Man pages for dankelley/oce
Analysis of Oceanographic Data

abbreviateTimeLabelsAbbreviate a Vector of Times by Removing Commonalities
ad2cpCodeToNameMap AD2CP ID Code to oce Name
ad2cpHeaderValueInfer an Item From a Nortek AD2CP File Header
addSpineAdd a Spine to a section Object
adpSample adp Data
adpAd2cpFileTrimTrim an AD2CP File
adp-classClass to Store Acoustic-Doppler Profiler Data
adpConvertRawToNumericConvert Raw to Numeric Values in an adp Object
adpEnsembleAverageEnsemble Average an adp Object in Time
adpFlagPastBoundaryFlag adp Data Past Water Column Boundary
adp_rdi.000Sample adp File in RDI Format
adpRdiFileTrimTrim an RDI adp File
advSample adv Data
adv-classClass to Store Acoustic-Doppler Velocimeter Data
advSontekAdrFileTrimTrim a Sontek ADR adv File
airRhoAir Density
amsrSample amsr Data (Near Nova Scotia)
amsr-classClass to Store AMSR-2 Satellite Data
angle2hmsConvert Astronomical Angle in Degrees to Hours, Minutes and...
angleRemapConvert Angle From 0:360 to -180:180 Convention
applyMagneticDeclinationAlter an Object to Account for Magnetic Declination (Generic)
applyMagneticDeclination-adp-methodAlter an adp Object to Account for Magnetic Declination
applyMagneticDeclination-adv-methodAlter an adv Object to Account for Magnetic Declination
applyMagneticDeclination-cm-methodAlter a cm Object to Account for Magnetic Declination
applyMagneticDeclination-oce-methodAlter an Object to Account for Magnetic Declination
approx3dTrilinear Interpolation in a 3D Array
argoSample argo Data
argo-classClass to Store Argo Profiler Data
argoGridGrid Argo Float Data
argoJuldToTimeConvert Argo Julian Day to R Time
argoNames2oceNamesConvert Argo Data Name to Oce Name
argShowShow a Function Argument
as.adpCreate an adp Object
as.argoCoerce Data Into an argo Object
as.cmCoerce Data Into a cm Object
as.coastlineCoerce Data Into a coastline Object
as.ctdCoerce Data Into a ctd Object
as.echosounderCoerce Data Into an echosounder Object
as.gpsCoerce Data Into a gps Object
as.ladpCoerce Data Into an ladp object
as.lisstCoerce Data Into a lisst Object
as.loboCoerce Data Into a lobo Object
as.metCoerce Data Into a met Object
as.oceCoerce Something Into an oce Object
as.rskCoerce Data Into a rsk Object
as.sealevelCoerce Data Into a sealevel Object
as.sectionCreate a Section
as.tidemCreate tidem Object From Fitted Harmonic Data
as.topoCoerce Data Into a topo Object
as.unitConvert a String to a Unit
as.windroseCreate a windrose Object
as.xbtCreate an xbt Object
bcdToIntegerConvert a BCD Value to an Integer Value
beamNameGet Names of Acoustic-Doppler Beams
beamToXyzChange the Coordinate System in an adv or adp Object
beamToXyzAdpConvert adp Object From Beam to XYZ Coordinates
beamToXyzAdpAD2CPConvert From Beam to XYZ Coordinates (AD2CP adp Data)
beamToXyzAdvConvert adv Object from Beam Coordinates to XYZ Coordinates
beamUnspreadAdpAdjust adp Object to Account for Spherical Spreading
bilinearInterpBilinear Interpolation Within a Grid
binApply1DApply a Function to Vector Data
binApply2DApply a Function to Matrix Data
binAverageBin-average a Vector y, Based on x Values
binCount1DBin-count Vector Data
binCount2DBin-count Matrix Data
binmapAdpBin-map an adp Object
