rsScoreHeatmap: Heatmap of region set scores

View source: R/visualization.R

rsScoreHeatmapR Documentation

Heatmap of region set scores


Heatmap of the ranking of region set scores across target variables. A visualization of the rank of region sets in each target variable, allowing the user to see if a region set is ranked highly for all target variables or only a subset. Region sets will be ranked from highest scoring to lowest based on their score for 'orderByCol'. The ComplexHeatmap package is used and additional parameters for the ComplexHeatmap::Heatmap function may be passed to this function to modify the heatmap.


  signalCol = paste0("PC", 1:5),
  orderByCol = "PC1",
  rsNameCol = "rsName",
  topX = 20,
  col = c("red", "#EEEEEE", "blue"),
  row_title = "Region Set",
  column_title = "Principal Component",
  column_title_side = "bottom",
  cluster_rows = FALSE,
  cluster_columns = FALSE,
  show_row_names = TRUE,
  row_names_max_width = unit(10000, "mm"),
  name = "Rank within PC",



data.frame. A data.frame with region set scores. The output of the 'aggregateSignalGRList' function. Each row is a region set. One column for each sample variable of interest (e.g. PC or sample phenotype). Also can have columns with info on the overlap between the region set and the epigenetic data. Rows should be in the same order as the region sets in GRList (the list of region sets used to create rsScores.)


A character vector with the names of the sample variables of interest/target variables (e.g. PCs or sample phenotypes). Must be column names of rsScores.


A character object. Target variable to order by in heatmap (arranged in decreasing order for scores so p values should be -log transformed). Must be the name of a column in rsScores.


Character. Name of the column in rsScores that has the names/identifiers for the region sets so these can be included in the plot as row names.


Number of top region sets to include in the heatmap


A vector of colors or a color mapping function which will be passed to the ComplexHeatmap::Heatmap() function. See ?Heatmap (the "col" parameter) for more details. "#EEEEEE" is the code for a color similar to white.


Character object, row title


Character object, column title


Character object, where to put the column title: "top" or "bottom"


Logical object, whether rows should be clustered. This should be kept as FALSE to keep the correct ranking of region sets.


Logical object, whether to cluster columns. It is recommended to keep this as FALSE so it will be easier to compare target variables that are ordered (such as principal components). With cluster_columns = FALSE, they will be in the same specified order in different heatmaps.


Logical object, display row names (ie region set names)


"unit" object. The amount of room to allocate for row names. See ?grid::unit for object type.


Character object, legend title


Optional parameters for ComplexHeatmap::Heatmap().


A heatmap of region set scores across. Each row is a region set, each column is a target variable. The color corresponds to the relative rank of a region set's score for a given target variable out of all tested region sets.


scoreHeatmap <- rsScoreHeatmap(rsScores, 
          signalCol=paste0("PC", 1:2), orderByCol = "PC2")

databio/PCRSA documentation built on Jan. 20, 2025, 3:55 a.m.