
Defines functions formatPosition mapArrows mapPoints mapLines mapTissot mapText mapScalebar mapGrid mapPlot mapLongitudeLatitudeXY mapDirectionField mapDirectionFieldBarbs windBarbs feathers mapCoordinateSystem mapContour mapAxis badFillFix2 badFillFix1 fixneg formatLonLat shiftLongitude oceCRS usrLonLat oceProject repairProjection angleShift

Documented in formatPosition mapArrows mapAxis mapContour mapCoordinateSystem mapDirectionField mapGrid mapLines mapLongitudeLatitudeXY mapPlot mapPoints mapScalebar mapText mapTissot oceCRS oceProject shiftLongitude usrLonLat

# vim:textwidth=80:expandtab:shiftwidth=4:softtabstop=4:foldmethod=marker

.axis <- local({
    val <- list(longitude = NULL, latitude = NULL)
    function(new) if (!missing(new)) val <<- new else val

# FIXME: update this if the sf::st_crs() call produces a different
# result.
# > sf::st_crs("+proj=longlat")$proj4string
# [1] "+proj=longlat +datum=WGS84 +no_defs"
longlatProjInitial <- "+proj=longlat +datum=WGS84 +no_defs"

.Projection <- local({
    # Save state, in a way that emulates mapproj.
    # The 'type' can be 'none' or 'proj4' (previously, 'mapproj' was also allowed)
    val <- list(type = "none", projection = "")
    function(new) if (!missing(new)) val <<- new else val

# Shift angle so that it lies between -360 and +360.  Do this preserving sign.
# Presently (2023-01-27), this is done only for mapDirectionField(), to solve
# an issue with that (see https://github.com/dankelley/oce/issues/2018).
# At first, I thought I would do this at a lower level, e.g. lonlat2map()
# or in oceProject(), but these are old functions that are in a lot of
# use, and I was concerned about unforeseen effects, so for now the
# following is restricted to mapDirectionField().  To see how this works, try
#    a <- seq(-1000, 1000, 0)
#    plot(a, angleShift(a), cex=0.5)
angleShift <- function(angle) {
    ifelse(angle < 0.0, -360 + (angle %% 360), angle %% 360)

# Change some projection names, and fix problem with ortho (which lacks full inverse coverage
# unless a spherical earth is used).
repairProjection <- function(projection, longlatProj, debug = getOption("oceDebug")) {
    oceDebug(debug, "repairProjection(projection=\"", projection, "\", longlatProj=\"", longlatProj, "\") START\n", sep = "", unindent = 1)
    if (grepl("latlon( |$)", projection)) {
        warning("converting old name 'latlon' to new name 'latlong'\n")
        projection <- gsub("latlon", "latlong", projection)
    if (grepl("lonlat", projection)) {
        warning("converting old name 'lonlat' to new name 'longlat'\n")
        projection <- gsub("lonlat", "longlat", projection)
    if (packageVersion("sf") >= "1.0.0") {
        if (grepl("ortho", projection)) {
            oceDebug(debug, "Handling sf version >= 1.0.0 with +proj=ortho: change to spherical earth\n")
            if (!grepl("+f=", projection)) {
                oceDebug(debug, "+f= not present in proj, so adding it\n")
                projection <- paste(projection, "+f=0")
                longlatProj <- paste(longlatProj, "+f=0")
                oceDebug(debug, "  new projection= \"", projection, "\"\n")
                oceDebug(debug, "  new longlatProj=\"", longlatProj, "\"\n")
            if (grepl("+a=", projection)) {
                a <- gsub("^(.*)+a=([^ ])(.*)$", "\\2", projection)
                longlatProj <- paste0(longlatProj, " +a=", a)
                oceDebug(debug, "proj had +a, so inserting that in longlatProj\n")
                oceDebug(debug, "  new longlatProj=\"", longlatProj, "\"\n")
            } else {
                oceDebug(debug, "+a= not present in proj, so adding it\n")
                projection <- paste(projection, "+a=6371")
                longlatProj <- paste(longlatProj, "+a=6371")
                oceDebug(debug, "  new projection= \"", projection, "\"\n")
                oceDebug(debug, "  new longlatProj=\"", longlatProj, "\"\n")
    oceDebug(debug, "END repairProjection()\n", sep = "", unindent = 1)
    list(projection = projection, longlatProj = longlatProj)

#' Wrapper to sf::sf_project()
#' This function is used to isolate other oce functions from
#' changes to the map-projection functions that are done in the \CRANpkg{sf}
#' package.  (Until 2020 December, the `rgdal` package was used,
#' after a year of tests ensuring that the results of the two packages were
#' the same.)
#' @param xy two-column numeric matrix specifying locations.  If `inv`
#' is False, then `xy[,1]` will hold longitude and `xy[,2]` will hold
#' latitude, but if `inv` is True, then the columns will be easting
#' and northing values (in metres).
#' @param proj a character value specifying the desired map
#' projection.  See the `projection` parameter of [mapPlot()] for
#' details, including a historical note dated 2023-04-11 about the
#' now-deprecated `sp` package.
#' @param inv logical value, False by default, indicating whether an
#' inverse projection is requested.
#' @template debugTemplate
#' @return `oceProject` returns a two-column matrix, with first column
#' holding either `longitude` or `x`, and second column holding either
#' `latitude` or `y`.
#' @family functions related to maps
#' @author Dan Kelley
oceProject <- function(xy, proj, inv = FALSE, debug = getOption("oceDebug")) {
    if (!requireNamespace("sf", quietly = TRUE)) {
        stop("must install.packages(\"sf\") to do map projections")
    oceDebug(debug, "oceProject(xy, proj=\"", proj, "\", inv=", inv, ", ...) START\n", sep = "", unindent = 1)
    repairedProjection <- repairProjection(proj, longlatProjInitial, debug = debug)
    proj <- repairedProjection$projection
    longlatProj <- repairedProjection$longlatProj

    owarn <- options()$warn # this, and the capture.output, quieten the processing
    options(warn = -1)
    na <- which(!is.finite(xy[, 1]))
    xy[na, ] <- 0
    # sf_project() with proj=lcc fails at S. pole. We will never need things
    # to be *precisely* at the poles, so let's move near-polar (or extra-polar)
    # points to a tiny distance equatorward of the poles.  On my osx machine,
    # 1e-6 degrees (or about 10cm) seems to work.
    if (!inv) {
        oceDebug(debug, "moving poles to avoid problems with some projections\n")
        southPole <- xy[, 2] < (-90 + 1e-6)
        xy[southPole, 2] <- -90 + 1e-6
        northPole <- xy[, 2] > (90 - 1e-6)
        xy[northPole, 2] <- 90 - 1e-6
    # Use capture.output() to discard any stray printing that sf might do.
    if (debug > 0) {
        cat("summary(xy[, 1]) i.e. input lon follows\n")
        print(summary(xy[, 1]))
        cat("summary(xy[, 2]) i.e. input lat follows\n")
        print(summary(xy[, 2]))
    oceDebug(debug, "proj=        \"", proj, "\"\n", sep = "")
    oceDebug(debug, "longlatProj= \"", longlatProj, "\"\n", sep = "")
    if (inv) {
            XY <- try(unname(sf::sf_project(proj, longlatProj, xy, keep = TRUE)), silent = TRUE)
    } else {
            XY <- try(unname(sf::sf_project(longlatProj, proj, xy, keep = TRUE)), silent = TRUE)
    if (inherits(XY, "try-error")) {
        stop("oceProject() : sf_project() yielded errors\n")
    if (debug > 0) {
        cat("summary(XY[, 1]) i.e. output x follows\n")
        print(summary(XY[, 1]))
        cat("summary(XY[, 2]) i.e. output y follows\n")
        print(summary(XY[, 2]))
    XY[na, ] <- NA
    options(warn = owarn)
    oceDebug(debug, "END oceProject\n", sep = "", unindent = 1)

#' Calculate Geographic Coordinates of Plot Box
#' Trace along the plot box, converting from xy coordinates to lonlat
#' coordinates. The results are used by [mapGrid()] and [mapAxis()] to
#' ignore out-of-frame grid lines and axis labels.
#' Some projections, such as `"wintri"`, have trouble inverting
#' points that are "off the globe".  In such cases,
#' the returned value has `lonmin`, `lonmax`, `latmin` and
#' `latmax` set to `NA`, and `ok` set to `FALSE`.
#' @param n number of points to check along each side of the plot box.
#' @template debugTemplate
#' @return `usrLonLat` returns a list containing numerical values
#' `lonmin`, `lonmax`, `latmin`, and `latmax`, along with logical
#' value `ok`. The last of these indicates whether at least one point
#' on the plot box is invertible. Note that longitudes are in the
#' range from -180 to 180 degrees.
#' @family functions related to maps
#' @author Dan Kelley
usrLonLat <- function(n = 25, debug = getOption("oceDebug")) {
    oceDebug(debug, "usrLonLat(n=", n, ", debug=", debug, ") START\n", unindent = 1, sep = "")
    usr <- par("usr")
    oceDebug(debug, "usr=", paste(usr, collapse = " "), "\n", sep = "")
    if (length(grep("wintri", .Projection()$projection))) {
        return(list(lonmin = NA, lonmax = NA, latmin = NA, latmax = NA, ok = FALSE))
    x <- c(
        seq(usr[1], usr[2], length.out = n),
        rep(usr[2], n),
        seq(usr[2], usr[1], length.out = n),
        rep(usr[1], n)
    y <- c(
        rep(usr[3], n),
        seq(usr[3], usr[4], length.out = n),
        rep(usr[4], n),
        seq(usr[4], usr[3], length.out = n)
    g <- expand.grid(
        x = seq(usr[1], usr[2], length.out = n),
        y = seq(usr[3], usr[4], length.out = n)
    x <- g$x
    y <- g$y

    # oceDebug(debug, "about to call map2lonlat\n")
    ll <- map2lonlat(x, y, debug = debug - 1)
    nok <- sum(is.finite(ll$longitude))
    # Convert -Inf and +Inf to NA
    # oceDebug(debug, "DONE with call map2lonlat\n")
    bad <- !is.finite(ll$longitude) | !is.finite(ll$latitude)
    ll$longitude[bad] <- NA
    ll$latitude[bad] <- NA
    oceDebug(debug, "sum(bad)/length(bad)=", sum(bad) / length(bad), "\n", sep = "")
    if (debug > 2) {
        mapPoints(ll$longitude, ll$latitude, pch = 20, cex = 2, col = 3)
    lonmin <- if (any(is.finite(ll$longitude))) min(ll$longitude, na.rm = TRUE) else NA
    lonmax <- if (any(is.finite(ll$longitude))) max(ll$longitude, na.rm = TRUE) else NA
    latmin <- if (any(is.finite(ll$latitude))) min(ll$latitude, na.rm = TRUE) else NA
    latmax <- if (any(is.finite(ll$latitude))) max(ll$latitude, na.rm = TRUE) else NA
    # To simplify later use, put lon in range -180 to 180, and order if needed
    lonmin <- min(lonmin, 180, na.rm = TRUE)
    lonmin <- max(lonmin, -180, na.rm = TRUE)
    lonmax <- min(lonmax, 180, na.rm = TRUE)
    lonmax <- max(lonmax, -180, na.rm = TRUE)
    if (!is.na(lonmin) && !is.na(lonmax)) {
        if (lonmin > lonmax) {
            tmp <- lonmin
            lonmin <- lonmax
            lonmax <- tmp
        # special case: if we are showing more than half the earth, assume
        # it's a global view, and extend accordingly
        if ((lonmax - lonmin) > 180) {
            lonmin <- -180
            lonmax <- 180
            latmin <- -90
            latmax <- 90
    oceDebug(debug, sprintf(
        "lonmin=%.3f, lonmax=%.3f, latmin=%.3f, latmax=%.3f\n",
        lonmin, lonmax, latmin, latmax
    oceDebug(debug, "nok=", nok, ", n=", n, ", nok/n=", nok / n, "\n")
    oceDebug(debug, "END usrLonLat()\n", unindent = 1)
    rval <- list(
        lonmin = lonmin, lonmax = lonmax, latmin = latmin, latmax = latmax,
        ok = nok / n > 0.5 && is.finite(lonmin) && is.finite(lonmax) && is.finite(latmin) && is.finite(latmax)

#' Coordinate Reference System Strings for Some Oceans
#' Create a coordinate reference string (CRS), suitable for use as a
#' `projection` argument to [mapPlot()] or [plot,coastline-method()].
#' @section Caution: This is a preliminary version of this function,
#' with the results being very likely to change through the autumn of 2016,
#' guided by real-world usage.
#' @param region character string indicating the region. This must be
#' in the following list (or a string that matches to just one entry,
#' with [pmatch()]):
#' `"North Atlantic"`, `"South Atlantic"`, `"Atlantic"`,
#' `"North Pacific"`, `"South Pacific"`, `"Pacific"`,
#' `"Arctic"`,  and `"Antarctic"`.
#' @return string contain a CRS, which can be used as `projection`
#' in [mapPlot()].
#' @examples
#' \donttest{
#' library(oce)
#' data(coastlineWorld)
#' par(mar = c(2, 2, 1, 1))
#' plot(coastlineWorld, projection = oceCRS("Atlantic"), span = 12000)
#' plot(coastlineWorld, projection = oceCRS("North Atlantic"), span = 8000)
#' plot(coastlineWorld, projection = oceCRS("South Atlantic"), span = 8000)
#' plot(coastlineWorld, projection = oceCRS("Arctic"), span = 4000)
#' plot(coastlineWorld, projection = oceCRS("Antarctic"), span = 10000)
#' # Avoid ugly horizontal lines, an artifact of longitude shifting.
#' # Note: we cannot fill the land once we shift, either.
#' pacific <- coastlineCut(coastlineWorld, -180)
#' plot(pacific, proj = oceCRS("Pacific"), span = 15000, col = NULL)
#' plot(pacific, proj = oceCRS("North Pacific"), span = 12000, col = NULL)
#' plot(pacific, proj = oceCRS("South Pacific"), span = 12000, col = NULL)
#' }
#' @family functions related to maps
#' @author Dan Kelley
oceCRS <- function(region) {
    regionChoices <- c(
        "North Atlantic", "South Atlantic", "Atlantic", "Arctic", "Antarctic",
        "Pacific", "North Pacific", "South Pacific"
    id <- pmatch(region, regionChoices)
    if (is.na(id)) {
        stop("region must be in \"", paste(regionChoices, collapse = "\" \""), "\" but it is \"", region, "\"\n")
    region <- regionChoices[id]
    CRS <- if (region == "Atlantic") {
        "+proj=laea +lon_0=-30 +lat_0=0"
    } else if (region == "North Atlantic") {
        "+proj=laea +lon_0=-40 +lat_0=30"
    } else if (region == "South Atlantic") {
        "+proj=laea +lon_0=-20 +lat_0=-30"
    } else if (region == "Arctic") {
        "+proj=stere +lon_0=0 +lat_0=90"
    } else if (region == "Antarctic") {
        "+proj=stere +lon_0=0 +lat_0=-90"
    } else if (region == "Pacific") {
        "+proj=merc +lon_0=-180 +lat_0=0"
    } else if (region == "North Pacific") {
        "+proj=robin +lon_0=-180 +lat_0=30"
    } else if (region == "South Pacific") {
        "+proj=robin +lon_0=-180 +lat_0=-30"
    } else {
        stop("unknown region")

#' Shift Longitude to Range -180 to 180
#' This is a utility function used by [mapGrid()]. It works
#' simply by subtracting 180 from each longitude, if any longitude
#' in the vector exceeds 180.
#' @param longitudes numerical vector of longitudes.
#' @return vector of longitudes, shifted to the desired range.
#' @seealso [matrixShiftLongitude()] and [standardizeLongitude()].
#' @family functions related to maps
#' @author Dan Kelley
shiftLongitude <- function(longitudes) {
    if (any(longitudes > 180)) longitudes - 360 else longitudes

formatLonLat <- function(v, which = "longitude", axisStyle = 1, cex = 1) {
    if (cex <= 0) {
        return(rep("", length(v)))
    res <- as.character(v)
    # we're done if axisStyle is 1
    if (axisStyle == 1) {
        # signed value, without suffix
    } else if (axisStyle == 2) {
        # unsigned value, with E,W,N,S suffix
        res <- if (which == "longitude") {
            paste0(res, ifelse(v < 0, gettext("W", domain = "R-oce"), gettext("E", domain = "R-oce")))
        } else {
            paste0(res, ifelse(v < 0, gettext("S", domain = "R-oce"), gettext("N", domain = "R-oce")))
        res[v == 0] <- "0"
    } else if (axisStyle == 3) {
        # signed value, with degree suffix
        res <- paste0(res, "\u00B0")
    } else if (axisStyle == 4) {
        # unsigned value, with degree suffix
        res <- paste0(abs(v), "\u00B0")
    } else if (axisStyle == 5) {
        # unsigned value, with degree and hemisphere suffix
        res <- if (which == "longitude") {
            paste0(abs(v), "\u00B0", unlist(lapply(v, function(l) {
                if (l < 0) {
                    gettext("W", domain = "R-oce")
                } else if (l > 0) {
                    gettext("E", domain = "R-oce")
                } else {
        } else {
            paste0(abs(v), "\u00B0", unlist(lapply(v, function(l) {
                if (l < 0) {
                    gettext("S", domain = "R-oce")
                } else if (l > 0) {
                    gettext("N", domain = "R-oce")
                } else {

fixneg <- function(v) {
    res <- v
    for (i in seq_along(res)) {
        # message("res[i]=\"", res[i], "\" ...")
        if (grepl("^0[A-Z]$", res[i])) {
            res[i] <- "0"
        } else if ("-" == substr(res[i], 1, 1)) {
            # cat("res[i]=", res[i], "\n")
            res[i] <- gsub("^-", "", res[i])
            res[i] <- gsub("E", gettext("W", domain = "R-oce"), res[i])
            res[i] <- gsub("N", gettext("S", domain = "R-oce"), res[i])
            # cat(" -> res[i]=", res[i], "\n")
        # message("  ... \"", res[i], "\"")

badFillFix1 <- function(x, y, latitude, projection = "") {
    # xrange <- range(x, na.rm=TRUE)
    # yrange <- range(y, na.rm=TRUE)
    n <- length(x)
    # 1181 necessitated this use of n>100 (it was a case of 3 isolated islands)
    if (n > 100) { # avoid getting confused by e.g. a view with two islands
        # FIXME: below is a kludge to avoid weird horiz lines; it
        # FIXME: would be better to complete the polygons, so they
        # FIXME: can be filled.  It might be smart to do this in C
        d <- c(0, sqrt(diff(x)^2 + diff(y)^2))
        d[!is.finite(d)] <- 0 # FIXME: ok?
        # dc <- as.numeric(quantile(d, 1-100*(1/3/length(x)), na.rm=TRUE)) # FIXME: criterion
        # bad <- d > dc
        # bad <- 0.1 < (d / diff(range(x, na.rm=TRUE)))
        antarctic <- latitude < -60
        bad <- ((d / diff(range(x, na.rm = TRUE))) > 0.1) & !antarctic
        # if (length(options("oce1181")[[1]])) browser()
        # FIXME: this should finish off polygons, but that is a bit tricky, e.g.
        # FIXME: should we create a series of points to a trace along the edge
        # FIXME: the visible earth?
        x[bad] <- NA
        y[bad] <- NA
    bad2 <- !is.finite(x) | !is.finite(y)
    x[bad2] <- NA
    y[bad2] <- NA
    list(x = x, y = y)

badFillFix2 <- function(x, y, xorig, yorig) {
    usr <- par("usr")
    w <- which(is.na(xorig))
    if (length(w) > 1) {
        for (iw in seq(1, -1 + length(w))) {
            # message("check chunk", iw)
            look <- seq.int(w[iw] + 1, w[iw + 1] - 1)
            xl <- xorig[look]
            yl <- yorig[look]
            offscale <- yl < usr[3] | xl < usr[1] | yl > usr[4] | xl > usr[2]
            offscale <- offscale[is.finite(offscale)]
            if (all(offscale)) {
                # probably faster to do this than to make new vectors
                # message("  TRIM")
                x[look] <- NA
                y[look] <- NA
    list(x = x, y = y)

#' Add Axis Labels to an Existing Map
#' Plot axis labels on an existing map.
#' This is an advanced function, requiring
#' coordination with [mapPlot()] and (possibly) also with [mapGrid()],
#' and so it is best avoided by novices, who may be satisfied
#' with the defaults used by [mapPlot()].
#' @param side the side at which labels are to be drawn.  If not provided,
#' sides 1 and 2 will be used (i.e. bottom and left-hand sides).
#' @param longitude either a logical value or a numeric vector of longitudes. There
#' are three possible cases:
#' (1) If `longitude=TRUE` (the default) then ticks and nearby numbers will occur at the
#' longitude grid established by the previous call to [mapPlot()];
#' (2) if `longitude=FALSE` then no longitude ticks or numbers are
#' drawn;
#' (3) if `longitude` is a vector of numerical values, then those ticks
#' are placed at those values, and numbers are written beside them.
#' Note that in cases 1 and 3, efforts are made to avoid overdrawing text,
#' so some longitude values might get ticks but not numbers. To get ticks
#' but not numbers, set `cex.axis=0`.
#' @param latitude similar to `longitude` but for latitude.
#' @param axisStyle an integer specifying the style of labels for the numbers
#' on axes.  The choices are:
#' 1 for signed numbers without additional labels;
#' 2 (the default) for unsigned numbers followed by letters indicating the hemisphere;
#' 3 for signed numbers followed by a degree sign;
#' 4 for unsigned numbers followed by a degree sign; and
#' 5 for signed numbers followed by a degree sign and letters indicating the hemisphere.
#' @param tick parameter passed to [axis()].
#' @param line parameter passed to [axis()].
#' @param pos parameter passed to [axis()].
#' @param outer parameter passed to [axis()].
#' @param font axis font, passed to [axis()].
#' @param lty axis line type, passed to [axis()].
#' @param las two-element axis label orientation, passed to [axis()]. The first
#' value is for the horizontal axis, and the second is for the vertical axis.
#' See [par()] for the meanings of the permitted values, namely 0, 1, 2 and 3.
#' @param lwd axis line width, passed to [axis()]).
#' @param lwd.ticks tick line width, passed to [axis()].
#' @param col axis color, passed to [axis()].
#' @param col.ticks axis tick color, passed to [axis()].
#' @param hadj an argument that is transmitted to [axis()].
#' @param padj an argument that is transmitted to [axis()].
#' @param tcl axis-tick size (see [par()]).
#' @param cex.axis axis-label expansion factor (see [par()]); set to 0
#' to prevent numbers from being placed in axes.
#' @param mgp three-element numerical vector describing axis-label
#' placement (see [par()]). It usually makes sense to set
#' the first and third elements to zero.
#' @param debug a flag that turns on debugging.  Set to 1 to get a moderate
#' amount of debugging information, or to 2 to get more.
#' @examples
#' \donttest{
#' library(oce)
#' data(coastlineWorld)
#' par(mar = c(2, 2, 1, 1))
#' lonlim <- c(-180, 180)
#' latlim <- c(70, 110)
#' # In mapPlot() call, note axes and grid args, to
#' # prevent over-plotting of defaults.  Some adjustments
#' # might be required to the mapGrid() arguments, to
#' # get agreement with the axis. This is why both
#' # mapGrid() and mapAxis() are best avoided; it is
#' # simpler to let mapPlot() handle these things.
#' mapPlot(coastlineWorld,
#'     projection = "+proj=stere +lat_0=90",
#'     longitudelim = lonlim, latitudelim = latlim,
#'     col = "tan", axes = FALSE, grid = FALSE
#' )
#' mapGrid(15, 15)
#' mapAxis(axisStyle = 5)
#' }
#' @seealso A map must first have been created with [mapPlot()].
#' @family functions related to maps
#' @author Dan Kelley
mapAxis <- function(
    side = 1:2, longitude = TRUE, latitude = TRUE,
    axisStyle = 1, tick = TRUE, line = NA, pos = NA, outer = FALSE, font = NA,
    las = c(0, 0), lty = "solid", lwd = 1, lwd.ticks = lwd, col = NULL, col.ticks = NULL,
    hadj = NA, padj = NA, tcl = -0.3, cex.axis = 1, mgp = c(0, 0.5, 0), debug = getOption("oceDebug")) {
    if ("none" == .Projection()$type) {
        stop("must create a map first, with mapPlot()\n")
    oceDebug(debug, "mapAxis(side=c(", paste(side, collapse = ","), ")",
        ", longitude=", if (length(longitude)) c(longitude[1], "...") else "NULL",
        ", latitude=", if (length(latitude)) c(latitude[1], "...") else "NULL",
        ", axisStyle=", axisStyle,
        ") START\n",
        unindent = 1, sep = ""
    if (length(axisStyle) != 1) {
        stop("axisStyle must be of length 1")
    if (!(axisStyle %in% 1:5)) {
        stop("invalid axis style ", paste(axisStyle, collapse = ","), "; must be 1, 2, 3, 4 or 5")
    if (length(las) != 2L) {
        stop("las must be a two-element integer vector")
    boxLonLat <- usrLonLat()
    axis <- .axis()
    # if (debug > 0) print(axis)
    if (is.logical(longitude) && !longitude && is.logical(latitude) && !latitude) {
        oceDebug(debug, "longitude=latitude=FALSE, so not drawing axes\n")
    if (is.logical(longitude) && longitude[1]) {
        longitude <- axis$longitude
        oceDebug(debug, "autosetting to", vectorShow(longitude))
    if (is.logical(latitude) && latitude[1]) {
        latitude <- axis$latitude
        oceDebug(debug, "autosetting to", vectorShow(latitude))
    oceDebug(debug, "mapAxis: initially, ", vectorShow(longitude))
    if (boxLonLat$ok) {
        ok <- boxLonLat$lonmin <= longitude & longitude <= boxLonLat$lonmax
        longitude <- longitude[ok]
    oceDebug(debug, "mapAxis: after box-trimming, ", vectorShow(longitude))
    oceDebug(debug, "mapAxis: initially, ", vectorShow(latitude))
    if (boxLonLat$ok) {
        ok <- boxLonLat$latmin <= latitude & latitude <= boxLonLat$latmax
        latitude <- latitude[ok]
    oceDebug(debug, "mapAxis: after box-trimming, ", vectorShow(latitude))

