  collapse = TRUE,
  comment = "#>",
  eval = FALSE

Success message

When all tests in an SCT pass, testwhat will automatically generate a congratulatory message to present to the student. If you want to override this 'success message', you can use the success_msg() function and specify a Markdown-formatted string:

ex() %>% check_object("x") %>% check_equal()
success_msg("Great job! You're getting _so_ goot at object assignment!")

This article on the authoring docs describes how to write good success messages.

Multiple choice exercises

Multiple choice exercises are straightforward to test. Use test_mc() to provide tailored feedback for both the incorrect options, as the correct option. Below is the markdown source for a multiple choice exercise example, with an SCT that uses test_mc:

## The author of R

type: MultipleChoiceExercise

Who is one of the authors of the R programming language?


- Roy Co
- Ronald McDonald
- Ross Ihaka

msg1 <- "That's someone who makes soups."
msg2 <- "That's a clown who likes burgers."
msg3 <- "Correct! Head over to the next exercise!"
ex() %>% check_mc(correct = 3,
                  feedback_msgs = c(msg1, msg2, msg3))

Checking library calls

The check_library() function can be used to verify whether a student correclty used library() or require() to load in a package. It's a utility function that uses check_code() behind the scenes.

# solution

# sct
ex() %>% check_library("dplyr")

# submissions that pass


To check the correctness of function calls, R objects etc. testwhat uses a student and solution environment. The pre exercise code (PEC) and student submission are executed in the student environment. Likewise, the PEC and the solution code are executed in the solution envrionment.

For basic exercises that don't involve a random componenent, this works fine. As soon as your R code depends on pseudo-random numbers, however, this could imply a mismatch between objects in the student and solution code. To solve this, the R backend specifies seeds itself. (see ?set.seed for more background)

Before running the PEC in the student environment, the backend specifies a random seed based on the current time in seconds (i.e. a random seed). Before running the PEC in the solution environment, the same seed is reset. That way, the PEC leads to the exact same student and solution environments, even when randomly generated numbers are used. As an example, the following PEC will lead to the same my_samples object in both student and solution environment.

my_samples <- rnorm(100)

If you want to work with your own seed in the PEC, simply use set.seed() at the top of your script, which overrides the seed the backend specified:

my_samples <- rnorm(100)

On exercise startup, the backend will run the solution code after running the PEC in the solution environment. Before the backend runs the solution code, however, a script seed will be specified with set.seed(). This random seed is again based on the current time. This same seed will be used to reset the seed before each submission of a student: that way, there will again be perfect correspondence between both environments. If you want to work with a custom script seed, you have two options. You can either place a set.seed() call at the top of both the sample and solution code and tell the student to not touch this. This is clearly non-ideal, so there's a second option: the backend provides the function custom_seed(). Just like set.seed() it takes a number that is used as the seed. If you call this function in your pre exercise code, the backend will use this seed instead of its own randomly generated seed before executing the solution code in the solution environment and before executing the student submission in the student environment.


In general, using set.seed() and custom_seed() in your exercises is not necessary to ensure correspondence between your student and solution environment: the backend takes care of this for you. These functions are only necessary if you want to manually set a seed for either the pre exercise code or the student/solution code

Allow solution error

In some cases, you may want the student to submit code that intentially throws errors. For example, you want the student to define a function that throws an error if the input arguments are not in the correct format, and next you want the student to call this functoin, hence throwing the error.

By default, DataCamp's RBackend does not allow solutions that lead to an error. To suppress this backend error, you can use the following in the pre-exercise-code:


This tells the backend that the solution code will generate an error when executed.

Blocking solution execution

An issue with R packages is that they're often not developed by software developers. Sometimes, very specialized R packages only work in a certain context. More specifically, some packages expect data to be available in the global environment (the top of the search path).

For testwhat and DataCamp's R Backend it communicates with, this can cause problems: there's a solution enviroment and a student environment (so that testwhat can easily compare objects that student created with the object that they should've created, for example with check_object()). If the code that's executed in the solution environment implicitly expects data to be available in the global environment (which is the student environment), things get messed up.

To circumvent these errors, you can use the SingleProcessExercise. This is the same as a NormalExercise, but the backend will not execute the solution code in the solution environment, and the issues won't appear. This does limit the power of the SCT: there are no objects available in the solution environment to compare with now. There are ways to work around this, though.

As an example, suppose you want to test simple assignment, but for some reason you don't want the solution code to execute in the solution environment:

--- type:SingleProcessExercise 
## Test exercise

... (content here)

*** =solution
x <- 5

If you want to test this exercise, you cannot use

*** =sct
ex() %>% check_object('x')

because check_object() will look for x in the solution environment and not find it. You can work around this by using the chained syntax and manually storing elements in the solution environment:

*** =sct
ex() %>% override_solution(x = 5) %>% check_object('x') %>% check_equal()

datacamp/testwhat documentation built on June 26, 2022, 9:07 a.m.