binMean1DBin-average f=f(x)
binMean2DBin-average f=f(x,y)
bound125Calculate a Bound, Rounded up to Mantissa 1, 2, or 5
bremen-classClass to Store Bremen-formatted Data
byteToBinaryFormat Bytes as Binary (Defunct)
cmSample cm Data
cm-classClass to Store Current Meter Data
cnvName2oceNameInfer Variable Name, Units and Scale From a Seabird Header
coastlineBestFind the Name of the Best Coastline Object
coastline-classClass to Store Coastline Data
coastlineCutCut a Coastline Object at Specified Longitude
coastlineWorldSample coastline Data (Global, at 1:110M scale)
colormapCalculate a Color Map
colormapGMTCreate a GMT-type (CPT) Colormap
compositeCreate a Composite Object by Averaging Across Good Data
composite-amsr-methodCreate a Composite of amsr Satellite Data
composite-list-methodComposite by Averaging Across Data
computableWaterPropertiesDetermine Available Derived Water Properties
concatenateConcatenate oce Objects (Generic)
concatenate-adp-methodConcatenate adp Objects
concatenate-list-methodConcatenate a List of oce Objects
concatenate-oce-methodConcatenate oce Objects (oce-Specific)
coriolisCoriolis Parameter on the Earth
ctdSample ctd Data
ctd_aml.csv.gzSample ctd File in aml Format
CTD_BCD2014666_008_1_DN.ODF.gzSample ctd File in .odf Format
ctd-classClass to Store CTD (or general hydrographic) Data
ctd.cnv.gzSample ctd File in .cnv Format
ctdDecimateDecimate a ctd Profile
ctdFindProfilesFind Profiles Within a Tow-Yow ctd Record
ctdFindProfilesRBRFind Profiles Within a ctd Object Read From a RBR File
ctdRawSample ctd Data, Not Trimmed of Extraneous Data
ctdRepairRepair a Malformed ctd Object
ctdTrimTrim Beginning and Ending of a CTD cast
ctimeToSecondsInterpret a Character String as a Time Interval
curlCurl of 2D Vector Field
d200321-001.ctd.gzSample ctd File in .ctd Format
d201211_0011.cnv.gzSample ctd File in .cnv Format
dataLabelAssociate Data Names With Units
decimateSmooth and Decimate, or Subsample, an oce Object
decodeHeaderNortekDecode a Nortek Header
decodeTimeOce Version of as.POSIXct
defaultFlagsSuggest a Default Flag Vector for Bad or Suspicious Data
despikeRemove Spikes From a Time Series
detrendDetrend a Set of Observations
download.amsrDownload and Cache an amsr File
download.coastlineDownload a coastline File
download.metDownload and Cache a met File
download.topoDownload and Cache a topo File
drawDirectionFieldDraw a Direction Field
drawIsopycnalsAdd Isopycnal Curves to a TS Plot
drawPaletteDraw a Palette, Leaving Margins Suitable for an Accompanying...
echosounderSample echosounder Data
echosounder-classClass to Store Echosounder Data
eclipticalToEquatorialConvert Ecliptical Coordinate to Equatorial Coordinate
enuToOtherRotate Acoustic-Doppler Data to a New Coordinate System
enuToOtherAdpConvert adp Object from ENU Coordinate to Rotated Coordinate
enuToOtherAdvConvert ENU to Other Coordinate
equatorialToLocalHorizontalConvert Equatorial Coordinate to Local Horizontal Coordinate
errorbarsDraw Error Bars on an Existing xy Diagram
fillGapFill a Gap in an oce Object
fillGapMatrixFill a Gap in a Matrix
findBottomFind the Ocean Bottom in an Echosounder Object
firstFiniteGet First Finite Value in a Vector or Array.