    # if (is.null(axis$longitude)) oceDebug(debug, "should auto generate longitude grid and then axis\n")
    # if (is.null(axis$latitude)) oceDebug(debug, "should auto generate latitude grid and then axis\n")
    # if (missing(longitude)) longitude <- axis$longitude
    # if (missing(latitude)) latitude <- axis$latitude
    if (missing(side)) {
        side <- 1:2
    usr <- par("usr")
    # axisSpan <- max(usr[2]-usr[1], usr[4]-usr[3])
    usr <- par("usr")
    if (1 %in% side) {
        # Infer positions of labels on the vertical axis by casting a grid on
        # that axis in x-y space, transforming this to lon-lat space, setting
        # up a piecewise linear model of x as a function of longitude, and then
        # using that function at longitudes of interest, to get the "x"
        # locations for axis ticks.
        oceDebug(debug, "drawing axis on side 1\n")
        oceDebug(debug, vectorShow(longitude))
        tn <- 100
        # nolint start object_usage_linter
        ts <- seq(0, 1, length.out = tn)
        # nolint end object_usage_linter
        tx <- seq(usr[1], usr[2], length.out = tn)
        ty <- rep(usr[3], tn)
        tt <- map2lonlat(tx, ty, debug = debug - 1)
        if (2 < sum(is.finite(tt$longitude))) { # need 2 points to set up transformation
            owarn <- options("warn")$warn
            options(warn = -1) # avoid warnings from regularize()
            tfcn <- try(approxfun(tt$longitude, tx), silent = TRUE)
            options(warn = owarn)
            if (!inherits(tfcn, "try-error")) {
                at <- tfcn(longitude)
                if (any(is.finite(at))) {
                    axis(side = 1, at = at, label = formatLonLat(longitude, "longitude", axisStyle = axisStyle), las = las[1])
    if (2 %in% side) {
        # See the notes at side=1 for the method.
        oceDebug(debug, "drawing axis on side 2\n")
        oceDebug(debug, vectorShow(latitude))
        tn <- 100
        ts <- seq(0, 1, length.out = tn)
        tx <- rep(usr[1], tn)
        ty <- seq(usr[3], usr[4], length.out = tn)
        tt <- map2lonlat(tx, ty, debug = debug - 1)
        if (2 < sum(is.finite(tt$latitude))) {
            owarn <- options("warn")$warn
            options(warn = -1) # avoid warnings from regularize()
            tfcn <- try(approxfun(tt$latitude, ty), silent = TRUE)
            options(warn = owarn)
            if (!inherits(tfcn, "try-error")) {
                at <- tfcn(latitude)
                if (any(is.finite(at))) {
                    axis(side = 2, at = at, label = formatLonLat(latitude, "latitude", axisStyle = axisStyle), las = las[2], line = line)
    if (3 %in% side) {
        oceDebug(debug, "drawing axis on side 3 NOT CODED YET\n")
    if (4 %in% side) {
        oceDebug(debug, "drawing axis on side 4 NOT CODED YET\n")
    oceDebug(debug, "END mapAxis()\n", sep = "", unindent = 1)

#' Add Contours on a Existing map
#' Draw contour lines to an existing map, using [mapLines()].
#' Note that label placement in `mapContour` is handled differently
#' than in [contour()].
#' @param longitude numeric vector of longitudes of points to be
#' plotted, or an object of class `topo` (see [topo-class]), in which
#' case `longitude`, `latitude` and `z` are inferred from that object.
#' Importantly, the `longitude` system must match that of the
#' [mapPlot()] call that made the underlying plot. If not, the
#' contours can have spurious lines that run across the plot. See
#' \dQuote{Dealing with longitude conventions} for a method
#' of handling conflicting longitude conventions between [mapPlot()]
#' and [mapContour()].
#' @param latitude numeric vector of latitudes of points to be plotted.
#' @param z matrix to be contoured. The number of rows and columns in
#' `z` must equal the lengths of `longitude` and `latitude`,
#' respectively.
#' @param nlevels number of contour levels, if and only if `levels` is
#' not supplied.
#' @param levels vector of contour levels.
#' @param labcex `cex` value used for contour labelling. As with
#' [contour()], this is an absolute size, not a multiple of
#' [`par`]`("cex")`.
#' @param drawlabels logical value or vector indicating whether to
#' draw contour labels.  If the length of `drawlabels` is less than
#' the number of levels specified, then [rep()] is used to increase
#' the length, providing a value for each contour line. For those
#' levels that are thus indicated, labels are added, at a spot where
#' the contour line is closest to horizontal on the page. First,
#' though, the region underneath the label is filled with the colour
#' given by [`par`]`("bg")`. See \dQuote{Limitations} for notes on the
#' status of contour labelling, and its limitations.
#' @param underlay character value relating to handling labels. If
#' this equals `"erase"` (which is the default), then the contour line
#' is drawn  first, then the area under the label is erased (filled
#' with white 'ink'), and then the label is drawn. This can be useful
#' in drawing coarsely-spaced labelled contours on top of
#' finely-spaced unlabelled contours. On the other hand, if `underlay`
#' equals `"interrupt"`, then the contour line is interrupted in the
#' region of the label, which is closer to the scheme used by the base
#' [contour()] function.
#' @param col colour of the contour line, as for [`par`]`("col")`,
#' except here `col` gets lengthened by calling [rep()],
#' so that individual contours can be coloured distinctly.
#' @param lty type of the contour line, as for [`par`]`("lty")`,
#' except for lengthening, as described for `col`.
#' @param lwd width of the contour line, as for [`par`]`("lwd")`,
#' except for lengthening, as described for `col` and `lty`.
#' @template debugTemplate
#' @section Sample of Usage:
#' \preformatted{
#' library(oce)
#' data(coastlineWorld)
#' if (requireNamespace("ocedata", quietly=TRUE)) {
#'     data(levitus, package = "ocedata")
#'     par(mar = rep(1, 4))
#'     mapPlot(coastlineWorld, projection = "+proj=robin", col = "lightgray")
#'     mapContour(levitus$longitude, levitus$latitude, levitus$SST)
#' }
#' }
#' @section Dealing with longitude conventions:
#' Suppose a map has been plotted using longitudes that are bound between -180
#' and 180. To overlay contours defined with longitude bound between 0 and 360
#' (as for the built-in `coastlineWorld` dataset), try Clark Richards' method
#' (<https://github.com/dankelley/oce/issues/2217>, as below.
#' \preformatted{
#' # Start with z=z(lon,lat), with lon bound by 0 and 360
#' z2 <- rbind(z[lon > 180, ], z[lon <= 180, ])
#' lon2 <- lon + 180
#' mapContour(lon2, lat, z2)
#' }
#' @seealso A map must first have been created with [mapPlot()].
#' @family functions related to maps
#' @author Dan Kelley
mapContour <- function(
    longitude, latitude, z,
    nlevels = 10, levels = pretty(range(z, na.rm = TRUE), nlevels),
    # labels=null,
    # xlim=range(longitude, finite=TRUE),
    # ylim=range(latitude, finite=TRUE),
    labcex = 0.6,
    drawlabels = TRUE,
    underlay = "erase",
    # vfont,
    # axes=TRUE, frame.plot=axes,
    col = par("fg"), lty = par("lty"), lwd = par("lwd"),
    debug = getOption("oceDebug")) {
    oceDebug(debug, "mapContour(..., labcex=", labcex, ", drawlabels=", drawlabels,
        ", ...) START\n",
        sep = "", unindent = 1
    if ("none" == .Projection()$type) {
        stop("must create a map first, with mapPlot()\n")
    if (missing(longitude)) {
        stop("must supply longitude")
    oceDebug(debug, vectorShow(nlevels))
    oceDebug(debug, vectorShow(levels))
    if ("data" %in% slotNames(longitude) && # handle e.g. 'topo' class
        3 == sum(c("longitude", "latitude", "z") %in% names(longitude@data))) {
        z <- longitude@data$z
        latitude <- longitude@data$latitude
        longitude <- longitude@data$longitude
    if (missing(latitude)) {
        stop("must supply latitude")
    if (missing(z) || length(z) < 1) {
        stop("must supply z")
    if (!underlay %in% c("erase", "interrupt")) {
        stop("underlay must be \"erase\" or \"interrupt\"")
    if (underlay == "interrupt" && !requireNamespace("sf", quietly = TRUE)) {
        stop("must have \"sf\" package available for underlay=\"interupt\"")
    if ("data" %in% slotNames(longitude) && # handle e.g. 'topo' class
        3 == sum(c("longitude", "latitude", "z") %in% names(longitude@data))) {
        z <- longitude@data$z
        latitude <- longitude@data$latitude
        longitude <- longitude@data$longitude
    nlevels <- length(levels)
    col <- rep(col, nlevels)
    lty <- rep(lty, nlevels)
    lwd <- rep(lwd, nlevels)
    drawlabels <- rep(drawlabels, nlevels)
    labcex <- rep(labcex, nlevels)
    xx <- seq_along(longitude)
    yy <- seq_along(latitude)
    if (length(xx) > 1 && diff(longitude[1:2]) < 0) {
        xx <- rev(xx)
        z <- z[xx, ]
        # cat("flipped in x\n")
    if (length(yy) > 1 && diff(latitude[1:2]) < 0) {
        yy <- rev(yy)
        z <- z[, yy]
        # cat("flipped in y\n")
    colUnderLabel <- "white" # use a variable in case we want to add as an arg
    for (ilevel in 1:nlevels) {
        oceDebug(debug, "contouring at level[", ilevel, "] = ", levels[ilevel], "\n", sep = "")
        label <- as.character(levels[ilevel]) # ignored unless drawlabels=TRUE
        w <- 1.0 * strwidth(levels[ilevel], "user", cex = labcex[1]) # ignored unless drawlabels=TRUE
        h <- 1.0 * strheight(label, "user", cex = labcex[1]) # ignored unless drawlabels=TRUE
        oceDebug(debug > 1, "w=", w, ", h=", h, "\n")
        cl <- contourLines(
            x = longitude[xx],
            y = latitude[yy],
            z = z, levels = levels[ilevel]
        if (length(cl) > 0) {
            for (i in seq_along(cl)) {
                oceDebug(debug > 1, "segment number=i=", i, "; level=", levels[ilevel], "\n")
                xy <- lonlat2map(cl[[i]]$x, cl[[i]]$y)
                xc <- xy$x
                yc <- xy$y
                nc <- length(xc)
                if (drawlabels[ilevel]) {
                    slopeMin <- 9999999 # big
                    slopeMinj <- NULL
                    slopeMinj2 <- NULL
                    canlabel <- FALSE
                    for (j in 1:nc) {
                        j2 <- j
                        while (j2 < nc) {
                            dy <- yc[j2] - yc[j]
                            dx <- xc[j2] - xc[j]
                            dist <- sqrt(dx^2 + dy^2)
                            if (dist > 1.4 * w && dx != 0.0) {
                                oceDebug(debug > 2, "enough space at j=", j, ", j2=", j2, "\n")
                                slope <- dy / dx
                                if (abs(slope) < slopeMin) {
                                    slopeMin <- abs(slope)
                                    slopeMinj <- j
                                    slopeMinj2 <- j2
                                    canlabel <- TRUE
                            j2 <- j2 + 1
                    if (canlabel) {
                        labelj <- floor(0.5 + 0.5 * (slopeMinj + slopeMinj2))
                        angle <- atan2(yc[slopeMinj2] - yc[slopeMinj], xc[slopeMinj2] - xc[slopeMinj])
                            debug > 1,
                                "j=%d j2=%d slopeMin=%.3g slopeMinj=%d slopeMinj2=%d\n",
                                j, j2, slopeMin, slopeMinj, slopeMinj2
                        if (debug > 2) {
                            points(xc[slopeMinj], yc[slopeMinj], col = "darkgreen", pch = 20)
                            points(xc[slopeMinj2], yc[slopeMinj2], col = "red", pch = 20)
                            points(xc[labelj], yc[labelj], col = "blue", pch = 20) # centre
                        if (angle > pi / 2 || angle < -pi / 2) {
                            angle <- angle + pi
                                "step 2: label=\"%s\" x=%.2g y=%.2g angle=%.9g deg\n",
                                label, xc[labelj], yc[labelj], angle * 180 / pi
                        S <- sin(-angle)
                        C <- cos(-angle)
                        rot <- matrix(c(C, -S, S, C), byrow = TRUE, nrow = 2)
                        X <- c(-w / 2, -w / 2, w / 2, w / 2)
                        Y <- c(-h / 2, h / 2, h / 2, -h / 2)
                        XY <- cbind(X, Y)
                        XYrot <- XY %*% rot
                        if (underlay == "erase") {
                            lines(xc, yc, lwd = lwd[ilevel], lty = lty[ilevel], col = col[ilevel])
                            polygon(xc[labelj] + XYrot[, 1], yc[labelj] + XYrot[, 2],
                                col = colUnderLabel, border = colUnderLabel
                        } else if (underlay == "interrupt") {
                            polyx <- xc[labelj] + XYrot[, 1]
                            polyy <- yc[labelj] + XYrot[, 2]
                            poly <- sf::st_polygon(list(outer = cbind(c(polyx, polyx[1]), c(polyy, polyy[1]))))
                            points <- sf::st_multipoint(cbind(xc, yc))
                            inside <- sf::st_intersection(points, poly)
                            tmpMatrix <- matrix(points %in% inside, ncol = 2)
                            erase <- tmpMatrix[, 1] & tmpMatrix[, 2]
                            oceDebug(debug, "ignoring", sum(erase), "points under", label, "contour\n")
                            XC <- xc
                            YC <- yc
                            XC[erase] <- NA
                            YC[erase] <- NA
                            lines(XC, YC, lwd = lwd[ilevel], lty = lty[ilevel], col = col[ilevel])
                        } else {
                            stop("cannot have underlay=\"", underlay, "\"; please report as a bug")
                        text(xc[labelj], yc[labelj], label,
                            col = col[ilevel],
                            srt = angle * 180 / pi, cex = labcex[ilevel]
                    } else {
                        lines(xc, yc, lwd = lwd[ilevel], lty = lty[ilevel], col = col[ilevel])
                } else {
                    lines(xc, yc, lwd = lwd[ilevel], lty = lty[ilevel], col = col[ilevel])
    oceDebug(debug, "END mapContour()\n", sep = "", unindent = 1)

#' Draw a Coordinate System
#' Draws arrows on a map to indicate a coordinate system, e.g. for an
#' to indicate a coordinate system set up so that one axis is parallel
#' to a coastline.
#' This is a preliminary version of this function. It only
#' works if the lines of constant latitude are horizontal on the plot.
#' @param longitude numeric vector of longitudes in degrees.
#' @param latitude numeric vector of latitudes in degrees.
#' @param L axis length in km.
#' @param phi angle, in degrees counterclockwise, that the "x" axis
#' makes to a line of latitude.
#' @param ... plotting arguments, passed to [mapArrows()];
#' see \dQuote{Examples} for how to control the arrow-head size.
#' @section Sample of Usage:
#' \preformatted{
#' library(oce)
#' if (requireNamespace("ocedata", quietly=TRUE)) {
#'     data(coastlineWorldFine, package="ocedata")
#'     HfxLon <- -63.5752
#'     HfxLat <- 44.6488
#'     mapPlot(coastlineWorldFine, proj="+proj=merc",
#'         longitudelim=HfxLon+c(-2,2), latitudelim=HfxLat+c(-2,2),
#'         col=lightgrey")
#'     mapCoordinateSystem(HfxLon, HfxLat, phi=45, length=0.05)
#'    }
#' }
#' @family functions related to maps
#' @author Chantelle Layton
mapCoordinateSystem <- function(longitude, latitude, L = 100, phi = 0, ...) {
    if (missing(longitude)) {
        stop("must supply longitude")
    if (missing(latitude)) {
        stop("must supply latitude")
    R <- 6371
    pi <- 4 * atan2(1, 1)
    phirad <- phi * pi / 180 + c(0, pi / 2)
    kmperlon <- pi * R * cos(latitude * pi / 180) / 180
    kmperlat <- pi * R / 180
    dx <- L * cos(phirad)
    dy <- L * sin(phirad)
    dlon <- dx / kmperlon
    dlat <- dy / kmperlat
    lonend <- longitude + dlon
    latend <- latitude + dlat
    mapArrows(longitude, latitude, lonend[1], latend[1], ...)
    mapArrows(longitude, latitude, lonend[2], latend[2], ...)

# support for mapDrawDirectionField(): vectorized feather computation
feathers <- function(u, step = 10, debug = 0) {
    if (debug) message("initially u=", paste(u, collapse = " "))
    fac <- 5 * step
    pennant <- floor(u / fac)
    if (debug) print(pennant)
    u <- u - fac * pennant
    u <- ifelse(u < 0, 0, u)
    if (debug) message("after pennant, u=", paste(u, collapse = " "))
    fac <- step
    barb <- floor(u / fac)
    u <- u - fac * barb
    u <- ifelse(u < 0, 0, u)
    if (debug) print(barb)
    u <- ifelse(u < 0, 0, u)
    if (debug) message("after barb, u=", paste(u, collapse = " "))
    fac <- step / 2
    demibarb <- floor(u / fac)
    cbind(pennant, barb, demibarb)

# support for mapDrawDirectionField(): draw wind barbs
windBarbs <- function(longitude, latitude, u, v,
                      scale = 5, length = 0.2, step = 10, lwd = 1, col = 1,
                      round10 = FALSE, debug = FALSE) {
    scaleXY <- scale * 111e3 # per metre
    lon0 <- longitude
    lat0 <- latitude
    theta <- 180 / pi * atan2(v, u)
    # By default, not rounding to nearest 10deg, which I've seen suggested,
    # but which seems way too coarse, to my mind.
    if (round10) {
        theta <- 10 * round(theta / 10)
    S <- sinpi(theta / 180)
    C <- cospi(theta / 180)
    lat1 <- lat0 - S * scale
    lon1 <- lon0 - C * scale / cospi(lat0 / 180)
    xy0 <- lonlat2map(as.vector(lon0), as.vector(lat0))
    x0 <- xy0$x
    y0 <- xy0$y
    xy1 <- lonlat2map(as.vector(lon1), as.vector(lat1))
    x1 <- xy1$x
    y1 <- xy1$y
    thetaPage <- 180 / pi * atan2(y1 - y0, x1 - x0)
    phi <- 70 # degrees to rotate barbs (70 by eye)
    barbLwd <- lwd
    barbCol <- col
    flagCol <- col
    D <- length
    barbLength <- D * scaleXY
    triangleWidth <- 2 * barbLength * cospi(phi / 180)
    triangleLength <- 0.5 * triangleWidth / cospi(phi / 180) # or sin?
    barbSpace <- barbLength * cospi(phi / 180)
    ds <- D * cospi(phi / 180)
    if (debug) {
            "scale: %.4f, barbLength: %.4f, barbSpace: %.4f, triangleWidth: %.4f\ntriangleLength: %.4f\n",
            scale, barbLength, barbSpace, triangleWidth, triangleLength
    knots <- TRUE
    speed <- sqrt(u^2 + v^2)
    speedOrig <- speed
    speed <- speedOrig * if (knots) 1 else 1.94384 # FIXME: factor likely wrong
    speed <- 5L * as.integer(round(speed / 5))
    Spage <- sinpi(thetaPage / 180)
    Cpage <- cospi(thetaPage / 180)
    if (debug) {
        cat(sprintf("  lat0=%.1f lat1=%.1f\n", lat0, lat1))
        cat(sprintf("  lon0=%.1f lon1=%.1f\n", lon0, lon1))
            "  theta=%.0f thetaPage=%.0f Spage=%.0f Cpage=%.0f scaleXY=%.0f\n",
            theta, thetaPage, Spage, Cpage, scaleXY
    x1 <- x0 + scaleXY * Cpage
    y1 <- y0 + scaleXY * Spage
    notStill <- speed != 0
    # points(x0[notStill], y0[notStill])
    segments(x0[notStill], y0[notStill], x1[notStill], y1[notStill], col = barbCol, lwd = barbLwd)
    f <- feathers(speed, step = step, debug = debug)
    angleBarb <- thetaPage - phi
    for (i in seq_along(x0)) {
        fi <- f[i, ]
        j <- sum(fi)
        code <- c(rep(1, fi[["pennant"]]), rep(2, fi[["barb"]]), rep(3, fi[["demibarb"]]))
        lowestNonzero <- identical(as.numeric(fi), c(0, 0, 1))
        stagnant <- speedOrig[i] == 0
        verySlow <- speedOrig[i] < 2.5
        if (debug) {
                "i=%d, speed=%.2f, theta=%.2f, thetaPage=%.2f, f=%s, verySlow %s, lowestNonzero=%s\n",
                i, speed[i], theta[i], thetaPage[i], paste(f[i, ], collapse = " "),
                if (verySlow) "TRUE" else "FALSE",
                if (lowestNonzero) "TRUE" else "FALSE"
            if (debug) {
                text(x0[i], y0[i], round(speedOrig[i], 1), pos = 1, cex = 0.7, col = 2, font = 2)
        if (stagnant) {
            points(x0[i], y0[i], col = barbCol, cex = 0.5)
        } else if (verySlow) {
            segments(x0[i], y0[i], x1[i], y1[i], col = barbCol, lwd = barbLwd)
        } else {
            lastCode <- 0 # used to nudge triangles together
            BLC <- barbLength * cospi(angleBarb[i] / 180)
            BLS <- barbLength * sinpi(angleBarb[i] / 180)
            s <- 1 # position of next item (0 at x0, 1 at x1)
            for (jj in seq_len(j)) {
                thisCode <- code[jj]
                x0i <- x0[i]
                y0i <- y0[i]
                x1i <- x1[i]
                y1i <- y1[i]
                delta <- if (thisCode == 1) 2 else if (thisCode == 2) 1.0 else if (thisCode == 3) 0.6
                if (debug) {
                        "  jj: %d, code: %d, lastCode:%d, delta: %.3f",
                        jj, code[jj], lastCode, delta
                if (thisCode == 1) { # triangle
                    if (debug) {
                        cat("drawing with thisCode=", thisCode, "\n")
                            "theta=%.4f, thetaPage=%.4f, barbSpace=%.4f, barbLength=%.4f, triangleLength=%.4f, triangleWidth=%.4f\n",
                            theta[i], thetaPage[i],
                    if (lastCode == 1) { # nudge triangles together
                        s <- s + ds
                    x <- x0i + s * (x1i - x0i)
                    y <- y0i + s * (y1i - y0i)
                    xt <- x + c(
                        -triangleLength * cospi((phi + thetaPage[i]) / 180),
                        -triangleWidth * cospi(thetaPage[i] / 180)
                    yt <- y + c(
                        -triangleLength * sinpi((phi + thetaPage[i]) / 180),
                        -triangleWidth * sinpi(thetaPage[i] / 180)
                    if (debug) {
                                "delta=%.3f s=%.3f thetaPage=%.3f scale=%.3f triangleWidth=%.4f triangleLength=%.4f\n",
                                delta, s, thetaPage, scale, triangleWidth, triangleLength
                    polygon(xt, yt, col = flagCol, border = flagCol)
                    s <- s - 3 * ds # (triangleWidth + barbSpace)
                } else if (thisCode == 2 || thisCode == 3) { # barb
                    if (lowestNonzero) {
                        s <- s - ds # barbSpace / length
                    x <- x0i + s * (x1i - x0i)
                    y <- y0i + s * (y1i - y0i)
                    segments(x, y, x + delta * BLC, y + delta * BLS, col = barbCol, lwd = barbLwd)
                    s <- s - ds
                lastCode <- thisCode

