Man pages for databio/PCRSA
Coordinate Covariation Analysis

aggregateSignalScore a region set using feature contribution scores
aggregateSignalGRListScore many region sets
atf3_chr1Atf3 binding regions.
brcaATACCoord1A GRanges object with coordinates for select BRCA ATAC-seq...
brcaATACData1A matrix with ATAC-seq counts in select peak regions from...
brcaMCoord1A GRanges object with genomic coordinates for cytosines from...
brcaMetadataA data.frame with patient metadata for breast cancer...
brcaMethylData1A matrix with DNA methylation levels from some CpGs on...
brcaPCScoresA matrix with principal component scores for PCs 1-4 for four...
brcaPCScores657A data.frame with principal component scores for PCs 1-4 for...
COCOACoordinate Covariation Analysis (COCOA)
convertToFromNullDistConverts COCOA permutation results to null distributions and...
esr1_chr1Estrogen receptor alpha binding regions.
gata3_chr1Gata3 binding regions.
getGammaPValGet a p-value for region set scores based on a gamma...
getMetaRegionProfileCreate a "meta-region" profile
getPermStatGet p-value or z-score based on permutation results
getTopRegionsGet regions that are most associated with target variable
nrf1_chr1Nrf1 binding regions.
plotAnnoScoreDistPlot ranked region set scores, annotating groups of interest
regionQuantileByTargetVarVisualize how individual regions are associated with target...
rsRankingIndexGet indices for top scored region sets
rsScoreHeatmapHeatmap of region set scores
rsScoresExample COCOA Results (made up)
runCOCOARun COCOA: quantify inter-sample variation, score region sets
runCOCOAPermRun COCOA permutations to get p-values
signalAlongAxisVisualize how genomic signal in a region set changes along a...
databio/PCRSA documentation built on Jan. 20, 2025, 3:55 a.m.