvon Bertalanffy growth parameters for bucks
b.parms_merrimackvon Bertalanffy growth parameters for roes
CICalculate 95 percent confidence intervals
connecticutRiverModelConnecticut River Model
createPUMatrixCreate production unit matrix
ctr_proj45Projected daily river temperatures (RCP4.5) in CT River, USA
ctr_proj85Projected daily river temperatures (RCP8.5) in CT River, USA
defineHabitatProduction potential definition
defineHydroSystemDefinition of hydro system
defineOutputVectorsDefine simulation output vectors and pre-allocate memory
definePassageRatesAssign upstream and downstream passage efficiencies
downstreamMigrationDownstream migration model
fillOutputVectorsFill output vectors on loop completion
fishGrowth data for Connecticut River American shad
fwFishingMortAssign freshwater fishing mortality
getMaturityGet maturity schedule
getMaxAgeGet maximum age
getPhotoperiodGet maturity schedule
get_rkm1Get rkm1
hudson_bluebackLength and mass of Hudson River American shad
hudson_shadLength and mass of Hudson River American shad
innerLoopSamplingStochastic sampling of annual variables
invlogitInverse logit
kennebecRiverModelKennebec River Model
length_weightLength-weight regression coefficients for American shad
merrimackRiverModelMerrimack River Model
mohawkHudsonRiverModelMohawk-Hudson River Model
nextGenerationProject population to the next year
penobscotRiverModelPenobscot River Model
pnr_proj45Projected daily river temperatures (RCP4.5) in Penobscot...
pnr_proj85Projected daily river temperatures (RCP8.5) in Penobscot...
populationMatricesDefine in-river population matrices
postSpawnMortalityDefine in-river population matrices
processCohortsProcess numbers of fish by age, sex, PU, and migration route
processPopulationProcess population
rcp45_sstProjected sea surface temperatures RCP 4.5
rcp85_sstProjected sea surface temperatures RCP 4.5
regionsRegion-system key for von Bertalanffy growth estimates
r.parmsvon Bertalanffy growth parameters for roes
r.parms_merrimackvon Bertalanffy growth parameters for roes
sacoRiverModelSaco River Model
scalePopScale population to speed computations
setScalarSet population scalar for small rivers
setUpTemperatureDataSet up data for simulations
shadiashadia: American shad dam passage performance standard models...
simDailyTemperaturesSimulate (or retrieve) daily temperatures
simGrowthSimulate growth parameters
simMarineSSimulate marine survival
simStartingPopCreate starting population
simTemperatureSimulate daily temperatures
substrRightSubstring right
susquehannaRiverModelSusquehanna River Model
tempDConnecticut River temperatures, Stratford, NH, USA
tempDataPenobscot River temperatures, Eddington, ME, USA
tempData_androscogginAndroscoggin River Temperatures
tempData_connecticutConnecticut River temperatures, Turner's Falls, MA, USA.
tempData_hudsonHudson River Temperatures
tempData_kennebecKennebec River Temperatures
tempData_merrimackSouth Branch Piscataqoug River near Goffstown, NH, USA
tempData_sacoSaco River at River Street in Bartlett, NH
tempData_susquehannaSusquehanna River at Danville, PA
upstreamMortAssign upstream mortality during upstream passage of dams.
vbgf_aggSex-aggregate von Bertalanffy growth parameters for American...
vbgf_fFemale von Bertalanffy growth parameters for American shad
vbgf_hudson_aggSex-aggregate von Bertalanffy growth parameters for blueback...
vbgf_hudson_fFemale von Bertalanffy growth parameters for blueback herring...
vbgf_hudson_mFemale von Bertalanffy growth parameters for blueback herring...
vbgf_kennebec_bbh_aggSex-aggregate von Bertalanffy growth parameters for blueback...
vbgf_kennebec_bbh_fFemale von Bertalanffy growth parameters for blueback herring...
vbgf_kennebec_bbh_mFemale von Bertalanffy growth parameters for blueback herring...
vbgf_mMale von Bertalanffy growth parameters for American shad
writeDataWrite simulation results
danStich/shadia documentation built on Aug. 28, 2024, 9:42 p.m.