formatCIFormat a Confidence Interval
formatPositionFormat Geographical Position in Degrees and Minutes
fullFilenameFull Name of File, Including Path
g1sst-classClass to Store G1SST Satellite/Model Data
gappyIndexCreate a Possibly Gappy Indexing Vector
geodDistCompute Geodesic Distance on Surface of Earth
geodGcGreat-circle Segments Between Points on Earth
geodXyConvert From Geographical to Geodesic Coordinates
geodXyInverseInverse Geodesic Calculation
GMTOffsetFromTzDetermine Time Offset From Timezone
gps-classClass to Store GPS Data
gradCalculate Matrix Gradient
gravityAcceleration Due to Earth Gravity
handleFlagsHandle Flags in oce Objects (Generic)
handleFlags-adp-methodHandle Flags in adp Objects
handleFlags-argo-methodHandle Flags in argo Objects
handleFlags-ctd-methodHandle Flags in ctd Objects
handleFlagsInternalLow-Level Function for Handling Data-Quality Flags
handleFlags-oce-methodHandle Flags in oce Objects
handleFlags-section-methodHandle flags in section Objects
handleFlags-vector-methodSignal Erroneous Application to non-oce Objects
head.oceExtract The Start of an Oce Object
imagepPlot an Image with a Color Palette
initialize-ctd-methodInitialize Storage for a ctd Object
initializeFlagsCreate and Initialize oce Flags
initializeFlags-adp-methodCreate and Initialize adp Flags
initializeFlagSchemeEstablish a Data-Quality Scheme for a oce Object
initializeFlagScheme-ctd-methodEstablish a Data-Quality Scheme for a ctd Object
initializeFlagSchemeInternalEstablish a Data-Quality Scheme for a oce Object
initializeFlagScheme-oce-methodEstablish a Data-Quality Scheme for a oce Object
initializeFlagScheme-section-methodEstablish a Data-Quality Scheme for a section Object
initializeFlagsInternalCreate and Initialize oce Flags
initializeFlags-oce-methodCreate and Initialize oce Flags
integerToAsciiInfer ASCII Code From an Integer Value
integrateTrapezoidTrapezoidal Integration
interpBarnesGrid Data Using the Barnes Algorithm
is.ad2cpTest Whether Item is a ad2cp-Type adp Object
julianCenturyAnomalyConvert Julian-Day-Number to Julian Century
julianDayConvert a Time to a Julian Day
labelWithUnitCreate Label With Unit
ladp-classClass to Store Lowered-adp Data
landsatSample landsat Data
landsatAddAdd a Band to a landsat Object
landsat-classClass to Store Landsat Satellite Data
landsatTrimTrim a landsat Image to a Geographical Region
latFormatFormat a Latitude
latlonFormatFormat a Latitude-Longitude Pair
lisstSample lisst Data
lisst-classClass to Store LISST Data
loboSample lobo Data
lobo-classClass to Store LOBO Data
locationForGswAlter Longitude and Latitude for gsw Computations
lon360Change Longitude From -180:180 to 0:360 Convention
lonFormatFormat a Longitude
longitudeTightenTry to Reduce Section Longitude Range
lonlat2mapConvert Longitude and Latitude to X and Y
lonlat2utmConvert Longitude and Latitude to UTM
lookWithinLook Within the First Element of a List for Replacement...
lowpassLowpass Digital Filtering
magneticFieldEarth Magnetic Declination, Inclination, and Intensity
makeFilterMake a Digital Filter
map2lonlatConvert X and Y to Longitude and Latitude
mapArrowsAdd Arrows to a Map
mapAxisAdd Axis Labels to an Existing Map
mapContourAdd Contours on a Existing map
mapCoordinateSystemDraw a Coordinate System
mapDirectionFieldAdd a Direction Field to an Existing Map
mapGridAdd a Longitude and Latitude Grid to an Existing Map
mapImageAdd an Image to a Map
mapLinesAdd Lines to a Map
mapLocatorLocate Points on a Map
mapLongitudeLatitudeXYConvert From Longitude and Latitude to X and Y
mapPlotDraw a Map
mapPointsAdd Points to a Map
mapPolygonAdd a Polygon to a Map
