dwapi: dwapi: A client for data.world's REST API.

Description Configuration API functions Request object constructors


The dwapi package makes it easy to access and work with data.world's REST API.


The package can be configured with the configure function.

Make sure to configure authentication at the begining of every new R session.

API authentication tokens can be obtained at https://data.world/settings/advanced

API functions

Managing datasets:

  1. get_dataset

  2. create_dataset

  3. update_dataset

  4. replace_dataset

  5. delete_dataset

  6. sync

  7. download_datapackage

Managing files:

  1. download_file

  2. download_file_as_data_frame

  3. upload_file

  4. upload_data_frame

  5. add_files_by_source

  6. delete_file

Managing projects:

  1. get_project

  2. get_projects_user_contributing

  3. get_projects_user_liked

  4. get_projects_user_own

  5. create_project

  6. update_project

  7. replace_project

  8. delete_project

Managing insights:

  1. get_insight

  2. get_insights

  3. create_insight

  4. update_insight

  5. replace_insight

  6. delete_insight

Appending data to streams:

  1. append_data_frame_to_stream

  2. append_record_to_stream

  3. append_values_to_stream

Managing tables and schemas (data dictionary):

  1. list_tables

  2. get_table_schema

  3. update_table_schema

  4. download_table_as_data_frame


  1. sql

  2. sparql

Request object constructors

Complex requests are facilitated by request object constructors. The main ones are:

  1. dataset_create_request

  2. dataset_update_request

  3. dataset_replace_request

  4. file_batch_update_request

  5. file_create_request

  6. file_create_or_update_request

  7. file_source_create_request

  8. file_source_create_or_update_request

  9. table_schema_update_request

  10. project_create_request

  11. project_update_request

  12. project_replace_request

  13. insight_create_request

  14. insight_update_request

  15. insight_replace_request

  16. linked_dataset_create_or_update_request

datadotworld/dwapi-r documentation built on July 3, 2021, 3:40 a.m.