# FIXME: if put into oce, document parameters, explain
# plot, give an example, set up familial links with
# sibling functions, etc.
mapDirectionFieldBarbs <- function(
    longitude, latitude, u, v,
    scale = 1, length = 0.2, step = 10, col = par("fg"), lwd = par("lwd"),
    debug = 0, ...) {
    # Check (and flatten location and velocity parameters)
    if (!is.vector(longitude)) {
        stop("longitude must be a vector")
    if (!is.vector(latitude)) {
        stop("latitude must be a vector")
    if (is.matrix(u) || is.matrix(v)) {
        if (!is.matrix(u) || !is.matrix(v)) {
            stop("if either of u or v is a matrix, then both must be")
        if (!identical(dim(u), dim(v))) {
            stop("u and v must have identical dimensions")
        nlon <- length(longitude)
        nlat <- length(latitude)
        if (nlon != nrow(u)) {
            stop("length of longitude must match number of rows in u")
        if (nlat != ncol(u)) {
            stop("length of latitude must match number of columns in u")
        longitude <- matrix(rep(longitude, nlat), nrow = nlon)
        latitude <- matrix(rep(latitude, nlon), byrow = TRUE, nrow = nlon)
        longitude <- as.vector(longitude)
        latitude <- as.vector(latitude)
        u <- as.vector(u)
        v <- as.vector(v)
    longitude <- angleShift(longitude)
    latitude <- angleShift(latitude)
    ok <- is.finite(u) & is.finite(v)
    windBarbs(longitude[ok], latitude[ok],
        u = u[ok], v = v[ok],
        scale = scale, length = length, step = step, debug = debug, col = col, lwd = lwd

#' Add a Direction Field to an Existing Map
#' Plot a direction field on a existing map, either using arrows,
#' which is the oceanographic convention, or using wind barbs, which
#' is a meteorological convention.
#' As noted in the \dQuote{Description}, there are two styles. 1.
#' *Arrow Style:* arrows are drawn from the stated locations in the
#' direction of the flow defined by the (u,v) vector. This is the
#' usual convention in oceanographic work. 2. *Barb Style:* to create
#' "wind barbs", according to a convention used in meteorological
#' charts. Unlike arrows, which indicate speed by the arrow length,
#' barbs indicate speed by angled lines and possibly triangles located
#' at the upstream end. Note that the meanings of the function
#' parameters vary across the two styles.
#' The "arrow" style is quite common in the oceanographic literature.
#' Arrows point in the direction of the velocity defined by `(u,v)`,
#' and the length of those arrows is proportional to the speed,
#' `sqrt(u^2+v^2)`.
#' By contrast, in the "barb" notation, the lines are of equal length
#' (compared with distance on the ground), with speed being indicated
#' with barbs. Many sources explain the notation, e.g.
#' `https://www.weather.gov/hfo/windbarbinfo`. The lines extend from the
#' observation longitude and latitude in the direction opposite to the
#' velocity. Velocities are indicated by barbs, i.e. short line
#' segments that extend at an angle to the main line and with pennants
#' (triangles). Speed is given by a combination of pennants and barbs.
#' A pennant represents 50 speed units, a long barb 10 units, and a
#' short barb 5 units.  Summing these values gives the speed, rounded
#' to 5 units.
#' See \dQuote{Details} for a comparison of the "arrow" and "barb"
#' styles for some made-up velocity data.
#' There are two possibilities for how `longitude`, `latitude` are
#' combined with `u` and `v`.
#' 1. All four are vectors, and the matching is one-to-one. This is
#' useful for showing velocities at particular individual locations,
#' as in the \dQuote{Examples}.
#' 2. `longitude` and `latitude` are vectors, while `u` and `v` are
#' matrices.  In this case, the lengths of `longitude` and `latitude`
#' must equal the number of rows and columns in `u` and `v`,
#' respectively.
#' @param longitude,latitude numeric vectors of the starting points
#' for arrows, or the locations of grid cells.
#' @param u,v numeric vectors or matrices holding the components of a
#' vector to be shown as a direction field.
#' @param scale an indication of the length of the arrows or lines.
#' For the "arrow" style, this is arrow length in latitude degrees per
#' unit of velocity.  For the "barb" style, this is the length of all
#' lines, regardless of the velocity, because in this style velocity
#' is indicated with barbs and pennants.
#' @param length an indication of the size of arrow heads, for "arrow"
#' style, or of the barbs, for "barb" style. If this is NULL (which is
#' the default), then 0.05 will be used for the "arrow" style, and 0.2
#' for the "barb" style.
#' @param code an indication of the style of arrow heads or barbs. For
#' the arrow style, this is a number that is passed to [arrows()],
#' with 2 as the default, meaning to draw the arrow as a conventional
#' vector.  For the wind-barb style, this is the string `"barb"`.
#' @param lwd a numeric value indicating the width of the line
#' segments that make up the speed indicators.
#' @param col color of the speed indicators.
#' @template debugTemplate
#' @examples
#' library(oce)
#' data(coastlineWorld)
#' par(mar = rep(2, 4))
#' mapPlot(coastlineWorld,
#'     border = "black",
#'     col = "grey95",
#'     projection = "+proj=lcc +lat_1=40 +lat_2=60 +lon_0=-60",
#'     longitudelim = c(-70, -50), latitudelim = c(45, 50)
#' )
#' # Invent wind data for three locations in eastern Canada
#' dataText <- "
#' lat,lon,u,v,location
#' 44.6476,-63.5728,15,0,Halifax
#' 49.5495,-62.9555,20,20,Anticosti Island
#' 47.5556,-52.7453,0,55,St. John's"
#' data <- read.csv(text = dataText)
#' # Dots at observation locations, for reference
#' mapPoints(data$lon, data$lat)
#' # Red: arrows that extend downwind from the location
#' mapDirectionField(data$lon, data$lat,
#'     u = data$u, v = data$v, scale = 0.05,
#'     length = .08, code = 2, col = 2, lwd = 2
#' )
#' # Blue: barbs that extend upwind from the location
#' mapDirectionField(data$lon, data$lat,
#'     u = data$u, v = data$v, scale = 2, code = "barb", lwd = 2, col = 4
#' )
#' @seealso A map must first have been created with [mapPlot()].
#' @family functions related to maps
#' @author Dan Kelley
mapDirectionField <- function(
    longitude, latitude, u, v,
    scale = 1, length = NULL, code = 2,
    lwd = par("lwd"), col = par("fg"),
    debug = getOption("oceDebug")) {
    if ("none" == .Projection()$type) {
        stop("must create a map first, with mapPlot()\n")
    # Check (and flatten location and velocity parameters)
    if (!is.vector(longitude)) {
        stop("longitude must be a vector")
    if (!is.vector(latitude)) {
        stop("latitude must be a vector")
    oceDebug(debug, "mapDirectionField() ... \n", sep = "", unindent = 1)
    if (is.matrix(u) || is.matrix(v)) {
        if (!is.matrix(u) || !is.matrix(v)) {
            stop("if either of u or v is a matrix, then both must be")
        if (!identical(dim(u), dim(v))) {
            stop("u and v must have identical dimensions")
        oceDebug(debug, "u and v are matrices with dim=c(", paste(dim(u), collapse = ","), ")\n")
        nlon <- length(longitude)
        nlat <- length(latitude)
        if (nlon != nrow(u)) {
            stop("length of longitude must match number of rows in u")
        if (nlat != ncol(u)) {
            stop("length of latitude must match number of columns in u")
        longitude <- matrix(rep(longitude, nlat), nrow = nlon)
        latitude <- matrix(rep(latitude, nlon), byrow = TRUE, nrow = nlon)
        longitude <- as.vector(longitude)
        latitude <- as.vector(latitude)
        u <- as.vector(u)
        v <- as.vector(v)
    if (grepl("^barb", code)) { # later, may permit e.g. barb/5 etc
        # Handle "barb" case
        oceDebug(debug, "handing control to mapDirectionFieldBarbs()\n")
        if (is.null(length)) {
            length <- 0.2
        mapDirectionFieldBarbs(longitude, latitude, u, v,
            scale = scale, length = length,
            lwd = lwd, col = col, step = 10, debug = debug
    } else {
        # Handle "arrow" case
        if (is.null(length)) {
            length <- 0.05
        xy <- lonlat2map(as.vector(longitude), as.vector(latitude))
        # Calculate lon-lat at ends of barb shafts
        scalex <- scale / cos(pi * latitude / 180)
        latEnd <- latitude + v * scale
        lonEnd <- longitude + u * scalex
        longitude <- angleShift(longitude)
        latitude <- angleShift(latitude)
        lonEnd <- angleShift(lonEnd)
        latEnd <- angleShift(latEnd)
        xy <- lonlat2map(as.vector(longitude), as.vector(latitude))
        xyEnd <- lonlat2map(as.vector(lonEnd), as.vector(latEnd))
        arrows(xy$x, xy$y, xyEnd$x, xyEnd$y, length = length, code = code, col = col)

#' Convert From Longitude and Latitude to X and Y
#' Find (x, y) values corresponding to (longitude, latitude) values, using the
#' present projection. This is mainly a wrapper around [lonlat2map()].
#' @param longitude numeric vector of the longitudes of points, or an
#' object from which both latitude and longitude can be inferred (e.g.
#' a coastline file, or the return value from [mapLocator()]), in
#' which case the following two arguments are ignored.
#' @param latitude numeric vector of latitudes of points, needed only
#' if they cannot be inferred from the first argument.
#' @return
#' A list containing `x` and `y`.
#' @examples
#' \donttest{
#' library(oce)
#' data(coastlineWorld)
#' par(mfrow = c(2, 1), mar = rep(2, 4))
#' mapPlot(coastlineWorld, projection = "+proj=moll") # sets a projection
#' xy <- mapLongitudeLatitudeXY(coastlineWorld)
#' plot(xy, type = "l", asp = 1)
#' }
#' @seealso A map must first have been created with [mapPlot()].
#' @family functions related to maps
#' @author Dan Kelley
mapLongitudeLatitudeXY <- function(longitude, latitude) {
    if ("none" == .Projection()$type) {
        stop("must create a map first, with mapPlot()\n")
    if (missing(longitude)) {
        stop("must give 'longitude' and possibly 'latitude'")
    if (!missing(longitude) && ("data" %in% slotNames(longitude))) {
        tmp <- longitude@data
        if (("longitude" %in% names(tmp)) && ("latitude" %in% names(tmp))) {
            latitude <- tmp$latitude
            longitude <- tmp$longitude
    proj <- lonlat2map(longitude, latitude)
    list(x = proj$x, y = proj$y) # if other properties prove helpful, may add them

