The sealevel sample file from oce is first subsampled to a 6-hour interval, then linearly interpolated back to a 1-hour interval. Tidal analysis is done with each. The plot tells the story.

  1. The left column shows the full timeseries, the tidem plot, and a spectrum. This is the base case, which we might hope to recover.
  2. The middle column shows the result of subsampling to 6 hours. The middle plot has wildly high amplitudes. This might be an error, or it might be an overfitting pattern, with a high-amplitude constituent at one frequency being offset by another high-amplitude constituent at a different phase. At any rate, the interpolated data are not unreasonable, so the wildly high amplitudes do not stand in the way of trying to use tidem() to remove tides to study subtidal flow.
  3. The right-hand column shows the results of linearly interpolating the 6-hourly data back down to 1-hourly. Note the large spikes at high frequencies that are not present in the original data. This suggests that it is imprudent to try to do this.
  4. Comparing spectra in columns 1 and 3 suggests, as expected, that frequencies below 1/12 cph (green line) are retained properly, but that frequencies above that, and certainly above 1/6 cph (red line), bear little to no relation to the true frequencies.

I am still trying other ideas. For example, it might make sense to specify just a few frequencies (maybe just M1 and M2) to see if reasonable results can be obtained.

t1 <- sealevel[["time"]]
e1 <- sealevel[["elevation"]]
S1 <- ts(e1, deltat=1)

t6 <- seq(t1[1], tail(t1, 1), by="6 hour")
e6 <- approx(t1, e1, t6)$y
S6 <- ts(e6, deltat=6)

e61 <- approx(t6, e6, t1)$y
e61[] <- mean(e61, na.rm=TRUE)
S61 <- ts(e61, deltat=1)

m1 <- tidem(t1, e1)
m6 <- tidem(t6, e6)
m61 <- tidem(t1, e61)

showSomeFrequencies <- function()
    abline(v=1/6, col="red")
    abline(v=0.5/6, col="green")

par(mfcol=c(3, 3))

oce.plot.ts(t1, e1, drawTimeRange=FALSE, lwd=0.3, ylim=c(0, 3))
plot(m1, xlim=c(0, 0.5), cex=0.6, constituents=c("S2", "S4"), ylim=c(0, 1.3))
spectrum(S1, spans=c(7, 5), main="")

oce.plot.ts(t6, e6, drawTimeRange=FALSE, lwd=0.3, ylim=c(0, 3))
plot(m6, xlim=c(0, 0.5), cex=0.6, constituents=c("S2", "S4"))
spectrum(S6, spans=c(7, 5), xlim=c(0, 0.5), main="")
# I see a step at 0.2469. Closest constituent is

oce.plot.ts(t1, e61, drawTimeRange=FALSE, lwd=0.3, ylim=c(0, 3))
title("dt=1h (from 6h)")
plot(m61, xlim=c(0, 0.5), cex=0.6, constituents=c("S2", "S4"), ylim=c(0, 1.3))
spectrum(S61, spans=c(7, 5), xlim=c(0, 0.5), main="")

dankelley/oce documentation built on May 8, 2024, 10:46 p.m.