Man pages for danzafar/tidyspark
A Tidy Interface to Spark

AFTSurvivalRegressionModel-classS4 class that represents a AFTSurvivalRegressionModel
approxQuantileCalculates the approximate quantiles of numerical columns of...
as-sdfConvert to a SparkR 'SparkDataFrame'
BisectingKMeansModel-classS4 class that represents a BisectingKMeansModel
coalesceReduce partitions OR Find first non-missing element
coalesce.ColumnCoalesce 'Columns'
coalesce.spark_tblCoalesce the number of partitions in a 'spark_tbl'
columnReturns a Column based on the given column name
column_aggregate_functionsAggregate functions for Column operations
column_collection_functionsCollection functions for Column operations
column_datetime_diff_functionsDate time arithmetic functions for Column operations
column_datetime_functionsDate time functions for Column operations
columnfunctionsA set of operations working with SparkDataFrame columns
Column-functionsColumn Functions
column_math_functionsMath functions for Column operations
column_misc_functionsMiscellaneous functions for Column operations
Column-missingCheck missing values in Column objects
column_nonaggregate_functionsNon-aggregate functions for Column operations
column_string_functionsString functions for Column operations
Column-typeColumn Type Conversions
column_window_functionsWindow functions for Column operations
covarianceCovariance on a Spark DataFrame
create_lambdaCreate o.a.s.sql.expressions.LambdaFunction corresponding to...
crosstabComputes a pair-wise frequency table of the given columns
DecisionTreeClassificationModel-classS4 class that represents a DecisionTreeClassificationModel
DecisionTreeRegressionModel-classS4 class that represents a DecisionTreeRegressionModel
explain.spark_tblExplain Plan
float-typeFloat Vectors
floor_dateFloor Date
freqItemsFinding frequent items for columns, possibly with false...
gaussianMixtureMultivariate Gaussian Mixture Model (GMM)
GaussianMixtureModel-classS4 class that represents a GaussianMixtureModel
GBTClassificationModel-classS4 class that represents a GBTClassificationModel
GBTRegressionModel-classS4 class that represents a GBTRegressionModel
GeneralizedLinearRegressionModel-classS4 class that represents a generalized linear model
get_spark_contextGet Spark Context
get_spark_sessionGet Spark Session
hashCodeCompute the hashCode of an object
invoke_higher_order_functionInvokes higher order function expression identified by name,...
IsotonicRegressionModel-classS4 class that represents an IsotonicRegressionModel
javacallCall Java Classes and Methods
json_sampleSample JSON Data
KMeansModel-classS4 class that represents a KMeansModel
LDAModel-classS4 class that represents an LDAModel
limitLimit or show a sample of a 'spark_tbl'
LinearSVCModel-classS4 class that represents an LinearSVCModel
litCreate a Column of literal value
LogisticRegressionModel-classS4 class that represents an LogisticRegressionModel
lubridate-ColumnLubridate-style Column Functions
ml_bisectingKmeansSpark ML - Bisecting K-Means Clustering
ml_decision_treeDecision Tree Model for Regression and Classification
ml_gbtGradient Boosted Tree Model for Regression and Classification
ml_glmGeneralized Linear Models
ml_isoregIsotonic Regression Model
ml_kmeansK-Means Clustering Model
ml_ldaLatent Dirichlet Allocation
ml_logitLogistic Regression Model
ml_mlpMultilayer Perceptron Classification Model
ml_naive_bayesNaive Bayes Models
ml_random_forestRandom Forest Model for Regression and Classification
ml_survregAccelerated Failure Time (AFT) Survival Regression Model
ml_svm_linearLinear SVM Model
MultilayerPerceptronClassificationModel-classS4 class that represents a...
NaiveBayesModel-classS4 class that represents a NaiveBayesModel
n_partitionsGet the Number of Partitions in a 'spark_tbl'
operationsColumn Operations
orderByOrdering Columns in a WindowSpec
ovarianOvarian Cancer Survival Data
persistStorage Functions
PowerIterationClustering-classS4 class that represents a PowerIterationClustering
predictMakes predictions from a MLlib model
print.jobjPrint a JVM object reference.
RandomForestClassificationModel-classS4 class that represents a RandomForestClassificationModel
RandomForestRegressionModel-classS4 class that represents a RandomForestRegressionModel
read_mlLoad a fitted MLlib model from the input path.
read.streamLoad a streaming SparkDataFrame
register_temp_viewCreate or replace a temporary view
repartitionRepartition a 'spark_tbl'
sampleByReturns a stratified sample without replacement
schemaGet schema object
schema-types'tidyspark' Schema Types
spark_applyApply an R UDF in Spark
spark_classGet Spark Class
SparkContextThe 'SparkContext' Class
spark_grouped_applyApply an R UDF in Spark on Grouped Data
spark_lapplyApply a Function over a List or Vector, Distribute operations...
spark_read_csvRead a CSV file into a 'spark_tbl'
spark_read_deltaRead a Delta file into a 'spark_tbl'.
spark_read_jdbcCreate spark_tbl from JDBC connection
spark_read_jsonRead a JSON file into a 'spark_tbl'.
spark_read_orcRead an orc file into a 'spark_tbl'.
spark_read_parquetRead a parquet file into a 'spark_tbl'.
spark_read_sourceRead from a generic source into a 'spark_tbl'
spark_read_tableRead a Spark Managed Table
spark_sessionGet or create a SparkSession
SparkSessionThe 'SparkSession' Class
spark_session_stopStop the Spark Session and Spark Context
spark_sqlSpark SQL
spark-tblCreate a 'spark_tbl'
spark_write_csvWrite a 'spark_tbl' to CSV format
spark_write_deltaWrite a 'spark_tbl' to a Delta file
spark_write_insertInsert into a Spark Managed Table
spark_write_jdbcWrite to a JDBC table
spark_write_jsonWrite a 'spark_tbl' to JSON format
spark_write_orcWrite a 'spark_tbl' to ORC format
spark_write_parquetWrite a 'spark_tbl' to Parquet format
spark_write_tableWrite to a Spark table
spark_write_textWrite a 'spark_tbl' to text file
StreamingQueryS4 class that represents a StreamingQuery
ts-typeTimestamp and Date Vectors
unresolved_named_lambda_varCreate o.a.s.sql.expressions.UnresolvedNamedLambdaVariable,...
WindowSpecS4 class that represents a WindowSpec
write_fileWrite a 'spark_tbl' to an arbitrary file format
write_mlSaves the MLlib model to the input path
write.streamWrite the streaming SparkDataFrame to a data source.
danzafar/tidyspark documentation built on Sept. 30, 2020, 12:19 p.m.