#' Draw a Map
#' Plot coordinates as a map, using one of the subset of projections
#' provided by the \CRANpkg{sf} package.  The projection information
#' specified with the `mapPlot()` call is stored in a global variable
#' that can be retrieved by related functions, making it easy to add
#' points, lines, text, images or contours to an existing map. The
#' \dQuote{Details} section, below, provides a list of available
#' projections. The "Using map projections" vignette offers examples
#' of several map plots, in addition to the single example provided in
#' the \dQuote{Examples} section.
#' The calculations for map projections are done with the \CRANpkg{sf}
#' package.  Importantly, though, not all the \CRANpkg{sf} projections
#' are available in `oce`, for reasons relating to limitations of
#' \CRANpkg{sf}, for example relating to inverse-projection
#' calculations. The `oce` choices are tabulated below, e.g.
#' `projection="+proj=aea"` selects the Albers equal area projection.
#' (See also the warning, below, about a problem with \CRANpkg{sf}
#' version 0.9-8.)
#' Further details of the vast array of map projections are given in
#' reference 4.  This system has been in rapid development since about
#' 2018, and reference 5 provides a helpful overview of the changes
#' and the reasons why they were necessary. Practical examples of map
#' projections in \CRANpkg{oce} are provided in reference 6, along
#' with some notes on problems. A fascinating treatment of the history
#' of map projections is provided in reference 7.  To get an idea of
#' how projections are being created nowadays, see reference 8, about
#' the `eqearth` projection that was added to \CRANpkg{oce} in August
#' 2020.
## @section A warning about 'sf' version 0.9-8:
## This version of \CRANpkg{sf}, released in March of 2021, has errors
## with respect to some projections.  This was noticed for the `"ortho"`
## projection, but the problem may occur for other projections as well.
## Therefore, the user ought to use \CRANpkg{sf} versions prior to 0.9-8,
## or subsequent to it.  Most likely, this message will become moot
## in the summer of 2021, when a new version of \CRANpkg{sf} will
## become available on CRAN.
#' @section Available Projections:
#' The following table lists projections available in \CRANpkg{oce},
#' and was generated by reformatting a subset of the output of the
#' unix command `proj -lP`. Most of the arguments have default values,
#' and many projections also have optional arguments.  Although e.g.
#' `proj -l=aea` provides a little more information about particular
#' projections, users ought to consult reference 4 for fuller details
#' and illustrations.
#' | **Projection**                            | **Code**   | **Arguments**                      |
#' | ----------------------------------------- | ---------- | -----------------------------------|
#' | Albers equal area                         | `aea`      | `lat_1`, `lat_2`                   |
#' | Azimuthal equidistant                     | `aeqd`     | `lat_0`, `guam`                    |
#' | Aitoff                                    | `aitoff`   | -                                  |
#' | Mod. stererographics of Alaska            | `alsk`     | -                                  |
#' | Bipolar conic of western hemisphere       | `bipc`     | -                                  |
#' | Bonne Werner                              | `bonne`    | `lat_1`                            |
#' | Cassini                                   | `cass`     | -                                  |
#' | Central cylindrical                       | `cc`       | -                                  |
#' | Equal area cylindrical                    | `cea`      | `lat_ts`                           |
#' | Collignon                                 | `collg`    | -                                  |
#' | Craster parabolic Putnins P4              | `crast`    | -                                  |
#' | Eckert I                                  | `eck1`     | -                                  |
#' | Eckert II                                 | `eck2`     | -                                  |
#' | Eckert III                                | `eck3`     | -                                  |
#' | Eckert IV                                 | `eck4`     | -                                  |
#' | Eckert V                                  | `eck5`     | -                                  |
#' | Eckert VI                                 | `eck6`     | -                                  |
#' | Equidistant cylindrical plate (Caree)     | `eqc`      | `lat_ts`, `lat_0`                  |
#' | Equidistant conic                         | `eqdc`     | `lat_1`, `lat_2`                   |
#' | Equal earth                               | `eqearth`  | -                                  |
#' | Euler                                     | `euler`    | `lat_1`, `lat_2`                   |
#' | Extended transverse Mercator              | `etmerc`   | -                                  |
#' | Fahey                                     | `fahey`    | -                                  |
#' | Foucault                                  | `fouc`     | -                                  |
#' | Foucault sinusoidal                       | `fouc_s`   | -                                  |
#' | Gall stereographic                        | `gall`     | -                                  |
#' | Geostationary satellite view              | `geos`     | `h`                                |
#' | General sinusoidal series                 | `gn_sinu`  | `m`, `n`                           |
#' | Gnomonic                                  | `gnom`     | -                                  |
#' | Goode homolosine                          | `goode`    | -                                  |
# Mod. stererographics of 48 U.S.           | `gs48`     | -                                  |
# Mod. stererographics of 50 U.S.           | `gs50`     | -                                  |
#' | Hatano asymmetrical equal area            | `hatano`   | -                                  |
# NOTE: healpix was removed 2020-08-03 because sf does not support it well
# HEALPix                                   | `healpix`  | -                                  |
# NOTE: rhealpix was removed 2020-08-03 because sf does not support it well
# rHEALPix                                  | `rhealpix` | `north_square`, `south_square`     |
#' | Interrupted Goode homolosine              | `igh`      | -                                  |
# Int'l map of the world polyconic          | `imw_p`    | `lat_1`, `lat_2`, `lon_1`          |
#' | Kavraisky V                               | `kav5`     | -                                  |
#' | Kavraisky VII                             | `kav7`     | -                                  |
# Krovak                                    | `krovak`   | -                                  |
#' | Lambert azimuthal equal area              | `laea`     | -                                  |
#' | Longitude and latitude                    | `longlat`  | -                                  |
#' | Longitude and latitude                    | `latlong`  | -                                  |
#' | Lambert conformal conic                   | `lcc`      | `lat_1`, `lat_2` or `lat_0`, `k_0` |
#' | Lambert equal area conic                  | `leac`     | `lat_1`, `south`                   |
# Lee oblated stereographic                 | `lee_os`   | -                                  |
#' | Loximuthal                                | `loxim`    | -                                  |
#' | Space oblique for Landsat                 | `lsat`     | `lsat`, `path`                     |
#' | McBryde-Thomas flat-polar sine, no. 1     | `mbt_s`    | -                                  |
#' | McBryde-Thomas flat-polar sine, no. 2     | `mbt_fps`  | -                                  |
#' | McBryde-Thomas flat-polar parabolic       | `mbtfpp`   | -                                  |
#' | McBryde-Thomas flat-polar quartic         | `mbtfpq`   | -                                  |
#' | McBryde-Thomas flat-polar sinusoidal      | `mbtfps`   | -                                  |
#' | Mercator                                  | `merc`     | `lat_ts`                           |
#' | Miller oblated stereographic              | `mil_os`   | -                                  |
#' | Miller cylindrical                        | `mill`     | -                                  |
#' | Mollweide                                 | `moll`     | -                                  |
#' | Murdoch I                                 | `murd1`    | `lat_1`, `lat_2`                   |
#' | Murdoch II                                | `murd2`    | `lat_1`, `lat_2`                   |
#' | murdoch III                               | `murd3`    | `lat_1`, `lat_2`                   |
#' | Natural earth                             | `natearth` | -                                  |
#' | Nell                                      | `nell`     | -                                  |
#' | Nell-Hammer                               | `nell_h`   | -                                  |
#' | Near-sided perspective                    | `nsper`    | `h`                                |
#' | New Zealand map grid                      | `nzmg`     | -                                  |
#' | General oblique transformation            | `ob_tran`  | `o_proj`, `o_lat_p`, `o_lon_p`,    |
#' |                                           |            | `o_alpha`, `o_lon_c`, `o_lat_c`,   |
#' |                                           |            | `o_lon_1`, `o_lat_1`,              |
#' |                                           |            | `o_lon_2`, `o_lat_2`               |
#' | Oblique cylindrical equal area            | `ocea`     | `lat_1`, `lat_2`, `lon_1`, `lon_2` |
#' | Oblated equal area                        | `oea`      | `n`, `m`, `theta`                  |
#' | Oblique Mercator                          | `omerc`    | `alpha`, `gamma`, `no_off`,        |
#' |                                           |            | `lonc`, `lon_1`, `lat_1`,          |
#' |                                           |            | `lon_2`, `lat_2`                   |
#' | Orthographic                              | `ortho`    | -                                  |
# NOTE: pconic was removed 2020-08-03 because sf does not support it well
# Perspective conic                           | `pconic`   | `lat_1`, `lat_2`                   |
#' | Polyconic American                        | `poly`     | -                                  |
#' | Putnins P1                                | `putp1`    | -                                  |
#' | Putnins P2                                | `putp2`    | -                                  |
#' | Putnins P3                                | `putp3`    | -                                  |
#' | Putnins P3'                               | `putp3p`   | -                                  |
#' | Putnins P4'                               | `putp4p`   | -                                  |
#' | Putnins P5                                | `putp5`    | -                                  |
#' | Putnins P5'                               | `putp5p`   | -                                  |
#' | Putnins P6                                | `putp6`    | -                                  |
#' | Putnins P6'                               | `putp6p`   | -                                  |
#' | Quartic authalic                          | `qua_aut`  | -                                  |
#' | Quadrilateralized spherical cube          | `qsc`      | -                                  |
#' | Robinson                                  | `robin`    | -                                  |
#' | Roussilhe stereographic                   | `rouss`    | -                                  |
#' | Sinusoidal aka Sanson-Flamsteed           | `sinu`     | -                                  |
#' | Swiss. oblique Mercator                   | `somerc`   | -                                  |
#' | Stereographic                             | `stere`    | `lat_ts`                           |
#' | Oblique stereographic alternative         | `sterea`   | -                                  |
# | Gauss-Schreiber transverse Mercator       | `gstmerc`  | `lat_0`, `lon_0`, `k_0`            |
#' | Transverse cylindrical equal area         | `tcea`     | -                                  |
#' | Tissot                                    | `tissot`   | `lat_1`, `lat_2`                   |
#' | Transverse Mercator                       | `tmerc`    | `approx`                           |
#' | Two point equidistant                     | `tpeqd`    | `lat_1`, `lon_1`, `lat_2`, `lon_2` |
#' | Tilted perspective                        | `tpers`    | `tilt`, `azi`, `h`                 |
#' | Universal polar stereographic             | `ups`      | `south`                            |
#' | Urmaev flat-polar sinusoidal              | `urmfps`   | `n`                                |
#' | Universal transverse Mercator             | `utm`      | `zone`, `south`, `approx`          |
#' | van der Grinten I                         | `vandg`    | -                                  |
#' | Vitkovsky I                               | `vitk1`    | `lat_1`, `lat_2`                   |
#' | Wagner I Kavraisky VI                     | `wag1`     | -                                  |
#' | Wagner II                                 | `wag2`     | -                                  |
#' | Wagner III                                | `wag3`     | `lat_ts`                           |
#' | Wagner IV                                 | `wag4`     | -                                  |
#' | Wagner V                                  | `wag5`     | -                                  |
#' | Wagner VI                                 | `wag6`     | -                                  |
#' | Werenskiold I                             | `weren`    | -                                  |
#' | Winkel I                                  | `wink1`    | `lat_ts`                           |
#' | Winkel Tripel                             | `wintri`   | `lat_ts`                           |
#' @section Choosing a projection:
#' The best choice of projection depends on the application.
#' Users may find `projection="+proj=moll"` useful for world-wide
#' plots, `ortho` for hemispheres viewed from the equator, `stere`
#' for polar views, `lcc` for wide meridional ranges in mid latitudes,
#' `merc` in limited-area cases where angle preservation is
#' important, or either `aea` or `eqearth` (on local and global
#' scales, respectively) where area preservation is important.
#' The choice becomes more important, the larger the size of the region
#' represented.  When it comes to publication, it can be sensible to use the
#' same projection as used in previous reports.
#' @section Problems:
#' Map projection is a complicated matter that is addressed here
#' in a limited and pragmatic way.  For example, `mapPlot` tries to draw
#' axes along a box containing the map, instead of trying to find spots along
#' the ``edge'' of the map at which to put longitude and latitude labels.
#' This design choice greatly simplifies the coding effort, freeing up time to
#' work on issues regarded as more pressing.  Chief among those issues are (a)
#' the occurrence of horizontal lines in maps that have prime meridians
#' (b) inaccurate filling of land regions that (again) occur with shifted
#' meridians and (c) inaccurate filling of Antarctica in some projections.
#' Generally, issues are tackled first for commonly used projections, such as
#' those used in the examples.
#' @section Historical Notes:
## * 2022-04-11: require `projection` to be a string.  (Previously,
## output from `sp::CRS()` was also accepted, but this function
## has been deprecated.)
#' * 2020-12-24: complete switch from `rgdal` to \CRANpkg{sf},
#' removing the testing scheme created on 2020-08-03.
#' * 2020-08-03: added support for the `eqearth` projection (like `robin` but
#' an equal-area method).
#' * 2020-08-03: dropped support for the `healpix`, `pconic`
#' and `rhealpix` projections, which caused errors with the
#' \CRANpkg{sf} package.  (This is not a practical loss, since these
#' interrupted projections were handled badly by `mapPlot()`
#' in any case.)
#' * 2020-08-03: switch from `rgdal` to \CRANpkg{sf} for
#' calculations related to map projection, owing to some
#' changes in the former package that broke \CRANpkg{oce}
#' code.  (To catch problems, \CRANpkg{oce} was set up to use
#' both packages temporarily, issuing warnings if the results differed
#' by more than 1 metre in easting or northing values.)
## * 2019-03-20: the test code provided the \dQuote{Examples} section
## is disabled on i386/windows machines, on which the requisite
## `rgdal` package continues to fail on common projections.
#' * 2017-11-19: `imw_p` removed, because it has problems doing
#' inverse calculations.
#' This is a also problem in the standalone PROJ.4 application version
#' 4.9.3, downloaded and built on OSX.
#' See `https://github.com/dankelley/oce/issues/1319` for details.
#' * 2017-11-17: `lsat` removed, because it does not work in
#' `rgdal` or in the latest standalone PROJ.4 application.
#' This is a also problem in the standalone PROJ.4 application version
#' 4.9.3, downloaded and built on OSX.
#' See `https://github.com/dankelley/oce/issues/1337` for details.
#' * 2017-09-30: `lcca` removed, because its inverse was
#' wildly inaccurate in a Pacific Antarctic-Alaska application
#' (see `https://github.com/dankelley/oce/issues/1303`).
#' @param longitude either a numeric vector of longitudes of points to be plotted, or
#' something (an `oce` object, a list, or a data frame) from which both
#' longitude and latitude may be inferred (in which case the `latitude`
#' argument is ignored).  If `longitude` is missing, both it and
#' `latitude` are taken from the built-in [coastlineWorld] dataset.
#' @param latitude numeric vector of latitudes of points to be plotted (ignored
#' if the first argument contains both latitude and longitude).
#' @param longitudelim,latitudelim optional numeric vectors of length
#' two, indicating the limits of the plot. A warning is issued if
#' these are not specified together. See \dQuote{Examples} for a
#' polar-region example, noting that the whole-globe span of
#' `longitudelim` is used to centre the plot at the north pole.
## This value is used in the selection of
## longitude lines that are shown (and possibly
## labelled on the axes). In some cases, e.g. for polar views,
## this can lead to odd results, with some expected longitude lines
## being left out of the plot.  Altering `longitudelim` can
## often help in such cases, e.g. `longitudelim=c(-180, 180)` will
## force the drawing of lines all around the globe.
## @param latitudelim optional vector of length two, indicating
## the latitude limits of the plot. This, together with `longitudelim`
## (and, importantly, the geometry of the plot device) is used in the
## selection of map scale.
#' @param grid either a number (or pair of numbers) indicating the spacing of
#' longitude and latitude lines, in degrees, or a logical value (or pair of
#' values) indicating whether to draw an auto-scaled grid, or whether to skip
#' the grid drawing.  In the case of numerical values, `NA` can be used to
#' turn off the grid in longitude or latitude.  Grids are set up based on
#' examination of the scale used in middle 10 percent of the plot area, and for
#' most projections this works quite well.  If not, one may set
#' `grid=FALSE` and add a grid later with [mapGrid()].
#' @param geographical flag indicating the style of axes.  With
#' `geographical=0`, the axes are conventional, with decimal degrees as
#' the unit, and negative signs indicating the southern and western
#' hemispheres.  With `geographical=1`, the signs are dropped, with axis
#' values being in decreasing order within the southern and western
#' hemispheres.  With `geographical=2`, the signs are dropped and the axes
#' are labelled with degrees, minutes and seconds, as appropriate, and
#' hemispheres are indicated with letters. With `geographical=3`, things
#' are the same as for `geographical=2`, but the hemisphere indication
#' is omitted. Finally, with `geographical=4`, unsigned numbers are used,
#' followed by letters `N` in the northern hemisphere, `S` in the southern,
#' `E` in the eastern, and `W` in the western.
#' @param bg color of the background (ignored).
#' @param fill is a deprecated argument; see [oce-deprecated].
#' @param border color of coastlines and international borders (ignored unless
#' `type="polygon"`.
#' @param col either the color for filling polygons (if `type="polygon"`)
#' or the color of the points and line segments (if `type="p"`,
#' `type="l"`, or `type="o"`). If `col=NULL` then a default
#' will be set: no coastline filling for the `type="polygon"` case,
#' or black coastlines, for `type="p"`, `type="l"`, or
#' `type="o"`.
#' @param clip logical value indicating whether to trim any coastline
#' elements that lie wholly outside the plot region. This can prevent
#' e.g. a problem of filling the whole plot area of an Arctic
#' stereopolar view, because the projected trace for Antarctica lies
#' outside all other regions so the whole of the world ends up being
#' "land".  Setting `clip=FALSE` disables this action, which may be of
#' benefit in rare instances in the line connecting two points on a
#' coastline may cross the plot domain, even if those points are
#' outside that domain.
#' @param type indication of type; may be `"polygon"`, for a filled
#' polygon, `"p"` for points, `"l"` for line segments, or `"o"` for
#' points overlain with line segments.
#' @param axes a logical value indicating whether to draw longitude
#' and latitude values in the lower and left margin, respectively.
#' This may not work well for some projections or scales.  See also
#' `axisStyle`, `lonlabels` and `latlabels`, which offer more granular
#' control of labelling.
#' @param axisStyle an integer specifying the style of labels for the numbers
#' on axes.  The choices are:
#' 1 for signed numbers without additional labels;
#' 2 (the default) for unsigned numbers followed by letters indicating the hemisphere;
#' 3 for signed numbers followed by a degree sign;
#' 4 for unsigned numbers followed by a degree sign; and
#' 5 for signed numbers followed by a degree sign and letters indicating the hemisphere.
#' @param cex character expansion factor for plot symbols,
#' used if `type="p"` or any other value that yields symbols.
#' @param cex.axis axis-label expansion factor (see [par()]).
#' @param mgp three-element numerical vector describing axis-label
#' placement, passed to [mapAxis()].
#' @param las two-element axis label orientation, passed to [axis()]. The first
#' value is for the horizontal axis, and the second is for the vertical axis.
#' See [par()] for the meanings of the permitted values, namely 0, 1, 2 and 3.
#' @param drawBox logical value indicating whether to draw a box around the plot.
#' This is helpful for many projections at sub-global scale.
#' @param showHemi logical value indicating whether to show the hemisphere in
#' axis tick labels.
#' @param polarCircle a number indicating the number of degrees of latitude
#' extending from the poles, within which zones are not drawn.
#' @param lonlabels An optional logical value or numeric vector that controls
#' the labelling along the horizontal axis. There are four possibilities:
#' (1) If `lonlabels` is `TRUE` (the default), then reasonable values are inferred
#' and axes are drawn with ticks and labels alongside those ticks;
#' (2) if `lonlabels` is `FALSE`, then ticks are drawn, but no labels;
#' (3) if `lonlabels` is `NULL`, then no axis ticks or labels are drawn; and
#' (4) if `lonlabels` is  a vector of finite numerical values, then tick marks
#' are placed  at those longitudes, and labels are put alongside them.
#' Note that R tries to avoid overwriting labels on axes, so the instructions
#' in case 4 might not be obeyed exactly.
#' See also `latlabels`, and note that setting `axes=FALSE`
#' ensures that no longitude or latitude axes will be drawn regardless
#' of the values of `lonlabels` and `latlabels`.
#' @param latlabels As `lonlabels`, but for latitude, on the left
#' plot axis.
#' @param projection either character value indicating the map projection, or
#' the output from [sf::st_crs()]. In the first case, see a table
#' in \dQuote{Details} for the projections that are available.
#' In the second case, note that [mapPlot()] reports an error if
#' a similar function from the old `sp` package is used.
## Prior to version#' 1.8.0, `projection` could also be a value created by a now-defunct
## `sp` function; see \dQuote{Historical Notes}.
#' @param trim logical value indicating whether to trim islands or lakes
#' containing only points that are off-scale of the current plot box.  This
#' solves the problem of Antarctica overfilling the entire domain, for an
#' Arctic-centred stereographic projection.  It is not a perfect solution,
#' though, because the line segment joining two off-scale points might
#' intersect the plotting box.
#' @param tissot logical value indicating whether to use [mapTissot()]
#' to plot Tissot indicatrices, i.e. ellipses at grid intersection points, which
#' indicate map distortion.
#' @param debug a flag that turns on debugging.  Set to 1 to get a moderate
#' amount of debugging information, or to 2 to get more.
#' @param ... optional arguments passed to some plotting functions.  This can
#' be useful in many ways, e.g.  Example 5 shows how to use `xlim` etc to
#' reproduce a scale exactly between two plots.
#' @seealso
#' Points may be added to a map with [mapPoints()], lines with
#' [mapLines()], text with [mapText()], polygons with
#' [mapPolygon()], images with [mapImage()], and scale bars
#' with [mapScalebar()].  Points on a map may be determined with mouse
#' clicks using [mapLocator()].  Great circle paths can be calculated
#' with [geodGc()].  See reference 8 for a demonstration of the available map
#' projections (with graphs).
#' @examples
#' # NOTE: the map-projection vignette has many more examples.
#' library(oce)
#' data(coastlineWorld)
#' # Demonstrate a high-latitude view using a built-in "CRS" value that is used
#' # by the National Snow and Ice Data Center (NSIDC) for representing
#' # the northern-hemisphere ice zone.  The view is meant to mimic the figure
#' # at the top of the document entitled "A Guide to NSIDC's Polar Stereographic
#' # Projection" at https://nsidc.org/data/user-resources/help-center, with the
#' # box indicating the region of the NSIDC grid.
#' projection <- sf::st_crs("EPSG:3413")
#' cat(projection$proj4string, "\n") # see the projection details
#' par(mar = c(2, 2, 1, 1)) # tighten margins
#' mapPlot(coastlineWorld,
#'     projection = projection,
#'     col = gray(0.9), geographical = 4,
#'     longitudelim = c(-180, 180), latitudelim = c(10, 90)
#' )
#' # Coordinates of box from Table 6 of the NSIDC document
#' box <- cbind(
#'     -360 + c(168.35, 102.34, 350.3, 279.26, 168.35),
#'     c(30.98, 31.37, 34.35, 33.92, 30.98)
#' )
#' mapLines(box[, 1], box[, 2], lwd = 2)
#' @section Sample of Usage:
#' \preformatted{
#' # Example 1.
#' # Mollweide (referenc 1 page 54) is an equal-area projection that works well
#' # for whole-globe views.
#' mapPlot(coastlineWorld, projection="+proj=moll", col="gray")
#' mtext("Mollweide", adj=1)
#' # Example 2.
#' # Note that filling is not employed (`col` is not
#' # given) when the prime meridian is shifted, because
#' # this causes a problem with Antarctica
#' cl180 <- coastlineCut(coastlineWorld, lon_0=-180)
#' mapPlot(cl180, projection="+proj=moll +lon_0=-180")
#' mtext("Mollweide with coastlineCut", adj=1)
#' # Example 3.
#' # Orthographic projections resemble a globe, making them attractive for
#' # non-technical use, but they are neither conformal nor equal-area, so they
#' # are somewhat limited for serious use on large scales.  See Section 20 of
#' # reference 1. Note that filling is not employed because it causes a problem with
#' # Antarctica.
#' if (utils::packageVersion("sf") != "0.9.8") {
#'     # sf version 0.9-8 has a problem with this projection
#'     par(mar=c(3, 3, 1, 1))
#'     mapPlot(coastlineWorld, projection="+proj=ortho +lon_0=-180")
#'     mtext("Orthographic", adj=1)
#' }
#' # Example 4.
#' # The Lambert conformal conic projection is an equal-area projection
#' # recommended by reference 1, page 95, for regions of large east-west extent
#' # away from the equator, here illustrated for the USA and Canada.
#' par(mar=c(3, 3, 1, 1))
#' mapPlot(coastlineCut(coastlineWorld, -100),
#'     longitudelim=c(-130,-55), latitudelim=c(35, 60),
#'     projection="+proj=lcc +lat_0=30 +lat_1=60 +lon_0=-100", col="gray")
#' mtext("Lambert conformal", adj=1)
#' # Example 5.
#' # The stereographic projection (reference 1, page 120) in the standard
#' # form used NSIDC (National Snow and Ice Data Center) for the Arctic.
#' # (See "A Guide to NSIDC's Polar Stereographic Projection" at
#' # https://nsidc.org/data/user-resources/help-center.)
#' # Note how the latitude limit extends 20 degrees past the pole,
#' # symmetrically.
#' par(mar=c(3, 3, 1, 1))
#' mapPlot(coastlineWorld,
#'     longitudelim=c(-180, 180), latitudelim=c(70, 110),
#'     projection=sf::st_crs("EPSG:3413"), col="gray")
#' mtext("Stereographic", adj=1)
#' # Example 6.
#' # Spinning globe: create PNG files that can be assembled into a movie
#' if (utils::packageVersion("sf") != "0.9.8") {
#'     # sf version 0.9-8 has a problem with this projection
#'     png("globe-%03d.png")
#'     lons <- seq(360, 0, -15)
#'     par(mar=rep(0, 4))
#'     for (i in seq_along(lons)) {
#'         p <- paste("+proj=ortho +lat_0=30 +lon_0=", lons[i], sep="")
#'         if (i == 1) {
#'             mapPlot(coastlineCut(coastlineWorld, lons[i]), projection=p, col="gray")
#'             xlim <- par("usr")[1:2]
#'             ylim <- par("usr")[3:4]
#'         } else {
#'             mapPlot(coastlineCut(coastlineWorld, lons[i]), projection=p, col="gray",
#'                     xlim=xlim, ylim=ylim, xaxs="i", yaxs="i")
#'         }
#'     }
#'     dev.off()
#' }
#' }
#' @author Dan Kelley and Clark Richards
#' @references
#' 1. Snyder, John P., 1987.  Map Projections: A Working Manual.  USGS
#' Professional Paper: 1395
#' `https://pubs.er.usgs.gov/publication/pp1395`
# \doi{10.3133/pp1395}
#' 2. Natural Resources Canada
#' `https://www.nrcan.gc.ca/earth-sciences/geography/topographic-information/maps/9805`
#' 3. "List of Map Projections." In Wikipedia, January 26, 2021.
#' `https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=List_of_map_projections`.
#' 4. PROJ contributors (2020).
#' "PROJ Coordinate Transformation Software Library."
#' Open Source Geospatial Foundation, n.d.
#' `https://proj.org`.
#' 5. Bivand, Roger (2020) Why have CRS, projections and transformations changed?
#' 6. A gallery of map plots is provided at
#' `https://dankelley.github.io/r/2020/08/02/oce-proj.html`
#' 7. Snyder, John Parr.
#' Flattening the Earth: Two Thousand Years of Map Projections.
#' Chicago, IL: University of Chicago Press, 1993.
#' `https://press.uchicago.edu/ucp/books/book/chicago/F/bo3632853.html`
#' 8. Šavrič, Bojan, Tom Patterson, and Bernhard Jenny.
#' "The Equal Earth Map Projection."
#' International Journal of Geographical Information Science 33, no. 3 (March 4, 2019): 454-65.
#' \doi{10.1080/13658816.2018.1504949}
#' @family functions related to maps
mapPlot <- function(
    longitude, latitude, longitudelim, latitudelim, grid = TRUE,
    geographical = 0,
    bg, fill, border = NULL, col = NULL,
    clip = TRUE, type = "polygon", axes = TRUE, axisStyle = 1,
    cex, cex.axis = 1, mgp = c(0, 0.5, 0), las = c(0, 0), drawBox = TRUE, showHemi = TRUE,
    polarCircle = 0, lonlabels = TRUE, latlabels = TRUE,
    projection = "+proj=moll", tissot = FALSE, trim = TRUE,
    debug = getOption("oceDebug"), ...) {
    debug <- max(0, min(debug, 3))
    oceDebug(debug, "mapPlot(longitude, latitude,",
        if (inherits(projection, "crs")) {
            paste("projection=sf::st_crs(\"", projection$input, "\"),", sep = "")
        } else if (!missing(projection)) paste("projection=", projection, "\",", sep = ""),
        ", ...) START\n",
        sep = "", unindent = 1
    dots <- list(...)
    if (1 == length(grid)) {
        grid <- rep(grid, 2)
    geographical <- round(geographical)
    if (geographical < 0 || geographical > 4) {
        stop("argument geographical must be an integer between 0 to 4, inclusive")
    if (length(las) != 2L) {
        stop("las must be a two-element integer vector")
    # Note the deprecation of sp::CRS() values.  I do not plan to permit values
    # from sf::st_crs() because I can't find documentation of the fields of those
    # values, and so adding the capability would introduce a brittleness without
    # much justification.
    if (!missing(projection)) {
        if (inherits(projection, "CRS")) {
            stop("projection cannot be the result of an sp::CRS() call, since that library is defunct")
        } else if (inherits(projection, "crs")) {
            tmp <- projection
            projection <- projection$proj4string
            oceDebug(debug, "projection expanded from a CRS string to", projection, "\n")
        } else if (!is.character(projection)) {
            stop("projection must be a character value (see Historical Notes for 2023-04-11)")
        if (grepl("+proj=utm", projection) && !grepl("+zone=", projection)) {
            stop("A +proj=utm projection requires a +zone= value.")
    if (packageVersion("sf") >= "0.8.1") {
        oceDebug(debug, "using sf version ", as.character(packageVersion("sf")), "\n")
        tmp <- sf::st_crs(projection)$proj4string
        if (is.na(tmp)) {
            oceDebug(debug, "original projection\n      '", projection, "'\n  not converted, owing to an error with sf::st_crs()\n", sep = "")
        } else {
            oceDebug(debug, "used sf::st_crs() to convert projection to \"", tmp, "\"\n", sep = "")
            projection <- tmp
    # Work-around for some sf projection problems
    repairedProjection <- repairProjection(projection, longlatProjInitial, debug = debug)
    projection <- repairedProjection$projection
    # nolint start object_usage_linter
    longlatProj <- repairedProjection$longlatProj
    # nolint end object_usage_linter
    if (missing(longitude)) {
        data("coastlineWorld", package = "oce", envir = environment())
        longitude <- get("coastlineWorld")
    if (!missing(fill)) {
        # permit call as documented before 2016-02-03
        # Note: the code permitted fill=TRUE but this was never documented
        if (is.character(fill)) {
            col <- fill
        } else {
            if (is.logical(fill) && !fill) {
                col <- NULL
        warning("In mapPlot() : 'fill' being accepted for backwards compatibility; please use 'col' instead", call. = FALSE)
    isTopo <- FALSE
    if (inherits(longitude, "topo")) {
        topo <- longitude
        isTopo <- TRUE
        # set up to corners of topo lonlat box
        longitude <- range(topo[["longitude"]], na.rm = TRUE)
        latitude <- range(topo[["latitude"]], na.rm = TRUE)
    } else if ("data" %in% slotNames(longitude) && # handle e.g. 'coastline' class
        2 == sum(c("longitude", "latitude") %in% names(longitude@data))) {
        latitude <- longitude@data$latitude
        longitude <- longitude@data$longitude
    if (length(grid) > 2) {
        grid <- grid[1:2]
    if (length(grid) == 1) {
        grid <- rep(grid[1], 2)
    oceDebug(debug, "after making it length 2, grid is c(", paste(grid, collapse = ","), ")\n", sep = "")
    drawGrid <- (is.logical(grid[1]) && grid[1]) || (is.numeric(grid[1]) && grid[1] > 0)
    oceDebug(debug, "drawGrid=", drawGrid, "\n")
    if (nchar(projection) && substr(projection, 1, 1) != "+") {
        stop("use PROJ format, e.g. projection=\"+proj=merc\" for Mercator\n", sep = "")
    xy <- lonlat2map(longitude, latitude, projection = projection, debug = debug - 1)
    if (!missing(latitudelim) && 0 == diff(latitudelim)) {
        stop("latitudelim must contain two distinct values")
    if (!missing(longitudelim) && 0 == diff(longitudelim)) {
        stop("longitudelim must contain two distinct values")
    limitsGiven <- !missing(latitudelim) && !missing(longitudelim)
    x <- xy$x
    y <- xy$y
    xorig <- xy$x
    yorig <- xy$y
    oce_uhl <- options()$oce_uhl
    if (!is.null(oce_uhl) && oce_uhl == "method 1") {
        message("using test code to remove ugly horiz. lines, since options$oce_uhl==\"method 1\"")
        # Insert NA to break long horizontal jumps, which can be caused by coastline
        # segments that "pass across" the edge of a plot.
        dx <- abs(diff(x))
        bigJumps <- which(dx > (mean(dx, na.rm = TRUE) + 10 * sd(dx, na.rm = TRUE)))
        # print(longitude[bigJumps])
        for (j in bigJumps) {
            # message("chopping j=", j)
            lenx <- length(x)
            x <- c(x[seq.int(1, j)], NA, x[seq.int(j + 1, lenx)])
            longitude <- c(longitude[seq.int(1, j)], NA, longitude[seq.int(j + 1, lenx)])
            y <- c(y[seq.int(1, j)], NA, y[seq.int(j + 1, lenx)])
            latitude <- c(latitude[seq.int(1, j)], NA, latitude[seq.int(j + 1, lenx)])
        xy <- badFillFix1(x = x, y = y, latitude = latitude, projection = projection)
        x <- xy$x
        y <- xy$y

