
install.packages('devtools') # install devtools if needed
devtools::install_github("dantonnoriega/sppedr") # install the package


This package assumes you have access to a directory with the following files and structure

└── Data
    ├── cps_2008_2016.dta
    ├── cps_address_2008_2016.dta
    ├── CPS_Personnel
    ├── Chicago_Crime
    ├── Crosswalks
    ├── ISBE_Directories
    └── ISBE_School_Data

The directory spped is considered the data "main directory" (or main_dir) by the package. Wherever this is located on your computer, ensure the package knows where it is by running the set_main_dir() command.

#> [1] "/Users/danton/Dropbox/ra-work/spped"

This will allow you to run the package functions from scratch should you want to generate new data.

Package Datasets

The package, when loaded, also attaches the following datasets. These data sets can be called directly once you have loaded library(sppedr).

Dataset Descriptions

Example: cps_address dataset

# first 10 full school address for academic year 2009 - 2010
cps_address %>% 
  dplyr::filter(school_year == 2010) %>%
  dplyr::select(schoolname, school_year, address_full, lat, lon) %>%
#> # A tibble: 10 x 5
#>                          schoolname school_year                              address_full      lat
#>                               <chr>       <dbl>                                     <chr>    <dbl>
#>  1             Amundsen High School        2010      5110 N Damen Ave, Chicago, IL, 60625 41.97509
#>  2                Bogan High School        2010        3939 W 79th St, Chicago, IL, 60652 41.74876
#>  3       Carver Military Academy HS        2010      13100 S Doty Ave, Chicago, IL, 60827 41.65661
#>  4 Crane Technical Prep High School        2010   2245 W Jackson Blvd, Chicago, IL, 60612 41.87685
#>  5       Farragut Career Academy HS        2010 2345 S Christiana Ave, Chicago, IL, 60623 41.84934
#>  6       Fenger Academy High School        2010    11220 S Wallace St, Chicago, IL, 60628 41.68968
#>  7              Foreman High School        2010   3235 N Leclaire Ave, Chicago, IL, 60641 41.93977
#>  8            Gage Park High School        2010    5630 S Rockwell St, Chicago, IL, 60629 41.79103
#>  9      Harlan Community Academy HS        2010   9652 S Michigan Ave, Chicago, IL, 60628 41.71819
#> 10               Harper High School        2010        6520 S Wood St, Chicago, IL, 60636 41.77499
#> # ... with 1 more variables: lon <dbl>

Other Info

In the package directory data-raw, there is a README.txt file that explains where all the internal datasets come from and/or how they are built. Scripts that build most of these data are also in data-raw. Note that this directory is accessible via the github repo, not the package itself.


The only function that one really needs call is get_cpd_crime(). This is because these data are much larger and could not be included as part of the package. It will import these data from the main_dir set using the set_main_dir() function.

The following functions do not need to be called unless you want to regenerate these data again from scratch.

To do so, you need to set force = TRUE. Otherwise, the function will just load the package version. I would recommend NOT to use the force option.


Here is an example where the CPS security personnel data is spread and the merged to the crosswalk data.

personnel_wide <- cps_security_personnel %>%
  dplyr::left_join(., cps_crosswalk, by = 'unit_number') %>%
  dplyr::mutate(job_description = gsub('school ', '', job_description)) %>%
  dplyr::mutate(job_description = gsub('[[:space:]]', '_', job_description)) %>%
  dplyr::filter(! %>%
  tidyr::spread(job_description, n) %>%
  dplyr::mutate_if(is.integer, dplyr::funs(replace(.,, 0))) %>% # replace NAs with 0
  dplyr::select(-unit_number, -abbreviated_name) %>%
  dplyr::mutate(school_year = as.integer(school_year))

# list first 10 security_officer counts
personnel_wide %>%
  dplyr::select(school_year, school_name, security_officer) %>%
#> # A tibble: 10 x 3
#>    school_year                               school_name security_officer
#>          <int>                                     <chr>            <dbl>
#>  1        2008     Columbia Explorers Elementary Academy                1
#>  2        2008                         Abbott Elementary                2
#>  3        2008             Jane Addams Elementary School                3
#>  4        2008         Louis A Agassiz Elementary School                0
#>  5        2008       Louisa May Alcott Elementary School                1
#>  6        2008             Alcott Humanities High School                1
#>  7        2008          John P Altgeld Elementary School                3
#>  8        2008        Phillip D Armour Elementary School                1
#>  9        2008               New Field Elementary School                0
#> 10        2008 George Armstrong International Studies ES                2

dantonnoriega/sppedr documentation built on May 6, 2019, 11:46 a.m.