mapScalebarAdd a Scalebar to a Map
mapTextAdd Text to a Map
mapTissotAdd Tissot Indicatrices to a Map
matchBytesLocate Byte Sequences in a Raw Vector
matrixShiftLongitudeRearrange Areal Matrix so Greenwich is Near the Centre
matrixSmoothSmooth a Matrix
metSample met Data
met-classClass to Store Meteorological Data
metNames2oceNamesConvert met Data Name to oce Name
moonAngleLunar Angle as Function of Space and Time
numberAsHMSConvert a Numeric Time to Hour, Minute, and Second
numberAsPOSIXctConvert a Numeric Time to a POSIXct Time
oceA Package for Oceanographic Analysis
oceApproxInterpolate 1D Data with UNESCO or Reiniger-Ross Algorithm of as.raw() That Clips Data
oceAxisDraw an Axis, Possibly with Decade-style Logarithmic Scaling
oce.axis.POSIXctOce Version of axis.POSIXct
oce-classBase Class for oce Objects
ocecolorsData That Define Some Color Palettes
oceColors9BCreate Colors in a Red-Yellow-Blue Color Scheme
oceColorsCDOMCreate Colors Suitable for CDOM Fields
oceColorsChlorophyllCreate Colors Suitable for chlorophyll Fields
oceColorsClosureCreate Color Functions
oceColorsDensityCreate Colors Suitable for density Fields
oceColorsFreesurfaceCreate Colors Suitable for freesurface Fields
oceColorsGebcoCreate Colors in a GEBCO-like Scheme
oceColorsJetCreate Colors Similar to the Matlab Jet Scheme
oceColorsOxygenCreate Colors Suitable for oxygen Fields
oceColorsPaletteCreate a Vector of Colors
oceColorsPARCreate Colors Suitable for PAR Fields
oceColorsPhaseCreate Colors Suitable for phase Fields
oceColorsSalinityCreate Colors Suitable for salinity Fields
oceColorsTemperatureCreate Colors Suitable for temperature Fields
oceColorsTurbidityCreate Colors Suitable for turbidity Fields
oceColorsTurboCreate Colors Similar to the Google Turbo Scheme
oceColorsTwoCreate Two-Color Palette
oceColorsVelocityCreate Colors Suitable for velocity Fields
oceColorsViridisCreate Colors Similar to the Matlab Viridis Scheme
oceColorsVorticityCreate Colors Suitable for vorticity Fields
oce.contourOce Variant of contour
oceConvolveConvolve Two Time Series
oceCRSCoordinate Reference System Strings for Some Oceans
oceDebugPrint a Debugging Message
oceDeleteDataDelete Something From the data Slot of an oce Object
oceDeleteMetadataDelete Something in an oce metadata Slot
oce-deprecatedDeprecated and Defunct Elements of the oce Package
oceEditEdit an Oce Object
oceFileTrimTrim an oce File
oceFilterFilter a Time Series
oceGetDataExtract Something From the data Slot of an oce Object
oceGetMetadataExtract Something From the metadata Slot of an oce Object
oce.gridAdd a Grid to an Existing Oce Plot
oceMagicFind the Type of an Oceanographic Data File
oceNames2whpNamesTranslate Oce Data Names to WHP Data Names
oce.plot.tsOce Variant of plot.ts
ocePmatchPartial Matching of Strings or Numbers
oceProjectWrapper to sf::sf_project()
oceRenameDataRename Something in the data slot of an oce Object
oceRenameMetadataRename Something in the metadata Slot of an oce Object
oceSetDataSet Something in the data Slot of an oce Object
oceSetMetadataSet Something in the metadata Slot of an oce Object
oceSmoothSmooth an oce Object
oceSpectrumNormalize a Spectrum
oceUnits2whpUnitsTranslate oce Unit to WHP Unit
oce.write.tableWrite the Data Portion of Object to a File
ODF2oceCreate ODF Object From Output of read_ODF in ODF package
odf-classClass to Store ODF Data
ODFListFromHeaderCreate a List of odf Header Metadata
ODFNames2oceNamesTranslate ODF CODE Strings to oce Variable Names
parseLatLonParse a Latitude or Longitude String
plot-adp-methodPlot an adp Object
plot-adv-methodPlot an adv Object
plot-amsr-methodPlot an amsr Object
plot-argo-methodPlot an argo Object