    # range gets caught up on Inf values, so we make tmp variables xtmp and ytmp
    xtmp <- x
    xtmp[!is.finite(x)] <- NA
    ytmp <- y
    ytmp[!is.finite(y)] <- NA
    xrange <- range(xtmp, na.rm = TRUE)
    yrange <- range(ytmp, na.rm = TRUE)
    rm(xtmp, ytmp)
    if (any(!is.finite(xrange)) || any(!is.finite(yrange))) {
        stop("All the data are 'on the other side of the world' for this map projection")
    oceDebug(debug, "xrange=", paste(xrange, collapse = " "), "\n")
    oceDebug(debug, "yrange=", paste(yrange, collapse = " "), "\n")
    dotnames <- names(dots)
    if ("xlim" %in% dotnames || "ylim" %in% dotnames || "xaxs" %in% dotnames || "yaxs" %in% dotnames) {
        # for issue 539, i.e. repeated scales
        oceDebug(debug, "xlim, ylim, xaxs, or yaxs was given\n")
        if (type == "polygon") {
            plot(x, y, type = "n", xlab = "", ylab = "", asp = 1, axes = FALSE, ...)
            if (is.null(border)) {
                border <- "black"
            if (is.null(col)) {
                col <- "white"
            polygon(x, y, border = border, col = col)
        } else {
            plot(x, y, type = type, xlab = "", ylab = "", asp = 1, axes = FALSE, col = col, ...)
    } else {
        oceDebug(debug, "xlim, ylim, xaxs, and yaxs were not given\n")
        if (limitsGiven) {
            oceDebug(debug, "latitudelim and longitudelim are known\n")
            oceDebug(debug, "latitudelim: ", paste(latitudelim, collapse = " "), "\n")
            oceDebug(debug, "longitudelim: ", paste(longitudelim, collapse = " "), "\n")
            # transform so can do e.g. latlim=c(70, 110) to centre on pole
            # See https://github.com/dankelley/oce/issues/2098 for discussion of
            # an issue that I noticed in June of 2023.  The commented-out line
            # you see below was causing latitude lines not to plot for e.g.
            # latitudelim=c(70,110), which is a way to centre the pole on the
            # plot.
            # message("latitudelim: ", paste(latitudelim, collapse=" "))
            # message("longitudelim: ", paste(longitudelim, collapse=" "))
            if (latitudelim[2] > 90) {
                longitudelim[2] <- 360 + longitudelim[2] - 180
                #<github issue 2098> latitudelim[2] <- 180 - latitudelim[2]
            # message("latitudelim: ", paste(latitudelim, collapse=" "))
            # message("longitudelim: ", paste(longitudelim, collapse=" "))
            n <- 10
            BOXx <- c(
                rep(longitudelim[1], n), seq(longitudelim[1], longitudelim[2], length.out = n),
                rep(longitudelim[2], n), seq(longitudelim[2], longitudelim[1], length.out = n)
            BOXy <- c(
                seq(latitudelim[1], latitudelim[2], length.out = n), rep(latitudelim[2], n),
                seq(latitudelim[2], latitudelim[1], length.out = n), rep(latitudelim[1], n)
            # message("111")
            box <- lonlat2map(BOXx, BOXy)
            # message("/111")
            bad3 <- !is.finite(box$x) | !is.finite(box$y)
            box$x <- box$x[!bad3]
            box$y <- box$y[!bad3]
            # message("FIXME: box is NA")
            if (type == "polygon") {
                plot(x, y,
                    type = "n",
                    xlim = range(box$x, na.rm = TRUE), ylim = range(box$y, na.rm = TRUE),
                    xlab = "", ylab = "", asp = 1, axes = FALSE, ...
                if (is.null(border)) {
                    border <- "black"
                if (is.null(col)) {
                    col <- "white"
                if (clip) {
                    oceDebug(debug, "about to draw clipped polygon\n")
                    # FIXME <issue 2201> keep this test for a while
                    cl <- .Call("map_clip_xy_old", x, y, par("usr"))
                    clNew <- mapClipXy(x, y, par("usr"))
                    if (!identical(cl, clNew)) {
                        message("IMPORTANT: mapPlot/mapClipXy problem -- please report at github.com/dankelley/oce/issues")
                        warning("IMPORTANT: mapPlot/mapClipXy problem -- please report at github.com/dankelley/oce/issues")
                    # FIXME: what about col? shouldn't it be altered if some
                    # polygons are entirely missing?  Maybe the function needs
                    # to return 'col' also.
                    polygon(cl$x, cl$y, border = border, col = col)
                } else {
                    oceDebug(debug, "about to draw unclipped polygon\n")
                    polygon(x, y, border = border, col = col)
            } else {
                if (is.null(col)) {
                    col <- "black"
                #> message("ISSUE 1783, at map.R:1722")
                plot(x, y,
                    type = type,
                    xlim = range(box$x, na.rm = TRUE), ylim = range(box$y, na.rm = TRUE),
                    xlab = "", ylab = "", asp = 1, axes = FALSE,
                    col = if (missing(col)) NULL else col,
                    bg = if (missing(bg)) NULL else bg,
                    cex = if (missing(cex)) NULL else cex,
            # points(jitter(box$x), jitter(box$y), pch=1, col="red")
        } else {
            oceDebug(debug, "neither latitudelim nor longitudelim was given\n")
            if (type == "polygon") {
                plot(x, y,
                    type = "n",
                    xlab = "", ylab = "", asp = 1, axes = FALSE, ...
                if (is.null(border)) {
                    border <- "black"
                if (is.null(col)) {
                    col <- "white"
                polygon(x, y, border = border, col = col)
            } else {
                if (is.null(col)) {
                    col <- "black"
                #> message("ISSUE 1783, at map.R:1743")
                plot(x, y,
                    type = type,
                    xlab = "", ylab = "", asp = 1, axes = FALSE,
                    col = if (missing(col)) NULL else col,
                    bg = if (missing(bg)) NULL else bg,
                    cex = if (missing(cex)) NULL else cex,
    # Remove any island/lake that is entirely offscale.  This is not a
    # solution to the Antarctica/stereographic problem of issue 545, because the
    # line segment between two offscale points might intersect the box.  For
    # this reason, it is done only when trim=TRUE.
    if (trim) {
        xy <- badFillFix2(x = x, y = y, xorig = xorig, yorig = yorig)
        x <- xy$x
        y <- xy$y
    if (type != "n") {
        # if (!is.null(col)) {
        #     polygon(x, y, border=border, col=col, ...)
        # }
        if (isTopo) {
            mapContour(topo[["longitude"]], topo[["latitude"]], topo[["z"]], ...)
    usr <- par("usr")
    # FIXME: meridians and zones should be added later because they can change depending
    # FIXME: on the 'pretty' operation below.
    if (drawBox) {
    drawGrid <- (is.logical(grid[1]) && grid[1]) || grid[1] > 0
    # message("xrange:", paste(round(xrange, 2), collapse=" "))
    # message("usr[1:2]:", paste(round(usr[1:2], 2), collapse=" "))
    # message("yrange:", paste(round(yrange, 2), collapse=" "))
    # message("usr[3:4]:", paste(round(usr[3:4], 2), collapse=" "))
    fractionOfGlobe <- usr[1] > xrange[1] || xrange[2] > usr[2] || usr[3] > yrange[1] || yrange[2] > usr[4]
    oceDebug(debug, "initially fractionOfGlobe:", fractionOfGlobe, "\n")
    # Also turn off axes if it's nearly the whole globe
    xfrac <- diff(xrange) / (usr[2] - usr[1]) > 0.7
    yfrac <- diff(yrange) / (usr[4] - usr[3]) > 0.7
    if (!xfrac) fractionOfGlobe <- FALSE
    if (!yfrac) fractionOfGlobe <- FALSE
    oceDebug(debug, "xfrac:", xfrac, "\n")
    oceDebug(debug, "yfrac:", yfrac, "\n")
    oceDebug(debug, "finally fractionOfGlobe:", fractionOfGlobe, "\n")
    if (axes || drawGrid) {
        oceDebug(debug, "(axes=", axes, "|| drawGrid=", drawGrid, ") is TRUE\n")
        # Grid lines and axes.
        # Find ll and ur corners of plot, if possible, for use in calculating
        # lon and lat spans.  This will not work in all cases; e.g. for a
        # world map in mollweide projection, the bounding points will be "in
        # space", so we must check for this when we calculate the span.
        usr <- par("usr")
        # xll <- usr[1]
        # yll <- usr[3]
        # xur <- usr[2]
        # yur <- usr[4]

        options <- options("warn") # turn off warnings temporarily
        options(warn = -1)

        if (is.logical(grid)) {
            # Determining a grid automatically has proved to be quite tricky,
            # and the code near this spot has been reworked repeatedly.
            # At one time, the code near this spot looked at par("usr")
            # and tried to invert the corners, to get an idea of scale, and
            # this failed because the Winkel Tripel ("wintri") projection
            # goes into what seems to be an infinite loop when trying to do the
            # inverse of a point that is beyond the edge of the earth
            # disk. (I think it fails just on the disk edge, too.) When oce had
            # the PROJ.4 code embedded within its src, this was not a problem,
            # because I had a workaround.  This workaround has been reported
            # to the PROJ.4 community, so I expect that sometime in the year
            # 2015 this problem will go away.
            # Given the above, the present code focusses near the centre of
            # the plot region.  A region that might correspond to one tick
            # on the axes (assuming 10 ticks per side) is inverse mapped,
            # and the corners are used to determine a tick scale. Rather
            # than use pretty(), the scale is determined from a list
            # of standards (because maps should have 5deg increments, if
            # this is good for a view, but not 4deg).
            if (limitsGiven) {
                grid <- rep(NA, 2)
                difflongitudelim <- diff(longitudelim)
                grid[1] <- if (difflongitudelim < 1) {
                } else if (difflongitudelim < 5) {
                } else if (difflongitudelim < 10) {
                } else if (difflongitudelim < 45) {
                } else if (difflongitudelim < 180) {
                } else {
                grid[2] <- grid[1]
                oceDebug(debug, "limits given or inferred, yielding grid=c(", grid[1], ",", grid[2], ")\n", sep = "")
            } else {
                usr <- par("usr")
                x0 <- 0.5 * sum(usr[1:2])
                y0 <- 0.5 * sum(usr[3:4])
                ntick <- 8
                dx <- (usr[2] - usr[1]) / ntick
                dy <- (usr[4] - usr[3]) / ntick
                ll <- map2lonlat(x0 - dx, y0 - dy, debug = debug - 1)
                ur <- map2lonlat(x0 + dx, y0 + dy)
                # If ll and ur are finite, the plot covers a fraction of the
                # globe, and we can compute a grid based on the scale.
                # Otherwise, assume the earth's shape is just a fraction of
                # the plot area, meaning we are looking at a globe, and use
                # a 45 deg grid.
                if (all(is.finite(c(ll$longitude, ll$latitude, ur$longitude, ur$latitude)))) {
                    ls <- geodDist(ll$longitude, ll$latitude, ll$longitude, ur$latitude)
                    rs <- geodDist(ur$longitude, ll$latitude, ur$longitude, ur$latitude)
                    ts <- geodDist(ll$longitude, ur$latitude, ur$longitude, ur$latitude)
                    bs <- geodDist(ll$longitude, ll$latitude, ur$longitude, ll$latitude)
                    t <- median(c(ls, rs, ts, bs)) / 111 # tick, in degrees
                    oceDebug(debug, "t: ", t, "(scale between ticks, in deg)\n")
                    if (!is.finite(t)) {
                        grid <- c(5, 5) # may be ok in many instances
                    } else {
                        g <- if (t > 45) 45 else if (t > 10) 15 else if (t > 5) 10 else if (t > 4) 5 else if (t > 2) 1 else pretty(t)[2]
                        grid <- rep(g, 2)
                        oceDebug(debug, "grid=c(", paste(grid, collapse = ","), ")\n")
                } else {
                    grid <- c(45, 45) # perhaps reasonable default, for world view
                if (grid[1] == 0) {
                    drawGrid <- FALSE
                oceDebug(debug, "limits not given (or inferred) near map.R:1546 -- set grid=", paste(grid, collapse = " "), "\n")
        axisLabels <- NULL
        if (drawGrid) {
            oceDebug(debug, "about to call mapGrid(), using grid=c(", paste(grid, collapse = ","), ")\n")
            axisLabels <- mapGrid(
                dlongitude = grid[1], dlatitude = grid[2], polarCircle = polarCircle,
                longitudelim = longitudelim, latitudelim = latitudelim, debug = debug - 1
        if (debug) {
            cat("Before accounting for latlabel, lonlabel, and geographical, axisLabels is as follows\n")
        # Filter latitude labels based on latlabels
        if (debug) {
            oceDebug(debug, "axisLabels before looking at latitude:\n")
        if (any(axisLabels$type == "latitude")) {
            if (is.null(latlabels)) {
                axisLabels$value[axisLabels$type == "latitude"] <- NA
            } else if (is.numeric(latlabels)) {
                # nolint start object_usage_linter
                alats <- axisLabels$value[axisLabels$type == "latitude"]
                # nolint end object_usage_linter
                keep <- axisLabels$type == "longitude" | axisLabels$value %in% latlabels
                axisLabels$value[!keep] <- NA
        if (debug) {
            oceDebug(debug, "axisLabels before looking at longitude:\n")
        # Filter longitude labels based on latlabels
        if (any(axisLabels$type == "longitude")) {
            if (is.null(lonlabels)) {
                axisLabels$value[axisLabels$type == "longitude"] <- NA
            } else if (is.numeric(lonlabels)) {
                alats <- axisLabels$value[axisLabels$type == "longitude"]
                keep <- axisLabels$type == "latitude" | axisLabels$value %in% lonlabels
                axisLabels$value[!keep] <- NA
        # Handle 'geographical' argument
        if (debug) {
            cat("Before accounting for geographical (=", geographical, "), axisLabels is as follows\n")
        if (geographical == 1) {
            oceDebug(debug, "geographical=", geographical, ": axisLabels$value=", paste(axisLabels$value, collapse = " "), "\n")
            axisLabels$value <- abs(axisLabels$value)
            oceDebug(debug, "    -> ", paste(axisLabels$value, collapse = " "), "\n")
        } else if (geographical == 2 || geographical == 3) {
            oceDebug(debug, "geographical=", geographical, ": axisLabels$value=", paste(axisLabels$value, collapse = " "), "\n")
            axisLabels$value <- formatPosition(axisLabels$value,
                isLat = axisLabels$type == "latitude",
                type = "expression",
                showHemi = geographical == 3
            oceDebug(debug, "    -> ", paste(axisLabels$value, collapse = " "), "\n")
        } else if (geographical == 4) {
            # Add N, S, E or W suffices, but remove for equator and prime meridian
            axisLabels$value <- ifelse(axisLabels$type == "latitude",
                paste0(abs(axisLabels$value), ifelse(axisLabels$value < 0, "S", "N")),
                paste0(abs(axisLabels$value), ifelse(axisLabels$value < 0, "W", "E"))
            axisLabels$value[axisLabels$value == "0E"] <- "0"
            axisLabels$value[axisLabels$value == "0N"] <- "0"
        if (debug) {
            cat("After accounting for geographical (which is ", geographical, "), axisLabels dataframe is", sep = "")
        # Draw axes
        oceDebug(debug, "about to draw axes\n")
        if (axes) {
            oceDebug(debug, vectorShow(latlabels))
            oceDebug(debug, vectorShow(lonlabels))
            oceDebug(debug, vectorShow(axisLabels))
            if (!is.null(axisLabels)) {
                if (nrow(axisLabels) > 0) {
                    axisLabels1 <- subset(axisLabels, axisLabels$side == 1)
                    if (debug) {
                        oceDebug(debug, "About to consider drawing axis on side 1; next is axisLabels1:\n")
                    if (nrow(axisLabels1) > 0 && !is.null(lonlabels)) {
                        skip <- if (is.expression(axisLabels1$value)) {
                            sapply(axisLabels1$value, function(V) is.null(V))
                        } else {
                            axisLabels1$value == "NANA" # NOTE: I don't know why it is NANA instead of NA, but it is
                        oceDebug(debug, "next is raw skip for side 1:", paste(skip, collapse = " "), "\n")
                        skip[is.na(skip) | is.null(skip)] <- TRUE
                        oceDebug(debug, "next is NA-cleaned skip for side 1:", paste(skip, collapse = " "), "\n")
                        # Prefer lon=0 to lon=-180 or lon=+180 (issue 2156)
                        # https://github.com/dankelley/oce/issues/2156
                        valueNumeric <- as.numeric(gsub("[^0-9.]", "", axisLabels1$value))
                        index0 <- which(valueNumeric == 0.0)
                        if (length(index0)) {
                            oceDebug(debug, "address prime-meridian,dateline label overlap (GH issue 2156)\n")
                            at0 <- axisLabels1$at[index0]
                            oceDebug(debug, "  longitude=0, index0=", index0, ", at0=", at0, "\n", sep = "")
                            atSpan <- diff(range(axisLabels1$at))
                            oceDebug(debug, "  atSpan=", atSpan, " (in metres, I think)\n", sep = "")
                            criterion0 <- 1e-4 # FIXME: may need to adjust this
                            oceDebug(debug, "  criterion0=", criterion0, "\n", sep = "")
                            overlapping <- abs(axisLabels1$at - at0) < atSpan * criterion0
                            oceDebug(debug, "  overlapping=", paste(overlapping, collapse = " "), "\n", sep = "")
                            # value may have EWNS and maybe degree signs in it
                            valueNumeric <- as.numeric(gsub("[^0-9.]", "", axisLabels1$value))
                            oceDebug(debug, "  valueNumeric=", paste(valueNumeric, collapse = " "), "\n", sep = "")
                            atDateline <- abs(abs(valueNumeric) - 180) < criterion0 * diff(range(valueNumeric))
                            oceDebug(debug, "  atDateline=", paste(atDateline, collapse = " "), "\n", sep = "")
                            delete <- overlapping & atDateline
                            oceDebug(debug, "  delete=", paste(delete, collapse = " "), "\n", sep = "")
                            # save working notes in the data frame, for future debugging
                            axisLabels1$valueNumeric <- valueNumeric
                            axisLabels1$overlapping <- overlapping
                            axisLabels1$atDateline <- atDateline
                            axisLabels1$delete <- delete
                            oceDebug(debug, "originally, axisLabels1 is\n")
                            if (debug > 0) print(axisLabels1)
                            axisLabels1 <- axisLabels1[!delete, ]
                            oceDebug(debug, "after -180/0/180 consideration (github issue 2156), axisLabels1 is\n")
                            if (debug > 0) print(axisLabels1)
                        if (any(!skip) || (is.logical(lonlabels) && !lonlabels)) {
                            if (is.logical(lonlabels) && !lonlabels) {
                                axis(side = 1, at = axisLabels1$at[!skip], labels = FALSE, mgp = mgp)
                            } else {
                                axis(side = 1, at = axisLabels1$at[!skip], labels = axisLabels1$value[!skip], las = las[1], mgp = mgp)
                    axisLabels2 <- subset(axisLabels, axisLabels$side == 2)
                    if (debug) {
                        oceDebug(debug, "About to consider drawing axis on side 2; next is axisLabels2:\n")
                    if (nrow(axisLabels2) > 0 && !is.null(latlabels)) {
                        skip <- if (is.expression(axisLabels2$value)) {
                            sapply(axisLabels2$value, function(V) is.null(V))
                        } else {
                            axisLabels2$value == "NANA" # NOTE: I don't know why it is NANA instead of NA, but it is
                        oceDebug(debug, "next is skip for side 2:", paste(skip, collapse = " "), "\n")
                        if (any(!skip) || (is.logical(latlabels) && !latlabels)) {
                            if (is.logical(latlabels) && !latlabels) {
                                axis(side = 2, at = axisLabels2$at[!skip], labels = FALSE, mgp = mgp)
                            } else {
                                axis(side = 2, at = axisLabels2$at[!skip], labels = axisLabels2$value[!skip], las = las[2], mgp = mgp)
            } else {
                oceDebug(debug, "axisLabels is null\n")
                if (is.logical(lonlabels)) {
                        side = 1, longitude = .axis()$longitude, latitude = FALSE,
                        cex.axis = if (lonlabels) cex.axis else 0, mgp = mgp, axisStyle = axisStyle, debug = debug - 1
                } else if (!is.null(lonlabels)) {
                        side = 1, longitude = lonlabels, latitude = FALSE,
                        cex.axis = cex.axis, mgp = mgp, axisStyle = axisStyle, debug = debug - 1
                if (is.logical(latlabels)) {
                        side = 2, latitude = .axis()$latitude, longitude = FALSE,
                        cex.axis = if (latlabels) cex.axis else 0, mgp = mgp, axisStyle = axisStyle, debug = debug - 1
                } else if (!is.null(latlabels)) {
                        side = 2, latitude = latlabels, longitude = FALSE,
                        cex.axis = cex.axis, mgp = mgp, axisStyle = axisStyle, debug = debug - 1
        if (tissot) {
            mapTissot(grid, col = "red", debug = debug - 1)
        options(warn = options$warn)
    oceDebug(debug, "END mapPlot()\n", sep = "", unindent = 1)

