Man pages for danielmarcelino/SciencesPo
A Tool Set for Analyzing Political Behavior Data

abortionHaberman's Abortion, Education, and Religion Data
anonymizeTo Make Anonymous a Data Frame
ArialNarrowArial Narrow font name R variable aliases
AsNumericClean up a character vector to make it numeric
AsShareClean up a character vector to make it a percent
atkinsonAtkinson Index of Inequality
bootstrapMethod for Bootstrapping
checkThemeFontsSciencesPo Base Fonts
color_partyPolitical Parties Color Palette (Discrete) and Scales
CondorcetCondorcet Voting
describeSummary Statistics Table
dHondtThe D'Hondt Method of Allocating Seats Proportionally
DummifyGenerate Dummy Variables in a Data Frame
exportDataExport data in a tabular file
exportPlotExport a plot as PDF, EPS and PNG at once
fill_partyPolitical Parties Color Palette (Discrete) and Scales
findModeFind the most frequently occurring value (mode)
fontSelectorFont selector, internal helper function
FootnoteAdd Footnote to ggplot2 Objects
FormattedSome Formats for Nicer Display
freqSimple Frequency Table
FrequencyFrequency Table
geometricMeanCalculate a geometric mean
getDirichletDensityThe Dirichlet-Multinomial Distribution
getDirichletSamplesThe Dirichlet-Multinomial Distribution
giniGini Coefficient G
habermanHaberman's Positive Margin no Three-way Interaction MLE
hamiltonThe Hamilton Method of Allocating Seats Proportionally
harmonicMeanCalculate a harmonic mean
herfindahlHerfindahl Index of Concentration
highestAveragesHighest Averages Methods of Allocating Seats Proportionally
is.discreteDetermine if a vector is discrete.
is.emptyCheck if a data frame is empty.
is.formulaIs a formula? Checks if argument is a formula
jackknifeResamples Data Using The Jackknife Method
largestRemaindersLargest Remainders Methods of Allocating Seats Proportionally
list_palettesList all available palettes
lorenzThe Lorenz Curve
modalValueCompute the Modal Value (Mode)
myTab'Rcpp' table function is faster than 'base::table' R...
normalizeUnity-based normalization
normalizeVariableNamesNormalize Variable Names
normalTransformNormal transformation
PairCountCondorcet Voting
paletteLoad a palette in hex definition
palette_infoShow details of specific palette
party_palPolitical Parties Color Palette (Discrete) and Scales
PermutateCreate k random permutations of a vector
pipePipe operator
plot_palettesPlot available palettes
PlottingPlot Customizing
politicalDiversityPolitical Diversity Indices
politicsPolitics by Personality
printPrint method for objects of class 'SciencesPo'.
proportionalityIndexes of (Disproportionality) Proportionality
prunePrune a numeric vector
pub_shapesShape scales for theme_pub (discrete)
recodeValuesRecode or Replace Values With New Values
RenderRender layer on top of a ggplot
rescaleRescale a numeric vector
RunShinyAppExamples from the SciencesPo Package
scale_manualSciencesPo colors and fills for ggplot2.
scale_x_percentX & Y scales with opinionated pre-sets for percent & comma...
SchulzeCondorcet Voting
SciencesPoA Tool Set for Analyzing Political Behavior Data
SciencesPo.PalettesPalette data for the themes used by package
shape_pubShape scales for theme_pub (discrete)
SimpsonGini-Simpson Index
SortfactorsRe-sort Factor Levels by Frequency
StratifyRandomly sub-sample data (stratified sampling)
summary.CrosstablePrint Crosstable style
TabRcpp table function is faster than base R
tabMergeA c++ implementation of the tabMerge function
theme_baseA completely blank theme
theme_blankCreate a Completely Empty Theme
theme_darksideThe Dark Side Theme
theme_flexA Flex Theme
theme_plusggplot2 theme
theme_pubSciencesPo Publication Theme
TodayPrint the current date in a pretty format
TwoWayCross Tabulation
untableUntable an Aggregated Data Frame
update_geom_font_defaultsUpdate matching font defaults for text geoms
weightedGeometricMeanCalculate a weighted geometric mean
weightedHarmonicMeanCalculate a weighted harmonic mean
WeightedVarianceWeighted variance
WinsorizeWinsorized Mean
danielmarcelino/SciencesPo documentation built on Oct. 20, 2019, 1:15 a.m.