plot-bremen-methodPlot a bremen Object
plot-cm-methodPlot a cm Object
plot-coastline-methodPlot a coastline Object
plot-ctd-methodPlot a ctd Object
plot-echosounder-methodPlot an echosounder Object
plot-gps-methodPlot a gps Object
plotInsetPlot an Inset Diagram
plot-ladp-methodPlot an ladp Object
plot-landsat-methodPlot a landsat Object
plot-lisst-methodPlot a lisst Object
plot-lobo-methodPlot a lobo object
plot-met-methodPlot a met Object
plot-oce-methodPlot an oce Object
plot-odf-methodPlot an odf Object
plotPolarDraw a Polar Plot
plotProfilePlot a ctd Profile
plot-rsk-methodPlot a rsk Object
plot-satellite-methodPlot a satellite Object
plotScanPlot a ctd Object in a Low-Level Fashion
plot-sealevel-methodPlot a sealevel Object
plot-section-methodPlot a section Object
plotSticksDraw a Stick Plot
plotTaylorPlot a Model-data Comparison Diagram
plot-tidem-methodPlot a tidem Object
plot-topo-methodPlot a topo Object
plotTSPlot Temperature-Salinity Diagram
plot-windrose-methodPlot a windrose Object
plot-xbt-methodPlot an xbt Object
predict.tidemPredict a Tidal Signal
preferAdjustedSet Preference for Adjusted Values
presentTimeGet the Present Time, in a Stated Timezone
prettyPositionPretty Longitude/Latitude in Degree-Minute-Second Format
processingLogAppendAppend an Item to a Processing Log
processingLogItemCreate an Item That can be Inserted into a Processing Log
processingLog-setAdd an Item to a Processing Log
processingLogShowShow the Processing Log of an oce Object
pwelchWelch Periodogram
rangeExtendedCalculate Range, Extended a Little, as is Done for Axes
rangeLimitSubstitute NA for Data Outside a Range
read.adpRead an adp File
read.adp.ad2cpRead an adp File in Nortek AD2CP Format
read.adp.nortekRead an adp File in Nortek Format
read.adp.rdiRead an adp File in Teledyne/RDI Format
read.adp.sontekRead an adp File in Sontek Format
read.adp.sontek.serialRead an adp File in Serial Sontek Format
read.advRead an adv File
read.adv.nortekRead an adv File
read.adv.sontek.adrRead an adv File
read.adv.sontek.serialRead an adv File
read.adv.sontek.textRead an adv File
read.amsrRead an amsr File
read.aquadoppRead an adp File in Nortek Aquadopp Format
read.aquadoppHRRead Nortek Aquadopp-HR File
read.aquadoppProfilerRead an adp File in Nortek Aquadopp Format
read.argoRead an Argo Data File
read.argo.copernicusRead an argo File in Copernicus Format
read.bremenRead a bremen File
read.cmRead a cm File
read.coastlineRead a coastline File
read.coastline.openstreetmapRead a coastline File in Openstreetmap Format
read.coastline.shapefileRead a coastline File in Shapefile Format
read.ctdRead a ctd File in General Format
read.ctd.amlRead a ctd File in AML Format
read.ctd.itpRead a ctd File in ITP Format
read.ctd.odfRead a ctd File in odf Format
read.ctd.odvRead a "ctd" File in ODV Format
read.ctd.saivRead a ctd File in SAIV Format
read.ctd.sbeRead a ctd File in Seabird Format
read.ctd.ssdaRead a ctd File in SSDA Format
read.ctd.woceRead a ctd File in WOCE-Exchange Format
read.ctd.woce.otherRead a ctd File in WOCE-Exchange EXPOCODE Format
read.echosounderRead an echosounder File
read.g1sstRead a g1sst File
read.gpsRead a gps File
read.indexRead a NOAA Ocean Index File
read.landsatRead a landsat File Directory
read.lisstRead a lisst File
read.loboRead a lobo File
read.metRead a met File
read.netcdfRead a NetCDF File
read.oceRead an Oceanographic Data File
read.odfRead an odf File
read.rskRead a rsk File
read.sealevelRead a sealevel File
read.sectionRead a section File
read.topoRead a topo File
read.woaRead a World Ocean Atlas NetCDF File
read.xbtRead an xbt file
read.xbt.edfRead an xbt File in Sippican Format
