
title: "oce: an R package for Oceanographic Analysis" tags: - R - oceanography - measurement - data analysis authors: - name: Dan E. Kelley^[Corresponding author.] orcid: 0000-0001-7808-5911 affiliation: 1 - name: Clark Richards orcid: 0000-0002-7833-206X affiliation: 2 - name: Chantelle Layton orcid: 0000-0002-3199-5763 affiliation: 3 affiliations: - name: Dan E. Kelley, Professor, Dalhousie University index: 1 - name: Clark Richards, Research Scientist, Bedford Institute of Oceanography, Department of Fisheries and Oceans, Canada; also Adjunct Professor, Dalhousie University index: 2 - name: Chantelle Layton, Physical Scientist, Bedford Institute of Oceanography, Department of Fisheries and Oceans, Canada index: 3 date: 26 May 2021 year: 2021 bibliography: paper.bib output: rticles::joss_article csl: apa.csl journal: JOSS

Statement of Need

Oceanographic field experiments often employ a suite of instrument types, each reporting data in a different format. Many of these formats are complex and difficult to decode. Manufacturers usually provide software for accessing data produced by their instruments, but it is usually proprietary and closed-source, making it difficult for researchers to analyse their data in novel ways or to combine data from multiple instruments. The oce package [@kelley__aut_oce_2021] addresses such issues in the R language^[The authors are not aware of similarly comprehensive tools in other open-source languages, although there are tools for individual tasks, as noted at, for Python tools.] with functions that handle dozens of data formats. It also has facilities for the specialized calculations and data displays that are particular to oceanography. Since oce is written in the R language [@ihaka_r_1996;@r_core_team_introduction_2021], it forms a link to a vast array of general tools that oceanographers use in their work [@kelley_oceanographic_2018].


The oce package has been hosted since 2009 on CRAN^[CRAN is at], the Comprehensive R Archive Network [@hornik_comprehensive_2012]. The CRAN version, which is updated once or twice a year, may be installed by typing install.packages("oce") in an R console. Users who need newer features may use remotes::install_github("dankelley/oce",ref="develop") to download and build the development branch^[Since some components of oce are written in lower-level languages such as Fortran, C and C++, building the package from source requires compilers for those languages. These are freely available, and an oce wiki page ( explains how they and other things may be set up, on a variety of computer types.]. Those wishing to view or participate in the development process are welcome to do so, at \url{}.

The package has functions for decoding many data formats. These functions return S4 objects with slots holding (a) the data, (b) related metadata, and (c) a log of oce functions that made the object. This is illustrated by executing the following in an R session, for a built-in object creating by reading a profiling instrument called a CTD.

library(oce)                           # load library
data(ctd)                              # load a built-in sample file
slotNames(ctd)                         # see 'slot' names

CTD analysis example. Top left: depth variation of temperature and salinity, with pressure as a surrogate for depth (1 decibar corresponds to approximately 1 metre of depth). Top right: depth variation of a potential density anomaly and the square of the buoyancy frequency, two measures indicating the gravitational stability of the water column. Bottom left: co-variation of salinity and temperature, with contours of potential data anomaly. Bottom-right: map of the study region, gray indicating land.

In practice, slotNames() is seldom used. Rather, the second step after loading an object, or reading it from a data file, is often to get a textual overview with summary(ctd), or a graphical overview. For example,


produces Figure 1, which shows the basic information needed in oceanographic studies.

It is also common to exert fine-grained control of graphical representations, e.g.

plot(ctd, which="temperature")         # results not shown

plots just the temperature variation with depth. The variations of other properties may be shown by setting which appropriately, and this argument may also be used to specify other types of plots, in addition to the depth-variation form.

Besides this "ctd" subclass, oce supports dozens of other subclasses that cover a wide range of oceanographic instrumentation. In every case, the same summary() and plot() function calls provide textual and graphical representations of the data. This specialization of these two generic functions simplifies analysis considerably. For example, if PATTERN is a regular expression that specifies a set of data files, whether of a single instrument type or multiple instrument types, then

for (file in list.files(PATTERN)) {
    d <- read.oce(file)

will provide information about each data file of interest, forming a good first stage of analysis.

