
#' expshiftSHP
#' @description
#' Should not be called directly by users.
#' \code{expshiftSHP} Moves central line to geographic coordinates.
#' @param res_list List with data, spatial lines and polygons generated by \code{area_calc}.
#' @param pcoords Data.frame with geographic coordinates of plot start point.
#' @param c_epsg EPSG code for projected buffers.
#' @return Exports cental line shifted to geographic coordinates.
#' @export
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' }
expshiftSHP <- function(res_list = res_list, pcoords = pcoords, c_epsg = 3395){
  mycrs <- paste("+init=epsg:", c_epsg,sep="")
  mypn <- as.character(res_list$SpatialLines_wgs84$SpatialLinesAll$plot_id[1]) 
  linename <- paste(mypn, "_linha_geo.shp", sep="")
# shift
  s1 <- res_list$SpatialLines_wgs84$SpatialLinesAll # shift "SpatialLinesAll"
  selC <- which(pcoords$PLOT_ID %in% s1$plot_id[1])
  s2 <- raster::shift(s1, x = pcoords[selC, 'LONG'], y = pcoords[selC, 'LAT'])
# write shape 
  raster::shapefile(s2, filename = linename)
darrennorris/parcelareadev documentation built on May 14, 2019, 6:11 p.m.