#' Add a Longitude and Latitude Grid to an Existing Map
#' Plot longitude and latitude grid on an existing map. This is an
#' advanced function, requiring coordination with [mapPlot()] and
#' (possibly) also with [mapAxis()], and so it is best avoided by
#' novices, who may be satisfied with the defaults used by
#' [mapPlot()].
#' This is somewhat analogous to [grid()], except that the first two
#' arguments of the latter supply the number of lines in the grid,
#' whereas the present function has increments for the first two
#' arguments.
#' @param dlongitude increment in longitude, ignored if `longitude`
#' is supplied, but otherwise determines the longitude sequence.
#' @param dlatitude increment in latitude, ignored if `latitude`
#' is supplied, but otherwise determines the latitude sequence.
#' @param longitude numeric vector of longitudes, or `NULL` to prevent drawing
#' longitude lines.
#' @param latitude numeric vector of latitudes, or `NULL` to prevent drawing
#' latitude lines.
#' @param col color of lines
#' @param lty line type
#' @param lwd line width
#' @param polarCircle a number indicating the number of degrees of latitude
#' extending from the poles, within which zones are not drawn.
#' @param longitudelim optional argument specifying suggested longitude limits
#' for the grid. If this is not supplied, grid lines are drawn for the
#' whole globe, which can yield excessively slow drawing speeds for
#' small-region plots. This, and `latitudelim`, are both set by
#' [mapPlot()] if the arguments of the same name are passed to
#' that function.
#' @param latitudelim similar to `longitudelim`.
#' @param debug a flag that turns on debugging.  Set to 1 to get a moderate
#' amount of debugging information, 2 to go two function levels deep, or
#' 3 to go all the way to the core functions. Any value above 3 will be
#' truncated to 3.
#' @examples
#' \donttest{
#' if (utils::packageVersion("sf") != "0.9.8") {
#'     # sf version 0.9-8 has a problem with this projection
#'     library(oce)
#'     data(coastlineWorld)
#'     par(mar = c(2, 2, 1, 1))
#'     # In mapPlot() call, note axes and grid args, to
#'     # prevent over-plotting of defaults.
#'     mapPlot(coastlineWorld,
#'         type = "l", projection = "+proj=ortho",
#'         axes = FALSE, grid = FALSE
#'     )
#'     mapGrid(15, 15)
#' }
#' }
#' @return A [data.frame], returned silently, containing
#' `"side"`, `"value"`, `"type"`, and `"at"`.
#' A default call to [mapPlot()] ensures agreement of grid and axes by using
#' this return value in a call to [mapAxis()].
#' @author Dan Kelley
#' @seealso A map must first have been created with [mapPlot()].
#' @family functions related to maps
mapGrid <- function(
    dlongitude = 15, dlatitude = 15, longitude, latitude,
    col = "darkgray", lty = "solid", lwd = 0.5 * par("lwd"), polarCircle = 0,
    longitudelim, latitudelim,
    debug = getOption("oceDebug")) {
    debug <- min(3, max(0, debug)) # trim to range 0 to 3
    oceDebug(debug, "mapGrid(",
        argShow(dlongitude), argShow(dlatitude),
        argShow(longitude), argShow(latitude),
        argShow(longitudelim), argShow(latitudelim),
        "...) START\n",
        sep = "", unindent = 1
    if ("none" == .Projection()$type) {
        stop("must create a map first, with mapPlot()\n")
    rval <- list(side = NULL, value = NULL, type = NULL, at = NULL)
    boxLonLat <- usrLonLat(debug = debug - 1)
    if (!missing(longitude) && is.null(longitude) && !missing(latitude) && is.null(latitude)) {
    if (!missing(longitudelim)) {
        longitudelim <- shiftLongitude(longitudelim)
    if (!missing(longitudelim) && !missing(longitude) && !is.null(longitude)) {
        longitudelim <- shiftLongitude(longitudelim)
            debug, "shifted longitudelim to c(",
            paste(longitudelim, collapse = ","), ")\n"
    small <- 0
    if (missing(longitude)) {
        longitude <- if (dlongitude > 0) seq(-180, 180, dlongitude) else NULL
    if (missing(latitude)) {
        latitude <- if (dlatitude > 0) seq(-90 + small, 90 - small, dlatitude) else NULL
    if (is.null(longitude) && is.null(latitude)) {
    # If a pole is present, we put longitude lines around the world, no matter
    # what else is true.
    poleInView <- FALSE
    pole <- try(lonlat2map(0, 90), silent = TRUE)
    if (inherits(pole, "try-error")) {
        pole <- try(lonlat2map(0, -90), silent = TRUE)
    if (!inherits(pole, "try-error")) {
        pusr <- par("usr") # don't alter existing
        if (4 == sum(is.finite(pusr)) && is.finite(pole$x) && is.finite(pole$y)) {
            poleInView <- pusr[1] <= pole$x && pole$x <= pusr[2] && pusr[3] <= pole$y && pole$y <= pusr[4]
    if (poleInView) {
        longitude <- seq(-180, 180, dlongitude)
        oceDebug(debug, "poleInView=", poleInView, ", so drawing longitude from -180 to 180\n")
    } else {
        if (!missing(longitudelim)) {
            # limit to 2 times lon/lim limit range (FIXME: enough for curvy cases?)
            lonMin <- longitudelim[1] - 2 * diff(longitudelim)
            lonMax <- longitudelim[2] + 2 * diff(longitudelim)
            oceDebug(debug, "lonMin=", lonMin, ", lonMax=", lonMax, "\n")
            if (!is.null(longitude)) {
                oceDebug(debug, "before trimming to lonMin,lonMax, lon range=c(", paste(range(longitude, na.rm = TRUE), collapse = " "), ")\n", sep = "")
                longitude <- longitude[lonMin <= longitude & longitude <= lonMax]
                oceDebug(debug, "after trimming, lon range is", paste(range(longitude, na.rm = TRUE), collapse = " "), "\n")
    if (!missing(latitudelim)) {
        # limit to 2 times lon/lim limit range (FIXME: enough for curvy cases?)
        oceDebug(debug, vectorShow(latitudelim))
        latMin <- latitudelim[1] - 2 * diff(latitudelim)
        latMax <- latitudelim[2] + 2 * diff(latitudelim)
        oceDebug(debug, "latMin=", latMin, ", latMax=", latMax, "\n")
        if (!is.null(latitude)) {
            oceDebug(debug, "before trimming to latMin,latMax, lat range=c(", paste(range(latitude, na.rm = TRUE), collapse = " "), ")\n", sep = "")
            latitude <- latitude[latMin <= latitude & latitude <= latMax]
            oceDebug(debug, "after trimming, lat range is", paste(range(latitude, na.rm = TRUE), collapse = " "), "\n")
    n <- 360 # number of points on line
    # xspan <- diff(par("usr")[1:2])
    # Update the global axis information
    axisOLD <- .axis()
        longitude = if (!missing(longitude) && length(longitude)) longitude else axisOLD$longitude,
        latitude = if (!missing(latitude) && length(latitude)) latitude else axisOLD$latitude
    if (!length(latitude)) {
        oceDebug(debug, "not drawing latitude graticules\n")
    for (l in latitude) {
        # FIXME: maybe we should use mapLines here
        if (is.finite(l)) {
            if (boxLonLat$ok && !(boxLonLat$latmin <= l && l <= boxLonLat$latmax)) {
                oceDebug(debug, "skipping ", l, "N graticule\n", sep = "")
            oceDebug(debug, "drawing ", l, "N graticule\n", sep = "")
            line <- lonlat2map(seq(-180 + small, 180 - small, length.out = n), rep(l, n), debug = debug - 1)
            x <- line$x
            y <- line$y
            ok <- !is.na(x) & !is.na(y)
            x <- x[ok]
            if (0 == length(x)) next
            y <- y[ok]
            if (0 == length(y)) next
            if (TRUE) {
                # 20171114: problems e.g. lat lines don't complete (see
                # 20171114: blog 65-.png) but also problem with a diagonal line
                # 20171114: (see blog 64.png).
                # Remove ugly horizontal lines that can occur for
                # projections that show the edge of the earth.
                xJump <- abs(diff(x))
                yJump <- abs(diff(y))
                if (any(is.finite(xJump))) {
                    # FIXME: the number in the next line might need adjustment.
                    xJumpMedian <- median(xJump, na.rm = TRUE)
                    yJumpMedian <- median(yJump, na.rm = TRUE)
                    if (!is.na(xJumpMedian) && !is.na(yJumpMedian)) {
                        bad <- c(FALSE, xJump > 3 * xJumpMedian)
                        bad <- bad | is.na(bad)
                        if (any(bad)) {
                            # message("lat=", l, ", bad indices:", paste(which(bad), collapse=" "))
                            x[bad] <- NA
            lines(x, y, lty = lty, lwd = lwd, col = col)
            # find side=1 and side=2 latitude label from graticle
            ok <- is.finite(x) & is.finite(y)
            if (any(ok)) {
                curve <- sf::st_linestring(cbind(x[ok], y[ok]))
                usr <- par("usr")
                axis2 <- sf::st_linestring(cbind(rep(usr[1], 2), usr[3:4]))
                I <- sf::st_intersection(curve, axis2)
                oceDebug(debug, if (length(I) == 0) "no" else "", "intersection with axis(2)\n", sep = "")
                if (length(I) > 0) {
                    Imatrix <- as.matrix(I)
                    for (ii in dim(Imatrix)[1]) {
                        # message(" ... rval side=2 lat=", l, " at=", Imatrix[ii,2])
                        rval$side <- c(rval$side, 2)
                        rval$value <- c(rval$value, l)
                        rval$type <- c(rval$type, "latitude")
                        rval$at <- c(rval$at, Imatrix[ii, 2])
    if (polarCircle < 0 || polarCircle > 90) {
        polarCircle <- 0
    n <- 180 # number of points on line
    # If it seems that we are drawing longitude lines for more than 3/4
    # of the globe, we just draw them all. This can solve odd problems to
    # do with axis limits.
    if (270 < diff(range(longitude, na.rm = TRUE))) {
        diff <- diff(longitude)[1]
        longitude <- seq(-180, 180, diff)
    for (l in longitude) {
        # put l in range -180 to 180 for comparison with boxLonLat
        while (l < -180) {
            l <- l + 360
        while (l > 180) {
            l <- l - 360
        # FIXME: should use mapLines here
        if (is.finite(l)) {
            if (boxLonLat$ok && !(boxLonLat$lonmin <= l && l <= boxLonLat$lonmax)) {
                oceDebug(debug, "skipping ", l, "E graticule\n", sep = "")
            oceDebug(debug, "drawing ", l, "E graticule\n", sep = "")
            line <- lonlat2map(rep(l, n), seq(-90 + polarCircle + small, 90 - polarCircle - small, length.out = n))
            x <- line$x
            y <- line$y
            ok <- !is.na(x) & !is.na(y)
            x <- x[ok]
            y <- y[ok]
            if (0L == length(x) || 0L == length(y)) {
                oceDebug(debug, "skipping longitude ", l, "E graticule\n", sep = "")
            } else {
                oceDebug(debug, "  graticule ", l, "E has ", length(x), " segments\n", sep = "")
                lines(x, y, lty = lty, lwd = lwd, col = col)
                # ind side=1 and side=2 longitude label from graticle
                ok <- is.finite(x) & is.finite(y)
                if (sum(ok) > 2L) {
                    curve <- sf::st_linestring(cbind(x[ok], y[ok]))
                    usr <- par("usr")
                    axis1 <- sf::st_linestring(cbind(usr[1:2], rep(usr[3], 2)))
                    # cat("length(curve)=", length(curve), ", length(axis1)=", length(axis1), "\n")
                    I <- sf::st_intersection(curve, axis1)
                    # cat(" ... ok?\n")
                    oceDebug(debug, if (length(I) == 0L) "  no" else "  ", " intersection with axis(1)\n", sep = "")
                    if (length(I) > 0L) {
                        Imatrix <- as.matrix(I)
                        for (ii in dim(Imatrix)[1]) {
                            rval$side <- c(rval$side, 1)
                            rval$value <- c(rval$value, l)
                            rval$type <- c(rval$type, "longitude")
                            rval$at <- c(rval$at, Imatrix[ii, 1])
    oceDebug(debug, "END mapGrid()\n", unindent = 1, sep = "")

#' Add a Scalebar to a Map
#' Draw a scalebar on a map created by [mapPlot()] or otherwise.
#' The scale is appropriate to the centre of the plot, and will become
#' increasingly inaccurate away from that spot, with the error depending on
#' the projection and the fraction of the earth that is shown.
#' Until December 2020, it was required that the map had been drawn by [mapPlot()],
#' but now it can be any diagram showing longitude and latitude in degrees.
#' @param x,y position of the scalebar.  Eventually this may be similar to
#'     the corresponding arguments in [legend()], but at the moment
#'     `y` must be `NULL` and `x` must be `"topleft"` or `"topright"`.
#' @param length the distance to indicate, in kilometres.  If not provided, a
#'     reasonable choice is made, based on the existing plot.
#' @param lwd line width of the scalebar.
#' @param col color of the scalebar.
#' @param cex character expansion factor for the scalebar text.
#' @examples
#' \donttest{
#' library(oce)
#' data(coastlineWorld)
#' # Arctic Ocean
#' par(mar = c(2.5, 2.5, 1, 1))
#' mapPlot(coastlineWorld,
#'     latitudelim = c(60, 120), longitudelim = c(-130, -50),
#'     col = "lightgray", projection = "+proj=stere +lat_0=90"
#' )
#' mapScalebar()
#' }
#' @seealso A map must first have been created with [mapPlot()].
#' @family functions related to maps
#' @author Dan Kelley
mapScalebar <- function(
    x, y = NULL, length,
    lwd = 1.5 * par("lwd"), cex = par("cex"),
    col = "black") {
    if (!is.null(y)) {
        stop("y must be NULL in this (early) version of mapScalebar()\n")
    if (missing(x)) {
        x <- "topleft"
    } else if (is.na(pmatch(x, c("topleft", "topright")))) {
        stop("x must be \"topleft\" or \"topright\", but it is \"", x, "\"\n")
    projection <- .Projection()$type
    usr <- par("usr")
    # determine scale from centre of region
    x0 <- 0.5 * (usr[1] + usr[2])
    y0 <- 0.5 * (usr[3] + usr[4])
    dusr <- 0.01 * (usr[2] - usr[1]) # 1 percent of device width
    x1 <- x0 + dusr
    y1 <- y0
    if (projection != "none") {
        # This means the plot was created by mapPlot
        ll0 <- map2lonlat(x0, y0)
        ll1 <- map2lonlat(x1, y1)
        dkm <- geodDist(ll0$longitude, ll0$latitude, ll1$longitude, ll1$latitude)
    } else {
        # This means the plot was not created by mapPlot
        dkm <- geodDist(x0, y0, x1, y1)
    kmPerUsr <- dkm / dusr
    # message("kmPerUsr: ", kmPerUsr)
    if (missing(length)) {
        # corner to corner distance
        ccd <- kmPerUsr * sqrt((usr[2] - usr[1])^2 + (usr[4] - usr[3])^2)
        length <- diff(pretty(c(0, ccd), n = 12)[1:2])
    frac <- length / kmPerUsr
    cin <- par("cin")[1]
    cinx <- xinch(cin)
    ciny <- yinch(cin)
    # FIXME: when get more options for x, revisit next few lines
    xBar <- usr[1] + cinx / 2
    if (is.character(x) && x == "topright") {
        xBar <- usr[2] - frac - 3.5 * cinx
    yBar <- usr[4] - ciny / 2
    # Draw white-out underlay box with a border, since otherwise
    # it's hard to see a scalebar on a complex map.
    llBox <- list(x = xBar, y = yBar - 3 * ciny)
    urBox <- list(x = xBar + frac + 3 * cinx, y = yBar)
    polygon(c(llBox$x, llBox$x, urBox$x, urBox$x),
        c(llBox$y, urBox$y, urBox$y, llBox$y),
        border = "black", col = "white"
    # Draw the scalebar and text below.
    lines(xBar + 1.5 * cinx + c(0, frac), rep(yBar - ciny, 2), lwd = lwd, col = col, lend = 2)
    lines(rep(xBar + 1.5 * cinx, 2), yBar - ciny + c(-ciny, ciny) / 3,
        col = col, lwd = lwd
    lines(rep(xBar + 1.5 * cinx + frac, 2), yBar - ciny + c(-ciny, ciny) / 3,
        col = col, lwd = lwd
    label <- sprintf("%.0f km", length)
    # 1753 text(xBar+cinx, yBar-2.2*ciny, pos=4, adj=0, offset=0, label, cex=cex, col=2)#col)
        x = xBar + 1.5 * cinx + frac / 2,
        y = yBar - 1.7 * ciny,
        labels = label,
        pos = 1, adj = 0, offset = 0, cex = cex, col = col

#' Add Text to a Map
#' Plot text on an existing map, by analogy to [text()].
#' @param longitude numeric vector of longitudes of text to be plotted.
#' @param latitude numeric vector of latitudes of text to be plotted.
#' @param labels vector of labels of text to be plotted.
#' @param ... optional arguments passed to [text()], e.g. `adj`,
#' `pos`, etc.
#' @examples
#' \donttest{
#' library(oce)
#' data(coastlineWorld)
#' longitude <- coastlineWorld[["longitude"]]
#' latitude <- coastlineWorld[["latitude"]]
#' mapPlot(longitude, latitude,
#'     type = "l", grid = 5,
#'     longitudelim = c(-70, -50), latitudelim = c(45, 50),
#'     projection = "+proj=merc"
#' )
#' lon <- -63.5744 # Halifax
#' lat <- 44.6479
#' mapPoints(lon, lat, pch = 20, col = "red")
#' mapText(lon, lat, "Halifax", col = "red", pos = 1, offset = 1)
#' }
#' @seealso A map must first have been created with [mapPlot()].
#' @family functions related to maps
#' @author Dan Kelley
mapText <- function(longitude, latitude, labels, ...) {
    if ("none" == .Projection()$type) {
        stop("must create a map first, with mapPlot()\n")
    ok <- !is.na(longitude) & !is.na(latitude)
    longitude <- longitude[ok]
    latitude <- latitude[ok]
    labels <- labels[ok]
    if (length(longitude) > 0) {
        xy <- lonlat2map(longitude, latitude)
        text(xy$x, xy$y, labels, ...)

#' Add Tissot Indicatrices to a Map
#' Plot ellipses at grid intersection points, as a method for
#' indicating the distortion inherent in the projection, somewhat
#' analogous to the scheme used in reference 1.
#' (Each ellipse is drawn with 64 segments.)
#' @param grid numeric vector of length 2, specifying the increment in
#' longitude and latitude for the grid. Indicatrices are drawn at e.g.
#' longitudes `seq(-180, 180, grid[1])`.
#' @param scale numerical scale factor for ellipses. This is multiplied by
#' `min(grid)` and the result is the radius of the circle on the
#' earth, in latitude degrees.
#' @param crosshairs logical value indicating whether to draw constant-latitude
#' and constant-longitude crosshairs within the ellipses.  (These are drawn
#' with 10 line segments each.) This can be helpful in cases where it is
#' not desired to use [mapGrid()] to draw the longitude/latitude
#' grid.
#' @param \dots extra arguments passed to plotting functions, e.g.
#' `col="red"` yields red indicatrices.
#' @references
#' 1. Snyder, John P., 1987.  Map Projections: A Working Manual.  USGS
#' Professional Paper: 1395
# `https://pubs.er.usgs.gov/publication/pp1395`
# \doi{10.3133/pp1395}
#' @examples
#' \donttest{
#' library(oce)
#' data(coastlineWorld)
#' par(mfrow = c(1, 1), mar = c(2, 2, 1, 1))
#' p <- "+proj=aea +lat_1=10 +lat_2=60 +lon_0=-45"
#' mapPlot(coastlineWorld,
#'     projection = p, col = "gray",
#'     longitudelim = c(-90, 0), latitudelim = c(0, 50)
#' )
#' mapTissot(c(15, 15), col = "red")
#' }
#' @seealso A map must first have been created with [mapPlot()].
#' @family functions related to maps
#' @author Dan Kelley
mapTissot <- function(grid = rep(15, 2), scale = 0.2, crosshairs = FALSE, ...) {
    if ("none" == .Projection()$type) {
        stop("must create a map first, with mapPlot()\n")
    if (2 != length(grid) || !is.numeric(grid) || any(!is.finite(grid))) {
        stop("grid must be of length 2, numeric, and finite")
    ntheta <- 64
    ncr <- 10
    theta <- seq(0, 2 * pi, length.out = ntheta)
    d <- scale * min(grid, na.rm = TRUE)
    for (lon in seq(-180, 180, grid[1])) {
        for (lat in seq(-90, 90, grid[2])) {
            LAT <- lat + d * sin(theta)
            factor <- 1 / cos(lat * pi / 180)
            LON <- lon + d * cos(theta) * factor
            LON <- ifelse(LON > 180.0, 180.0, ifelse(LON < -180.0, -180.0, LON))
            LAT <- ifelse(LAT > 90.0, 90.0, ifelse(LAT < -90.0, -90.0, LAT))
            mapLines(LON, LAT, ...)
            if (crosshairs) {
                mapLines(rep(lon, ncr), seq(lat - d, lat + d, length.out = ncr), ...)
                mapLines(seq(lon - d * factor, lon + d * factor, length.out = ncr), rep(lat, ncr), ...)

#' Add Lines to a Map
#' Plot lines on an existing map, by analogy to [lines()].
#' @param longitude numeric vector of longitudes of points to be plotted, or an
#' object from which longitude and latitude can be inferred (e.g. a coastline
#' file, or the return value from [mapLocator()]), in which case the
#' following two arguments are ignored.
#' @param latitude vector of latitudes of points to be plotted.
#' @param greatCircle a logical value indicating whether to render line
#' segments as great circles.  (Ignored.)
#' @param \dots optional arguments passed to [lines()].
#' @examples
#' \donttest{
#' if (utils::packageVersion("sf") != "0.9.8") {
#'     # sf version 0.9-8 has a problem with this projection
#'     library(oce)
#'     data(coastlineWorld)
#'     mapPlot(coastlineWorld,
#'         type = "l",
#'         longitudelim = c(-80, 10), latitudelim = c(0, 120),
#'         projection = "+proj=ortho +lon_0=-40"
#'     )
#'     lon <- c(-63.5744, 0.1062) # Halifax CA to London UK
#'     lat <- c(44.6479, 51.5171)
#'     mapPoints(lon, lat, col = "red")
#'     mapLines(lon, lat, col = "red")
#' }
#' }
#' @author Dan Kelley
#' @seealso A map must first have been created with [mapPlot()].
#' @family functions related to maps
mapLines <- function(longitude, latitude, greatCircle = FALSE, ...) {
    if ("none" == .Projection()$type) {
        stop("must create a map first, with mapPlot()\n")
    if ("data" %in% slotNames(longitude) && # handle e.g. 'coastline' class
        2 == sum(c("longitude", "latitude") %in% names(longitude@data))) {
        latitude <- longitude@data$latitude
        longitude <- longitude@data$longitude
    if (2 == sum(c("longitude", "latitude") %in% names(longitude))) {
        latitude <- longitude$latitude
        longitude <- longitude$longitude
    if (greatCircle) {
        warning("mapLines() does not yet handle argument 'greatCircle'")
    xy <- lonlat2map(longitude, latitude)
    # n <- length(longitude)
    ok <- !is.na(xy$x) & !is.na(xy$y)
    usr <- par("usr")
    # DX <- usr[2] - usr[1]
    if (any(usr[1] <= xy$x[ok] & xy$x[ok] <= usr[2] & usr[3] <= xy$y[ok] & xy$y[ok] <= usr[4])) {
        # 20150421 # Remove code that attempted to delete extraneous lines ... the problem
        # 20150421 # is that there's no good way to know which are extraneous, and length
        # 20150421 # is not the best indicator.
        # 20150421 if (n > 10) { # don't mess with short segments
        # 20150421     dx <- c(0, abs(diff(xy$x, na.rm=TRUE)))
        # 20150421     bad <- dx / DX > 0.1
        # 20150421     if (any(bad, na.rm=TRUE)) { # FIXME: a kludge that may be problematic
        # 20150421         xy$x[bad] <- NA
        # 20150421     }
        # 20150421 }
        lines(xy$x, xy$y, ...)

#' Add Points to a Map
#' Plot points on an existing map, by analogy to [points()].
#' @param longitude Longitudes of points to be plotted, or an object from which
#' longitude and latitude can be inferred in which case the following two
#' arguments are ignored.  This objects that are possible include those of type
#' `coastline`.
#' @param latitude numeric vector of latitudes of points to be plotted.
#' @param debug A flag that turns on debugging.  Set to 1 to get a moderate amount
#' of debugging information, or to 2 to get more.
#' @param ... Optional arguments passed to [points()].
#' @seealso A map must first have been created with [mapPlot()].
#' @examples
#' \donttest{
#' library(oce)
#' data(coastlineWorld)
#' mapPlot(coastlineWorld,
#'     longitudelim = c(-80, 0), latitudelim = c(20, 50),
#'     col = "lightgray", projection = "+proj=laea +lon_0=-35"
#' )
#' data(section)
#' mapPoints(section)
#' }
#' @seealso A map must first have been created with [mapPlot()].
#' @family functions related to maps
#' @author Dan Kelley
mapPoints <- function(longitude, latitude, debug = getOption("oceDebug"), ...) {
    oceDebug(debug, "mapPoints() START\n", unindent = 1, sep = "")
    if ("none" == .Projection()$type) {
        stop("must create a map first, with mapPlot()\n")
    if ("data" %in% slotNames(longitude) && # handle e.g. 'coastline' class
        2 == sum(c("longitude", "latitude") %in% names(longitude@data))) {
        latitude <- longitude@data$latitude
        longitude <- longitude@data$longitude
    if (2 == sum(c("longitude", "latitude") %in% names(longitude))) {
        latitude <- longitude$latitude
        longitude <- longitude$longitude
    if (inherits(longitude, "section") || inherits(longitude, "ctd")) {
        latitude <- longitude[["latitude", "byStation"]]
        longitude <- longitude[["longitude", "byStation"]]
    ok <- !is.na(longitude) & !is.na(latitude)
    longitude <- longitude[ok]
    latitude <- latitude[ok]
    if (length(longitude) > 0) {
        oceDebug(debug, "head(longitude)=", paste(head(longitude), collapse = " "), "\n")
        oceDebug(debug, "head(latitude)=", paste(head(latitude), collapse = " "), "\n")
        xy <- lonlat2map(longitude, latitude, debug = debug - 1)
        points(xy$x, xy$y, ...)
    oceDebug(debug, "END mapPoints()\n", unindent = 1, sep = "")

#' Add Arrows to a Map
#' Plot arrows on an existing map, e.g. to indicate a place location.
#' This is not well-suited for drawing direction fields, e.g. of
#' velocities; for that, see [mapDirectionField()].
#' Adds arrows to an existing map, by analogy to [arrows()].
#' @param longitude0,latitude0 starting points for arrows.
#' @param longitude1,latitude1 ending points for arrows.
#' @param length length of the arrow heads, passed to [arrows()].
#' @param angle angle of the arrow heads, passed to [arrows()].
#' @param code numerical code indicating the type of arrows, passed to [arrows()].
#' @param col arrow color, passed to [arrows()].
#' @param lty arrow line type, passed to [arrows()].
#' @param lwd arrow line width, passed to [arrows()].
#' @param ... optional arguments passed to [arrows()].
#' @examples
#' \donttest{
#' library(oce)
#' data(coastlineWorld)
#' mapPlot(coastlineWorld,
#'     longitudelim = c(-120, -60), latitudelim = c(30, 60),
#'     col = "lightgray", projection = "+proj=lcc +lat_1=45 +lon_0=-100"
#' )
#' lon <- seq(-120, -75, 15)
#' n <- length(lon)
#' lat <- 45 + rep(0, n)
#' # Draw meridional arrows in N America, from 45N to 60N.
#' mapArrows(lon, lat, lon, lat + 15, length = 0.05, col = "blue")
#' }
#' @seealso A map must first have been created with [mapPlot()].
#' @family functions related to maps
#' @author Dan Kelley
mapArrows <- function(
    longitude0, latitude0,
    longitude1 = longitude0, latitude1 = latitude0,
    length = 0.25, angle = 30,
    code = 2, col = par("fg"), lty = par("lty"),
    lwd = par("lwd"), ...) {
    if ("none" == .Projection()$type) {
        stop("must create a map first, with mapPlot()\n")
    if (length(longitude0) != length(latitude0)) {
        stop("lengths of longitude0 and latitude0 must match but they are ", length(longitude0), " and ", length(longitude1))
    if (length(longitude1) != length(latitude1)) {
        stop("lengths of longitude1 and latitude1 must match but they are ", length(longitude1), " and ", length(longitude1))
    ok <- !is.na(longitude0) & !is.na(latitude0) & !is.na(longitude1) & !is.na(latitude1)
    longitude0 <- longitude0[ok]
    latitude0 <- latitude0[ok]
    longitude1 <- longitude1[ok]
    latitude1 <- latitude1[ok]
    if (length(longitude0) > 0) {
        xy0 <- lonlat2map(longitude0, latitude0)
        xy1 <- lonlat2map(longitude1, latitude1)
        arrows(xy0$x, xy0$y, xy1$x, xy1$y,
            length = length, angle = angle, code = code, col = col, lty = lty, lwd = lwd, ...