read.xbt.noaa1Read an xbt File in NOAA Format
rescaleRescale Values to lie in a Given Range
resizableLabelVariable Names in Adjustable Sizes
retimeAdjust The Time Within an oce Object
rotateAboutZRotate Velocity Components Within an oce Object
rskSample rsk Data
rsk2ctdCreate a ctd Object from an rsk Object
rsk-classClass to Store Rsk Data
rskPatmEstimate Atmospheric Pressure in an rsk Object
rskTocDecode Table-of-Contents From an rsk File
runlmCalculate Running Linear Models
satellite-classClass to Store Satellite Data
sealevelSample sealevel Data (Halifax Harbour)
sealevel-classClass to Store Sealevel Data
sealevelTuktoyaktukSample sealevel Data (Tuktoyaktuk)
secondsToCtimeExpress Time Interval as Colon-Separated String
sectionSample section Data
sectionAddStationAdd a ctd Profile to a section Object
section-classClass to Store Hydrographic Section Data
sectionGridGrid a Section in Pressure Space
sectionSmoothSmooth a Section
sectionSortSort a Section
setFlagsSet Data-Quality Flags within a oce Object
setFlags-adp-methodSet Data-Quality Flags within a adp Object
setFlags-ctd-methodSet Data-Quality Flags within a ctd Object
setFlags-oce-methodSet Data-Quality Flags within a oce Object
shiftLongitudeShift Longitude to Range -180 to 180
showMetadataItemShow an Item in the metadata Slot of an oce Object
siderealTimeConvert From POSIXt Time to Sidereal Time
snakeToCamelConvert From Snake-Case to Camel-Case Notation
standardDepthsStandard Oceanographic Depths
standardizeLongitudePut Longitude in the Range From -180 to 180
subset-adp-methodSubset an adp Object
subset-adv-methodSubset an adv Object
subset-amsr-methodSubset an amsr Object
subset-argo-methodSubset an argo Object
subset-cm-methodSubset a cm Object
subset-coastline-methodSubset a coastline Object
subset-ctd-methodSubset a ctd Object
subset-echosounder-methodSubset an echosounder Object
subset-lobo-methodSubset a lobo Object
subset-met-methodSubset a met Object
subset-oce-methodSubset an oce Object
subset-odf-methodSubset an odf Object
subset-rsk-methodSubset a rsk Object
subset-sealevel-methodSubset a sealevel Object
subset-section-methodSubset a section Object
subset-topo-methodSubset a topo Object
subset-xbt-methodSubset an xbt Object
sub-sub-adp-methodExtract Something From an adp Object
sub-sub-adv-methodExtract Something from an adv Object
sub-sub-amsr-methodExtract Something From an amsr Object
sub-sub-argo-methodExtract Something From an argo Object
sub-sub-bremen-methodExtract Something From a bremen Object
sub-sub-cm-methodExtract Something From a cm Object
sub-sub-coastline-methodExtract Something From a coastline Object
sub-sub-ctd-methodExtract Something From a ctd Object
sub-sub-echosounder-methodExtract Something From an echosounder Object
sub-sub-g1sst-methodExtract Something From a g1sst Object
sub-sub-gps-methodExtract Something From a gps Object
sub-sub-ladp-methodExtract Something From an ladp Object
sub-sub-landsat-methodExtract Something From a landsat Object
sub-sub-lisst-methodExtract Something From a lisst Object
sub-sub-lobo-methodExtract Something From a lobo Object
sub-sub-met-methodExtract Something From a met Object
sub-sub-oce-methodExtract Something From an oce Object
sub-sub-odf-methodExtract Something From an odf Object
sub-sub-rsk-methodExtract Something From a rsk Object
sub-sub-sealevel-methodExtract Something From a sealevel Object
sub-sub-section-methodExtract Something From a section Object
sub-subset-adp-methodReplace Parts of an adp Object
sub-subset-adv-methodReplace Parts of an adv Object
sub-subset-amsr-methodReplace Parts of an amsr Object
