oceCRS: Coordinate Reference System Strings for Some Oceans

View source: R/map.R

oceCRSR Documentation

Coordinate Reference System Strings for Some Oceans


Create a coordinate reference string (CRS), suitable for use as a projection argument to mapPlot() or plot,coastline-method().





character string indicating the region. This must be in the following list (or a string that matches to just one entry, with pmatch()): "North Atlantic", "South Atlantic", "Atlantic", "North Pacific", "South Pacific", "Pacific", "Arctic", and "Antarctic".


string contain a CRS, which can be used as projection in mapPlot().


This is a preliminary version of this function, with the results being very likely to change through the autumn of 2016, guided by real-world usage.


Dan Kelley

See Also

Other functions related to maps: formatPosition(), lonlat2map(), lonlat2utm(), map2lonlat(), mapArrows(), mapAxis(), mapContour(), mapCoordinateSystem(), mapDirectionField(), mapGrid(), mapImage(), mapLines(), mapLocator(), mapLongitudeLatitudeXY(), mapPlot(), mapPoints(), mapPolygon(), mapScalebar(), mapText(), mapTissot(), oceProject(), shiftLongitude(), usrLonLat(), utm2lonlat()


par(mar = c(2, 2, 1, 1))
plot(coastlineWorld, projection = oceCRS("Atlantic"), span = 12000)
plot(coastlineWorld, projection = oceCRS("North Atlantic"), span = 8000)
plot(coastlineWorld, projection = oceCRS("South Atlantic"), span = 8000)
plot(coastlineWorld, projection = oceCRS("Arctic"), span = 4000)
plot(coastlineWorld, projection = oceCRS("Antarctic"), span = 10000)
# Avoid ugly horizontal lines, an artifact of longitude shifting.
# Note: we cannot fill the land once we shift, either.
pacific <- coastlineCut(coastlineWorld, -180)
plot(pacific, proj = oceCRS("Pacific"), span = 15000, col = NULL)
plot(pacific, proj = oceCRS("North Pacific"), span = 12000, col = NULL)
plot(pacific, proj = oceCRS("South Pacific"), span = 12000, col = NULL)

dankelley/oce documentation built on Sept. 23, 2024, 3:04 p.m.