#' Format Geographical Position in Degrees and Minutes
#' Format geographical positions to degrees, minutes, and hemispheres
#' @param latlon a vector of latitudes or longitudes
#' @param isLat a boolean that indicates whether the quantity is latitude or
#' longitude
#' @param type a string indicating the type of return value (see below)
#' @param showHemi a boolean that indicates whether to indicate the hemisphere
#' @return A list containing `degrees`, `minutes`, `seconds`,
#' and `hemispheres`, or a vector of strings or (broken) a vector of
#' expressions.
#' @examples
#' library(oce)
#' formatPosition(10 + 1:10 / 60 + 2.8 / 3600)
#' formatPosition(10 + 1:10 / 60 + 2.8 / 3600, type = "string")
#' @family functions related to maps
#' @author Dan Kelley
formatPosition <- function(latlon, isLat = TRUE, type = c("list", "string", "expression"), showHemi = TRUE) {
    type <- match.arg(type)
    na <- is.na(latlon)
    signs <- sign(latlon[!na])
    x <- abs(latlon[!na])
    # message("formatPosition with signs: ", paste(signs, collapse=" "))
    # message("formatPosition with x: ", paste(x, collapse=" "))
    degrees <- floor(x)
    minutes <- floor(60 * (x - degrees))
    seconds <- 3600 * (x - degrees - minutes / 60)
    seconds <- round(seconds, 2)

    # prevent rounding errors from giving e.g. seconds=60
    secondsOverflow <- seconds == 60
    seconds <- ifelse(secondsOverflow, 0, seconds)
    minutes <- ifelse(secondsOverflow, minutes + 1, minutes)
    minutesOverflow <- minutes == 60
    degrees <- ifelse(minutesOverflow, degrees + 1, degrees)
    noSeconds <- all(seconds == 0)
    noMinutes <- noSeconds & all(minutes == 0)
    if (showHemi) {
        # hemispheres <- if (isLat) ifelse(signs>0, "N", "S") else ifelse(signs>0, "E", "W")
        hemispheres <- ifelse(isLat,
            ifelse(signs > 0, "N", "S"),
            ifelse(signs > 0, "E", "W")
        hemispheres[signs == 0] <- ""
    } else {
        hemispheres <- rep("", length(signs))
    oceDebug(0, "noSeconds=", noSeconds, "noMinutes=", noMinutes, "\n")
    if (type == "list") {
        if (noMinutes) {
            res <- list(degrees, hemispheres)
        } else if (noSeconds) {
            res <- list(degrees, minutes, hemispheres)
        } else {
            res <- list(degrees, minutes, seconds, hemispheres)
    } else if (type == "string") {
        if (noMinutes) {
            res <- sprintf("%2d%s", degrees, hemispheres) # no space, so more labels
        } else if (noSeconds) {
            res <- sprintf("%02d %02d' %s", degrees, minutes, hemispheres)
        } else {
            res <- sprintf("%02d %02d' %04.2f\" %s", degrees, minutes, seconds, hemispheres)
        Encoding(res) <- "latin1"
    } else if (type == "expression") {
        n <- length(degrees)
        res <- vector("expression", n)
        for (i in 1:n) {
            if (noMinutes) {
                res[i] <- as.expression(substitute(
                    d * degree * hemi,
                    list(d = degrees[i], hemi = hemispheres[i])
            } else if (noSeconds) {
                # res[i] <- as.expression(substitute(d*degree*phantom(.)*m*minute*hemi,
                res[i] <- as.expression(substitute(
                    d * degree * phantom(.) * m * minute * hemi,
                    list(d = degrees[i], m = sprintf("%02d", minutes[i]), hemi = hemispheres[i])
            } else {
                res[i] <- as.expression(substitute(
                    d * degree * phantom(.) * m * minute * phantom(.) * s * second * hemi,
                    list(d = degrees[i], m = sprintf("%02d", minutes[i]), s = sprintf("%02f", seconds[i]), hemi = hemispheres[i])
    # Now, we must re-insert those spots we skipped.
    resAll <- vector("expression", length(latlon))
    j <- which(!na)
    k <- 1 # in res
    for (i in seq_along(latlon)) {
        if (i %in% j) {
            resAll[i] <- res[k]
            k <- k + 1

#' Locate Points on a Map
#' Locate points on an existing map.
#' This uses [map2lonlat()] to infer the location in
#' geographical space, so it suffers the same
#' limitations as that function.
#' @param n number of points to locate; see [locator()].
#' @param type type of connector for the points; see [locator()].
#' @param \dots extra arguments passed to [locator()] (and either
#'     [mapPoints()] or [mapLines()], if appropriate) if
#'     `type` is not `'n'`.
#' @seealso A map must first have been created with [mapPlot()].
#' @family functions related to maps
#' @author Dan Kelley
mapLocator <- function(n = 512, type = "n", ...) {
    if ("none" == .Projection()$type) {
        stop("must create a map first, with mapPlot()\n")
    xy <- locator(n, type, ...)
    res <- map2lonlat(xy$x, xy$y)
    if (type == "l") {
        mapLines(res$longitude, res$latitude, ...)
    } else if (type == "p") {
        mapPoints(res$longitude, res$latitude, ...)

#' Convert X and Y to Longitude and Latitude
#' Convert from x-y coordinates to longitude and latitude. This is normally called
#' internally within oce; see \dQuote{Bugs}.
#' A projection must already have been set up, by a call to [mapPlot()]
#' or [lonlat2map()]. It should be noted that not all projections are
#' handled well; see \dQuote{Bugs}.
#' @param x vector containing the x component of points in the projected space, or
#' a list containing items named `x` and `y`, in which case the next
#' argument is ignored.
#' @param y vector containing the y coordinate of points in the projected space
#' (ignored if `x` is a list, as described above).
#' @param init vector containing the initial guesses for longitude and latitude,
#' presently ignored.
#' @template debugTemplate
#' @section Bugs:
#' `oce` uses the [sf::sf_project()] function to handle projections.
#' Only those projections that
#' have inverses are permitted within `oce`, and of that subset, some are omitted
#' because the `oce` developers have experienced problems with them.
#' @return
#' A list containing `longitude` and `latitude`, with `NA`
#' values indicating points that are off the globe as displayed.
#' @examples
#' library(oce)
#' # Cape Split, in the Minas Basin of the Bay of Fundy
#' cs <- list(longitude = -64.49657, latitude = 45.33462)
#' xy <- lonlat2map(cs, projection = "+proj=merc")
#' map2lonlat(xy)
#' @seealso [lonlat2map()] does the inverse operation.
#' @seealso A map must first have been created with [mapPlot()].
#' @family functions related to maps
#' @author Dan Kelley
map2lonlat <- function(x, y, init = NULL, debug = getOption("oceDebug")) {
    if (missing(x)) {
        stop("must supply x")
    if ("none" == .Projection()$type) {
        stop("must create a map first, with mapPlot()\n")
    if (is.list(x)) {
        y <- x$y
        x <- x$x
    n <- length(x)
    if (n != length(y)) {
        stop("lengths of x and y must match, but they are ", n, " and ", length(y))
    # Pass same debug level to oceProject(), since this is just a wrapper.
    XY <- oceProject(xy = cbind(x, y), proj = .Projection()$projection, inv = TRUE, debug = debug)
    list(longitude = XY[, 1], latitude = XY[, 2])

#' Add a Polygon to a Map
#' `mapPolygon` adds a polygon to an existing map.
#' @param longitude numeric vector of longitudes of points defining the polygon,
#' to be plotted, or an object from
#' which both longitude and latitude can be inferred (e.g. a coastline file, or
#' the return value from [mapLocator()]), in which case the `latitude`
#' argument are ignored.
#' @param latitude numeric vector of latitudes of points to be plotted (ignored
#' if both longitude and latitude can be determined from the first argument).
#' @param density,angle,border,col,lty,...,fillOddEven handled as
#' [polygon()] handles the same arguments.
#' @examples
#' \donttest{
#' library(oce)
#' data(coastlineWorld)
#' data(topoWorld)
#' # Bathymetry near southeastern Canada
#' par(mfrow = c(1, 1), mar = c(2, 2, 1, 1))
#' cm <- colormap(zlim = c(-5000, 0), col = oceColorsGebco)
#' drawPalette(colormap = cm)
#' lonlim <- c(-60, -50)
#' latlim <- c(40, 60)
#' mapPlot(coastlineWorld,
#'     longitudelim = lonlim,
#'     latitudelim = latlim, projection = "+proj=merc", grid = FALSE
#' )
#' mapImage(topoWorld, colormap = cm)
#' mapPolygon(coastlineWorld[["longitude"]], coastlineWorld[["latitude"]], col = "lightgray")
#' }
#' @seealso A map must first have been created with [mapPlot()].
#' @family functions related to maps
#' @author Dan Kelley
mapPolygon <- function(
    longitude, latitude, density = NULL, angle = 45,
    border = NULL, col = NA, lty = par("lty"), ..., fillOddEven = FALSE) {
    if ("none" == .Projection()$type) {
        stop("must create a map first, with mapPlot()\n")
    if ("data" %in% slotNames(longitude) && # handle e.g. 'coastline' class
        2 == sum(c("longitude", "latitude") %in% names(longitude@data))) {
        latitude <- longitude@data$latitude
        longitude <- longitude@data$longitude
    if (2 == sum(c("longitude", "latitude") %in% names(longitude))) {
        latitude <- longitude$latitude
        longitude <- longitude$longitude
    n <- length(longitude)
    if (n > 0) {
        xy <- lonlat2map(longitude, latitude)
        x <- xy$x
        y <- xy$y
        xorig <- xy$x
        yorig <- xy$y
        # 1181 necessitated a change in badFillFix1()
        xy <- badFillFix1(x = x, y = y, latitude = latitude, projection = "")
        xy <- badFillFix2(x = xy$x, y = xy$y, xorig = xorig, yorig = yorig)
        x <- xy$x
        y <- xy$y
        polygon(x, y, density = density, angle = angle, border = border, col = col, lty = lty, ..., fillOddEven = fillOddEven)

#' Add an Image to a Map
#' Plot an image on an existing map that was created with [mapPlot()].
#' Image data are on a regular grid in lon-lat space, but not in the
#' projected x-y space.  This means that [image()] cannot be used.
#' Instead, there are two approaches, depending on the value of
#' `filledContour`.
#' If `filledContour` is `FALSE`, the image "pixels" are drawn with
#' [polygon()]. This can be prohibitively slow for fine grids.
#' However, if `filledContour` is `TRUE`, then the "pixels" are
#' remapped into a regular grid and then displayed with
#' [.filled.contour()].  The remapping starts by converting the
#' regular lon-lat grid to an irregular x-y grid using [lonlat2map()].
#' This irregular grid is then interpolated onto a regular x-y grid in
#' accordance with the `gridder` parameter. If `gridder` values of
#' `"binMean2D"` and `"interp"` do not produce satisfactory results,
#' advanced users might wish to supply a function to do the gridding
#' according to their own criteria. The function must have as its
#' first 5 arguments (1) an x vector, (2) a y vector, (3) a z matrix
#' that corresponds to x and y in the usual way, (4) a vector holding
#' the desired x grid, and (5) a vector holding the desired y grid.
#' The return value must be a list containing items named `xmids`,
#' `ymids` and `result`. To understand the meaning of the parameters
#' and return values, consult the documentation for [binMean2D()].
#' Here is an example of a scheme that will fill data gaps of 1 or 2
#' cells:
#' ```
#' g <- function(...) binMean2D(..., fill = TRUE, fillgap = 2)
#' mapImage(..., gridder = g, ...)
#' ```
#' @section Historical Notes:
#' Until oce 1.7.4, the `gridder` argument could be set to `"akima"`,
#' which used the `akima` package.  However, that package is not
#' released with a FOSS license, so CRAN requested a change to
#' \CRANpkg{interp}. Note that `drawImage()` intercepts the errors
#' that sometimes get reported by [interp::interp()].
#' @param longitude numeric vector of longitudes corresponding to `z`
#' matrix.
#' @param latitude numeric vector of latitudes corresponding to `z`
#' matrix.
#' @param z numeric matrix to be represented as an image.
#' @param zlim limit for z (color).
#' @param zclip A logical value, `TRUE` indicating that out-of-range
#' `z` values should be painted with `missingColor` and `FALSE`
#' indicating that these values should be painted with the nearest
#' in-range color.  If `zlim` is given then its min and max set the
#' range.  If `zlim` is not given but `breaks` is given, then the min
#' and max of `breaks` sets the range used for z.  If neither `zlim`
#' nor `breaks` is given, clipping is not done, i.e. the action is as
#' if `zclip` were `FALSE`.
#' @param breaks The z values for breaks in the color scheme.  If this
#' is of length 1, the value indicates the desired number of breaks,
#' which is supplied to [pretty()], in determining clean break points.
#' @param col Either a vector of colors corresponding to the breaks,
#' of length 1 plus the number of breaks, or a function specifying
#' colors, e.g. [oce.colorsViridis()] for the Viridis scheme.
#' @param colormap optional colormap, as created by [colormap()]. If a
#' `colormap` is provided, then its properties takes precedence over
#' `breaks`, `col`, `missingColor`, and `zclip` specified to
#' `mapImage`.
#' @param border Color used for borders of patches (passed to
#' [polygon()]); the default `NA` means no border.
#' @param lwd line width, used if borders are drawn.
#' @param lty line type, used if borders are drawn.
#' @param missingColor a color to be used to indicate missing data, or
#' `NA` to skip the drawing of such regions (which will retain
#' whatever material has already been drawn at the regions).
#' @param filledContour an indication of whether to use filled
#' contours.  This may be FALSE (the default), TRUE, or a positive
#' numerical value. If FALSE, then polygons are used. Otherwise, the
#' longitude-latitude values are transformed to x-y values, which will
#' not be on a grid and thus will require gridding so that
#' [.filled.contour()] can plot the filled contours.  The method used
#' for gridding is set by the `gridder` parameter (see next item). If
#' `filledContour` is TRUE, then the grid is constructed with the aim
#' of having approximately 3 of the projected x-y points in each cell.
#' That can leave some cells unoccupied, yielding blanks in the drawn
#' image.  There are two ways around that.  First, the `gridder` can
#' be set up to fill gaps.  Second, a numerical value can be used for
#' `filledContour`. For example, using `filledContour` equal to 1.5
#' will increase grid width and height by a factor of 1.5, which may
#' be enough to fill all the gaps, depending on the projection and the
#' area shown.
#' @param gridder specification of how gridding is to be done, used
#' only if `filledContour` is TRUE. The value of `gridder` may
#' `"binMean2D"`, which is the default, `"interp"`, or a function.  In
#' the first two cases, the gridding is done with either [binMean2D()]
#' or [interp::interp()], respectively. For more on the last case, see
#' \dQuote{Details}.
#' @template debugTemplate
#' @section Sample of Usage:
#' \preformatted{
#' library(oce)
#' data(coastlineWorld)
#' data(topoWorld)
#' # Northern polar region, with color-coded bathymetry
#' par(mfrow = c(1, 1), mar = c(2, 2, 1, 1))
#' cm <- colormap(zlim = c(-5000, 0), col = oceColorsGebco)
#' drawPalette(colormap = cm)
#' mapPlot(coastlineWorld,
#'     projection = "+proj=stere +lat_0=90",
#'     longitudelim = c(-180, 180), latitudelim = c(70, 110)
#' )
#' # Uncomment one of the next four blocks.  See
#' # https://dankelley.github.io/dek_blog/2024/03/07/mapimage.html
#' # for illustrations.
#' # Method 1: the default, using polygons for lon-lat patches
#' mapImage(topoWorld, colormap = cm)
#' # Method 2: filled contours, with ugly missing-data traces
#' # mapImage(topoWorld, colormap = cm, filledContour = TRUE)
#' # Method 3: filled contours, with a double-sized grid cells
#' # mapImage(topoWorld, colormap = cm, filledContour = 2)
#' # Method 4: filled contours, with a gap-filling gridder)
#' # g <- function(...) binMean2D(..., fill = TRUE, fillgap = 2)
#' # mapImage(topoWorld, colormap = cm, filledContour = TRUE, gridder = g)
#' mapGrid(15, 15, polarCircle = 1, col = gray(0.2))
#' mapPolygon(coastlineWorld[["longitude"]],
#'     coastlineWorld[["latitude"]],
#'     col = "tan"
#' )
#' }
#' @seealso A map must first have been created with [mapPlot()].
#' @family functions related to maps
#' @author Dan Kelley
mapImage <- function(longitude, latitude, z, zlim, zclip = FALSE,
                     breaks, col, colormap, border = NA, lwd =
                         par("lwd"), lty = par("lty"), missingColor = NA,
                     filledContour = FALSE, gridder = "binMean2D",
                     debug = getOption("oceDebug")) {
    if ("none" == .Projection()$type) {
        stop("must create a map first, with mapPlot()\n")
    breaksGiven <- !missing(breaks)
    zlimGiven <- !missing(zlim)
    colGiven <- !missing(col)
    oceDebug(debug, "mapImage(..., ", " missingColor=", missingColor, ", ", "
        filledContour=", filledContour, ", ", " gridder=", if
    (is.function(gridder)) {
    } else {
    }, ", ...)
        START\n", sep = "", unindent = 1)

