section: Sample section Data

sectionR Documentation

Sample section Data


This is line A03 (ExpoCode 90CT40_1, with nominal sampling date 1993-09-11). The chief scientist was Tereschenkov of SOI, working aboard the Russian ship Multanovsky, undertaking a westward transect from the Mediterranean outflow region across to North America, with a change of heading in the last few dozen stations to run across the nominal Gulf Stream axis. The data flags follow the "WHP Bottle"convention, set by initializeFlagScheme,section-method() to "WHP bottle". This convention used to be described at the link ⁠⁠ but that was found to fail in December 2020.



Speculation on a timing error

In May 2022, it was discovered that the times in this dataset are not fully sequential, at two spots. This might be a reporting error. Station 41 has time listed as 1993-10-03T00:06:00 and that leads to a time reversal. However, if that time were actually on the day before, then the time reversal would vanish, and the inter-station timing of about 5 to 6 hours would be recovered. A similar pattern is seen at station 45. Of course, this hypothesis of incorrect recording is difficult to test, for data taken thirty years ago.


This is based on the WOCE file named a03_hy1.csv, downloaded from ⁠⁠, 13 April 2015.

See Also

Other datasets provided with oce: adp, adv, amsr, argo, cm, coastlineWorld, ctd, ctdRaw, echosounder, landsat, lisst, lobo, met, ocecolors, rsk, sealevel, sealevelTuktoyaktuk, topoWorld, wind, xbt

Other things related to section data: [[,section-method, [[<-,section-method, as.section(), handleFlags,section-method, initializeFlagScheme,section-method, plot,section-method, read.section(), section-class, sectionAddStation(), sectionGrid(), sectionSmooth(), sectionSort(), subset,section-method, summary,section-method


# Gulf Stream
GS <- subset(section, 113 <= stationId & stationId <= 129)
GSg <- sectionGrid(GS, p = seq(0, 5000, 100))
plot(GSg, span = 1500) # increase span to show more coastline

dankelley/oce documentation built on Sept. 23, 2024, 3:04 p.m.