Oce also provides other generic functions, including subset() for focusing on subsets of data, handleFlags() for processing data-quality flags, and [[ for accessing data. The last of these is particularly worthy of note, for two reasons.

  1. [[ finds information regardless of where it is stored in the object. For example, a CTD does not measure longitude and latitude, but if these things are known, they will be stored in the metadata slot, not the data slot. Other objects might have longitude in the data slot. This detail is immaterial to users, because [[ looks in both slots. Therefore, code written for one object type will often work for another type.

  2. [[ can access not just information stored within the object, but also things that can be calculated from that information. For example, CTD files typically hold information from which seawater density may be computed [@millero_history_2010;@mcdougall_getting_2011], and so [[ is set up to compute it, with e.g. ctd[["density"]]. This same scheme works for other computable elements.

The [[ function acts as a sort of bridge from the oceanographic realm to the general R realm, with its thousands of useful and well-vetted packages. This is one of the ways in which oce reduces the need to create new tools, letting analysts focus on oceanography, not coding.

Example: Tidal Analysis

A more detailed example may help to solidify some of the key aspects of oce. Many readers will have an interest in tides, so we will work with a record of sea level in Halifax Harbour.

Consider the code given below, which produces Figure 2. A built-in sealevel file is used, to make a reproducible example, but replacing the data() call with a read.sealevel() call will handle data files in standard formats. Note that the tidem() function is fairly sophisticated, with over 500 lines of R code being used to apply the specialized procedures of tidal analysis [@godin_analysis_1972;@pawlowicz_classical_2002;@foreman_versatile_2009].

library(oce)                           # load library
data(sealevel)                         # use built-in example dataset
t <- sealevel[["time"]]                # extract time
eta <- sealevel[["elevation"]]         # extract sea level
m <- tidem(sealevel)                   # fit tidal model
etaDetided <- eta - predict(m)         # de-tide observations
par(mfrow=c(2, 1))                     # set up a two-panel plot
oce.plot.ts(t, eta, xaxs="i",          # top: observed sea level
    grid=TRUE, ylab="Sea level [m]")
oce.plot.ts(t, etaDetided, xaxs="i",   # bottom: de-tided sea level
    grid=TRUE, ylab="De-tided sea level [m]")

Tidal analysis example. Top: sea level variation in Halifax Harbour during the year 2003. Bottom: sea level after removing a fit to the tides.

A comparison of the panels in Figure 2 reveals that tides explain much of the sea level variation in Halifax Harbour. The lower panel illustrates an increase of detided variance during the winter months, as expected at a northern mid-latitude. More surprising is the large spike towards the end of September. This is a result of Hurricane Juan, which swept over Halifax at that time, causing a storm surge of approximately 1.5m that, along with high waves, caused major damage in the harbour [@xu_extreme_2012]. (Readers might find it informative to supply an xlim argument to the plot calls, to narrow in on the event and ponder the significance of its timing with respect to the tide.)


The oce package provides for many aspects of oceanographic analysis, having evolved in an open-source environment for more than a decade. For much of that time, the hosting has been on, where users can see the details of over 9000 git commits and 1700 closed issues. The developers have benefited from a supportive user community, members of which have contributed insightful bug reports and suggestions for improvements. New features are added continually, to handle new instrument types, new data repositories, and new methods. Physical oceanography is a major focus of the package, but we hope this paper will generate interest in other communities, ranging from climatologists to those in marine disciplines such as chemistry and biology. Our other goal is to encourage the development of new R packages, such as argoFloats [@kelley_argofloats_2021], that build upon oce.


We thank the many users who have helped with oce development over the years, by finding bugs, suggesting new features, and providing us with manufacturers' documentation about data formats for various oceanographic instruments. In addition, we thank the editor and reviewers of this manuscript, for their insights and also for their patience during the submission process.


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