    if ("data" %in% slotNames(longitude)) {
        if (3 == sum(c("longitude", "latitude", "z") %in% names(longitude@data))) {
            # e.g. a topo object
            z <- longitude@data$z
            latitude <- longitude@data$latitude
            longitude <- longitude@data$longitude # destroys container
    } else {
        names <- names(longitude)
        if ("x" %in% names && "y" %in% names && "z" %in% names) {
            z <- longitude$z
            latitude <- longitude$y
            longitude <- longitude$x # destroys container
    if (!is.matrix(z)) {
        stop("z must be a matrix")
    breaksGiven <- !missing(breaks)
    if (!missing(colormap)) {
        # takes precedence over breaks and col
        breaks <- colormap$breaks
        breaksGiven <- TRUE
        col <- colormap$col
        missingColor <- colormap$missingColor
        zclip <- colormap$zclip
        colGiven <- TRUE
    if (!breaksGiven) { # no breaks given
        small <- .Machine$double.eps
        zrange <- range(z, na.rm = TRUE)
        if (missing(zlim)) {
            # calculate 'breaks'
            if (missing(col)) {
                breaks <- pretty(zrange, n = 10)
            } else {
                if (is.vector(col)) {
                    breaks <- pretty(zrange, n = 1 + length(col))
                } else if (is.function(col)) {
                    breaks <- pretty(zrange, n = 10)
                } else {
                    stop("'col' must be a vector or a function")
            breaksOrig <- breaks # nolint (variable not used)
        } else {
            if (!colGiven) {
                oceDebug(debug, "zlim provided, but not breaks or col\n")
                breaks <- c(zlim[1], pretty(zlim, n = 128), zlim[2])
            } else {
                oceDebug(debug, "zlim and col provided, but not breaks\n")
                breaks <- seq(zlim[1], zlim[2], length.out = if (is.function(col)) 128 else 1 + length(col))
            breaksOrig <- breaks
            breaks[1] <- min(zrange[1], breaks[1])
            breaks[length(breaks)] <- max(breaks[length(breaks)], zrange[2])
    } else { # 'breaks' was given
        breaksOrig <- breaks
        if (1 == length(breaks)) {
            oceDebug(debug, "only 1 break given, so taking that as number of breaks\n")
            breaks <- pretty(z, n = breaks)
    if (missing(col)) {
        col <- oce.colorsPalette(n = length(breaks) - 1)
        oceDebug(debug, "using default col\n")
    if (is.function(col)) {
        col <- col(n = length(breaks) - 1)
        oceDebug(debug, "col is a function\n")
    oceDebug(debug, "zclip:", zclip, "\n")
    oceDebug(debug, vectorShow(breaks))
    oceDebug(debug, vectorShow(col))
    # 20140816 END
    ni <- dim(z)[1]
    nj <- dim(z)[2]
    zmin <- min(z, na.rm = TRUE)
    zmax <- max(z, na.rm = TRUE)
    zrange <- zmax - zmin
    small <- .Machine$double.eps
    # 20140802/issue516: next if block (clipping) rewritten
    if (zclip) {
        oceDebug(debug, "using missingColor for out-of-range values\n")
        if (zlimGiven) {
            z[z < zlim[1]] <- NA
            z[z > zlim[2]] <- NA
    } else {
        if (zlimGiven) {
            oceDebug(debug, "using 'zlim' to pin image colours\n")
            pinMIN <- min(zlim, na.rm = TRUE)
            pinMAX <- max(zlim, na.rm = TRUE)
            pinlow <- z <= pinMIN
            z[pinlow] <- pinMIN * (1.0 + sign(pinMIN) * small)
            pinhigh <- z >= pinMAX
            z[pinhigh] <- pinMAX * (1.0 - sign(pinMAX) * small)
            oceDebug(debug, "pinned ", sum(pinlow), " low values and ", sum(pinhigh), " high z values, out of a total of ", length(z), " values\n")
        } else if (breaksGiven) {
            oceDebug(debug, "using 'breaks' to pin image colours\n")
            pinMIN <- min(breaks, na.rm = TRUE)
            pinMAX <- max(breaks, na.rm = TRUE)
            pinlow <- z <= pinMIN
            z[pinlow] <- pinMIN * (1.0 + sign(pinMIN) * small)
            pinhigh <- z >= pinMAX
            z[pinhigh] <- pinMAX * (1.0 - sign(pinMAX) * small)
            oceDebug(debug, "pinned ", sum(pinlow), " low values and ", sum(pinhigh), " high z values, out of a total of ", length(z), " values\n")
        } else {
            oceDebug(debug, "not clipping AND NEITHER zlim nor breaks suppled\n")
    # Construct polygons centred on the specified longitudes and latitudes.
    # Each polygon has 5 points, four to trace the boundary and a fifth that is
    # (NA,NA), to signal the end of the polygon.  The z values (and hence the
    # colors) map one per polygon.
    # FIXME <issue 2201> keep this test for a while
    poly <- .Call("map_assemble_polygons_old", longitude, latitude, z,
        NAOK = TRUE, PACKAGE = "oce"
    polyNew <- mapAssemblePolygons(longitude, latitude, z)
    if (!identical(poly, polyNew)) {
        message("IMPORTANT: mapImage/mapAssemblePolygons problem -- please report at github.com/dankelley/oce/issues")
        warning("IMPORTANT: mapImage/mapAssemblePolygons problem -- please report at github.com/dankelley/oce/issues")
    xy <- lonlat2map(poly$longitude, poly$latitude)
    xy$x[!is.finite(xy$x)] <- NA
    xy$y[!is.finite(xy$y)] <- NA
    # <issue 638> kludge to get data into same longitude scheme as axes
    usr12 <- par("usr")[1:2]
    xrange <- range(xy$x, na.rm = TRUE)
    if (xrange[1] > usr12[2]) {
        xy$x <- xy$x - 360
    Z <- as.vector(z)
    # map_check_polygons tries to fix up longitude cut-point problem, which
    # otherwise leads to lines crossing the graph horizontally because the x
    # value can sometimes alternate from one end of the domain to the other.
    # FIXME <issue 2201> keep this test for a while
    r <- .Call("map_check_polygons_old", xy$x, xy$y, poly$z,
        diff(par("usr"))[1:2] / 5, par("usr"),
        NAOK = TRUE, PACKAGE = "oce"
    rNew <- mapCheckPolygons(
        xy$x, xy$y, poly$z,
        diff(par("usr")[1:2]) / 5, par("usr")
    if (!identical(r, rNew)) {
        message("IMPORTANT: mapImage/mapCheckPolygons problem -- please report at github.com/dankelley/oce/issues")
        warning("IMPORTANT: mapImage/mapCheckPolygons problem -- please report at github.com/dankelley/oce/issues")
    breaksMin <- min(breaks, na.rm = TRUE)
    breaksMax <- max(breaks, na.rm = TRUE)
    if (is.logical(filledContour) && filledContour) {
        filledContour <- 1.0
    if (filledContour) { # filled contours
        oceDebug(debug, "using filled contours\n")
        zz <- Z # as.vector(z)
        g <- expand.grid(longitude, latitude)
        longitudeGrid <- g[, 1]
        latitudeGrid <- g[, 2]
        # N is number of points in view
        usr <- par("usr")
        N <- sum(usr[1] <= xy$x & xy$x <= usr[2] & usr[3] <= xy$y & xy$y <= usr[4], na.rm = TRUE)
        NN <- sqrt(N / (10 * filledContour))
        xg <- seq(usr[1], usr[2], length.out = NN)
        yg <- seq(usr[3], usr[4], length.out = NN)
        xy <- lonlat2map(longitudeGrid, latitudeGrid)
        good <- is.finite(zz) & is.finite(xy$x) & is.finite(xy$y)
        if (!zclip) {
            # message("# good: ", sum(good), " orig")
            zz[zz < breaksMin] <- breaksMin
            zz[zz > breaksMax] <- breaksMax
        xx <- xy$x[good]
        yy <- xy$y[good]
        zz <- zz[good]
        xtrim <- par("usr")[1:2]
        ytrim <- par("usr")[3:4]
        inFrame <- xtrim[1] <= xx & xx <= xtrim[2] & ytrim[1] <= yy & yy <= ytrim[2]
        oceDebug(debug, "before trimming, length(xx): ", length(xx), "\n")
        xx <- xx[inFrame]
        yy <- yy[inFrame]
        zz <- zz[inFrame]
        oceDebug(debug, "after trimming, length(xx): ", length(xx), "\n")
        # chop to points within plot area
        if (is.character(gridder) && gridder %in% c("interp", "akima")) {
            oceDebug(debug, "using interp::interp()\n")
            if (identical(gridder, "akima")) {
                warning("'akima' is no longer available; using 'interp' instead.")
            if (requireNamespace("interp", quietly = TRUE)) {
                i <- try(interp::interp(x = xx, y = yy, z = zz, xo = xg, yo = yg))
                if (inherits(i, "try-error")) {
                        "gridder=\"", gridder,
                        "\" failed. Try gridder=\"binMean2D\" instead"
            } else {
                    "must install.packages(\"interp\") to use gridder=\"",
                    gridder, "\""
        } else if (identical(gridder, "binMean2D")) {
            oceDebug(debug, "using binMean2D()\n")
            # binned <- binMean2D(xx, yy, zz, xg, yg, fill = TRUE, debug = debug - 1)
            binned <- binMean2D(xx, yy, zz, xg, yg, debug = debug - 1)
            if (FALSE) {
                imagep(binned$xmids, binned$ymids[200:243], binned$result[, 200:243], col = oceColorsJet, asp = 1, xlim = c(-500000, 500000))
                contour(binned$xmids, binned$ymids[200:243], binned$result[, 200:243], add = TRUE)
                abline(h = binned$ymids[200:243], col = rgb(0, 1, 0, 0.2))
                abline(v = binned$xmids, col = rgb(0, 1, 0, 0.2))
            # message("FIXME: saving xx,yy,zz,xg,yg,binned in file ~/binned.rda")
            # save(xx,yy,zz,xg,yg,binned, file="~/binned.rda") # FIXME
            i <- list(x = binned$xmids, y = binned$ymids, z = binned$result)
        } else if (is.function(gridder)) {
            oceDebug(debug, "gridder is a user-supplied function\n")
            G <- gridder(xx, yy, zz, xg, yg)
            i <- list(x = G$xmids, y = G$ymids, z = G$result)
        } else {
            stop("inappropriate 'gridder' value; use \"binMean2D\", \"interp\" or a function")
        if (any(is.finite(i$z))) {
            # issue726: add a tiny bit to breaks, to mimic filledContour=FALSE
            small <- .Machine$double.eps
            .filled.contour(i$x, i$y, i$z, levels = breaks + small, col = col)
        } else {
            warning("no valid z")
    } else { # not using filled contours
        oceDebug(debug, "using polygons, as opposed to filled contours\n")
        colFirst <- col[1]
        colLast <- tail(col, 1)
        colorLookup <- function(ij) {
            zval <- Z[ij]
            if (!is.finite(zval)) {
                return(missingColor) # whether clipping or not
            if (zval < breaksMin) {
                return(if (zclip) missingColor else colFirst)
            if (zval > breaksMax) {
                return(if (zclip) missingColor else colLast)
            # IMPORTANT: whether to write 'breaks' or 'breaks+small' below
            # IMPORTANT: is at the heart of several issues, including
            # IMPORTANT: issues 522, 655 and possibly 726.
            # issue522: this was w <- which(zval <= breaks)[1]
            # issue655: this was w <- which(zval <= breaks)[1]
            # sometime later: w <- which(zval < breaks + 1*small)[1]
            w <- which(zval <= breaks)[1]
            if (!is.na(w) && w > 1) {
                return(col[-1 + w])
            } else {
        # mapImage(topoWorld) profiling
        # Note that 1/3 of the time is spent here, the rest in polygon().
        # Profile times in seconds, as below. (is 0.1 to 0.2s meaningful?)
        # Caution: profile times depend on Rstudio window size etc, so
        # be careful in testing! The values below were from a particular
        # window and panel size but results were 1s different when I
        # resized.
        #   with sapply: 3.480 3.640 3.520
        #   with loop:   3.260 3.440 3.430
        # NOTE: mapPolygonMethod is NOT documented, so we can assume
        # NOTE: that it will be NULL, so method=3 will be used.
        method <- options()$mapPolygonMethod
        if (0 == length(method)) {
            method <- 3 # method tested in issue 1284
        oceDebug(debug, "method=", method, " (set by options()$mapPolygonMethod or default of 3)\n")
        if (method == 1) {
            colPolygon <- unlist(lapply(1:(ni * nj), colorLookup))
        } else if (method == 2) {
            colPolygon <- character(ni * nj)
            for (ij in 1:(ni * nj)) {
                zval <- Z[ij]
                if (!is.finite(zval)) {
                    colPolygon[ij] <- missingColor # whether clipping or not
                } else if (zval < breaksMin) {
                    colPolygon[ij] <- if (zclip) missingColor else colFirst
                } else if (zval > breaksMax) {
                    colPolygon[ij] <- if (zclip) missingColor else colLast
                } else {
                    w <- which(zval <= breaks)[1]
                    colPolygon[ij] <- if (!is.na(w) && w > 1) col[-1 + w] else missingColor
        } else if (method == 3) {
            colPolygon <- rep(missingColor, ni * nj)
            # findInterval() requires the second arg to be in order
            # FIXME: do we need to reorder after the findInterval()?
            # next is bad because it lengthens col
            ii <- findInterval(Z, breaks, left.open = TRUE, all.inside = TRUE)
            colPolygon <- col[ii]
            colPolygon[!is.finite(Z)] <- missingColor
            if (zclip) {
                colPolygon[Z < min(breaks)] <- missingColor
                colPolygon[Z > max(breaks)] <- missingColor
        } else {
            stop("unknown options(mapPolygonMethod)")
        polygon(xy$x[r$okPoint & !r$clippedPoint], xy$y[r$okPoint & !r$clippedPoint],
            col = colPolygon[r$okPolygon & !r$clippedPolygon],
            border = colPolygon[r$okPolygon & !r$clippedPolygon],
            lwd = lwd, lty = lty, fillOddEven = FALSE
    oceDebug(debug, "END mapImage()\n", unindent = 1)

#' Convert Longitude and Latitude to UTM
#' @param longitude numeric vector of decimal longitude.  May also be
#' a list containing items named `longitude` and `latitude`, in which
#' case the indicated values are used, and next argument is ignored.
#' @param latitude numeric vector of decimal latitude (ignored if
#' `longitude` is a list containing both coordinates)
#' @param zone optional indication of UTM zone.  Normally this is inferred from
#' the longitude, but specifying it can be helpful in dealing with Landsat
#' images, which may cross zones and which therefore are described by a single
#' zone.
#' @param km logical value indicating whether `easting` and `northing`
#' are in kilometers or meters.
#' @return `lonlat2utm` returns a list containing `easting`,
#' `northing`, `zone` and `hemisphere`.
#' @seealso [utm2lonlat()] does the inverse operation.  For general
#' projections and their inverses, use [lonlat2map()] and
#' [map2lonlat()].
#' @references
#' `https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Universal_Transverse_Mercator_coordinate_system`,
#' downloaded May 31, 2014.
#' @examples
#' library(oce)
#' # Cape Split, in the Minas Basin of the Bay of Fundy
#' lonlat2utm(-64.496567, 45.334626)
#' @family functions related to maps
#' @author Dan Kelley
lonlat2utm <- function(longitude, latitude, zone, km = FALSE) {
    names <- names(longitude)
    if (!is.null(names)) {
        if ("zone" %in% names) {
            zone <- longitude$zone
        if ("longitude" %in% names && "latitude" %in% names) {
            latitude <- longitude$latitude
            longitude <- longitude$longitude
    if (missing(latitude)) {
        stop("latitude is missing")
    # Code from https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Universal_Transverse_Mercator_coordinate_system
    longitude <- ifelse(longitude < 0, longitude + 360, longitude)
    rpd <- atan2(1, 1) / 45
    lambda <- longitude * rpd
    phi <- latitude * rpd
    a <- 6378.137 # earth radius in WSG84 (in km for these formulae)
    f <- 1 / 298.257223563 # flatening
    n <- f / (2 - f)
    A <- (a / (1 + n)) * (1 + n^2 / 4 + n^4 / 64)
    t <- sinh(atanh(sin(phi)) - (2 * sqrt(n)) / (1 + n) * atanh((2 * sqrt(n)) / (1 + n) * sin(phi)))
    if (missing(zone)) {
        zone <- floor((180 + longitude) / 6) # FIXME: this works for zone but not positive its ok
        zone <- floor((longitude / 6) + 31)
        zone <- ifelse(zone > 60, zone - 60, zone)
        # message("zone not given; inferred to be ", zone)
    lambda0 <- rpd * (zone * 6 - 183)
    xiprime <- atan(t / cos(lambda - lambda0))
    etaprime <- atanh(sin(lambda - lambda0) / sqrt(1 + t^2))
    alpha1 <- (1 / 2) * n - (2 / 3) * n^2 + (5 / 16) * n^3
    alpha2 <- (13 / 48) * n^2 - (3 / 5) * n^3
    alpha3 <- (61 / 240) * n^3
    # sigma and tau needed only if calculating k and gamma, which we are not.
    # sigma <- 1 + 2*(  alpha1*cos(2*xiprime)*cosh(2*etaprime) +
    #                 2*alpha2*cos(4*xiprime)*cosh(4*etaprime) +
    #                 3*alpha3*cos(6*xiprime)*cosh(6*etaprime))
    # tau <-       2*(  alpha1*sin(2*xiprime)*sinh(2*etaprime) +
    #                 2*alpha2*sin(4*xiprime)*sinh(4*etaprime) +
    #                 3*alpha3*sin(6*xiprime)*sinh(6*etaprime))
    k0 <- 0.9996
    E0 <- 500 # km
    E <- E0 + k0 * A * (etaprime + (alpha1 * cos(2 * xiprime) * sinh(2 * etaprime) +
        alpha2 * cos(4 * xiprime) * sinh(4 * etaprime) +
        alpha3 * cos(6 * xiprime) * sinh(6 * etaprime)))
    N0 <- ifelse(latitude > 0, 0, 10000)
    N0 <- 0 # to obey Landsat-8 convention
    N <- N0 + k0 * A * (xiprime + (alpha1 * sin(2 * xiprime) * cosh(2 * etaprime) +
        alpha2 * sin(4 * xiprime) * cosh(4 * etaprime) +
        alpha3 * sin(6 * xiprime) * cosh(6 * etaprime)))
    easting <- if (km) E else 1000 * E
    northing <- if (km) N else 1000 * N
    list(easting = easting, northing = northing, zone = zone, hemisphere = ifelse(latitude > 0, "N", "S"))

#' Convert UTM to Longitude and Latitude
#' @param easting easting coordinate (in km or m, depending on value of
#' `km`).  Alternatively, a list containing items named `easting`,
#' `northing`, and `zone`, in which case these are taken from the
#' list and the arguments named `northing`, `zone` and are ignored.
#' @param northing northing coordinate (in km or m, depending on value of
#' `km`).
#' @param zone UTM zone
#' @param hemisphere indication of hemisphere; `"N"` for North, anything
#' else for South.
#' @param km logical value indicating whether `easting` and
#' `northing` are in kilometers or meters.
#' @return `utm2lonlat` returns a list containing `longitude` and `latitude`.
#' @seealso [lonlat2utm()] does the inverse operation.  For general
#' projections and their inverses, use [lonlat2map()] and
#' [map2lonlat()].
#' @references
#' `https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Universal_Transverse_Mercator_coordinate_system`,
#' downloaded May 31, 2014.
#' @examples
#' library(oce)
#' # Cape Split, in the Minas Basin of the Bay of Fundy
#' utm2lonlat(852863, 5029997, 19)
#' @family functions related to maps
#' @author Dan Kelley
utm2lonlat <- function(easting, northing, zone = 1, hemisphere = "N", km = FALSE) {
    names <- names(easting)
    if (!is.null(names)) {
        if ("easting" %in% names && "northing" %in% names && "zone" %in% names) {
            zone <- easting$zone
            northing <- easting$northing
            easting <- easting$easting
    # Code from https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Universal_Transverse_Mercator_coordinate_system
    a <- 6378.137 # earth radius in WSG84 (in km for these formulae)
    f <- 1 / 298.257223563 # flatening
    n <- f / (2 - f)
    A <- (a / (1 + n)) * (1 + n^2 / 4 + n^4 / 64)
    beta1 <- (1 / 2) * n - (2 / 3) * n^2 + (37 / 96) * n^3
    beta2 <- (1 / 48) * n^2 + (1 / 15) * n^3
    beta3 <- (17 / 480) * n^3
    delta1 <- 2 * n - (2 / 3) * n^2 - 2 * n^3
    delta2 <- (7 / 3) * n^2 - (8 / 5) * n^3
    delta3 <- (56 / 15) * n^3
    if (!km) {
        northing <- northing / 1000
        easting <- easting / 1000
    N0 <- if (hemisphere == "N") 0 else 10000
    k0 <- 0.9996
    E0 <- 500 # km
    xi <- (northing - N0) / (k0 * A)
    eta <- (easting - E0) / (k0 * A)
    xiprime <- xi - (beta1 * sin(2 * xi) * cosh(2 * eta) + beta2 * sin(4 * xi) * cosh(4 * eta) + beta3 * sin(6 * xi) * cosh(6 * eta))
    etaprime <- eta - (beta1 * cos(2 * xi) * sinh(2 * eta) + beta2 * cos(4 * xi) * sinh(4 * eta) + beta3 * cos(6 * xi) * sinh(6 * eta))
    # sigmaprime and tauprime not needed in present calculation
    # sigmaprime <- 1 - 2*(beta1*cos(2*xi)*cosh(2*eta) +2*beta2*cos(4*xi)*cosh(4*eta) +3*beta3*cos(6*xi)*cosh(6*eta))
    # tauprime <-       2*(beta1*sin(2*xi)*sinh(2*eta) +2*beta2*sin(4*xi)*sinh(4*eta) +3*beta3*sin(6*xi)*sinh(6*eta))
    chi <- asin(sin(xiprime) / cosh(etaprime)) # Q: in deg or radian?
    phi <- chi + (delta1 * sin(2 * chi) + delta2 * sin(4 * chi) + delta3 * sin(6 * chi))
    latitude <- 45 * phi / atan2(1, 1)
    lambda0 <- zone * 6 - 183
    longitude <- lambda0 + 45 / atan2(1, 1) * atan(sinh(etaprime) / cos(xiprime))
    list(longitude = longitude, latitude = latitude)

# This list of known projections includes only those with inverses. To create the list
# first I did
#      proj -lP > A
# in the commandline, and then I hand-edited out the entries that said that no
# inverse was available. Then I used grep and sed and an editor action to create the
# list.  The reason for demanding an inverse is to avoid errors that arise
# otherwise.  Eventually, a scheme could be set up for doing an approximate
# inverse within oce, but the arguments against that include (a) the difficulty
# in implementing it and (b) the possibility that non-invertable projections
# simply haven't been generated enough interest in the broader cartographic
# community to merit inclusion in oce.

# 1. alsk overdraws world, pluts it's a niche proj (Alaska)
# 2. calcofi is deleted because it's nor really a projection; it's more
#    like a coordinate transformation.
# 3. isea is deleted because it causes a segmentation fault on coastlineWorld.
# 4. krovak causes overdrawn coastlines, plus it's a niche proj (Czech Republic)
# 5. labrd is deleted because it returns NaN for every point
#    on the coastlineWorld; fixing this is not a high priority
#    given that it is a niche projection that has caused problems
#    in PROJ.4 also.
# 6. lsat seems not to work in rgdal or standlone proj.4, so
#    it was removed from oce on 2017-11-17.
#    See https://github.com/dankelley/oce/issues/1337 for details.
# 7. imw_p can hang on some inverse values, and I found that the
#    problem is deep in the PROJ.4 code (since the error occurs also with PROJ.4
#    compiled a few days before Nov 19th) and therefore imw_p was removed
#    on 2017-11-19 .
#    See https://github.com/dankelley/oce/issues/1319 for details.
knownProj4 <- c(
    "aea", "aeqd", "aitoff", "bipc", "bonne",
    "cass", "cc", "cea", "collg", "crast", "eck1", "eck2", "eck3",
    "eck4", "eck5", "eck6", "eqc", "eqdc", "eqearth", "euler", "etmerc",
    "fahey", "fouc", "fouc_s", "gall", "geos", "gn_sinu", "gnom",
    # "goode",                 "hatano", "healpix", "rhealpix",
    "goode", "hatano",
    "igh", "kav5", "kav7",
    "laea", "lonlat", "longlat", "latlon", "lcc", "leac",
    # "loxim", "lsat", "mbt_s", "mbt_fps", "mbtfpp", "mbtfpq",
    "loxim", "mbt_s", "mbt_fps", "mbtfpp", "mbtfpq",
    "mbtfps", "merc", "mil_os", "mill", "moll", "murd1", "murd2",
    # "murd3", "natearth", "nell", "nell_h", "nsper", "nzmg",
    "murd3", "natearth", "nell", "nell_h", "nsper",
    # "ob_tran", "ocea", "oea", "omerc", "ortho", "pconic", "poly",
    "ob_tran", "ocea", "oea", "omerc", "ortho", "poly",
    "putp1", "putp2", "putp3", "putp3p", "putp4", "putp4p",
    "putp5", "putp5p", "putp6", "putp6p", "qsc", "qua_aut",
    "robin", "rouss", "sinu", "somerc", "stere", "sterea"
    # "gstmerc", "tcea", "tissot", "tmerc", "tpeqd", "tpers", "ups"
    , "tcea", "tissot", "tmerc", "tpeqd", "tpers", "ups",
    "urm5", "urmfps", "utm", "vandg", "vitk1", "wag1", "wag2",
    "wag3", "wag4", "wag5", "wag6", "weren", "wink1", "wintri"

#' Convert Longitude and Latitude to X and Y
#' If a projection is already being used (e.g. as set by [mapPlot()])
#' then only `longitude` and `latitude` should be given, and the
#' other arguments will be inferred by `lonlat2map`.  This is important
#' because otherwise, if a new projection is called for, it will ruin any
#' additions to the existing plot.
#' @param longitude a numeric vector containing decimal longitudes, or a list
#' containing items named `longitude` and `latitude`, in which case
#' the indicated values are used, and next argument is ignored.
#' @param latitude a numeric vector containing decimal latitude (ignored if
#' `longitude` is a list, as described above).
#' @param projection optional indication of projection.  This must be character
#' string in the format used by the \CRANpkg{sf} package;
#' see [mapPlot()].)
#' @template debugTemplate
#' @return A list containing `x` and `y`.
#' @seealso `mapLongitudeLatitudeXY` is a safer alternative, if a map has
#' already been drawn with [mapPlot()], because that function cannot
#' alter an existing projection. [map2lonlat()] is an inverse to
#' `map2lonlat`.
#' @examples
#' library(oce)
#' # Cape Split, in the Minas Basin of the Bay of Fundy
#' cs <- list(longitude = -64.49657, latitude = 45.33462)
#' xy <- lonlat2map(cs, projection = "+proj=merc")
#' map2lonlat(xy)
#' @family functions related to maps
#' @author Dan Kelley
lonlat2map <- function(longitude, latitude, projection = "", debug = getOption("oceDebug")) {
    oceDebug(debug, "lonlat2map(longitude, latitude, projection=\"", projection, "\") START\n", sep = "", unindent = 1)
    if (missing(longitude)) {
        stop("must supply longitude")
    if (is.list(longitude)) {
        latitude <- longitude$latitude
        longitude <- longitude$longitude
    if (missing(latitude)) {
        stop("must supply latitude")
    n <- length(longitude)
    if (n != length(latitude)) {
        stop("lengths of longitude and latitude must match but they are ", n, " and ", length(latitude))
    # Use proj4 if it has been set up (and still exists).
    if ("" == projection) {
        projection <- .Projection()$projection
    } # FIXME
    if (inherits(projection, "CRS")) {
        warning("'projection' should be a character value (see ?mapPlot Historical Notes for 2023-04-11)")
        projection <- projection@projargs
    pr <- gsub(".*\\+proj=([^ ]*).*", "\\1", projection)
    oceDebug(debug, "in lonlat2map(), projection=\"", projection, "\"\n", sep = "")
    oceDebug(debug, "in lonlat2map(), pr=        \"", projection, "\"\n", sep = "")
    # gsub(" .*$", "", gsub("^\\+proj=", "", projection))
    if (!(pr %in% knownProj4)) {
        stop("projection '", pr, "' is unknown; try one of: ", paste(knownProj4, collapse = ","))
    n <- length(longitude)
    if (n != length(latitude)) {
        stop("lengths of longitude and latitude must match, but they are ", n, " and ", length(latitude))
    XY <- oceProject(xy = cbind(longitude, latitude), proj = projection, inv = FALSE, debug = debug - 1)
    .Projection(list(type = "proj4", projection = projection))
    oceDebug(debug, "END lonlat2map()\n", sep = "", unindent = 1)
    list(x = XY[, 1], y = XY[, 2])
dankelley/oce documentation built on Sept. 23, 2024, 3:04 p.m.