sub-subset-argo-methodReplace Parts of an argo Object
sub-subset-bremen-methodReplace Parts of a bremen Object
sub-subset-cm-methodReplace Parts of a cm Object
sub-subset-coastline-methodReplace Parts of a coastline Object
sub-subset-ctd-methodReplace Parts of a ctd Object
sub-subset-echosounder-methodReplace Parts of an echosounder Object
sub-subset-g1sst-methodReplace Parts of a g1sst Object
sub-subset-gps-methodReplace Parts of a gps Object
sub-subset-ladp-methodReplace Parts of an ladp Object
sub-subset-landsat-methodReplace Parts of a landsat Object
sub-subset-lisst-methodReplace Parts of a lisst Object
sub-subset-lobo-methodReplace Parts of a lobo Object
sub-subset-met-methodReplace Parts of a met Object
sub-subset-oce-methodReplace Parts of an oce Object
sub-subset-odf-methodReplace Parts of an odf Object
sub-subset-rsk-methodReplace Parts of an rsk Object
sub-subset-sealevel-methodReplace Parts of a sealevel Object
sub-subset-section-methodReplace Parts of a section Object
sub-subset-tidem-methodReplace Parts of a tidem Object
sub-subset-topo-methodReplace Parts of a topo Object
sub-subset-windrose-methodReplace Parts of a windrose Object
sub-subset-xbt-methodReplace Parts of an xbt Object
sub-sub-tidem-methodExtract Something From a tidem Object
sub-sub-topo-methodExtract Something From a topo Object
sub-sub-windrose-methodExtract Something From a windrose Object
sub-sub-xbt-methodExtract Something From an xbt Object
subtractBottomVelocitySubtract Bottom Velocity From an adp Object
summary-adp-methodSummarize an adp Object
summary-adv-methodSummarize an adv Object
summary-amsr-methodSummarize an amsr Object
summary-argo-methodSummarize an argo Object
summary-bremen-methodSummarize a bremen Object
summary-cm-methodSummarize a cm Object
summary-coastline-methodSummarize a coastline Object
summary-ctd-methodSummarize a ctd Object
summary-echosounder-methodSummarize an echosounder Object
summary-gps-methodSummarize a gps Object
summary-ladp-methodSummarize an ladp Object
summary-landsat-methodSummarize a landsat Object
summary-lisst-methodSummarize a lisst Object
summary-lobo-methodSummarize a lobo Object
summary-met-methodSummarize a met Object
summary-oce-methodSummarize an oce Object
summary-odf-methodSummarize an odf Object
summary-rsk-methodSummarize a rsk Object
summary-satellite-methodSummarize a satellite Object
summary-sealevel-methodSummarize a sealevel Object
summary-section-methodSummarize a section Object
summary-tidem-methodSummarize a tidem Object
summary-topo-methodSummarize a topo Object
summary-windrose-methodSummarize a windrose Object
summary-xbt-methodSummarize an xbt Object
sunAngleSolar Angle as Function of Space and Time
sunDeclinationRightAscensionSun Declination and Right Ascension
swAbsoluteSalinitySeawater Absolute Salinity (GSW Formulation)
swAlphaSeawater Thermal Expansion Coefficient
swAlphaOverBetaRatio of Seawater Thermal Expansion Coefficient to Haline...
swBetaSeawater Haline Contraction Coefficient
swConservativeTemperatureSeawater Conservative Temperature (GSW Formulation)
swCSTpElectrical Conductivity Ratio From Salinity, Temperature and...
swDepthWater Depth
swDynamicHeightDynamic Height of a Seawater Profile
swLapseRateSeawater Lapse Rate
swN2Squared Buoyancy Frequency for Seawater
swPressureWater Pressure
swRhoSeawater Density
swRrhoDensity Ratio
swSCTpPractical Salinity From Electrical Conductivity, Temperature...
swSigmaSeawater Density Anomaly
swSigma0Seawater Potential Density Anomaly Referenced to Surface...
swSigma1Seawater Potential Density Anomaly Referenced to 1000db...
swSigma2Seawater Potential Density Anomaly Referenced to 2000db...
