
Defines functions asn_workspaces_remove_user asn_workspaces_add_user asn_workspaces_typeahead asn_workspaces_update asn_workspaces_find_all asn_workspaces_find_by_id

Documented in asn_workspaces_add_user asn_workspaces_find_all asn_workspaces_find_by_id asn_workspaces_remove_user asn_workspaces_typeahead asn_workspaces_update

# DO NOT EDIT MANUALLY - This file is autogenerated from Asana API Specs
#' Workspaces
#'  A _workspace_ is the highest-level organizational unit in Asana. All projects
#'  and tasks have an associated workspace.
#'  An _organization_ is a special kind of workspace that represents a company.
#'  In an organization, you can group your projects into teams. You can read
#'  more about how organizations work on the Asana Guide.
#'  To tell if your workspace is an organization or not, check its
#'  `is_organization` property.
#'  Over time, we intend to migrate most workspaces into organizations and to
#'  release more organization-specific functionality. We may eventually deprecate
#'  using workspace-based APIs for organizations. Currently, and until after
#'  some reasonable grace period following any further announcements, you can
#'  still reference organizations in any `workspace` parameter.
#' @name asn_workspaces
#' @rdname asn_workspaces
#' @family workspaces
#' @seealso \link{https://asana.com/developers/api-reference/workspaces}

#' Returns the full workspace record for a single workspace.
#' @param workspace  {Id} Globally unique identifier for the workspace or organization.#'
#' @param ...  {Object} Parameters for the request
#' @export
#' @family workspaces
asn_workspaces_find_by_id = function(workspace, ..., options = list()){
  path = sprintf("/workspaces/%s", workspace)
  asn_get(endpoint = path, ..., options = options)

#' Returns the compact records for all workspaces visible to the authorized user.
#' @param ...  {Object} Parameters for the request
#' @export
#' @family workspaces
asn_workspaces_find_all = function(..., options = list()){
  path =  "/workspaces"
  asn_get(endpoint = path, ..., options = options)

#' A specific, existing workspace can be updated by making a PUT request on
#' the URL for that workspace. Only the fields provided in the data block
#' will be updated; any unspecified fields will remain unchanged.
#' Currently the only field that can be modified for a workspace is its `name`.
#' Returns the complete, updated workspace record.
#' @param workspace  {Id} The workspace to update.#'
#' @param ...  {Object} Data for the request
#' @export
#' @family workspaces
asn_workspaces_update = function(workspace, ..., options = list()){
  path = sprintf("/workspaces/%s", workspace)
  asn_put(endpoint = path, ..., options = options)

#' Retrieves objects in the workspace based on an auto-completion/typeahead
#' search algorithm. This feature is meant to provide results quickly, so do
#' not rely on this API to provide extremely accurate search results. The
#' result set is limited to a single page of results with a maximum size,
#' so you won't be able to fetch large numbers of results.
#' @param workspace  {Id} The workspace to fetch objects from.#'
#' @param ...  {Object} Parameters for the request
#'    type : {Enum} The type of values the typeahead should return. You can choose from
#'    one of the following: custom_field, project, tag, task, and user.
#'    Note that unlike in the names of endpoints, the types listed here are
#'    in singular form (e.g. `task`). Using multiple types is not yet supported.
#'    [query] : {String} The string that will be used to search for relevant objects. If an
#'    empty string is passed in, the API will currently return an empty
#'    result set.
#'    [count] : {Number} The number of results to return. The default is `20` if this
#'    parameter is omitted, with a minimum of `1` and a maximum of `100`.
#'    If there are fewer results found than requested, all will be returned.
#' @export
#' @family workspaces
asn_workspaces_typeahead = function(workspace, ..., options = list()){
  path = sprintf("/workspaces/%s/typeahead", workspace)
  asn_get(endpoint = path, ..., options = options)

#' The user can be referenced by their globally unique user ID or their email address.
#' Returns the full user record for the invited user.
#' @param workspace  {Id} The workspace or organization to invite the user to.#'
#' @param ...  {Object} Data for the request
#'    user : {String} An identifier for the user. Can be one of an email address,
#'    the globally unique identifier for the user, or the keyword `me`
#'    to indicate the current user making the request.
#' @export
#' @family workspaces
asn_workspaces_add_user = function(workspace, ..., options = list()){
  path = sprintf("/workspaces/%s/addUser", workspace)
  asn_post(endpoint = path, ..., options = options)

#' The user making this call must be an admin in the workspace.
#' Returns an empty data record.
#' @param workspace  {Id} The workspace or organization to invite the user to.#'
#' @param ...  {Object} Data for the request
#'    user : {String} An identifier for the user. Can be one of an email address,
#'    the globally unique identifier for the user, or the keyword `me`
#'    to indicate the current user making the request.
#' @export
#' @family workspaces
asn_workspaces_remove_user = function(workspace, ..., options = list()){
  path = sprintf("/workspaces/%s/removeUser", workspace)
  asn_post(endpoint = path, ..., options = options)
datacamp/asana documentation built on Sept. 18, 2023, 8:51 a.m.