swSigma3Seawater Potential Density Anomaly Referenced to 3000db...
swSigma4Seawater Potential Density Anomaly Referenced to 4000db...
swSigmaTSeawater Quasi-Potential Density Anomaly
swSigmaThetaSeawater Potential Density Anomaly
swSoundAbsorptionSeawater Sound Absorption
swSoundSpeedSeawater Sound Speed
swSpecificHeatSeawater Specific Heat
swSpiceSeawater Spiciness
swSpiciness0Spiciness in gsw System, Referenced to Surface Pressure
swSpiciness1Spiciness in gsw System, Referenced to 1000 dbar Pressure
swSpiciness2Spiciness in gsw System, Referenced to 2000 dbar Pressure
swSRSeawater Reference Salinity (GSW Formulation)
swSstarSeawater Preformed Salinity (GSW Formulation)
swSTrhoSeawater Salinity From Temperature and Density
swTFreezeSeawater Freezing Temperature
swThermalConductivitySeawater Thermal Conductivity
swThetaSeawater Potential Temperature (UNESCO Version)
swTSrhoSeawater Temperature from Salinity and Density
swViscositySeawater Viscosity
swZVertical Coordinate
T68fromT90Convert From ITS-90 to IPTS-68 Temperature
T90fromT48Convert From ITS-48 to ITS-90 Temperature
T90fromT68Convert From IPTS-68 to ITS-90 Temperature
tail.oceExtract the End of an Oce Object
threenumCalculate Minimum, Mean, and Maximum Values
tidalCurrentTidal Current Dataset
tidedataTidal Constituent Information
tidemFit a Tidal Model to a Timeseries
tidemAstronAstronomical Calculations for tidem
tidem-classClass to Store Tidal Models
tidemConstituentNameFixChange Tidal Constituent Name from T-TIDE to Foreman...
tidemVufNodal Modulation Calculations for Tidal Analyses
timeToArgoJuldConvert Time to Argo Julian Day (juld)
titleCaseCapitalize First Letter of Each of a Vector of Words
toEnuRotate Acoustic-Doppler Data to the ENU Coordinate System
toEnuAdpConvert an adp Object to ENU Coordinates
toEnuAdvConvert an adv Object to ENU Coordinates
topo-classClass to Store Topographic Data
topoInterpolateInterpolate Within a topo Object
topoWorldGlobal Topographic Data (at Half-degree Resolution)
unabbreviateYearDetermine Year From Various Abbreviations
undriftTimeCorrect for Drift in an Instrument Clock
unduplicateNamesRename Duplicated Character Strings
ungridExtract (x, y, z) From (x, y, grid)
unitFromStringDecode Units From Strings
unitFromStringRskInfer rsk Units From a Vector of Strings
unwrapAngleUnwrap an Angle That Suffers Modulo-360 Problems
useHeadingReplace the Heading for One Instrument With That of Another
usrLonLatCalculate Geographic Coordinates of Plot Box
utm2lonlatConvert UTM to Longitude and Latitude
vectorShowShow Some Values From a List, Vector or Matrix
velocityStatisticsReport Statistics of adp or adv Velocities
webtideGet a Tidal Prediction From a WebTide Database
windSample Wind Data
window.oceWindow an oce Object by Time or Distance
windrose-classClass to Store windrose Data
woceNames2oceNamesTranslate WOCE Data Names to Oce Data Names
woceUnit2oceUnitTranslate WOCE Units to oce Units
write.ctdSave a ctd Object in a CSV File
xbtSample xbt Data
xbt-classClass to Store XBT (Expendable Bathythermograph) Data
xbt.edfSample xbt File in .edf Format
xyzToEnuConvert Acoustic-Doppler Data From XYZ to ENU Coordinates
xyzToEnuAdpConvert adp Object From XYZ to ENU Coordinates
xyzToEnuAdpAD2CPConvert adp Object of AD2CP type From XYZ to ENU Coordinates
xyzToEnuAdvConvert an adv Object From XYZ to ENU Coordinates
dankelley/oce documentation built on April 18, 2024, 9:51 a.m.